Parse error when trying to run haskell function? - string

I'm trying to write a Haskell function that uses folds and will take a string and return its "word value" as an int. This is the function:
import Data.Char
wordValue :: String -> Int
wordValue (x:xs) = foldr (\(ord(toLower x) - (ord 'a') + 1)) 0 xs
Basically, i'm trying to convert each character into a int value and use the 'foldr' function to accumulate the value. But, I'm getting the following error, which I don't understand:
Parse error in pattern: ord (toLower x) - (ord 'a') + 1

The foldr function also take two parameters: the item of the list, and the result of the foldr of the tail. You thus should implement this as:
wordValue :: String -> Int
wordValue xs = foldr (\x ys -> ord (toLower x) - ord 'a' + ys + 1) 0 xs
where x is the character of the list, and ys is the result of folding the rest of the list (so the wordValue of the remaining elements).
But here it is simpler to just work with a mapping and summing these up, so:
wordValue :: String -> Int
wordValue = sum . map (\x -> ord (toLower x) - ord 'a' + 1)


How to check that all list items are odd and bigger than 10?

I need to check if a list only contains odd numbers, bigger than 10.
This is what I did.
f :: [Int] -> Bool
f xs= [x |x<-xs, x >10, odd x]
Why does this not work?
When you write [x |x<-xs, x >10, odd x] you're making up a list of Ints, a [Int], not a Boolean. For instance you can verify that
[x | x <- [1..20], x > 10, odd x] is the list [11,13,15,17,19]. So it does contain the numbers that you want, but how do you tell that those are all of the numebrers in xs?
You could certainly equate that list to xs itself, and that would work:
f xs = xs == [x |x<-xs, x >10, odd x]
This way the == ensures that when you only take odd numbers greater than 10 from xs you get back exactly xs, meaning that all numbers satisfy the predicate.
Maybe this is the mistake you were looking for.
I'm not sure whether this solution traverses xs twice (once to extract the entries satisfying the predicate, and once to check for equality) or not. It looks very simple, so I can't help but think that the list is traversed only once.
Anyway, another strategy is to stick to your request: you want all numbers x from the list xs for which odd x and x > 10 are both True:
f :: [Int] -> Bool
f xs = all (\x -> odd x && x > 10) xs
By noticing that both sides have a trailing xs, you can reduce the definition:
f :: [Int] -> Bool
f = all (\x -> odd x && x > 10)
And that lambda, if you want, could be define more succintly as (odd & (> 10)), thus getting
f :: [Int] -> Bool
f = all (odd & (> 10))
provided you import Control.Monad (liftM2) and define
(&) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool)
(&) = liftM2 (&&)
Your type signature mentions that the function returns a boolean value, but your proposed body returns a list of numbers. Haskell has no automatic conversions such as Lisp.
Should you wish to stick to pedestrian code, you could get the sublist of offending numbers, and just check that the sublist is empty.
f :: [Int] -> Bool
f xs = let offenders = [x | x <- xs, x <= 10 || even x]
in (null offenders)
Note that due to the laziness of the language runtime, evaluation of offenders stops as soon as we find a first element.
Should you want something a bit more haskell-ish, you can use the sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a) polymorphic library function to turn a list of predicates into a single function returning a list of boolean values, then pass that list to and. That checks one number.
Then use all to apply these checks to all numbers in the input list. Like this:
f2 :: [Int] -> Bool
f2 = all (and . sequence [(>10), odd])
To understand how exactly the sequence function gets specialized by the compiler, one can use the TypeApplications language extension.
With the extension enabled, given 3 type arguments, expression sequence #tt #tm #ta maps tt to the Traversable instance, tm to the Monad instance and ta to argument type a.
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: :? for help
λ> :type sequence
sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)
λ> :set -XTypeApplications
We start with the easiest part, mapping tt to lists and ta to Bool, leaving tm undefined as an underscore _:
λ> :type sequence #[] #_ #Bool
sequence #[] #_ #Bool :: Monad _ => [_ Bool] -> _ [Bool]
Now, if we assign tm to “function of an Int variable”, we have the whole picture:
λ> :type sequence #[] #((->)Int) #Bool
sequence #[] #((->)Int) #Bool :: [Int -> Bool] -> Int -> [Bool]
The last type can be interpreted as [Int -> Bool] -> (Int -> [Bool]), that is, function sequence transforming a list of predicates into a single function returning a list of boolean values.

