gitlab: Specify the project with PROJECT_ID={number} or PROJECT_PATH - gitlab

My research group uses gitlab to manage projects for which each researcher is working on. The projects server is accessible on My specific project as accessible on:
I would like to remove unreferenced LFS files, so I proceeded as far GitLab documentation.
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:orphan_lfs_file_references PROJECT_PATH=""
I, [2022-05-09T12:33:40.101636 #30556] INFO -- : Specify the project with PROJECT_ID={number} or PROJECT_PATH={namespace/project-name}
Then supplied my project ID (Project ID: 14xxxx41):
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:orphan_lfs_file_references PROJECT_ID=14xxxx41
I, [2022-05-09T12:45:23.865401 #32224] INFO -- : Specify the project with PROJECT_ID={number} or PROJECT_PATH={namespace/project-name}
None seems to work.
What is your suggestion?

gitlab-rake commands are intended for use by self-hosted GitLab administrators only. Since you are using, you cannot use gitlab-rake commands to administrate your GitLab projects.
These commands are intended to be run directly on the GitLab server, which you would only have access to as an administrator of the server. In the case of, only certain employees can perform console escalations.
You'll notice the documentation states this feature is for self-managed customers only (that is, you run your own gitlab instance on your own servers) and is not available in GitLab SaaS (


How to setup a GIT environment for developers locally while the live data is only available on a single server?

We have a scenario in which single server is running, which is getting data from the network span.
Every developer should work on their machine locally but the data to work on is only available in the server. how can I get the data to be replicated into each developers machine so that once they have completed development on their local machine, developers can push it to a GIT in the server.
PS: The network span data is constantly written to the server (data is in size of 100s of GB's).
What we have tried so far:
So we created a GIT server in the server we were getting the data on. But once a developer log in using his username then he creates a new branch in a directory. This works fine until another developer logs into the server with his username and switches to another branch in the same directory which will cause all the developers branch to the new one. which is not what we were expecting.
Probabily this question should go to, but, anyway...
The git advantage is to have local and remotre repositories, so, in the server, you should have "only" the remote repositories, and they should be cloned in localmachines.
to work with that paradigm, or with the one you are asking for, you need a umask of 007 (depending on your distribution edit /etc/login.defs and change there)
You should have diferent groups for the diferent kind of shared projects, and a user to "own all the repositories", for example, git-adm ).
With all the prerequisites, you create with that user the base folder for all the repositories:
sudo -i
mkdir /srv/git
chown git-adm:gitgrp /srv/git
chmod g+s /srv/git
The last line in the "sticky bite", wich allows to mantain the group (and avoid the problems you previously stated), so, in order to cerate a repository should be something like:
sudo su - git-adm
mkdir /srv/git/<group>/<repoName>.git
cd /srv/git/<group>/<repoName>.git
git init --bare
And thats all: if the folder /srv/git/<group>/ we owned for a diferent group, then it'll keep the group.

How to change a shared gitlab runner token?

I have one shared GitLab runner. To verify this I run the following command:
sudo gitlab-runner list
Which shows something like this:
Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=28276 revision=c127439c version=13.0.0
Listing configured runners ConfigFile=/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
Shared shell runner - 1 Executor=shell Token=5_JqpessGzXasyqRyBP5 URL=
I have a new GitLab instance and need to re-assign the runner to the new instance. This means a new token (the URL is the same).
Solution 1
I simply ran sudo gitlab-runner verify --delete and then registed a new runner. Clearly not ideal, though it works.
Solution 2
A second solution I thought about was to go in the /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml and change the token, but this did not work for some reason. I believe it did not work, because when I ran sudo gitlab-runner verify it failed. I guess it's possible my issue was elsewhere...?
How can I achieve this?
You need to unregister the runner, they are "throw away instances". Then you need to take a look into the Runners section of Gitlab admin panel. There you will find a token to register a new shared runner.
While registering the runner, the runner will get his own token to authenticate against Gitlab. This token has nothing to do with the registration token in the Runners section in the admin panel.

