How can I discover the top-level domain component object with ldapjs? - node.js

I have some NodeJS code using the ldapjs package to query for objects. It works great when I give it a baseDN, say dc=home to start the search. What I would like to do is be able to discover the top-level object dc=home rather than coding it as a pre-configured value.
Here's what I've tried:
Replace listObjects('dc=home') (last line of program) with console.log(listObjects('')) and option scope: 'base' with scope: 'one' and/or scope: 'sub'.
I get errors with listObjects('') and scope set as either 'one' or 'sub'.
listObjects('') with a scope of 'base' does not error, but neither does it return any result.
The code is below:
#!/usr/bin/env node
import ldapjs from 'ldapjs';
const ldapURL = [ 'ldap://' ];
const bindDN = 'uid=search,dc=home';
const bindPassword = 'P#ssw0rd';
function connect(serverURL) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = ldapjs.createClient({
url: serverURL
client.on('connect', () => {
console.debug('Connected to:', ldapURL);
console.debug('Binding as:', bindDN);
client.bind(bindDN, bindPassword, (err) => {
if (err) {
reject('Bind credentials rejected.');
else {
client.on('error', (err) => {
reject('Unable to connect to ' + serverURL);
* Search LDAP and return objects.
* #baseDN {string} Where to start, like 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'
* #filter {string} Optional LDAP query to limit results, like '(objectClass=posixAccount)'
* #returns {promise} Array of query results.
async function listObjects(baseDN, filter) {
let connection = await connect(ldapURL).catch((err) => {
console.error('LDAP server error:', err);
let opts = {
filter: filter,
scope: 'base'
let results = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, opts, (err, res) => {
res.on('searchEntry', (entry) => {
res.on('end', () => {
connection.unbind(() => {
I'm pretty sure this sort of thing is possible. I have a GUI client (LDAPAdmin) that has a 'Fetch DNs' feature for detecting the BaseDN. What I can't figure out is how to replicate this using ldapjs.
Is there a different way to specify the dn or the scope that will let me list the top-level domain component in my directory without knowing its name?


How to send a NODE.JS post request from an Angular Project?

I have a NODE.JS api using expressjs that connects to an SQL Server, and I want to use it in an angular project. I make use two files, a route file and a controllers file. My route file is as follows:
module.exports = (app) => {
const UsrContrllr = require('../Controllers/users.controllers');
app.get('/api/users', UsrContrllr.func1);
//2. POST NEW USER'/api/user/new', UsrContrllr.func2);
And my controllers file is given below:
const mssql = require('mssql');
exports.func1 = (req, res) =>
// Validate request
console.log(`Fetching RESPONSE`);
// create Request object
var request = new mssql.Request();
// query to the database and get the records
const queryStr = `SELECT * FROM USERS`;
request.query(queryStr, function (err, recordset) {
if (err) console.log(err)
else {
if (recordset.recordset.toString() === '') {
res.send('Oops!!! Required data not found...');
else {
// send records as a response
exports.func2 = (req, res) =>
// Validate request
console.log(`INSERTING RECORD ${req}`);
// create Request object
var request = new mssql.Request();
// query to the database and get the records
const queryStr = `INSERT INTO GDUSERS (USERCODE, PASSWORD, LANGUAGE, USERCLASS, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CONTACTNO) VALUES ('${req.body.usercode}', '${req.body.password}', 'EN', '0', '${req.body.firstname}', '${req.body.lastname}', '${req.body.contactno}');`;
request.query(queryStr, function (err, recordset) {
if (err) console.log(err)
else {
if (recordset.recordset.toString() == '') {
res.send('Oops!!! Required data not found...');
else {
// Send records as response
The GET request works well, but when I try to run the POST request directly from the angular application, I get an error stating
Cannot GET URL/api/user/new
The angular code in my angular project is:
signup() {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
console.log(this.user); //User details come from a form“URL", this.user, options)
(err) => {
if(err) console.log(err);
I’m not sure whether the angular code I’m using, is right or not, and I don’t know where I’m going wrong. How does one exactly send a http POST request from an Angular project?
this i the way i handled my user signup with calls. my approach is slightly different when signing up user because i am using a promise instead of observable (which i normally use for my servicecalls). but i will show you both ways.
createUser(user: User): Promise < string > {
const promise = new Promise < string > ((resolve, reject) => {
const userForPost = this.createUserForPost(user); + '/api/user/signup', userForPost, this.config).toPromise < HttpConfig > ()
.then(createdUser => {
}).catch(error => {
return promise;
here another example with an observable
createForumPost(forumPost: ForumPost) { < { message: string, forumPostId: string } > (environment.backendUrl + '/api/forumPosts', forumPost).subscribe((responseData) => {
const id = responseData.forumPostId; = id;
i defined my URL somewhere else and then just use the environment.backedUrl + 'path' to define my path (the same as the path in your backend controller)
this is one of my first answers here on SO. i am sry if it is a bit messy
i hope i was able to help with my examples :)

