Streaming API - how to send data from node JS connection (long-running HTTP GET call) to frontend (React application) - node.js

We are attempting to ingest data from a streaming sports API in Node.Js, for our React app (a MERN app). According to their API docs: "The livestream read APIs are long running HTTP GET calls. They are designed to be used to receive a continuous stream of game actions." So we am attempting to ingest data from long-running HTTP GET call in Node Js, to use in our React app.
Are long-running HTTP GET calls the same as websockets? We have not ingested streaming data previously, so not sure about either of these.
So far, we have added the following code into the index.js of our node app:
// long-running HTTP request
http.get(``, res => {
res.on('data', chunk => {
console.log(`NEW CHUNK`);
console.log(Buffer.from(chunk).toString('utf-8')); // simply console log for now
res.on('end', () => {
// Start Up The Server
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Express server up and running on port: ${PORT}`));
This successfully connects and console-log's data in the terminal, and continues to console log new data as it becomes available in the long-running GET call.
Is it possible to send this data from our http.get() request up to React? Can we create a route for a long-running request in the same way that other routes are made? And then call that routes in React?

Server-sent events works like this, with a text/event-stream content-type header.
Server-sent events have a number of benefits over Websockets, so I wouldn't say that it's an outdated technique, but it looks like they rolled their own SSE, which is definitely not great.
My recommendation is to actually just use SSE for your use-case. Built-in browser support and ideal for a stream of read-only data.

To answer question #1:
Websockets are different from long-running HTTP GET calls. Websockets are full-duplex connections that let you send messages of any length in either direction. When a Websocket is created, it uses HTTP for the handshake, but then changes the protocol using the Upgrade: header. The Websockets protocol itself is just a thin layer over TCP, to enable discrete messages rather than a stream. It's pretty easy to design your own protocol on top of Websockets.
To answer question #2:
I find Websockets flexible and easy to use, though I haven't used the server-sent events that Evert describes in his answer. Websockets could do what you need (as could SSE according to Evert).
If you go with Websockets, note that it's possible to queue a message to be sent, and then (like any network connection) have the Websocket close before it's sent, losing any unsent messages. Thus, you probably want to build in acknowledgements for important messages. Also note that Websockets close after about a minute of being idle, at least on Android, so you need to either send heartbeat messages or be prepared to reconnect as needed.

If you decided to go on with websockets , I would recommend this approach using for both client and server:
Server-Side code:
const server = require('http').createServer();
const io = require('')(server);
io.on("connection", (socket) => {
http.get(``, res => {
res.on('data', chunk => {
console.log(`NEW CHUNK`);
let dataString = Buffer.from(chunk).toString('utf-8)
socket.emit('socketData' , {data:dataString});
res.on('end', () => {
Client-Side code:
import {
} from '';
const socket = io('<your-backend-url>');
socket.on('socketData', (data) => {
//data is the same data object that we emited from server
//use your websocket data


How to prevent socket io client (browser) from being overflowed with huge payload coming from server?

I have a React.js client app and a Node.js server app and the Node.js app receives json data in real time via from another microservice. The JSON data is sent very often and this breaks the client app. For example:
I stop the server but the client still receives data
If I try refreshing the browser, it takes a lot of time to refresh
It also used to disconnect and reconnect the sockets (I fixed this by increasing the pingTimeout but that did not solve the other problems)
I also used maxHttpBufferSize and updateTimeout by increasing them but that does not really help. Decreasing the maxHttpBufferSize stops the messages from being received but I want them to be received just in a manner which does not break my client application.
Any advices on what I can do to improve my situation?
It could also work if I do not send all messages but skip every second or so but I am not sure how to achieve this?
Backpressure can be implemented with acknowledgements:
the client notifies the server when it has successfully handled the packet
socket.on("my-event", (data, cb) => {
// do something with the data
// then call the callback
the server must wait for the acknowledgement before sending more packets
io.on("connection", (socket) => {
socket.emit("my-event", data, () => {
// the client has acknowledged the packet, we can continue
Note: using volatile packets won't work here, because the amount of data buffered on the server is not taken in account