Haskell filter function with multiple parameters

I'm trying to learn Haskell and wondered how to filter a given list, with a function that takes multiple parameters, passing each element of the list with other unchanging elements to the function, to create a new list.
I understand that I can do this to use a bool function to filter the list:
newList = filter theFunction aList
but what happens when the theFunction takes other parameters like this:
theFunction -> elementOfAList -> Int -> Bool
how then could I filter each element of the list, whilst parsing in another element to the function? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Edit -> To provide some more information, if I wanted to have a list of integers from [1..10], that get filtered through a function that takes two integers and returns true if the first one is smaller, how could I do that?
In that case you use a partially applied predicate function, like this
-- theFunction :: elementOfAList -> Int -> Bool -- "::" means, "is of type"
newList = filter (flip theFunction i) aList
flip theFunction i x = theFunction x i
by the definition of flip, so flip theFunction has the type Int -> elementOfAList -> Bool:
flip :: (a -> b -> c ) -> b -> a -> c
theFunction :: a -> Int -> Bool
flip theFunction :: Int -> a -> Bool
flip theFunction (i :: Int) :: a -> Bool
where i is some Int value defined elsewhere. a is a type variable, i.e. it can be any type, like the type of a list's elements (i.e. for a list aList :: [a] each element has the same type, a).
For example, with theFunction x i = x < i you could call filter (flip theFunction 5) aList, keeping in the resulting list all the elements of aList that are smaller than 5. Normally this would just be written as filter (< 5) aList, with operator sections (of which (< 5) is one example, absolutely equivalent to the flip theFunction 5).
The above filtering will use the same Int value i in calling theFunction for every element x of a list aList. If you wanted to recalculate that Int, it is done with another pattern (i.e., higher-order function),
mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
Suppose you wanted to keep in a list of ints all the elements as they are being found by theFunction. Then you could do it like
theFunction :: elementOfAList -> Int -> Bool
foo :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
foo i xs = concat (snd (mapAccumL g i xs)) -- normally written as
-- concat $ snd $ mapAccumL g i xs -- or
-- concat . snd $ mapAccumL g i xs -- or even
-- concat . snd . mapAccumL g i $ xs
g acc x -- g :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) according to mapAccumL's signature
| theFunction x acc = (x, [x]) -- include `x` in output, and update the acc
| otherwise = (acc, []) -- keep the accumulated value, and skip this `x`
Because both x and acc are used in the same role (the first element of the tuple) they both must be of same type.

In Haskell how can you multiply a string?

I'm trying to write a function that takes a String and an Int and returns that string "int" times. That is:
duplicate :: String -> Int -> String
If I were to write duplicate "Hello" 3 the output should be "HelloHelloHello".
duplicate :: String -> Int -> String
duplicate string n = concat $ replicate n string
The $ is a function of type (a -> b) -> a -> b. The language allows the functions with non-alpha-numeric names to be used in infix form (as operators). I.e., the body of the function above is absolutely identical to the following expression:
($) concat (replicate n string)
What $ does is just allows you to get rid of braces. Meaning that the above expressions are just an alternative to the following expression:
concat (replicate n string)
A String is just a synonym for a list of Char, and the list type is a Monad. Therefore
duplicate :: Int -> String -> String
duplicate n str = [1..n] >>= const str
Or, if you wanted to get all point-free
duplicate = (. const) . (>>=) . enumFromTo 1
As suggested in the comments
duplicate n str = [1..n] >> str
duplicate = (>>) . enumFromTo 1
You can use replicate and concat as follows:
duplicate :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
duplicate = flip $ (concat .) . replicate
-- or as larsmans suggested:
duplicate :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
duplicate = (concat .) . flip replicate
Then use it as duplicate "Hello" 3.
You can use pattern matching.
duplicate _ 0 = []
duplicate xs n = xs ++ duplicate xs (n-1)
duplicate xs n | n==0 = []
| otherwise = xs ++ duplicate xs (n-1)
Again a beginners attempt, using recursion
duplicate s n = if n <= 1 then s else duplicate (n-1) s ++ s
though it is a little unclear what the function should do if n is negative or zero. So I chose to return the string itself.

