Type Writer Effect in JTextPane - jtextpane

i'm pretty new to coding (about 5 months) and i've been trying to make a custom terminal for a text based RPG. so far i have the terminal working the way it should but i'm looking for ways to rewrite the code to come up with a typewriter effect. here's the code i have for writing the text onto a JTextPane but the code i'm trying to merge doesn't work all too well since i do feel like i am missing something. i've tried searching for what but couldn't find too many answers.
public void print(String s, boolean trace) {
print(s, trace, new Color(255,255,255), startFont);
public void print(String s, boolean trace, Color c, boolean startFont) {
Style style = console.addStyle("Style", null);
StyleConstants.setForeground(style, c);
if (trace) {
Throwable t = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace();
String caller = elements[0].getClassName();
s = caller + " -> " + s;
if (startFont) {
console.setFont(new Font("Bookman Old Style", Font.ITALIC, 87));
try {
document.insertString(document.getLength(), s, style);
} catch(Exception ex) {}
public void println(String s, boolean trace) {
println(s, trace, new Color(255, 255, 255));
public void println(String s, boolean trace, Color c) {
print(s + "\n", trace, c, startFont);
here's the code that i'm trying to implement: Java typewriter effect
when i do use the "g.drawString" method i ususally get an error saying that "g" is null which makes me think that i am missing something and that "g.drawString" would work but i'm very unsure.
i have some ideas on what i should do like maybe try to make the main string public without anything to it/making it into an array or trying to make a whole new render itself for the JTextPane to get the effect but i've had no luck so far. anyone's got any ideas if it's even possible?


Update UI using Parallel Task

I have method
public override void InitializeRow(object sender, InitializeRowEventArgs e)
if (!e.ReInitialize)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
AfterInitializeRow(sender, e);
public override void AfterInitializeRow(object sender, InitializeRowEventArgs e)
foreach (UltraGridColumn ugc in e.Row.Band.Columns)
if (IsNumeric(ugc.Key))
e.Row.Cells[ugc].DroppedDown = true;
e.Row.Cells[ugc].ValueList = “Some value”;
e.Row.Cells[ugc].SetValue(e.Row.Cells[ugc.Key].Value, false);
e.Row.Cells[ugc].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownList;
But its Giving error at e.Row.Cells[ugc].DroppedDown = true;
I learned that only Main thread can update the UI.
But is it possible that while updating the DroppedDown only it switch to main thread. Bcoz more than 1000’s rows are initialized in this way making the load of Grid very slow. So I want to do some kind of parallelism in this process.
In any function in your Form or UserControl, you can use the following type of code:
public void SetText(string text)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action<string>(SetText), text);
label1.Text = text;
label1 would be the control to update in this case.
This will make sure that you invoke the function on the UI-thread.
You should still be careful with syncrhonization, though, but simply updating your UI from another thread can be easily done like that.
The answer to this question is that you shouldn't be using threading in the InitialzieRow event to set or even access properties on the grid or its related objects.
What you should do instead is look for ways to optimize what you are doing in this method first. For example why are you setting the value of a cell to the value it already has, this line of code should be able to be removed without impacting behavior.
Also all of the logic provided is only based on the column key so if the column has a consistent set of values, you could set the ValueList on the column in InitializeLayout instead of using InitializeRow.

SVG Path Collision in javafx

My question today is relatively simple, is there a way to have collision handling with the Javafx implementation of an SVGPath? EX: if I drop a particle on the screen, and it encounter Any part of the svgPath, it'll signal a collision.
I tried using the regular bounds collision, but it gives me a bounding box that is gigantic for the SVGPath if the path is shaped like an 'L'
The path I'm specifically playing with is:
m 252,12.362183
c 1.03171,23.632637 -4.57241,55.427587 9,69 65.41611,65.416117 361.05896,43.999997 469,43.999997
Do I have to re-interpolate the line and have an array store a set of (x,y) positions which I constantly check against? that seems rather unwieldy, but I simply can't think of any other (simpler) ways?
The code I tried for the regular bounded collision is as follows:
observableBooleanValue colliding = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
return particle.getBoundsInParent().intersects(path.getBoundsInParent());
}, particle.boundsInParentProperty(), path.boundsInParentProperty());
System.out.println("path bounds: " + path.boundsInParentProperty());
colliding.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> obs,
Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
if (newValue) {
} else {
System.out.println("Not colliding");
note that a particle is simply a circle with radius 2, and the path is just an SVG path loaded up with the aforementioned svg.
small edit
So after looking into a few other methods, I got it where it'll get close to be an accurate collision, but it's still about 20% too early (it detects a collision before one actually h appens). almost as if the edges of the path are a bit 'blurry'.
particle.layoutYProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>(){
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number t, Number t1) {
Shape intersect = Shape.intersect(path, particle);
if ((intersect.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() != -1) && (intersect.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth() != -1)) {
I'm really pretty stumped as to why the edge of the svgpath would have such a large buffer on it.
code that creates the path:
* This function helps to make the path for animating particles
* #throws IOException
public void makePaths() throws IOException {
PathLoader loader = new PathLoader();
path = new SVGPath();
the pathloader simply loads in exactly the path I mentioned up above, tried with and w/o the blur and the transparency, no effect in tightening up the path collision.

