I downloaded optaplanner-distribution-8.20.0.Final.zip to try a demo, but when I launch runQuickstarts.bat and select Employee Scheduling, I get an error :
Launching quickstart (employee-scheduling) failed.
in the browser, and
The quickstart (employee-scheduling) runner JAR file does not exist (C:\optaplanner-distribution-8.20.0.Final\quickstarts\binaries\use-cases\employee-scheduling\quarkus-app\quarkus-run.jar).
in the console.
Indeed, the whole employee-scheduling folder seems to be missing from the use-cases folder. Is there another version of the zip file that contains this folder?
In the project folder, I'm using the pnpm install command on a linux enviornment to download the node module dependencies, but for some reason none of the files either are accessible or downloaded correctly. Visual Studio Code can't access the individual folders and when checking the files on the drive, all the relevant files show as having 0KB and give a pop-up saying that "The file can't be accessed by the system" when I try to access them manually. However, despite not being able to edit the files on the development level, I'm able to run the web application perfectly fine.
I checked the security settings for the files and I do have the relevant permissions. I double-checked the Node.js version on my system and it is the proper version. In all of the files for the project, whenever use of a dependency comes up VS Code gives an an error such as "Cannot find module '#remix-run/node' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)."enter image description here
When I try to bundle the node test suite project using npm-bundle for devicefarm Appium Node Run,
it is creating .npmbndle folder at the root of the project and an empty node_modules folder.
It works just fine in personal laptop, attached screenshot of logs.
If I'm reading these logs correctly, then they're saying that npm-bundle cannot find your package.json file, which is essential for telling it which packages to bundle. Can you confirm if this file is in the local directory in which you're bundling? If so, can you post your full logs pasted as text here?
Thank you,
While trying to run local dev server
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing /../appengine-agent.jar
I am trying solution Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : C:\Program
But where and how should I alter the default -javaagent: ?
Add this to your appengine-web.xml:
Inspired by http://www.itkeyword.com/doc/7711578960168911246/error-opening-zip-file-or-jar-manifest-missing-in-maven-with-gae-and-spring-roo
I tried deleting all the repositories I have downloaded and right clicked on the project and configured it to "clean compile". Then the folder was automatically downloaded.
Can anyone let me know how the build definition for a node.js application should look like? Also how to mention the mocha tests in the Automated tests?
First time when I tried to queue a build, I got an error saying:
Microsoft.NodejsTools.targets not found.
So I went and copied the NodejsTools folder with the .target and dll file in my build server. And I didn't see the error.
Now I get the below error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets (132): Could not copy the file "obj\Debug\OstNodeJs.exe" because it was not found.
You need the node.js framework and the Visual Studio node.js Tools on you build server, too. You just copied the necessarily files and this may result in other problems.
For the executable copy problem you can try to add <Disable_CopyWebApplication>True</Disable_CopyWebApplication> in the project file. See here: Build on TFS wants to copy a executable from Node.js test project
I have an Azure cloud service project to which I am adding a cache worker role. While local build goes through fine, I get the following error on my server builds :
CloudServices38 : The entrypoint dll is not defined for worker role <cachename>
What is wrong? How do I fix this?
Make sure all the Azure DLLs are marked Copy Local = True in the properties window. Also, package your projects, then unzip them. Once you build the package, you will have a file YourProject.cspkg. Change the extension from .cspkg to .zip and extract the files. In these files you should see a file with the extension .cssx YourProject_.cssx. Change the extension from .cssx to .zip and extract again. You project that is deployed will be in the folder YourProject\sitesroot\0 - verufy all the files you are expecting (i.e. content and everything that is in the bin directory on your local build.
You need to run a Build and a Publish separately. I ran into the same problem on my project and this fixed it.
1) Visual Studio Build (or MSBuild) action with arguments /t:Build (clean here)
2) Visual Studio Build (or MSBuild) action with arguments /t:Publish (do not clean here)
Note: I had to run these actions separately (not /Build;Publish) otherwise I got an error about the cloud service entry point.
Pieced this together from this question and from here and here.