Get webRTC to listen to a UDP connection

I have been really struggling to send data from Matlab over a network to a series of 'Dashboards' written in HTML/JS that essentially just display the data.
In Matlab I use uSend = udpport("datagram","IPV4","LocalHost","","LocalPort",3333) then write(uSend,D,"char","LocalHost",2560) to send an array D=jsonencode([1,2,3,4,5]) to port 2560.
My current implementation uses NodeJS 'dgram' to receive the data. The implementation below works:
const dgram = require('dgram');
const socket = dgram.CreateSocket('udp4');
socket.on('message', (msg,rinfo) => {
console.log(`Data Received: ${JSON.parse(msg)}`)
BUT: This only works with NodeJS i.e. run the script above node script.js. The 'Dashboards' need to run essentially on a chrome browser, which dgram won't work (not even with browserify, it's not a supported function).
Hence, my hands are sort of tied, with Matlab I can realistically only send UDP (it's multicast) and I can't get UDP data on the JS side of things.
I was wondering, with webRTC, is it possible to get it to listen to a port? e.g. something like webRTC listen to port 2560 #
Any help would be much appreciated! I am relatively new to programming so I may be asking the wrong question here. Thanks
WebRTC requires a lot more then just a UDP port unfortunately.
I would suggest instead running a node.js server that accepts incoming multicast traffic and caches like this.
const dgram = require('dgram');
const socket = dgram.CreateSocket('udp4');
let data = [];
socket.on('message', (msg,rinfo) => {
Then I would provide a HTTP endpoint that returns the JSON. You can have the browser poll this at an interval of your choosing.
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
const port = 3000
server.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);
You can then test this by doing curl http://localhost:3000. You are just caching the data then making it available via HTTP request.
In the future I would look into using a Websocket instead. This way the server can push the data to the browser as soon as it is available. Using a HTTP endpoint requires the browser to request on an interval.

Websocket uses more network bandwidth than http

I am doing a project and I got stuck with websockets. I am using library.
Lately, the app has worked without websockets at all: all the requests were sent from the client in a plain http request. However, my app is built so that the clients have to ask the server for data rather often, so websocket looks like a correct solution for me. I have rewritten all my http endpoints to a ws which establishes only ones. However, it does not look like it has become more optimized: the network usage used to be about 35 Mb/s (incoming) before, but now it grows up to 90 Mb/s which is weird as websockets should not transfer a lot of "rubbish" data like headers with every message. Is it an expected behavior or am I misusing ws somewhere?
//if it may be important, I am using helmet, cors, hpp and express-device to build the middleware security. However, commenting those lines does not change anything
const httpsServer = https.createServer({...},;
express_ws(app, httpsServer);'/extension', (ws, req) =>
//setting some details from req.query to
ws.on('message', async (msg) =>
msg = JSON.parse(msg);
if (msg.type == '...') { //handling the request and sending the response }
//some more similar handlers

Sending multiple responses with the same response object in nodejs

I have a long running process which needs to send data back at multiple reponse. Is there some way to send back multiple responses with express.js
I want have "test" after 3 seconde a new reponse "bar"
app.get('/api', (req, res) =>
}, 3000);
with res.write a wait a 3050 of have a on response
Yes, you can do it. What you need to know is actually chunked transfer encoding.
This is one of the old technics used a decade ago, since Websockets, I haven't seen anyone using this.
Obviously you only need to send responses in different times maybe up to some events will be fired later in chunks. This is actually the default response type of express.js.
But there is a catch. When you try to test this, assuming you are using a modern browser or curl which all of them buffer chunks, so you won't be seeing expected result. Trick is filling up chunk buffers before sending consecutive response chunks. See the example below:
const express = require('express'),
app = express(),
port = 3011;
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
// res.write("Hello\n");
res.write("Hello" + " ".repeat(1024) + "\n");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Listening on port ${port}!`));
First res.write with additional 1024 spaces forces browser to render chunk. Then you second res.write behaves as you expected. You can see difference with uncommenting the first res.write.
On network level there is no difference. Actually even in browser you can achieve this by XHR Object (first AJAX implementation) Here is the related answer
An HTTP request response has one to one mapping. You can return HTTP response once, however long it may be. There are 2 common techniques:
Comet responses - Since Response is a writable stream, you can write data to it from time to time before ending it. Ensure the connection read timeout is properly configured on the client that would be receiving this data.
Simply use web sockets - These are persistent connection that allow 2 way messaging between server and client.

minimize latency and bandwidth usage between node.js server

I have a node.js script which sends data frequently to a node.js server. Right now client is using node.js request module to send post request and server is handling through request http server.
const request = require('request');
// some iteration over time for sending event'http://localhost:8080/event',
{ json: true, body: body },
(err, res, body) => {
const http = require('http')
const server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
let body = []
req.on('data', body.push.bind(body))
req.on('end', () => {
I want to minimize the bandwidth usage and latency.
Here are my thoughts:
I was thinking to use http/2 as it may have better performance (not sure, just from some r&d) but it's still experimental in node.js.
right now it's using http, will websocket make any difference on that case as socket can send data over single connection without sending headers all the time.
what will be the best approach to minimize the latency and bandwidth usage?
Note: I am not expecting to use any third party service provider for that (want to improve from coding perspective).
If the question is WebSocket vs. HTTP/2, I'd go with WebSocket.
WebSocket frames are a bit smaller, 2-14 bytes of overhead per frame, compared to HTTP/2's fixed 9. For small messages therefore WebSocket offers less overhead. Which should result in better performance1.
As of right now, WebSocket is still better supported in servers, proxies and firewalls.
If the question is more general "how to reduce latency", then I'd abandon JavaScript and switch to C++ and zero-copy binary communication.
1 Though, to be sure, benchmark both and compare.
