Rancher - Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc - rpc

Does any one know how to resolve this error message?
The same Rancher container's were working just fine until about 2 weeks.
Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = [failed to set up sandbox container "e85e08bf70bfbb8cafe4b61b79f47008b4e829310600e5defb29f0a6600d25e3" network for pod "ykgwagg-845b559fbf-clrp8": networkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "ykgwagg-845b559fbf-clrp8_agg" network: error getting ClusterInformation: connection is unauthorized: Unauthorized, failed to clean up sandbox container "e85e08bf70bfbb8cafe4b61b79f47008b4e829310600e5defb29f0a6600d25e3" network for pod "ykgwagg-845b559fbf-clrp8": networkPlugin cni failed to teardown pod "ykgwagg-845b559fbf-clrp8_agg" network: error getting ClusterInformation: connection is unauthorized: Unauthorized]
enter image description here


K8s Error: ImagePullBackOff || read: connection refused

Can you please assist when deploying we getting ImagePullBackOff for our pods.
running kubectl get <pod-name> -n namespace -o yaml am getting below error.
- image: mycontainer-registry.io/company/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644
imageID: ""
lastState: {}
name: dmd-base
ready: false
restartCount: 0
started: false
message: Back-off pulling image "mycontainer-registry.io/company/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644"
reason: ImagePullBackOff
hostIP: x.x.x.53
phase: Pending
podIP: x.x.x.237
and running kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n namespace am getting below error infomation
Normal Scheduled 85m default-scheduler Successfully assigned dmd-int/app-app-base-5b4b75756c-lrcp6 to aks-agentpool-35064155-vmss00000a
Warning Failed 85m kubelet Failed to pull image "mycontainer-registry.io/company/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
[rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "mycontainer-registry.io/company/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
failed to resolve reference "mycontainer-registry.io/commpany/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
failed to do request: Head "https://mycontainer-registry.azurecr.io/v2/company/my-app/manifests/1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
dial tcp: lookup mycontainer-registry.azurecr.io on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:56109->[::1]:53: read: connection refused,
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "mycontainer-registry.io/company/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
failed to resolve reference "mycontainer-registry.io/company/my-app:1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
failed to do request: Head "https://mycontainer-registry.io/v2/company/my-app/manifests/1.0.0-integration-62c7e30532bd430477731a01a962372166fd5644":
dial tcp: lookup mycontainer-registry.io on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:60759->[::1]:53: read: connection refused]`
From the described logs I can see the issue is a connection but I can't tell where the issue is with connectivity, we running our apps in a Kubernetes cluster on Azure.
If anyone has come across this issue can you please assist the application has been running successfully throughout the past months we just got this issue this morning.
There is a known Azure outage multiple regions today.
Some DNS issue that also affects image pulls.

docker container giving azure authentication error

I am trying to run a docker container for an app that I am working on. The container is on a company machine and at times it simply ceases to work and gives the error below. Can anyone explain to me why azure would be involved or what is happening here?
docker: Error response from daemon: Head https://{docker container url}/{tag}: unauthorized: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.
If I try to build the image to run it locally, I get the following error on build:
=> ERROR [internal] load metadata for {company URL}/alpine-3.12-base:0.2.0 0.8s
[internal] load metadata for {company URL}/alpine-3.12-base:0.2.0:
failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: failed to authorize: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 401 Unauthorized

Error: Failed to connect before the deadline URL:grpc://localhost:7051

:~/Documents/test/education/LFS171x/fabric-material/tuna-app/$ node query.js
Store path:/home/*******/Documents/test/education/LFS171x/fabric-material/tuna-app/hfc-key-store
Successfully loaded user1 from persistence
2020-02-11T05:56:10.423Z - error: [Remote.js]: Error: Failed to connect before the deadline URL:grpc://localhost:7051
Query has completed, checking results
error from query = Error: Failed to connect before the deadline URL:grpc://localhost:7051
at checkState (/home/******/Documents/test/education/LFS171x/fabric-material/tuna-app/node_modules/fabric-client/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:883:16) {
connectFailed: true
Im experimenting Hyperledger Fabric, using this link for reference,
Successfully registered admin and user, using registerAdmin.js and registerUser.js.
I am currently facing this error after running node query.js.
I need help troubleshooting this error,
Error: Failed to connect before the deadline
Platform: Ubuntu 18.04,
Experimenting hyperledger fabric using Local Environment.
Thanks in advance.

Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

i got this error when i am trying to connect peers running in different machines .I found this error in docker logs of orderer.There is an error in docker logs of peer2 running in different machine
Failed obtaining connection: Could not connect to any of the endpoints: [orderer.example.com:7050]
You can find the orderer.yaml file at fabric-samples/config folder.
Going through the fields and their respective comments in orderer.yaml and core.yaml can help you to understand the method of configuring the network(orderer/peer).
And here you can get the info related to TLS.

prestodb: Failed to launch presto server and no nodes running

Below is the snapshot of the error
presto> select * from system.runtime.nodes;
Error running command: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/
I tried using local IP address and yet the same error occurs.
