Is there a way to get Keyboard change reflect on Appimage? - linux

I am using ibus keyboard layout and I can change the language globally, However this change is not reflected on Appimages (I am using Inkscape). Is there a solution to this problem or are Appimages supposed to be like this?

This needs to be addressed by the Inskape AppImage authors. They are the ones who decide whether the bundle will use the system settings or a fixed language/keyboard preferences.


About scopes in Sublime Text 3: text.something vs source.something, and their features

So I'm contributing, for the sake of learning a bit more of the innards of ST3, to a repository making a new package for Laravel's Blade templating.
In the .sublime-syntax file, the scope is currently set as scope: text.blade, which works fine except for that fact that I cannot make the autocompletion popup appear for my snippets. For that, I need to change the scope to source.blade. But doing to kills the ability of using tab to expand it to <div class="foo"></div>.
I know I could change auto_complete_selectorin my preference to include text, but that's just a solution for me. We wouldn't want to have a package that asks you to change your preferences, we'd want it to just work.
Would there be a way, in my syntax file, to have the autocomplete popup activate while still in the textscope and keeping both features (popup for autocomplete and the tab to expand)?
I'm not sure which is the best solution. It maybe makes sense that the default setting for auto_complete_selector doesn't work in the text scope, but I don't understand why it's not working in text.html. Anyway, the way I see it, you have two options, each of them having their cons.
Don't mess with the user's setting, but communicate the need to adjust the auto_complete_selector, e.g. by using the Messaging system provided by Package Control. Con: users might ignore READMEs or install messages.
Override the user's setting by including a .sublime-settings that adds text.blade to the auto_complete_selector (I've seen packages doing just that!) Con: interferes with user settings.
On a side note, I'm wondering whether it wouldn't be more appropriate to use text.html.blade as a scope.

Chose a color for a particular method in VS2012

Pretty dumb question I know,
I want to know if there is a way to assign a particular color to a method of my choice in .cs file.
So that i donot even accidently go and write or change anything there.
No, Visual Studio does not support this behavior natively (though someone could write an extension that did it).
Some ideas, though...
My first suggestion is to use version control so that any changes you make can be reviewed and reverted.
My second is, in C# you could use a partial class to keep all the code that should never change in one file and the code you can change in another file. You could even go further and set the readonly flag on the file you never want to change (though check how this affects your source control system).
But use version control either way.

How do you package a keyboard layout for Windows 8?

I've been searching for a way to do this. I use a slightly modified Colemak keyboard layout and I can't figure out how to add it as a supported input method in the new language selection in Windows 8. The installer that the Colemak guys distribute sort of works; you can choose the layout after installing it, but it forces the EN-us language, and can't be chosen for other languages.
If anyone knows how to do this properly, I'm sure the Colemak guys would appreciate hearing about it, and it would let me make the modifications I want to.
I don't know if this is the exact issue but there is a problem with MSKLC-generated layouts in Win8 (DP&CP).
You can choose the language if you make your custom keyboard layout with MSKLC: in the "Properties" part, or, if it does not work (though I'm sure it does), you can edit the .klc file manually.
Build it and setup with the executable. You are done.

Changing Drupal module template doesn't take effect

Okay, this could be a stupid question but I'm kind of new to this Drupal-stuff so I have to ask it anyway :)
I'm trying to implement the FBSS-module (FaceBook Style Status). It all works just fine. I was even able to change some colors and stuff in the CSS-file.
The thing is that I want to do some changes to the template, need to add and remove some stuff. I could hide stuff with CSS, but that sounds like a crappy solution.
I tried to edit:
But it has no effect what so ever. I tried to move it to my theme-folder. Same thing.
And yes, I've cleared the cache.
Update: Is there any way to find out if the module is actually using this template-file?
first, move it back to the module page - I bet this template is used by module.
secondly, if you change templates, it might require theme registry cache reset, so
go to /admin/build/themes.
You don't have to actually switch themes.
Do you have cache enabled? while developing, it's would be helpful to do 2 things:
1) disable cache
2) go to theme settings, and turn on "rebuild theme registry on every page load" or something that sounds like this.
and to be 100% sure, if you added new template you need to:
1) clear cache
2) go to admin/build/modules (that will rescan template files, etc)
3) go to admin/build/modules (that will rescan info about theme).
in the case of editing existing template, this also can help.
I've found, and I'm not sure if this solution would suit, that I apply a different theme and then re-apply my adjusted theme and all the changes propagate. No idea why but sometimes I don't see any changes until I do this.
Like I said, this may be isolated to myself, but it's worth a try to help you hit your deadline!

ReSharper - Is there a disable command I can add to a file that will not allow reorder of type members?

Much like
// ReSharper disable ConvertToAutoProperty
I would like to know what, if existing, I can add to particular files (and only particular files) so that fields are not sorted on code cleanup.
For more information:
I know there are settings one can set in R# itself. This needs to work even where I don't control settings (like on other people's computers)
I know I can make a setting to disable sorting for particular types in TypeMembersLayout. This also will not work due to the same reason.
I only want this to happen on files I care that it doesn't happen with, not a global setting.
I've been using Resharper for years, and can say with confidence this option doesn't exist. Good idea though..
Maybe Generated Code options can help you. But I didn't try it.
Go to ReSharper->Options->Code Inspection->Generated Code and add your files.
I think ReSharper leaves such files untouched.