Path issue with node.js and SQLLite

i have the following code (shortened it a bit)
const sqlConnection = require('sqlite3').verbose()
const data = require('./data.js')
//open database --> uses create/readwrite per default
let db = new sqlConnection.Database('./db/test_db.db', (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error connecting to database')
console.log('Connected to the chinook database.')
exports.dbFunctions = {
userPresent: userPresent,
createTable: createTable,
tablePresent: tablePresent,
dropTable: dropTable,
dropAll: dropTable,
addUser: addUser,
deleteUser: deleteUser,
showTableContent: showTableContent,
addHistory: addHistory,
clearHistory: clearHistory,
removeLastHistoryEntry: removeLastHistoryEntry,
getHistory: getHistory
function userPresent (id) {
// noinspection SqlResolve
const statement = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE pk_user_id == ' + id
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.all(statement, (err, row) => {
if (err) {
When I access the exported functions on the same folder level everything works fine.
As soon as I call the functions from another level like /tests/db_tests.js
I can work with for example userPresent but the database cannot establish a connection unless I change it to:
let db = new sqlConnection.Database('../db/test_db.db', (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error connecting to database')
console.log('Connected to the chinook database.')
See I changed the path location from ./db/test_db.db to ../db/test_db.db
Since my app access the dbInterface from many different locations I feel very stuck to solve this issue.
I also tried it with an index.js that is on the same level lile the dbInterface.js and contained only this
exports.dbInterface = require('./dbInterface')
But this also didn't work.
Can anyone help out please?
try absolute path
const path = require('path');
let dbPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'db', 'test_db.db');

how to promises in a loop?

I am trying write a cron function in nodejs which fetches user_ids of all the users from the db and then I want to parse through each user_id.
Here is my code :
cron.schedule('43 11 * * *', function(){
var now = moment()
var formatted = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
console.log('Starting the cron boss!');
var dbSelectPromise = function(db, sql1) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
var users =[]
var sql = "select distinct(user_id) from user_level_task"
var sql1 = "select max(level_id) as level from user_level_task where user_id ="+secondResult[i].user_id
var sql2 = "select task_id form user_level_task where user_id = '"+secondResult[i].user_id+"' and level_id = '"+thirdResult[0].level+"' "
var leng = fourthResult.length
The problem i am facing is i cannot access value of i in third and fourth promises. Please help!
I think what's happening is that i is no longer the same when you create those new promises because the for loop is still running. It appears that what you really need is the user_id and level_id. I suggest you restructure your code a bit to reduce nesting and pass on the values you need for future promises.
Perhaps something similar to this:
dbSelectPromise(db, sql)
.then(secondResult => {
const levelPromises = [];
secondResult.forEach(res => {
levelPromises.push(getLevelByUserId(res.user_id, db));
return Promise.all(levelPromises); // Promise.all only if you want to handle all success cases
.then(result => {
result.forEach( level => {
{ userId, queryResult } = level;
// ...
.catch(err => {
function getLevelByUserId(userId, db) {
const query = `select max(level_id) as level from user_level_task where user_id = ${userId}`;
return dbselectPromise(db, query).then(result => { userId, result });
It creates an array of all the get level queries as promises and then passes it along to the next step using Promise.all() which will only resolve if all queries were successful. At that point, you will have access to the userId again of each result because we returned it in our new function for your next set of queries.
I think you should abstract your queries a bit further instead of using a generic dbSelectPromise and don't forget to catch() at the end otherwise you won't know what's happening.
Note: It assumes your db variable instantiated properly and your original doesn't need to be returned based on whatever library you're using. There's also some new syntax there.
The problem i am facing is i cannot access value of i in third and fourth promises. Please help!
This is because you're using reinitializing i without using let. When the loop is in process, the value will be different than what you expect.
each promise is dependant on the other and need to run synchronously
For this to work, You need to chain promises. Also, you can make use of Promise.all() to execute a bunches of promises at once. Remember, Promise.all() is all or nothing.
Making those changes to your code, I get the following structure.
'use strict';
let _ = require('lodash');
function dbSelectPromise(db, sql1) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(data);
function process(secondResult) {
let sql1 = "select max(level_id) as level from user_level_task where user_id =" + secondResult[i].user_id;
return dbSelectPromise(db, sql1).then(function (thirdResult) {
let sql2 = "select task_id form user_level_task where user_id = '" + secondResult[i].user_id + "' and level_id = '" + thirdResult[0].level + "' ";
return dbSelectPromise(db, sql2);
function getUsers() {
let sql = "select distinct(user_id) from user_level_task";
return dbSelectPromise(db, sql).then((users) => {
return users;
}).catch(() => {
return [];
cron.schedule('43 11 * * *', function () {
var now = moment();
var formatted = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
getUsers().then((users) => {
let batches =, function (user) {
return process(user);
return Promise.all(batches);
}).then((fourthResult) => {
console.log('Your fourthResult [[],..]', fourthResult);
}).catch(() => {
console.log('err while processing', err);

