Quarkus configurable beans with autoinjecting - cdi

is it possible to have the same class as multiple beans with different configurations. That still get auto injection? I tried following:
class Config1 {
public Parser parser1() {
return new MySpecialParser("key1");
class Config2 {
public Parser parser2() {
return new MySpecialParser("key2");
class MySpecialParser extends Parser {
// ...
abstract class Parser {
Messages messages;
Parser(String config) {
// ...
Something like this. But when I inject the parser the messages are always null.
In Spring exists AutowireCapableBeanFactory for use case like that. But maybe my initial thought is just wrong and in Quarkus I should do it differently.
Has someone a clue?

This is not possible in Quarkus. If you create an instance manually, which you do in the producer methods, no dependency injection is performed on it and you have to fully construct the instance yourself.
You may want to inject some dependencies into the producer methods, which is possible, as each producer method parameter is actually an injection point:
class Config1 {
public Parser parser1(#Localized("en") Messages messages) {
return new MySpecialParser("key1", messages);
(There are facilities in full CDI that let you do something similar, but they are not compatible with the Quarkus build-time oriented architecture and Quarkus doesn't implement them.)


Inject different implementations based on application property in Quarkus

I have a Repository interface that has two implementations. One reads data from a locally stored CSV file while the other reads from an Amazon Dynamo DB. I would like to be able to switch between which implementation I'm using based on an application property or custom build profile. I would normally use a Factory to retrieve the correct class at runtime, but I would like to do this with injection if possible.
I found a similar question using Spring boot but couldn't find an equivalent that would work in Quarkus Spring choose bean implementation at runtime
I also tried implementing a Configuration class similar to what is found in the docs here but again didn't have much luck. https://quarkus.io/guides/cdi-reference#default_beans
It feels like I'm missing something obvious so any pointers would be much appreciated.
Here is a simple example of my classes:
public class ExampleService {
ExampleRepository repository;
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
return repository.retrieveData();
public interface ExampleRepository {
List<Data> retrieveData();
public class DynamoRepository implements ExampleRepository {
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
//Get Data from DynamoDb
public class CsvRepository implements ExampleRepository {
CsvBeanHandler csvBeanHandler;
LocalFileReader fileReader;
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
// Get data from CSV
I currently also have the following in my application.yml:
storage-type: 'CSV' # OR AMAZON_DYNAMO_DB
It looks like they've added this directly to the documentation:
I feel a bit guilty pasting this much, but it's the SO way.
I can add that it is NOT like a Guice 'binding'; BOTH classes will be instantiated, but only one will be injected. Also unlike Guice, you cannot inject the interface (or I did it wrong) - you have to do what's shown below, with Instance.
Personally I just use constructor injection and then drop the value of the Instance wrapper into a final field, so I'm not crying about the extra step. I do miss the power and explicit bindings possible with Modules ala Guice, but the simplicity here has its own value.
5.16. Declaratively Choose Beans That Can Be Obtained by Programmatic Lookup
It is sometimes useful to narrow down the set of beans that can be
obtained by programmatic lookup via javax.enterprise.inject.Instance.
Typically, a user needs to choose the appropriate implementation of an
interface based on a runtime configuration property.
Imagine that we have two beans implementing the interface
org.acme.Service. You can’t inject the org.acme.Service directly
unless your implementations declare a CDI qualifier. However, you can
inject the Instance instead, then iterate over all
implementations and choose the correct one manually. Alternatively,
you can use the #LookupIfProperty and #LookupUnlessProperty
annotations. #LookupIfProperty indicates that a bean should only be
obtained if a runtime configuration property matches the provided
value. #LookupUnlessProperty, on the other hand, indicates that a bean
should only be obtained if a runtime configuration property does not
match the provided value.
#LookupIfProperty Example
interface Service {
String name();
#LookupIfProperty(name = "service.foo.enabled", stringValue = "true")
class ServiceFoo implements Service {
public String name() {
return "foo";
class ServiceBar implements Service {
public String name() {
return "bar";
class Client {
Instance<Service> service;
void printServiceName() {
// This will print "bar" if the property "service.foo.enabled" is NOT set to "true"
// If "service.foo.enabled" is set to "true" then service.get() would result in an AmbiguousResolutionException
If your request is to bind at startup time the right implementation based on a configuration property, I suppose your problem may be resolved used #Produces annotation:
public class ExampleRepositoryFactory {
String storageType;
public ExampleRepository dynamoInstance() {
return storageType == "CSV" ? new CsvRepository() : new DynamoRepository();

What are the differences between `cucumber-glue` scope and step member variables?

