I am using the stream function of redis in actix-web 4, I want to create the consumer in the main function, this is my current code
actix-web = "4"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
redis = { version = "0.21", features = [
# "cluster",
] }
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let redis_pool = utils::init::init_redis_pool();
let mysql_pool = utils::init::init_mysql_pool();
let redist_stream_consumer = web::block(redis_stream_group);
HttpServer::new(move || {
.bind(("", 7777))?
fn redis_stream_group() {
let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").expect("client");
let mut con = client.get_connection().expect("con");
let key = "s.order";
let group_name = "g1";
let consumer_name = "c1";
let _: Result<(), _> = con.xgroup_create_mkstream(key, group_name, "$");
let opts = StreamReadOptions::default()
.group(group_name, consumer_name)
loop {
let read_reply: StreamReadReply =
con.xread_options(&[key], &[">"], &opts).expect("read err");
for StreamKey { key, ids } in read_reply.keys {
for StreamId { id, map } in &ids {
log::info!("id:{} | key:{} | data:{:?}", id, key, map);
let id_strs: Vec<&String> = ids.iter().map(|StreamId { id, map: _ }| id).collect();
let _: usize = con.xack(key, group_name, &id_strs).expect("ack err");
When I use cargo r, I can run the program normally and get the sent messages, but when I execute ctrl+c, I can't exit the program.
Also I'm not sure if using web::block in the main function is correct and if there is a better way to run child threads
UPDATE: Tried using tokio::spawn, seems to work
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let redis_pool = utils::init::init_redis_pool();
let mysql_pool = utils::init::init_mysql_pool();
for consumer_index in 1..=2 {
let c_redis_pool = redis_pool.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut con = c_redis_pool.get().await.unwrap();
let key = "s.order";
let group_name = "g1";
let consumer_name = &format!("c{consumer_index}");
let _: Result<(), _> = con.xgroup_create_mkstream(key, group_name, "$").await;
let opts = StreamReadOptions::default()
.group(group_name, consumer_name)
loop {
let read_reply: StreamReadReply = con
.xread_options(&[key], &[">"], &opts)
for StreamKey { key, ids } in read_reply.keys {
for StreamId { id, map } in &ids {
"consumer: {} | id:{} | key:{} | data:{:?}",
let id_strs: Vec<&String> =
ids.iter().map(|StreamId { id, map: _ }| id).collect();
let _: usize = con
.xack(key, group_name, &id_strs)
.expect("ack err");
let serve = HttpServer::new(move || {
This can be done with the standard library by useing std::thread and then creating the thread and whatever you want the other thread to do in a closure
fn main() {
thread::spawn(|| {
println!("doing things in the thread!");
println!("doing things outside the thread.... how boring");
if you want to pass data between them, you can use std::sync::mpsc to transfer data between the threads safely and quickly, using let (item_one,item_two) = mpsc::channel();, like so
fn main() {
let (sender,receiver) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
let message = String::from("This message is from the thread");
let letter = receiver.recv().unwrap();
note that the main thread proceeds as normal until it comes to the .recv(), at which it either receives the data from the thread, or waits until the other thread is done.
in your example you could do something like
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let port = get_env!("ACTIX_PORT", u16);
"starting HTTP server at http://{}:{}",
let redis_pool = utils::init::init_redis_pool();
let mysql_pool = utils::init::init_mysql_pool();
let (consumer_sender,consumer_listener) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
consumer_sender.send(redis_stream_group()).expect("You probably want to handle this case, but I'm too lazy");
let serve = HttpServer::new(move || {
let app_state = utils::init::AppState {
app_name: get_env!("APP_NAME", String),
pwd_secret: get_env!("PWD_SECRET", String),
jwt_secret: get_env!("JWT_SECRET", String),
jwt_exp: get_env!("JWT_EXP", i64),
.wrap(actix_cors::Cors::default().allowed_origin_fn(|_, _| true))
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
serve.bind(("", port))?
} else {
let p = format!("/tmp/{}.socket", get_env!("APP_NAME", String));
let r = serve.bind_uds(&p)?;
let mut perms = std::fs::metadata(&p)?.permissions();
std::fs::set_permissions(&p, perms)?;
let consumer = consumer_listener.recv().unwrap();
//then put things to do with the consumer here, or not idc
fn redis_stream_group() {
let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").expect("client");
let mut con = client.get_connection().expect("con");
let key = "s.order";
let group_name = "g1";
let consumer_name = "c1";
let _: Result<(), _> = con.xgroup_create_mkstream(key, group_name, "$");
let opts = StreamReadOptions::default()
.group(group_name, consumer_name)
loop {
let read_reply: StreamReadReply =
con.xread_options(&[key], &[">"], &opts).expect("read err");
for StreamKey { key, ids } in read_reply.keys {
for StreamId { id, map } in &ids {
log::info!("id:{} | key:{} | data:{:?}", id, key, map);
let id_strs: Vec<&String> = ids.iter().map(|StreamId { id, map: _ }| id).collect();
let _: usize = con.xack(key, group_name, &id_strs).expect("ack err");
I send an http get request to a server and receive a response:
let resp = reqwest::blocking::get(req)?.text()?;
resp holds a String like this:
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\">\n<Document xmlns=...
