For this datafile:
Server ID,Sponsor,Server Name,Timestamp,Distance,Ping,Download,Upload,Share,IP Address
4981,SELCO,"Shrewsbury, MA",2022-01-19T17:45:00.941297Z,46.02761207264913,16.34,202120227.4774976,5410786.336552021,,
27031,BELD Broadband,"Braintree, MA",2022-01-19T18:45:01.962140Z,26.98449241976281,17.566,140849719.78516415,5441730.586693773,,
27031,BELD Broadband,"Braintree, MA",2022-01-19T19:15:01.589345Z,26.98449241976281,17.419,156811809.4210379,5371285.306441804,,
38849,FiberCast,"Stoddard, NH",2022-01-19T19:45:00.746522Z,106.41034005246897,20.042,215161640.72859222,6086086.612413734,,
I would like a plot with column 7 on the y-axis and column 4 on the x-axis. I would like to make the x-axis go from Jan 21-2022 to Jan-25 2022. I would like the y-axis to be scaled so that 1 is 10^6.
The problems have to do (I think) with the parsing of the date.time and the scaling of the x axis.
set datafile separator ","
set key autotitle columnhead
set terminal pdf
set output "speedtest.pdf"
set grid
#set style data lines
#set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%SZ'
#set xrange ["2022-01-19T00:00:00.0Z":"2022-01-24:00:00:00.0Z"]
set xrange [*:*]
plot "test.csv" using 4:7 with linespoints
Ethan's set datafile separator comma and your set datafile separator ',' should be equivalent.
Two little details:
your time format should be %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ not %Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%SZ. Find the difference!
# at the beginning of a line makes it a comment. So, remove # in the line #set xdata time
By the way, you could also just enter set xrange ["2022-01-19":"2022-01-24"]. If gnuplot will not find hours, minuts, seconds, I guess it will assume them to be zero.
Check the following slightly modified code.
### plotting timedata
reset session
$Data <<EOD
Server ID,Sponsor,Server Name,Timestamp,Distance,Ping,Download,Upload,Share,IP Address
4981,SELCO,"Shrewsbury, MA",2022-01-19T17:45:00.941297Z,46.02761207264913,16.34,202120227.4774976,5410786.336552021,,
27031,BELD Broadband,"Braintree, MA",2022-01-19T18:45:01.962140Z,26.98449241976281,17.566,140849719.78516415,5441730.586693773,,
27031,BELD Broadband,"Braintree, MA",2022-01-19T19:15:01.589345Z,26.98449241976281,17.419,156811809.4210379,5371285.306441804,,
38849,FiberCast,"Stoddard, NH",2022-01-19T19:45:00.746522Z,106.41034005246897,20.042,215161640.72859222,6086086.612413734,,
set datafile separator ","
set key autotitle columnhead
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
set xrange ["2022-01-19":"2022-01-24"] # specific range
set xrange [*:*] # autorange
set format x "%H:%M"
set grid
plot $Data using 4:7 w lp pt 7
### end of code
I am using the 32-bit version of GNUPlot in a Window 7 "Professional" OS Environment (...sadly!) and I want to do a "stack-plot" of boxes using ONLY ONE x-axis for ALL which is "TIME" in the format of a series of "Dates".
ALL of the GNUPlot Code works but, each of the plots uses its own individual x-axis which consumes a lot of graphing real estate.
I also need to be able to have variable y-axis scales for each of the stacked-plots...