Bulk insert into Postgres with brianc/node-postgres

I have the following code in nodejs that uses the pg (
My code to create subscriptions for an employee is as such.
'INSERT INTO subscriptions (subscription_guid, employer_guid, employee_guid)
values ($1,$2,$3)', [
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
set_response(500, err, res);
logger.error('error running query', err);
return console.error('error running query', err);
}'subscription with created');
As you have already noticed datasetArr is an array. I would like to create mass subscriptions for more than one employee at a time. However I would not like to loop through the array. Is there a way to do it out of the box with pg?
I did a search for the same question, but found no solution yet.
With the async library it is very simple to use the query several times, and do the necessary error handling.
May be this code variant helps.
(for inserting 10.000 small json objects to an empty database it took 6 sec).
function insertData(item,callback) {
client.query('INSERT INTO subscriptions (subscription_guid, employer_guid, employee_guid)
values ($1,$2,$3)', [
function(err,result) {
// return any err to async.each iterator
async.each(datasetArr,insertData,function(err) {
// Release the client to the pg module
if (err) {
set_response(500, err, res);
logger.error('error running query', err);
return console.error('error running query', err);
}'subscription with created');
It looks for me that the best way is the usage PostgreSQL json functions:
client.query('INSERT INTO table (columns) ' +
'SELECT m.* FROM json_populate_recordset(null::your_custom_type, $1) AS m',
[JSON.stringify(your_json_object_array)], function(err, result) {
if(err) {
} else {
To do Bulk insert into Postgresql from NodeJS, the better option would be to use 'COPY' Command provided by Postgres and pg-copy-streams.
Code snippet from :
Pseudo code - to serve as a help guide.
const copyFrom = require('pg-copy-streams').from;
const Readable = require('stream').Readable;
const { Pool,Client } = require('pg');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const datasourcesConfigFilePath = path.join(__dirname,'..','..','server','datasources.json');
const datasources = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(datasourcesConfigFilePath, 'utf8'));
const pool = new Pool({
user: datasources.PG.user,
database: datasources.PG.database,
password: datasources.PG.password,
port: datasources.PG.port,
export const bulkInsert = (employees) => {
let done = () => {
var stream = client.query(copyFrom('COPY employee (name,age,salary) FROM STDIN'));
var rs = new Readable;
let currentIndex = 0;
rs._read = function () {
if (currentIndex === employees.length) {
} else {
let employee = employees[currentIndex];
rs.push( + '\t' + employee.age + '\t' + employee.salary + '\n');
currentIndex = currentIndex+1;
let onError = strErr => {
console.error('Something went wrong:', strErr);
rs.on('error', onError);
stream.on('error', onError);
Finer details explained in this link
Create your data structure as:
[ [val1,val2],[val1,val2] ...]
Then convert it into a string:
append it to the query and you are done!
Agreed it has string parsing costs but its way cheaper than single inserts.
Use an ORM; eg: Objection.
Also, Increase the Connection pool size based on your db server and the number of active connection you need.
{firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'},
{firstName: 'Bradley', lastName: 'Cooper'}
.then(function (actors) {