What is the best way to get this text parsed into a vector containing tuple elements, as follows:
let mut tuple_items: (chrono::DateTime, f32)
This is my code that I created with the quickxml crate:
use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use quick_xml::events::Event;
use quick_xml::Reader;
pub struct DatetimeValue {
pub dt: NaiveDateTime,
pub val: f32,
pub fn parse_xml_string(&self, xml_string: String) -> Vec<DatetimeValue> {
let mut response_vector: Vec<DatetimeValue> = vec![];
let mut reader = Reader::from_str(&xml_string[..]);
let mut val_flag = false;
let mut dt_flag = false;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let mut count = 0;
let mut actual_dt: NaiveDateTime;
loop {
match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => {
if let b"value" = e.name() { val_flag = true }
else if let b"datetime" = e.name() { dt_flag = true }
Ok(Event::Text(e)) => {
if dt_flag {
actual_dt = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(e
.unwrap(), "%Y%m%d%H%M").unwrap();
dt_flag = false;
else if val_flag {
response_vector.push(DatetimeValue {
dt: actual_dt,
val: e
val_flag = false;
Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
Err(e) => panic!("Error at position {}: {:?}", reader.buffer_position(), e),
_ => (),
I have a server that broadcast messages to connected client, though the messages doesn't get delivered and my tests fails.
I'm using the following
use anyhow::Result;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Stdio;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use tokio::net::{UnixListener, UnixStream};
use tokio::sync::broadcast::*;
use tokio::sync::Notify;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
This is how I start and setup my server
pub struct Server {
tx: Sender<String>,
rx: Receiver<String>,
address: Arc<PathBuf>,
handle: Option<JoinHandle<Result<()>>>,
abort: Arc<Notify>,
impl Server {
pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(address: P) -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = channel::<String>(400);
let address = Arc::new(address.as_ref().to_path_buf());
Self {
handle: None,
abort: Arc::new(Notify::new()),
/// Start Server
pub async fn start(server: &mut Server) -> Result<()> {
let listener = UnixListener::bind(server.address.as_path())?;
println!("[Server] Started");
let tx = server.tx.clone();
let abort = server.abort.clone();
server.handle = Some(tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let tx = tx.clone();
let abort1 = abort.clone();
tokio::select! {
_ = abort.notified() => break,
Ok((client, _)) = listener.accept() => {
tokio::spawn(async move { handle(client, tx, abort1).await });
println!("[Server] Aborted!");
my handle function
/// Handle stream
async fn handle(mut stream: UnixStream, tx: Sender<String>, abort: Arc<Notify>) {
loop {
let mut rx = tx.subscribe();
let abort = abort.clone();
tokio::select! {
_ = abort.notified() => break,
result = rx.recv() => match result {
Ok(output) => {
Err(e) => {
println!("[Server] {e}");
my connect function
/// Connect to server
async fn connect(address: Arc<PathBuf>, name: String) -> Vec<String> {
use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader};
let mut outputs = vec![];
let stream = UnixStream::connect(&*address).await.unwrap();
let mut breader = BufReader::new(stream);
let mut buf = vec![];
loop {
if let Ok(len) = breader.read_until(b'\n', &mut buf).await {
if len == 0 {
} else {
let value = String::from_utf8(buf.clone()).unwrap();
print!("[{name}] {value}");
println!("[{name}] ENDED");
This what I feed to the channel and want to have broadcasted to all clients
/// Feed data
pub fn feed(tx: Sender<String>, abort: Arc<Notify>) -> Result<JoinHandle<Result<()>>> {
use tokio::io::*;
use tokio::process::Command;
Ok(tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut child = Command::new("echo")
.args(&["1\n", "2\n", "3\n", "4\n"])
let mut stdout = BufReader::new(child.stdout.take().unwrap()).lines();
loop {
let sender = tx.clone();
tokio::select! {
result = stdout.next_line() => match result {
Err(e) => {
println!("[Server] FAILED to send an output to channel: {e}");
Ok(None) => break,
Ok(Some(output)) => {
let output = output.trim().to_string();
println!("[Server] {output}");
if !output.is_empty() {
if let Err(e) = sender.send(output) {
println!("[Server] FAILED to send an output to channel: {e}");
println!("[Server] Process Completed");
my failing test
async fn test_server() -> Result<()> {
let mut server = Server::new("/tmp/testsock.socket");
start(&mut server).await?;
feed(server.tx.clone(), server.abort.clone()).unwrap();
let address = server.address.clone();
let client1 = connect(address.clone(), "Alpha".into());
let client2 = connect(address.clone(), "Beta".into());
let client3 = connect(address.clone(), "Delta".into());
let client4 = connect(address.clone(), "Gamma".into());
let (c1, c2, c3, c4) = tokio::join!(client1, client2, client3, client4,);
assert_eq!(c1.len(), 4, "Alpha");
assert_eq!(c2.len(), 4, "Beta");
assert_eq!(c3.len(), 4, "Delta");
assert_eq!(c4.len(), 4, "Gamma");
[Server] Started
[Server] 1
[Server] 2
[Server] 3
[Server] 4
[Delta] 1
[Gamma] 1
[Alpha] 1
[Beta] 1
[Server] Process Completed
[Server] Aborted!