Here is the "labeled" (CSV) data file:
Date,Time,Weight(kg),Height(cm),BMI,BP Max.(mmHg),BP Min.(mmHg),P/min,% Fat 09/09/2015,13:16:00,77.4,171,26.5,121,73,75,22.5 16/07/2015,09:14:34,76.9,170,26.6,111,70,76,23.5 26/06/2015,18:14:48,76.9,170,26.6,123,72,78,23.2 19/06/2015,08:45:42,77,172,26,96,60,89,22.1 15/06/2015,12:29:48,77.7,170,26.9,117,73,87,23.6 15/06/2015,12:15:58,77.8,170,26.9,127,76,77,23.7 15/06/2015,12:11:05,77.7,171,26.6,118,74,83,22.8 23/03/2015,16:39:55,78.6,170,27.2,119,72,78,24 20/03/2015,09:07:30,77.6,169,27.2,138,74,77,24.1 09/01/2015,14:30:00,79.2,170,27.4,114,71,75,24.1 07/10/2014,16:06:00,78.4,171,26.8,119,73,108,24.8 07/10/2014,16:08:00,78.4,170,27.1,109,72,75,25.1 15/09/2014,08:18:23,76.9,171,26.3,116,69,102,24.8 15/09/2014,09:20:27,76.7,172,25.9,132,76,91,21 04/09/2014,12:05:00,75.6,169,26.5,115,71,96,25.4 01/04/2014,11:18:00,76.2,171,26,115,69,70,22.9 19/03/2014,09:48:23,75.3,171,25.8,113,69,55,22.1 14/03/2014,10:39:29,75.6,170,26.2,108,69,78,22.5 05/03/2014,16:45:00,75.9,170,26.3,129,73,84,23.3 09/05/2013,17:31:00,74.5,171,25.5,135,75,92,21
And here is the "current" GNUPlot Code that I am using to generate the 5 stacked plots:
set terminal windows size 1325, 625
set multiplot layout 5, 1 title "Individual Employee Biometric Data vs. Time"
set xlabel "DATE"
set timestamp
set key outside
set key center right
set pointsize 1.0
set grid lw 1
set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y"
set xdata time
set format x "%d/%m/%Y"
set xrange [ "09/05/2013\t0000" : "09/09/2015\t0000" ] noreverse nowriteback
set datafile sep ','
set arrow from 10.0,0 to 10.0, 0.5 lw 3
set label ' ' at 10.2,0.03
set label '(C) 2015' at 2050.0,-0.85
set border lw 2
set yrange [73.0:80.0]
set ylabel "(kg)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:3 title "BODY\nWEIGHT" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'red'
set yrange [25.0:30.0]
set ylabel "kg/m^2"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:5 title "BODY\nMASS\nINDEX" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'green'
set yrange [50.0:150.0]
set ylabel "(mmHg)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:6 title "SYS" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'blue', \ 'K8.dat' using 1:7 title "DIAS" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'coral'
set yrange [40.0:120.0]
set ylabel "(bpm)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:8 title "HEART\nRATE" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'purple'
set xlabel "DATE"
set yrange [15.0:30.0]
set ylabel "(%)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:9 title "BODY\nFAT" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'orange'
PS - This code is from a previous GNUPlot routine so "excuse" the '#" commenting-out...
You can use multiplot to stack several plots on top of each other. You just have to switch off the plot borders appropriately for each, see help set border, and unset the abscissa xtics for all but the lowermost plot.
set multiplot
set origin 0.1, 0.1
set size 0.9,0.3
set xrange [a:b]
plot "first"
set origin 0.1,0.4
unset xtics
set border 2 # only plot left border
plot "second"
set origin 0.1,0.7
plot "third"
unset multi
Crucial is fixing the xrange for all plots, because after switching off the xtics for the following plots, you can't see if it is actually identical.
(too long for a comment)
Ok, I get what you mean by stacked plots now. To my knowledge, having several y-axes (more than 2) above a single x axis is not possible.
What you COULD however do is try to fake more than 2 axes by plotting all data in the roughly 30...150 range on the y(1)-axis, and all data in the 15...30 range on the y2axis. However, the lines would be all kind of overlapping and not as cleanly separated.
Another alternative would be to first normalize all data into an e.g. 0...10 range by subtracting the min value and dividing by max-min, then stacking these on top of each other by adding 0 for the first line, 10 for the second, and so on. However, you would then have to add hand-made y-axis tics (which is possible but somewhat bothersome).
