GoLand is stucking after installing plugin, displaying "Plugin to blame" - jetbrains-ide

I installed some plugins for jsonnet format, after restarting the IDE, it stuck on the GoLand startup image.
I also opened the GoLand via terminal /Applications/GoLand.app/Contents/MacOS/goland and it shows some exceptions about having two plugins for a same file format:
Caused by: com.intellij.diagnostic.ImplementationConflictException: Language with ID 'Jsonnet' is already registered: class com.jsonnetplugin.JsonnetLanguage
ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Plugin to blame: Jsonnet Language Server version: 0.0.5
Is there any way to disable the plugins without the GoLand itself ( like config files or arguments ) so I can get the IDE running again?

I solved the problem by disabling the plugin via config and the remove / re-enabling the proper plugin in the goland preferences itself, here are the steps:
Found the plugin identifier from the error logs, for my case it was com.github.zzehring
For disabling the plugin, there is a disabled_plugins.txt file on IDE config path ( if there is no file there, create it yourself ), put the plugin identifier from step 1 on a new line in this file. On macos it was located in /Users/%my_user%/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/GoLand2021.2/disabled_plugins.txt


Vim using Syntastic plugin 'mpi.h' not found

I'm currently using Vim 7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04. I have the Syntastic plugin installed via pathogen.
I'm currently doing some coding in C using the mpi library. When I write my code using Vim, syntastic seems to believe that there is an error and tells me that "'mpi.h' file not found" (this is for #include <mpi.h>). I know that this program compiles as I'm able to run mpicc successfully.
When I run a locate mpi.h this is what I get back:
How can I get Vim to stop giving me these errors?
Create a file .syntastic_cpp_config in your project home folder.
Have all your include folders listed in it. In your case,
Or the other folder with mpi.h, whichever you use in your build.

Xdebug debugging not working on Sublime Text 3

I'm having a problem with Xdebug not working with Sublime Text 3. The server I've used is wampserver. I have use the Xdebug wizard for which version I'm supposed to install. Here's the picture:
Here's the phpinfo for Xdebug:
Here's where the Xdebug extension is for Xdebug in php.ini:
; XDEBUG Extension
zend_extension ="P:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.4\ext\php_xdebug-2.4.1-7.0-vc14-x86_64.dll"
xdebug.profiler_output_dir ="P:/wamp64/tmp"
I've tried Xdebug sublime settings in Sublime Text like
when I tried testing my PHP code, and it still didn't do anything.
I follow the website https://www.sitepoint.com/debugging-xdebug-sublime-text-3/ for configuring Xdebug, and it still didn't work at all.
In sublime settings you need a real url (you've put there a folder path).
You need something like:
"url": "dev.myproject.com"
You can create you virtual host (at least in WampServer) directly from the main page of the Server (localhost - if you haven't override it - should give you the main configuration)
In php.ini, besides other xdebug attributes, I found that I need the following activated in order for everything to work:
xdebug.remote_enable = On
xdebug.profiler_enable = On
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = On
Let me know if you need more info
Check sublime terminal (Ctrl + ~). If it shows an error like, "xdebug xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token)," then it is issue of sublime xdebug client installed through sublime package manager.
Uninstall xdebug client installed through Package manager:
Preferences > Package control > remove package > xdebug client
Quit sublime
Install client manually through source code:
Get fixed source code of xdebug client from GitHub: SublimeTextXdebug.
Download source code (do not follow install instructions, just download raw source code)
Copy source code directory to sublime packages directory. In mac it is here
/users/[username]/library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/

vimrun.exe not found in your $PATH

I recently got vim and have been trying to install some plugins. I installed vim as a plugin manager. I entered some plugins in the _vimrc file just like you are supposed to.
Example: Plugin 'scroolose/nerdtree'
But, when I did :PluginInstall I got a popup saying "vimrun.exe not found in your $PATH". I found the vimrun.exe file and it was not in the right place so I moved it to the vimfiles folder and then the bundle folder and then the Vundle.vim folder I always got the same popup.
After getting the popup message the plugins never install properly. I always get a bunch of errors as vim tries to process the plugins and then at the end it says "done!". When I try using the plugins it never works and it seems like the plugins never got installed.
If you could also help me with my vim syntax problem, that would be great.(only if you wish to)>

Specifying coqtop path for CoqIDE Vim plugin on Windows 8.1

I am trying to make the CoqIDE Vim plugin work on Windows 8.1. When I source the plugin from Vim, I get this error message:
coqtop.opt: command not found.
So I looked up the plugin documentation, and found the part that seems relevent:
"coqtop" should be accessible on PATH. If "coqtop" is not in your PATH, add 'let CoqIDE_coqtop = "/path/to/coqtop"' in your "~/.vimrc".
I'm not sure what this means, but I'm guessing that there is some file or directory named coqtop that must be made visible to vim. So I opened my Coq installation directory and searched for coqtop. The search hits are:
The obvious first candidate here is coqtop. When I click it, it opens an interactive Coq console. But when I use the let CoqIDE_coqtop command to link this file to Vim and load the plugin again, I get:
C:Program Files (x86)Coq^Hincoqtop.exe: command not found.
Another thing that looks problematic is the file type. As you can see from the error message above, the coqtop file has an .exe extension, which is specific to MS-DOS and Windows. But I don't think the plugin was written to work with .exe files...
I also tried using all the other search hits as coqtop, to no avail.
Does this mean that the plugin is useless on Windows? If someone can confirm that I'll just give up and use other IDEs. But if possible I'd really, really like to keep using Vim.

Vimball error, unrecognized character in path

I have a problem with installing SuperTab from vimball. I get an error:
E739: Cannot create directory: C:\Users\Pawe<b3>\vimfiles
I guess the problem is the directory name which is C:\Users\Paweł\vimfiles. Is there a way to solve it without changing directory name? Btw: I have set encoding=UTF-8 in my vimrc.
The way I install it is so: download .vmb file, open it with vim (using context menu: 'edit with vim') and then I write :so %. And the error occurs.
Using :set verbose=20 I get http://pastebin.com/BLaeLzuU (those are things I found interesting).
And here's the wider story. I was trying to install plugins using vimballs, because I failed running plugins with pathogen (identical case as here: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/issues/110. In fact my output of :scritpnames is here: http://pastebin.com/YBTBvsvz). To tell you the truth I even tried to copy folder plugin form plugins git repo to my ~\vimfiles. With no success (they are not mentioned in scriptnames). And so I don't have any clue what is going on. Only that output from vimball tells me that it could be the path name. Other then that, I'm hopeless.
Btw: using Windows 8 if that's a deal breaker.
Eventually I have renamed the user name and user folder because the directory name was a problem for other aplications too. Here are the instructions: https://superuser.com/questions/495290/how-to-rename-user-folder-in-windows-8
