How to access a local using a variable in Terraform - terraform

I have the following code.
variable "senses" {
type = string
locals {
sounds = {
"cat" = "meow"
"dog" = ["bark", "woof"]
output "noise" {
value = local[var.senses]["cat"]
call mymodule
module "mymodule" {
source = "../../../modules/mymodule"
senses = "sound"
returns error:
Error: Invalid reference
on ../../../modules/mymodule/ line 62, in output "noise":
62: value = local[var.senses]["cat"]
The "local" object cannot be accessed directly. Instead, access one of its
my code can't seem to handle
value = local[var.senses]["cat"]
Any suggestions on how i can get this to work?

I don't believe it's possible to use a variable to switch which local you're reading. I.e. local[var.senses] is the root of the issue.
If you refactor slightly and put your values inside a single, known, value--such as local.senses it should then let you do a key lookup within that value.
So, if you modify your locals to place your values in a senses key:
locals {
senses = {
"sounds" = {
"cat" = "meow"
"dog" = ["bark", "woof"]
and update your lookup to use that field:
value = local.senses[var.senses]["cat"]
Then I believe it will work, since your are doing a key lookup against a specific local rather than trying to dynamically select the local.


Terraform: How to Deal with Optional Input Variable

So I came across this general problem and didn't find an answer yet.
Problem: The input value can have optional variables, like the case below, group_memberships is an optional input, at the moment I make it an empty string input for this to work.
But if I comment it out like shown below and run it, I would get the error:
The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
Basically it's complaining that I don't have list_of_users.test_user.group_memberships.Is there a way to tell terraform if the input is not declared, just ignore it? I know I can leave it the way it is but user can potentially have many optional values, and making lots of empty input doesn't really make sense.
Thanks! First post question, sorry about poor layout for the code : )
in my .tfvars file:
list_of_users = {
regular_user = {
email = "",
group_memberships = "regular_group"
test_user = {
email = "",
// group_memberships = "" <------ Currently can work if not comment out, looking for solution that I can remove those reduent empty declariation
admin_user = {
email = "",
group_memberships = "admin_group"
in .tf file:
variable "list_of_users" {}
resource "user_api_from_provider" "user_generate" {
for_each = var.list_of_users
email = each.value["email"]
group_memberships = each.value["group_memberships"] !=""? [user_api_from_provider.group_generate[each.value["group_memberships"]].id] : null
There is support for this as a Terraform "experiment" (it's implemented, but could change or be removed in future versions). You have to declare in your module that you're using the experiment:
terraform {
# Optional attributes and the defaults function are
# both experimental, so we must opt in to the experiment.
experiments = [module_variable_optional_attrs]
And then you would use it in your case like this:
variable "list_of_users" {
type = map(object({
email = string
group_memberships = optional(string)
Now, if group_membership isn't defined for a given user, that field will have the value of null, so you can now do:
resource "user_api_from_provider" "user_generate" {
group_memberships = each.value.group_memberships != null ? [user_api_from_provider.group_generate[each.value["group_memberships"]].id] : null
Alternatively, if you don't want to use the experiment, you should be able to do this (untested):
resource "user_api_from_provider" "user_generate" {
group_memberships = contains(each.value, "group_memberships") ? [user_api_from_provider.group_generate[each.value["group_memberships"]].id] : null
As of Terraform v1.3 the Optional Object Type Attributes feature is official, which means it is no longer an experiment and the syntax is considered stable.
As mentioned in previous comments, you can now do something like:
variable "list_of_users" {
type = map(object({
email = string
group_memberships = optional(string, "")
In the above example, using the default value ("") allows the Terraform code in the project/module to function as if there is always a value even if it is omitted from the input variables.

Iterate Through Map of Maps in Terraform 0.12

I need to build a list of templatefile's like this:
templatefile("${path.module}/assets/files_eth0.nmconnection.yaml", {
interface-name = "eth0",
addresses = element(values(var.virtual_machines), count.index),
gateway = element(var.gateway, count.index % length(var.gateway)),
dns = join(";", var.dns_servers),
dns-search = var.domain,
templatefile("${path.module}/assets/files_etc_hostname.yaml", {
hostname = element(keys(var.virtual_machines), count.index),
by iterating over a map of maps like the following:
variable templatefiles {
default = {
"files_eth0.nmconnection.yaml" = {
"interface-name" = "eth0",
"addresses" = "element(values(var.virtual_machines), count.index)",
"gateway" = "element(var.gateway, count.index % length(var.gateway))",
"dns" = "join(";", var.dns_servers)",
"dns-search" = "var.domain",
"files_etc_hostname.yaml" = {
"hostname" = "host1"
I've done something similar with a list of files:
...but would like to expand this to templatefiles (above).
Here's the code I've done for the list of files:
variable files {
default = [
output "snippets" {
value = flatten(module.ingition_snippets.files)
variable files {}
resource "null_resource" "files" {
for_each = toset(var.files)
triggers = {
snippet = file("${path.module}/assets/${each.value}")
output "files" {
value = [for s in null_resource.files: s.triggers.*.snippet]
Appreciate any help!
Both of these use-cases can be met without using any resource blocks at all, because the necessary features are built in to the Terraform language.
Here is a shorter way to write the example with static files:
variable "files" {
type = set(string)
output "files" {
value = tomap({
for fn in var.files : fn => file("${path.module}/assets/${fn}")
The above would produce a map from filenames to file contents, so the calling module can more easily access the individual file contents.
We can adapt that for templatefile like this:
variable "template_files" {
# We can't write down a type constraint for this case
# because each file might have a different set of
# template variables, but our later code will expect
# this to be a mapping type, like the default value
# you shared in your comment, and will fail if not.
type = any
output "files" {
value = tomap({
for fn, vars in var.template_files : fn => templatefile("${path.module}/assets/${fn}", vars)
Again, the result will be a map from filename to the result of rendering the template with the given variables.
If your goal is to build a module for rendering templates from a source directory to publish somewhere, you might find the module hashicorp/dir/template useful. It combines fileset, file, and templatefile in a way that is hopefully convenient for static website publishing and similar use-cases. (At the time I write this the module is transitioning from being in my personal GitHub account to being in the HashiCorp organization, so if you look at it soon after you may see some turbulence as the docs get updated, etc.)