AFAICT, there's not much difference between using cucumber-glue scope and instantiating member variables in step classes other than where the instantiation code resides.
For example, using cucumber-glue scope:
public class MyConfiguration {
public MyContext myContext() {
return new MyContext();
public class MySteps {
private MyContext myContext;
versus member variables:
public class MySteps {
private final MyContext myContext = new MyContext();
Are there other differences I'm missing?
When you have more then one one definition file you'll want to share some information between them. You can do this by writing to the same component.
However all regular components are singleton scoped and survive between Scenarios. This makes them unsuitable for sharing test state. It might interfere with the next scenario. Fortunately cucumber-glue scoped components (including step definitions) are recycled between scenarios. This ensures your glue code will will always be fresh.

Spring Integration JdbcMessageStore casting error

I am trying to create service that will read some data from remote server and process them using Spring Integration.
I have class that extends ArrayList, because I need to keep pointer to other page, so I can read it in next remote call. I set up release strategy to collect all these pages, until there is no pointer for the next page.
Here is definition of class:
public class CustomList extends ArrayList<DataInfo>
private String nextCursor;
// Methods omitted for readability
Everything worked fine, until I setup JdbcMessageStore in Aggregator, so I can keep messages in case of service shutdown.
Problem on which I come across is that in my release strategy class I cast my list class to same class (because message group does not define type), this exceptions is raised:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.example.CustomList cannot be cast to com.example.CustomList
This is my release strategy class:
public class CursorReleaseStrategy implements ReleaseStrategy
public boolean canRelease(MessageGroup group)
return group.getMessages().stream()
.anyMatch(message -> ((CustomList) message.getPayload()).getNextCursor() == null);
If I remove message store, everything works fine, but the problem is that I need message store.
I am using spring boot 2.1.6 and Spring Integration DSL for creating this flow.
From what I read, this error happens because of different class loaders, but this I do from the same application.
Is there anything more that I need to configure for this to work_
Almost certainly a class loader issue; you can find which class loader loads each component (message store, release strategy) by injecting them into a bean and calling getClass().getClassLoader().
When application has been packaged in jar, there was such error.
So to fix the problem I created two beans, depending on profile.
For example:
public MessageGroupStore messageStore(DataSource dataSource)
JdbcMessageStore jdbcMessageStore = new JdbcMessageStore(dataSource);
jdbcMessageStore.setDeserializer(inputStream -> {
ConfigurableObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ConfigurableObjectInputStream(inputStream, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
try {
return (Message<?>) objectInputStream.readObject();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException var4) {
throw new NestedIOException("Failed to deserialize object type", var4);
return jdbcMessageStore;
public MessageGroupStore prodMessageStore(DataSource dataSource)
return new JdbcMessageStore(dataSource);