Haskell / Miranda: Find the type of the function

Brief: This is a past exam question from a Miranda exam but the syntax is very similar to Haskell.
Question: What is the type of the following expression and what does it do? (The definitions
of the functions length and swap are given below).
(foldr (+) 0) . (foldr ((:) . length . (swap (:) [] )) [])
length [] = 0
length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
swap f x y = f y x
Please feel free to reply in haskell syntax - sorry about putting using the stars as polytypes but i didn't want to translate it incorrectly into haskell. Basically, if one variable has type * and the other has * it means they can be any type but they must both be the same type. If one has ** then it means that it can but does not need to have the same type as *. I think it corresponds to a,b,c etc in haskell usuage.
My working so far
From the definition of length you can see that it finds the length of a list of anything so this gives
length :: [*] -> num.
From the definition I think swap takes in a function and two parameters and produces the function with the two parameters swapped over, so this gives
swap :: (* -> ** -> ***) -> ** -> [*] -> ***
foldr takes a binary function (like plus) a starting value and list and folds the list from right to left using that function. This gives
foldr :: (* -> ** -> **) -> ** -> [*] -> **)
I know in function composition it is right associative so for example everything to the right of the first dot (.) needs to produce a list because it will be given as an argument to the first foldr.
The foldr function outputs a single value ( the result of folding up the list) so I know that the return type is going to be some sort of polytype and not a list of polytype.
My problem
I'm unsure where to go from here really. I can see that swap needs to take in another argument, so does this partial application imply that the whole thing is a function? I'm quite confused!
You've already got the answer, I'll just write down the derivation step by step so it's easy to see all at once:
xxf xs = foldr (+) 0 . foldr ((:) . length . flip (:) []) [] $ xs
= sum $ foldr ((:) . length . (: [])) [] xs
= sum $ foldr (\x -> (:) (length [x])) [] xs
= sum $ foldr (\x r -> length [x]:r) [] xs
= sum $ map (\x -> length [x] ) xs
= sum [length [x] | x <- xs]
= sum [ 1 | x <- xs]
-- = length xs
xxf :: (Num n) => [a] -> n
So that, in Miranda, xxf xs = #xs. I guess its type is :: [*] -> num in Miranda syntax.
Haskell's length is :: [a] -> Int, but as defined here, it is :: (Num n) => [a] -> n because it uses Num's (+) and two literals, 0 and 1.
If you're having trouble visualizing foldr, it is simply
foldr (+) 0 (a:(b:(c:(d:(e:(...:(z:[])...))))))
= a+(b+(c+(d+(e+(...+(z+ 0)...)))))
= sum [a, b, c, d, e, ..., z]
Let's go through this step-by-step.
The length function obviously has the type that you described; in Haskell it's Num n => [a] -> n. The equivalent Haskell function is length (It uses Int instead of any Num n).
The swap function takes a function to invoke and reverses its first two arguments. You didn't get the signature quite right; it's (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c. The equivalent Haskell function is flip.
The foldr function has the type that you described; namely (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b. The equivalent Haskell function is foldr.
Now, let's see what each sub expression in the main expression means.
The expression swap (:) [] takes the (:) function and swaps its arguments. The (:) function has type a -> [a] -> [a], so swapping it yields [a] -> a -> [a]; the whole expression thus has type a -> [a] because the swapped function is applied to []. What the resulting function does is that it constructs a list of one item given that item.
For simplicity, let's extract that part into a function:
singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton = swap (:) []
Now, the next expression is (:) . length . singleton. The (:) function still has type a -> [a] -> [a]; what the (.) function does is that it composes functions, so if you have a function foo :: a -> ... and a function bar :: b -> a, foo . bar will have type b -> .... The expression (:) . length thus has type Num n => [a] -> [n] -> [n] (Remember that length returns a Num), and the expression (:) . length . singleton has type Num => a -> [n] -> [n]. What the resulting expression does is kind of strange: given any value of type a and some list, it will ignore the a and prepend the number 1 to that list.
For simplicity, let's make a function out of that:
constPrependOne :: Num n => a -> [n] -> [n]
constPrependOne = (:) . length . singleton
You should already be familiar with foldr. It performs a right-fold over a list using a function. In this situation, it calls constPrependOne on each element, so the expression foldr constPrependOne [] just constructs a list of ones with equal length to the input list. So let's make a function out of that:
listOfOnesWithSameLength :: Num n => [a] -> [n]
listOfOnesWithSameLength = foldr constPrependOne []
If you have a list [2, 4, 7, 2, 5], you'll get [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] when applying listOfOnesWithSameLength.
Then, the foldr (+) 0 function is another right-fold. It is equivalent to the sum function in Haskell; it sums the elements of a list.
So, let's make a function:
sum :: Num n => [n] -> n
sum = foldr (+) 0
If you now compose the functions:
func = sum . listOfOnesWithSameLength
... you get the resulting expression. Given some list, it creates a list of equal length consisting of only ones, and then sums the elements of that list. It does in other words behave exactly like length, only using a much slower algorithm. So, the final function is:
inefficientLength :: Num n => [a] -> n
inefficientLength = sum . listOfOnesWithSameLength

Haskell Pattern Matching Problem

Current Code
Hi I have a function like this:
jj xs = [x|x<-xs,x `mod` 2 ==0]
For the input [1..20] it gives me as output :
[2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20] -> only the values divisible by 2
What I require
If list value is dividable by 2, it is interpreted as 0 and otherwise as 1:
Input : [243,232,243]
Output : [1,0,1]
Surely you just want map:
jj xs = map (`mod` 2) xs
Due to currying
map (`mod` 2) :: [Int] -> [Int]
is exactly the function we want, so we can just do:
jj = map (`mod` 2)
Both yield:
*Main> jj [2,4,5,6,8,9]
If you want the [] syntax (aka. the list comprehension), you can say
jj xs = [x `mod` 2 | x<-xs]
which is equivalent to MGwynne's map solution.
Look at the following functions:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
where a list is an instance of the typeclass functor. You'll need a function of type Int -> Int that does your transformation.
jj :: (Functor f, Integral i) => f i -> f i
jj = fmap (`mod` 2)
(For lists, both map and fmap do the same thing. fmap is a generalization of map)
The recursive way:
dividablelist :: [Int] -> [Int]
dividablelist [] = []
dividablelist (x:xs) = mod x 2 : dividablelist xs