How to pass a dynamic value in a variable name on run-time?

Here is what I have:
locals {
timeseries = "desktop"
dynamic "request" {
for_each = var.query_"#{local.timeseries}"_timeseries
content {
q = request.value.q
type = request.value.type
style =
What I expect:
for_each = var.query_desktop_timeseries
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you're trying to resolve a variable name via interpolation. In terraform, there's is no way to do this.
If you're looking to resolve to a particular list of values, based on the value of variables, you could do that using a map to, well, map from your value to the variables they resolve to.
For example you could have something like
locals {
timeseries = "desktop"
timeseries_lookup = {
desktop = var.query_desktop_timeseries
# Other mappings would go here
This could then be used, very similarly to your desired use-case, like the following
for_each = local.timeseries_lookup[local.timeseries]

Terraform - Variable inside a variable

I would like to use a variable inside a variable.
This is my resource:
resource "aws_route" "vpc_peering_accepter" {
provider = "aws.accepter"
count = length(data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.${var.region}-vpc-private_routing_tables)
route_table_id = tolist(data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.${var.region}-vpc-private_routing_tables)[count.index]
destination_cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr
vpc_peering_connection_id = aws_vpc_peering_connection.peer.*.id[0]
Of course this one is not working.
What's the best practice to do it?
You can combine Local Values with the lookup function to accomplish this.
In the following example the null datasource is mimicking data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs:
variable "region" {
default = "us-east1"
locals {
vpc_private_routing_tables = "${var.region}-vpc-private_routing_tables"
data "null_data_source" "values" {
inputs = {
us-east1-vpc-private_routing_tables = "11111111"
us-east2-vpc-private_routing_tables = "22222222"
output "vpc_peering" {
value = lookup(data.null_data_source.values.inputs, local.vpc_private_routing_tables)
Because data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs is a mapping, you can use either attribute syntax or index syntax to access the values inside:
Attribute syntax:
Index syntax: data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs["us-west-1-vpc-private_routing_tables"]
An advantage of index syntax is that you can use any expression within those brackets as long as its result is a string. In particular, you can use the template interpolation syntax:
With that said, in this sort of situation where you are producing the same information for a number of different objects -- regions, in this case -- it's more conventional to gather all of these values into a single mapping when you declare the output, so that these related values are explicitly grouped together in a single collection. For example:
output "vpc_private_routing_table_ids" {
value = {
us-east-1 =
us-west-2 =
Then from the perspective of the consumer -- that is, the module that is using data "terraform_remote_state" to access these outputs -- this appears as a simple map keyed by region:
If you are producing many different objects on a per-region basis then you might choose to gather all of their ids together into a single output, which might be more convenient to use elsewhere:
output "regions" {
value = {
us-east-1 = {
vpc_id =
subnet_ids =[*].id
private_route_table_id =
us-west-1 = {
vpc_id =
subnet_ids =[*].id
private_route_table_id =
...which would then appear as follows in the consumer module:
Ultimately you can structure your output values however you like, but I'd recommend choosing a shape that optimizes for clarity in the configuration that is referring to the data. That usually means making the referring expressions as simple as possible, and ideally avoiding complex expressions like string template syntax whenever possible.

Terraform module with repeatable variable

Several resources, e.g. aws_dynamodb_table have repeatable variables. In the case of the aws_dynamodb_table resource, attribute is repeatable which allows you to specify multiple attributes using either of the following syntax
attribute {
name = "UserId"
type = "S"
attribute {
name = "GameTitle"
type = "S"
attribute {
name = "TopScore"
type = "N"
attribute = [{
name = "UserId"
type = "S"
}, {
name = "GameTitle"
type = "S"
}, {
name = "TopScore"
type = "N"
I like this interface and want to provide the same flexibility in my modules but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do it. Is this possible for modules or is it only the built-in resources that can do this.
It looks like that either allows you to provide attribute multiple times as separate maps (which are then merged) or as a list.
You're going to want to take a look at the documentation related to Input Variable Configuration
In particular, you will want to look at the section titled Variable Merging.
I believe you could do something like this for similar behavior (from the docs above, give them a read :P)
foo {
foo {
This would mean foo returns:
quux = "bar"
bar = "baz"
Hope that helps!