Swing formatting issues

In an attempt to create a checkerboard type grid, I found myself frustrated. Coding it was easy enough, but the outcome isn't quite right. I know my code is right because I even had someone else whose a much better programmer than I check it out. The problem is that the first two rows, though alternating, start on the same color. I even tried ignoring it, and hardcoding over it, but whenever I used Color.white for those two rows, it came out black. I'm looking for suggestions as how to fix this problem. Or in case I did make a logical error and neither me or my friend caught it, I'm hoping one of you can.
public class Checkers1 extends JFrame {
public void paint(Graphics g){
for(int x=0, t=0; x<8 && t>=0; x++,t++){
for(int y=0; y<8; y++, t++){
if(t%2==0|| t==0){
g.fillRect(x*80, y*80, 80, 80);
g.fillRect(x*80, y*80, 80, 80);
public Checkers1(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
Checkers1 b=new Checkers1();

Blackberry Thread Image from JSON

I am looking for a way to display images on my ListField from a background thread. First in my drawListRow i try this
path = (String) imagePaths.elementAt(index);
bit = connectServerForImage(path);
g.drawBitmap(xText, y + yText, 80, 200, bit, 0, 0);
but can't scroll smoothly throughout the list, and they say do not do networking or other blocking operations on the UI. But i also try this
private class imgConnection extends Thread
public imgConnection() {
public void run() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < imagePaths.size(); i++)
final int index = i;
String path = imagePaths.elementAt(index).toString();
bit = connectServerForImage(path);
catch (Exception e)
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void drawListRow(ListField list, Graphics g, int index, int y, int w) {
bit = (Bitmap) image.elementAt(index);
g.drawBitmap(xText, y + yText, 80, 200, bit, 0, 0);
but nothing happens. Any idea, comments.
You are right, i just started java development 2 weeks ago particularly BB development and i try this link. I want to add a background thread to download image after i got the path url from json return.
first thread:
_connectionthread = new Connection();
private class Connection extends Thread
public Connection()
public void run() {
try {}
catch (Exception e) {}
second thread:
_imgConnectionThread = new ImgConnection();
private class ImgConnection extends Thread
public ImgConnection() {
public void run() {
try {
catch (Exception e)
how to update images on ListField?
Answer is based on code from - pastebin.com/90UKTHzP
Terrible code! It's really hard to read and undersand! It looks like you copy pasted several examples from different locations. Also you overriding default behavior with same behavior. Also MainScreen already has VerticalManagerField. Also you're adding list every iteration to manager which will cause IAE. And main one thread is depended on result of second one. They start at the same time, but getting json from server and it's processing could take longer time, so image thread most probably will finish his run without any result.
So main recommendation to fix it - read clean code book! Read more about java development - conventions, multithreading. Read about BB development - UI api, networking.
And finally - start only one thread to get and parse json. After you get it finished - start another thread to get images.
There some minor things that could save you more battery and processor time also - start loading images on demand - when it painted or going to be painted (user scrolls list).
By convention, Java class names start with a capital letter, so imgConnection should really be ImgConnection.
In your sample code, I don't see imgConnection being instantiated anywhere, and I don't see any call to Thread.start(), which is the way a thread i started. Without Thread.start() it is not surprising nothing is happening - the thread is never starting.

