NodeJS deploy Heroku image upload error displayed - node.js

I have deployed a Nodejs application to Heroku, the cloud I use cloud mongoDB. The problem is that every time I upload a photo to post a post, the app only shows up for about 1 hour, then I re-download it, and the website fails to display the image again? Is it because I use the free Heroku package, everyone? Everyone help me please. This is my website


Successfully Hosted Nodejs app on render not responding

I have a nodejs app which uses handlebars as templating engine, the app run perfectly fine with no errors on development, and also after hosting it on render the renter's console show status for successful deployment and it's live right now. But the problem is that when ever I make request the site it never respond.
The GitHub repo
While the hosted site's link is here
Render's event logs

Having issues with Heroku deployment

I am trying to upload a MEAN stack app for the first time, so I am not sure I am doing it the best way but here it is.
I have deployed my nodeJS server to one domain and it seems to be working fine - response message
but I am having problems with the client part.
I deployed the angular code to a different domain (not sure if that's how you do it) and I am getting this error:
error link
Here is a link to my github project repository if it could provide some more information -
I used the Heroku CLI and Container Registry to upload the code with Dockerfile.
Thank you in advance!
Looks like I just had to add a server.js to my client folder. SOLVED!

Multi file upload and download MEAN stack app

I'm new in nodejs and angular and trying to create a page that users can upload multi-file from frontend to backend and then retrieve data with images.
sending data to the backend is absolutely fine but retrieving data with files to front end doesn't work and I lost in google for three days and no luck so far to find any start point.
any help will be grateful

Heroku Nodejs get image 404

I'm using MEAN Stack(express and nodejs) to deploy my project into heroku. I'm using a sandbox database provided by mongolab(mlab) addons. My question is why does the the image file cannot be displayed after a certain period of time(after 30-40 minutes)? The system has no problem when reloading. The image will still be there. But after the period mentioned, the server cannot Get the image and return 404 error. Here's an example:

Images not pulled from AWS S3 to heroku nodejs app

I have a sails nodejs app running on heroku. I have several images that need to be pulled onto the page i.e. logo. When I had images pulled from photobucket everything works. I moved images to AWS S3. Followed Images are accessible by their link i.e.: But not being pulled when page is loaded.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