Actually, here is a working template for the fancier solution I outlined above (implemented for three data sets, but can be extended to basically arbitrarily many)
set datafile separator ","
inputfile = 'data0.txt'
stats inputfile using 3 name 'STATS_WEIGHT'
stats inputfile using 4 name 'STATS_HEIGHT'
stats inputfile using 9 name 'STATS_FAT'
# more stats for further data -- apparently needs to be BEFORE the date/time stuff
set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y"
set xdata time
set format x "%d/%m/%Y"
set xrange [ "09/05/2013\t0000" : "09/09/2015\t0000" ] noreverse nowriteback
# define the offset at which the fake y-axes start; decrease or increase offsetIncrease for spacing (effectively: blank labels) between 'graphs'
startYTicsOffset = 0
numberOfFakeYTicsPerData = 6
scalingFactor = 1.0/(numberOfFakeYTicsPerData - 1.0)
offsetIncrease = numberOfFakeYTicsPerData + 0.5
#to get rid of actual yrange numbering, set a dummy label that will be overwritten
set ytics ("dummy" 0)
#increase total actual yrange factor as needed for additional series
set yrange [0: 3 * offsetIncrease]
#add tics for weight, note that %.Xf prints the number with X decimals
do for[i=0:numberOfFakeYTicsPerData-1]{
set ytics add (sprintf("%.0f kg", STATS_WEIGHT_min + i * scalingFactor * STATS_WEIGHT_range) startYTicsOffset+i)
#add tics for height
startYTicsOffset = startYTicsOffset + offsetIncrease
do for[i=0:numberOfFakeYTicsPerData-1]{
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1f cm", STATS_HEIGHT_min + i * scalingFactor * STATS_HEIGHT_range) startYTicsOffset+i)
#add tics for fat - I couldn't figure out how to get gnuplot to print actual '%' character in sprintf directive (should be '%%' but doesn't appear to work)
startYTicsOffset = startYTicsOffset + offsetIncrease
do for[i=0:numberOfFakeYTicsPerData-1]{
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1f percent", STATS_FAT_min + i * scalingFactor * STATS_FAT_range) startYTicsOffset+i)
###### ... add further tics ...
plot inputfile using 1:( 0 * offsetIncrease + ($3 - STATS_WEIGHT_min)/ (STATS_WEIGHT_range * scalingFactor) ) w lp title "weight",\
inputfile using 1:( 1 * offsetIncrease + ($4 - STATS_HEIGHT_min)/ (STATS_HEIGHT_range * scalingFactor) ) w lp title "height",\
inputfile using 1:( 2 * offsetIncrease + ($9 - STATS_FAT_min) / (STATS_FAT_range * scalingFactor) ) w lp title "fat %"
### ... add further data ...
by the way: if you post or edit a question or an answer, try clicking the image icon above the editing window. It will open a little window where you can drag and drop images directly without needing a web hosting service. Like that:
I have put up a raspberry pi to measure temperature and call a Gnuplot script to place a graph on a webpage.
Now i want to make a couple of graphs that display 1hour backwards in time/1day backwards in time.
Does anyone know how i specify the X-range to start at "current time - 1 day" or "current time - 1 hour"?
This won't work everywhere, but if your gnuplot supports pipes and your system has the date command ...
TIMEFMT = "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S"
#now = "`date +%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S`" #Use this line in production
now = '2013:01:24:20:49:30' #Hard-code this for the sake of the example ...
now_secs = strptime(TIMEFMT,now)
one_hour_past = now_secs - 3600.0
set xdata time
#set timefmt TIMEFMT #This doesn't parse correctly ... Not sure why...
eval(sprintf('set timefmt "%s"',TIMEFMT))
print strftime(TIMEFMT,one_hour_past)
#set xrange [strftime(TIMEFMT,one_hour_past):] #This doesn't seem to work
#set xrange ["2013:01:24:20:49:30":] #This works, but is declared statically -- Yuck.
eval(sprintf('set xrange ["%s":]',strftime(TIMEFMT,one_hour_past)))
plot '-' u 1:2 w l
2013:01:24:10:00:00 2.5
2013:01:24:21:00:00 2
2013:01:24:22:00:00 3
THe code i have used is as follows. Im running it on a Raspberry Pi with Rasbian OS. Any sudgestions? Thanx!
set terminal png size 1250,700
set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb"#E6E6FA" behind
set output '/var/www/bild.png'
set multiplot
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M\n%d/%m"
set xlabel "Timme/datum"
set ylabel "Inomhustemperatur"
set yrange [15:28]
set y2label "Utomhustemperatur"
set y2range [-20:10]
set y2tics nomirror
set y2tics
set title "Temperatur"
set key reverse Left outside
set grid
set style data lines
plot "logg.txt" using 1:3 axes x1y1 lw 3 title "inomhus", "" using 1:4 axes x1y2 lw 3 title "utomhus"#