Using StructureMap[4.7.0] Setter Injection in my MVC5 Controller

I am trying to inject the IApplicationConfigurationSection implementation into this MVC5 Controller, so that I can have access to some of the information (various strings) from my web.config custom section in all of my views:
public class BaseController : Controller
public IApplicationConfigurationSection AppConfig { get; set; }
public BaseController()
ViewBag.AppConfig = AppConfig; // AppConfig is always null
I want to use setter injection so I don't have to clutter up my derived Controller constructors with parameters that they don't really care about.
Note: If there is a better way to inject base class dependencies, please let me know. I admit I may not be on the right track here.
In my Global.asax I load my StructureMap configurations:
private static IContainer _container;
protected void Application_Start()
_container = new Container();
StructureMapConfig.Configure(_container, () => Container ?? _container);
// redacted other registrations
My StructureMapConfig class loads my registries:
public class StructureMapConfig
public static void Configure(IContainer container, Func<IContainer> func)
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new StructureMapDependencyResolver(func));
container.Configure(cfg =>
cfg.AddRegistries(new Registry[]
new MvcRegistry(),
// other registries redacted
My MvcRegistry provides the mapping for StructureMap:
public class MvcRegistry : Registry
public MvcRegistry()
For<IPrincipal>().Use(() => HttpContext.Current.User);
For<IIdentity>().Use(() => HttpContext.Current.User.Identity);
.Use(() => new HttpSessionStateWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Session));
.Use(() => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
.Use(() => new HttpServerUtilityWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Server));
Policies.SetAllProperties(p => p.OfType<IApplicationConfigurationSection>());
private IApplicationConfigurationSection GetConfig()
var config = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("application") as ApplicationConfigurationSection;
return config; // this always returns a valid instance
I have also "thrown my hands up" and tried using the [SetterProperty] attribute on the BaseController - that technique failed as well.
Despite my best efforts to find a solution, the AppConfig property in my controller's constructor is always null. I thought that
`Policies.SetAllProperties(p => p.OfType<IApplicationConfigurationSection>());`
would do the trick, but it didn't.
I have found that if I discard setter injection and go with constructor injection, it works as advertised. I'd still like to know where I'm going wrong, but I'd like to stress that I'm not a StructureMap guru - there may be a better way to avoid having to constructor-inject my base class dependencies. If you know how I should be doing this but am not, please share.
While constructor injection in this scenario appears to be the better solution to the stated problem as it follows The Explicit Dependencies Principle
Methods and classes should explicitly require (typically through method parameters or constructor parameters) any collaborating objects they need in order to function correctly.
The mention of only needing to access the AppConfig in your views leads me to think that this is more of an XY problem and a cross cutting concern.
It appears that the controllers themselves have no need to use the dependency so stands to reason that there is no need to be injecting them into the controller explicitly just so that the dependency is available to the View.
Consider using an action filter that can resolve the dependency and make it available to the View via the same ViewBag as the request goes through the pipeline.
public class AccessesAppConfigAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
var resolver = DependencyResolver.Current;
var appConfig = (IApplicationConfigurationSection)resolver.GetService(typeof(IApplicationConfigurationSection));
filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.AppConfig = appConfig;
This now makes the required information available to the views with out tight coupling of the controllers that may have a use for it. Removing the need to inject the dependency into derived classes.
Either via adorning Controller/Action with the filter attribute
[AccessesAppConfig] //available to all its actions
public class HomeController : Controller {
//[AccessesAppConfig] //Use directly if want to isolate to single action/view
public ActionResult Index() {
return View();
or globally for all requests.
public class FilterConfig {
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) {
filters.Add(new AccessesAppConfigAttribute());
At this point it really does not matter which IoC container is used. Once the dependency resolver has been configured, Views should have access to the required information in the ViewBag

Replacing factory class with CDI

I have a collection of Processor beans in my application along with a factory for creating them.
public abstract class Processor {
public Processor(String config) { .... }
public abstract void process() throws Exception;
public class Processor1 extends Processor {
public Processor1(String config) { super(config);..}
public void process() {....}
public Processor newProcessor(String impl, String config) {
// use reflection to create processor
Can I use CDI to replace the factory class/method? And instead use a #Produces?
I tried using the following to iterate or select the instance I wanted. But Weld tells me that allProcessorInstances.isUnsatisfied() == true. I had to create default no-args ctor in order for Weld to find my Processor subclasses.
#Inject #Any Instance<Processor> allProcessorInstances;
Is there any way to tell the CDI container to use the constructor I want it to use? Or am I thinking about this problem the wrong way?
To use the constructor you'd need to annotate it with #Inject, however, every param on the constructor must itself be a bean or something in the CDI scopes.
Using a producer method and having that take an InjectionPoint as a param, then having your configuration be part of an annotation would work.