How to import publicly available jelastic manifests from gitlab repositories in the jelastic dashboard?

I am currently transitioning from github to gitlab. Today, my code is present at both those locations. I have a jps manifest on github:
and the very same manifest on gitlab:
In the Jelastic dashboard, I am able to load my github manifest. However, I am not able to load my manifest versioned on gitlab:
What is the problem? Do I have to configure something special somewhere? Both manifests are publicly available. Why can't I import the gitlab manifest?
I also tried to use the raw manifest:
and I've also tried to get the manifest file by means of the gitlab API, without success.
I've tried to load this manifest. There we see that I am running a command
wget "${baseUrl}/jelastic/postgres/" -O /var/lib/pgsql/ 2>&1
In the jelastic console, that command raises the error
[07:56:54 Shopozor.cluster:2]: ERROR: cmd [sqldb: 62900].response: {" result": 4109," source": “JEL”," error": “The operation could not be performed. ”," errOut": ""," nodeid": 62900," exitStatus": 4," out": “--2020-03-27 07:56:53--\nResolving (\nConnecting to (||:443... failed: Connection refused.”}
If I now take a computer which I never authenticated with on gitlab through ssh, and run that very same command, then it works. This is a bit strange, isn't it? What authentication does Jelastic need??? it's all public and available to anyone, except Jelastic?
After some more research, I was finally able to load my manifests from gitlab into jelastic. The problem is probably due to the gitlab configuration. Loading the jps from the gitlab repo doesn't work over https in the settings I have (which I haven't made myself, it's a CI / CD as a service). It works, however, over http.

How do I start using Gitlab-CI in Gitlab Omnibus edition?

I have installed Gitlab Omnibus on CentOS 6.6. I have a few projects created and working fine but I would like to try using the continuous integration features. I don't know where to start and documentation/tutorials are thin on the ground.
I have found the following files that do not appear in an older Gitlab omnibus install I have:
I presume I need to do something with these? But do I need a configuration file first?
In my projects (Settings > Services > Gitlab CI) I can see there are options for Active, Token and Project Url but I do not know what to put in these fields.
Any help to get me started on CI would be appreciated. Cheers,jonny
We recently installed the omnibus GitLab 7.6.2 release which has GitLab CI 5.3 built in. I had the same question. Here's how we got it working.
We're using a single secured server over https; single ip for both gitlab and gitalb-ci hosts.
We have dns entries for both host names to a single ip. (Done with an alias for the ci server I think). We have two ssl certificates one for each hostname.
We have the following lines at the top of the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb script (found by searching the gitlab site for rb file setup details):
external_url ''
nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
ci_external_url ''
ci_nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
For http, leave out the nginx statements.
If gitlab-ci url displays the gitlab site contents then the ci_nginx statement needs to be corrected.

Can not find new project button on Gitlab

I have two accounts,
One can not see the create new project button, but the other can.
I know it may be due to the setting of configuration file.
But the account only has 20 projects and the projects' size is under the limit.
max_size: 5242880000 # 5.megabytes*1000
here's my gitlab.yml
In my instance I hit the 10 project limit (using version GitLab 7.12.2 30bffd5 (omnibus))
go to http://gitlab/admin/application_settings
and increase the limit.
(need to be logged in as admin=true (see How to setup admin user with gitlab with LDAP authentication? ))
Once you have done that you also need to edit the "Personal project limit for each user (which in my instance was also set to 10") at this page:
I don't think the problem resides in the gitlab.yml, I don't see anything wrong. You may have not given him the right permissions. I can't check it right now, but try creating an admin user and/or give to the user more level on an specific group and see if he can create project now (even though he must be able to create projects without been on a group, but it's worth a shoot).
The output of the following commands may be helpful, run them in the gitlab folder and edit your post whit the results:
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production