[Gamma] ENDED
[Alpha] ENDED
[Beta] ENDED
[Delta] ENDED
well, not an answer but I just want to suggest to use task::spawn to generate a JoinHandle from a function, then, say your handle could be:
fn handle(mut stream: UnixStream, tx: Sender<String>, abort: Arc<Notify>) -> JoinHandle {
let mut rx = tx.subscribe();
let abort = abort.clone();
task::spawn( async move {
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = abort.notified() => break,
result = rx.recv() => match result {
Ok(output) => {
Err(e) => {
println!("[Server] {e}");
I mean, I did not tested this, but I see a sort of duplication in the code above, like 2 loop, 2 select! and twice the abort check
I'd like to both read and process messages from two channels and construct another message and send this message via another channel.
Messages from the two channels are received at different frequencies (as per sleep).
Example: "foo1" and "bar1" are received, so we process them and form "foo1bar1". "foo2" is received ("bar2" will be received in 2sec), so we will process it as "foo2bar1". "foo3" is received, so "foo3bar1" is constructed. When "bar2" is received, then we get "foo4bar2" and so on.
In the current implementation, since the two tasks don't communicate with one another, I cannot do the "fooNbarM" construction.
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
use tokio::time::sleep;
use futures::future::join_all;
async fn message_sender(msg: &'static str, foo_tx: UnboundedSender<Result<&str, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>>>) {
loop {
match foo_tx.send(Ok(msg)) {
Ok(()) => {
if msg == "foo" {
} else {
Err(_) => {
println!("failed to send foo");
async fn main() {
let result: Vec<&str> = vec![];
let (foo_tx, mut foo_rx): (
UnboundedSender<Result<&str, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>>>,
UnboundedReceiver<Result<&str, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>>>,
) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (bar_tx, mut bar_rx): (
UnboundedSender<Result<&str, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>>>,
UnboundedReceiver<Result<&str, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>>>,
) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let foo_sender_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
message_sender("foo", foo_tx).await;
let foo_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
while let Some(v) = foo_rx.recv().await {
println!("{:?}", v);
let bar_sender_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
message_sender("bar", bar_tx).await;
let bar_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
while let Some(v) = bar_rx.recv().await {
println!("{:?}", v);
let handles = vec![foo_sender_handle, foo_handle, bar_sender_handle, bar_handle];
name = "play"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
tokio = { version = "1.16.1", features = ["full"] }
futures = "0.3.21"
Use tokio::select to wait for either channel to become ready:
use futures::future; // 0.3.19
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::{
sync::mpsc::{self, UnboundedSender},
}; // 1.16.1
async fn message_sender(msg: &'static str, foo_tx: UnboundedSender<String>) {
for count in 0.. {
let message = format!("{msg}{count}");
if msg == "foo" {
} else {
async fn main() {
let (foo_tx, mut foo_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (bar_tx, mut bar_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let foo_sender_handle = tokio::spawn(message_sender("foo", foo_tx));
let bar_sender_handle = tokio::spawn(message_sender("bar", bar_tx));
let receive_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut foo = None;
let mut bar = None;
loop {
tokio::select! {
f = foo_rx.recv() => foo = f,
b = bar_rx.recv() => bar = b,
if let (Some(foo), Some(bar)) = (&foo, &bar) {
future::join_all([foo_sender_handle, bar_sender_handle, receive_handle]).await;
You also have to handle the case where only one message has been received yet, so Option comes in useful.