node-postgres create database

I am using node-postgres, and at the beginning of my application I want to check whether the database exists or not. So my workflow idea is as following:
Check whether myDb is existing
If it is there, create the tables
If not, then create first the database, then tables
As you see it is a really easy process, however, the driver implementation requires to have a database name postgres://username:password#host/database to be connected, which means you need to connect to a database first.
So what I am doing now is to connect to postgres database at the beginning, making a query to create database, cathing the exception if it is already there, then closing my connection and connecting to the newly created database, then creating the tables. Here is the code:
var conStringPri = 'postgres://' + username + ':' + password + '#' + host +
var conStringPost = 'postgres://' + username + ':' + password + '#' + host +
'/' + dbName;
pg.connect(conStringPri, function(err, client, done) { // connect to postgres db
if (err)
console.log('Error while connecting: ' + err);
client.query('CREATE DATABASE ' + dbName, function(err) { // create user's db
if (err)
console.log('ignoring the error'); // ignore if the db is there
client.end(); // close the connection
// create a new connection to the new db
pg.connect(conStringPost, function(err, clientOrg, done) {
// create the table
clientOrg.query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + tableName + ' ' +
'(...some sql...)';
As you see I am opening and closing the connection twice, and this way seems wrong to me. I'll be glad if you propose a better way, or maybe explain how did you accomplish this.
As you see it is a really easy process, however, the driver
implementation requires to have a database name
postgres://username:password#host/database to be connected, which
means you need to connect to a database first.
It's not because of the driver implementation, it's PostgreSQL itself. It's the same with any other language or driver.
A client needs to be connected to a database in order to do anything, including a CREATE DATABASE. Besides the postgres database, template1 is often used for this purpose too.
Then, since you must connect to the freshly created database to create objects inside it, there's no way to avoid opening another connection.
In short, what you're doing can't be simplified, it's already optimal.
I've just written a module for that:
var pgtools = require('pgtools');
user: 'postgres',
password: 'some pass',
port: 5432,
host: 'localhost'
}, 'test-db', function (err, res) {
if (err) {
Hopefully it can make your code a bit cleaner.
This is a bit old but I just want to share how I handled this kind of setup.
You need to call the third param from the callback which is the done from pg.connect(conn, (err, client, done) => {}). This will release the connection and bring back to pool.
done => {
pg.connect(connPrimary, (err, client, releaseConn) => {
if (err) return done(err)
client.query(`CREATE DATABASE ${conf.database}`, (err) => {
if (err && !~err.message.indexOf('already exists')) {
return done(err)
done => {
let connSecondary = `postgres://${conf.user}:${conf.password}#${}:${conf.port}/${conf.database}`
pg.connect(connSecondary, (err, client, releaseConn) => {
if (err) return done(err)
let createTableQuery = `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table(_id bigint primary key, co2_field varchar(40) NOT NULL, temp_field int NOT NULL, quality_field decimal NOT NULL, reading_time_field timestamp NULL)`
client.query(createTableQuery, err => {
if (err) return done(err)
], err => {
Here is a script I use which is essentially just executing shell commands with execa:
import execa from 'execa';
class DatabaseService {
public async setupDatabase() {
const logCmd = (cmd: execa.ExecaChildProcess) => {
cmd.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
cmd.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
const createUser = () => {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const cmd = execa('createuser', [Config.databaseUser, '--superuser']);
let userExists = false;
cmd.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
if (
.includes(`role "${Config.databaseUser}" already exists`)
) {
userExists = true;
cmd.on('exit', (code) => {
if (!userExists && code) {
reject(new Error(`Failed to create user for database: ${code}`));
} else {
const createDatabase = () => {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const cmd = execa('createdb', [Config.databaseName]);
let databaseExists = false;
cmd.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
if (
.includes(`database "${Config.databaseName}" already exists`)
) {
databaseExists = true;
cmd.on('exit', (code) => {
if (!databaseExists && code) {
reject(new Error(`Failed to create database: ${code}`));
} else {
await createUser();
await createDatabase();
As you can see, the script detects if the user or database already exists and will ignore errors in those events, because the intended state of Postgres will have been met, and thats all I care about when I run it.
npm install --save -g pgtools
CLI Example
createdbjs my_awesome_db --user=admin --password=admin