Creating ring shape in Android code

I have the following shape XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:a="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<!-- some other stuff goes here -->
I would like to use code instead to create this shape, since some things need to be calculated on the fly before I do it, so static pre-defined layout doesn't cut it.
I'm new to Android and can't quite figure out how XML translates to code, and there's no RingShape class inheriting from Shape.
In addition to answering just this question, if there's a guide somewhere that details relation between XML and Java code and how XML gets processed in order to end up on the screen I would appreciate a link too. Thanks.
Reuben already pointed out most the most useful observations, so I'll just focus on the implementation side of the story. There's multiple approaches using reflection that'll probably give you what you're looking for.
First one is to (ab)use the private GradientDrawable constructor that takes a GradientState reference. Unfortunately the latter is a final subclass with package visibility, so you can't easily get access to it. In order to use it, you would need to dive further in using reflection or mimic its functionality into your own code.
Second approach is to use reflection to get the private member variable mGradientState, which fortunately has a getter in the form of getConstantState(). This'll give you the ConstantState, which at runtime is really a GradientState and hence we can use reflection to access its members and change them at runtime.
In order to support above statements, here's a somewhat basic implementation to create a ring-shaped drawable from code:
public class RingDrawable extends GradientDrawable {
private Class<?> mGradientState;
public RingDrawable() {
this(Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, null);
public RingDrawable(int innerRadius, int thickness, float innerRadiusRatio, float thicknessRatio) {
this(Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, null, innerRadius, thickness, innerRadiusRatio, thicknessRatio);
public RingDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation orientation, int[] colors) {
super(orientation, colors);
public RingDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation orientation, int[] colors, int innerRadius, int thickness, float innerRadiusRatio, float thicknessRatio) {
this(orientation, colors);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// fail silently - change to your own liking
public void setInnerRadius(int radius) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field innerRadius = resolveField(mGradientState, "mInnerRadius");
innerRadius.setInt(getConstantState(), radius);
public void setThickness(int thicknessValue) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field thickness = resolveField(mGradientState, "mThickness");
thickness.setInt(getConstantState(), thicknessValue);
public void setInnerRadiusRatio(float ratio) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field innerRadiusRatio = resolveField(mGradientState, "mInnerRadiusRatio");
innerRadiusRatio.setFloat(getConstantState(), ratio);
public void setThicknessRatio(float ratio) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field thicknessRatio = resolveField(mGradientState, "mThicknessRatio");
thicknessRatio.setFloat(getConstantState(), ratio);
private Class<?> resolveGradientState() {
Class<?>[] classes = GradientDrawable.class.getDeclaredClasses();
for (Class<?> singleClass : classes) {
if (singleClass.getSimpleName().equals("GradientState")) return singleClass;
throw new RuntimeException("GradientState could not be found in current GradientDrawable implementation");
private Field resolveField(Class<?> source, String fieldName) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException {
Field field = source.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
return field;
Above can be used as follows to create a RingDrawable from code and display it in a standard ImageView.
ImageView target = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageview);
RingDrawable ring = new RingDrawable(10, 20, 0, 0);
This will show a simple, opaque blue ring in the ImageView (10 units inner radius, 20 units thick). You'll need to make sure to not set the ImageView's width and height to wrap_content, unless you add ring.setSize(width, height) to above code in order for it to show up.
Hope this helps you out in any way.
Ring and other shapes are GradientDrawables.
If you look at the source code for GradientDrawable, you'll see it looks like certain properties (like innerRadius) can only be defined through XML... they are not exposed through accessor methods. The relevant state is also unhelpfully private to the class, so subclassing is no help either.
You can do something like this:
private ShapeDrawable newRingShapeDrawable(int color) {
ShapeDrawable drawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape());
return drawable;
It is possible to do it from code:
int r = dipToPixels(DEFAULT_CORNER_RADIUS_DIP); // this can be used to make it circle
float[] outerR = new float[]{r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r};
int border = dipToPixels(2); // border of circle
RectF rect = new RectF(border, border, border, border);
RoundRectShape rr = new RoundRectShape(outerR, rect, outerR);// must checkout this constructor
ShapeDrawable drawable = new ShapeDrawable(rr);
drawable.getPaint().setColor(badgeColor);// change color of border
// use drawble now
For me it works as follow: (also for Android version > lollipop)
ImageView target = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageview);
GradientDrawable shapeRing = new GradientDrawable();
shapeRing.setColor(centerColor); // transparent
shapeRing.setStroke(stroke, strokeColor);
shapeRing.setSize(width, width);