Here is my simplified code. I need to change the pdp_state in a function. but the state remain 'a'. I don't figure out why cloning Rc does not work. I also checked this cloning out side a structure an it worked.
enum PDPStatus{
struct network{
impl network{
fn set(&mut self){
let mut t = *self.pdp_state.clone().borrow_mut();
match t {
a => {let m1 = self.pdp_state.clone();
let mut a = (*m1).borrow_mut() ;
*a = PDPStatus::b;
b=> {let m1 = self.pdp_state.clone();m1.replace( PDPStatus::a);
fn main() {
let mut network1 = network::new();
My set function would look like this. I need two closure that have access to pdp_state. I pass these closures as callbacks. I am sure the these closure wouldn't call together.
fn set(&mut self){
let borrowed_pdp_status = self.pdp_state.borrow().clone();
match borrowed_pdp_status {
PDPStatus::a => {
let mut state = self.pdp_state.clone();
let mut closuree = || state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::b));
let mut state1 = self.pdp_state.clone();
let mut closuree1 = || state1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::b));
PDPStatus::b => {
let mut closuree = || self.pdp_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::a));
In the set method, you need to borrow self.pdp_state and then clone() it in a variable, and then match the variable where you cloned it.
Replace the set method with this:
fn set(&mut self) {
let borrowed_pdp_status = self.pdp_state.borrow().clone();
match borrowed_pdp_status {
PDPStatus::a => {
self.pdp_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::b));
PDPStatus::b => {
self.pdp_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::a));
Playground link - https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=release&edition=2018&gist=426d4cb7db9a92ee4ddcd4f36dbc12f7
This answer was posted after the question was updated:
You can use the replace() method from RefCell
fn set(&mut self) {
let borrowed_pdp_status = self.pdp_state.borrow().clone();
match borrowed_pdp_status {
PDPStatus::a => {
let mut closuree = || {
let mut closuree1 = || {
PDPStatus::b => {
let mut closuree = || {
Playground link - https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=release&edition=2018&gist=4af02228d58b2f2c865a525e3f70d6a0
You could just make the closures take &mut self.pdp_state as an argument, and then update it.
fn set(&mut self) {
let borrowed_pdp_status = self.pdp_state.borrow().clone();
match borrowed_pdp_status {
PDPStatus::a => {
let mut closuree = |local_pdp_state: &mut Rc<RefCell<PDPStatus>>| {
*local_pdp_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::b))
let mut closuree1 = |local_pdp_state: &mut Rc<RefCell<PDPStatus>>| {
*local_pdp_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::b))
closuree(&mut self.pdp_state);
closuree1(&mut self.pdp_state);
PDPStatus::b => {
let mut closuree = |local_pdp_state: &mut Rc<RefCell<PDPStatus>>| {
*local_pdp_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PDPStatus::a))
closuree(&mut self.pdp_state);
Playground link - https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=release&edition=2018&gist=4af96385b0446082afdb7d615bb8eecb
I have this code below that is repeated in many places in my application.
The only thing that differs on the per-command basis is the if let Role { whatever } = role line
pub async fn protect(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, mut args: Args) -> CommandResult {
let target_tag: String = args.single()?;
let (user_id, guild_id) = msg.get_ids();
let (target_id, _) = LupusCtxHelper::parse_tag_to_target_id(ctx, Tag(target_tag))
let player = {
let dt = ctx.data.read().await;
dt.get_player(&guild_id, &user_id).await
if let Some(p) = player {
// this line is the problem
if let LupusRole::BODYGUARD { .. } = *p.current_role() {
LupusCtxHelper::send_lupus_command(ctx, msg, LupusAction::Protect(target_id)).await?
} else {
.say(&ctx.http, "check your role dude")
How would you guys suggest I go about cleaning up this code/refactoring in an external function? It seems like I can't pattern match dynamically on the left.
ps: beware that the enum LupusRole has struct values
Example of another file:
pub async fn frame(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, mut args: Args) -> CommandResult {
let target_tag: String = args.single()?;
let (user_id, guild_id) = msg.get_ids();
let (target_id, _) = LupusCtxHelper::parse_tag_to_target_id(ctx, Tag(target_tag))
let player = {
let dt = ctx.data.read().await;
dt.get_player(&guild_id, &user_id).await
if let Some(p) = player {
if let LupusRole::GUFO = *p.current_role() {
LupusCtxHelper::send_lupus_command(ctx, msg, LupusAction::Frame(target_id)).await?
} else {
.say(&ctx.http, "fra... ruolo sbagliato")