Comparing 2 values stored in the symbolic parameters in jcl - mainframe

I need to compare the values stored in 2 symbolic parameters.
For example
Set1 set day1=&odd
Set2 set day2=&cdd
What I need to do is if the values of day1 and day2 are equal, then execute a specific action else execute different set of codes.
Thanks in advance

One way to accomplish your goal is to write each symbolic parameter to a temporary file with your SORT product, as shown in this answer. Now that you have two files, you can compare them with IEBCOMPR and if they are equal then the parameters were equal. You can use a JCL IF statement to test the return code from IEBCOMPR.


EXCEL: Check for Multiple Values

I'm trying to check for multiple values using the FILTER function. Here is my code:
I would like to check for additional values besides Completed. Like, Canceled, or Review.
Additionally, if I could check for a portion of case-insensitive text like, "rev" that could help too.
FILTER used to return multiple criteria
In this case, we're using the multiplication operator (*) to return all values in our array range (A5:D20) that have Apples AND are in the East region:
Also you can have a detail look at the given link
Please see the image if you do not understand

How to add sequencial number in equal strings in EXCEL for usernames

The idea is that:
I separate full names into 2 other columns like fname + lname.
Then, I concatenate fname.lname to create a username.
So, we have got:
However, sometimes we find out there are few equal usernames and we need to handle it to become different from each other.
Then, we wanted to make an incrementation every username repeatition:
How to meet this condition when working with EXCEL?
I'm really beging your help guys!
How to AUTO make SequecialUserName happens in Excel

GNU Octave/Matlab Matrices Manipulation

I'm quite new to GNU Octave, so can anyone help me for 2 things:
(1) How can I filter that huge dataset in such a way that it will only contain [1x1 struct] persons?
(2) Inside that value of struct, I only want to retain combined_categories. How can I delete the others?
Basically, my end goal is to have a dataset with 2 columns only (filename and combined_categories of the filtered 1x1 structs). And if I can convert that to csv, that would be more awesome.
Regarding your first question, how to filter a struct. First step is to create a vector which decides which ones to keep and which ones to delete:
%Get the data for the relevant field
%For each field, check if the size is 1
%Select those you want
About your second question, please check the documentation for rmfield

How to create a common matching text string for a set of two text code blocks in the opposite order

For a data set I have two columns, one for the origin code and one for the destination, and I need to combine codes with a matching set in the opposite order into one common set.
I've tried several different concat methods as well as trying to assign a unique value to each combination but can never manage to unpack the code sets that mirror each other.
Example of desired outcome in column D (no particular order preference as long as they're combined and consistent across combinations):
I think a simple COUNTIF should work here:

microsoft excel counting word based on condition and matcting

in column A there are some name like a,b,c,d (almost thousand) and in column B there are value either x/X or nothing.
now i want to count for name a how many x/X he has. note that may be user will use x or X(capital)
is it possible to use function. i tried this one SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(A1:A18,A1:A17)>0,(b1:b17=x or X )*1,0)) but not working. can any one guide me?
Sort the data see here and then apply SubTotals see here
If you need to do it in code, the rudiments of the approach (using a different example can be found here.
