How to allow immutable and mutable borrows to coexist in a function with explicit lifetimes? - rust

For context: I'm implementing an Entity, basically a thin wrapper around a heterogenous map, and trying to implement an update method:
struct Entity {
pub id: u64,
data: HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,
impl Entity {
pub fn new(id: u64) -> Self {
Entity { id, data: HashMap::new() }
pub fn get_atom<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {<T>())?.downcast_ref()
pub fn set_atom<T: Any>(&mut self, value: T) {<T>(), Box::new(value));
pub fn update<T: Any, R: Any>(&mut self, f: impl Fn(&T) -> R)
if let Some(val) = self.get_atom() {
This works, but gives a warning:
warning: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
--> src/
70 | if let Some(val) = self.get_atom() {
| --------------- immutable borrow occurs here
71 | self.set_atom(f(val));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---^^
| | |
| | immutable borrow later used here
| mutable borrow occurs here
OK, that's fixable like this, which removes the warning.
pub fn update<T: Any, R: Any>(&mut self, f: impl Fn(&T) -> R)
let maybe : Option<R> = self.get_atom().map(f);
if let Some(val) = maybe {
The problem I have is when I introduce a trait for abstracting over getting stuff out of the entity (which permits me to abstract over arity: getting a tuple returns a value if each of the components is in the entity):
trait GetComponent<'a, T> {
fn get_component(entity: &'a Entity) -> Option<T>;
// sample atom impl
impl <'a> GetComponent<'a, &'a u32> for &'a u32 {
fn get_component(entity: &'a Entity) -> Option<&'a u32> {
// sample composite impl
impl <'a, A, B> GetComponent<'a, (A, B)> for (A, B) where
A: GetComponent<'a, A>,
B: GetComponent<'a, B>,
fn get_component(entity: &'a Entity) -> Option<(A, B)> {
Some((A::get_component(entity)?, B::get_component(entity)?))
impl Entity {
<in addition to the above>
pub fn get<'a, T: GetComponent<'a, T>>(&'a self) -> Option<T> {
pub fn update<'a, T: 'a, R: Any>(&'a mut self, f: impl Fn(&T) -> R)
where &'a T: GetComponent<'a, &'a T>
let maybe : Option<R> = self.get().map(f);
if let Some(val) = maybe {
The trait requires me to be explicit about lifetimes, and everything else I've tried to do so far with the entity seems to be just fine. But this update method gives this compile error (not a warning this time):
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
--> src/
51 | pub fn update<'a, T: 'a, R: Any>(&'a mut self, f: impl Fn(&T) -> R)
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
54 | let maybe : Option<R> = self.get().map(f);
| ----------
| |
| immutable borrow occurs here
| argument requires that `*self` is borrowed for `'a`
55 | if let Some(val) = maybe {
56 | self.set_atom(val);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
Now, as far as I can see, there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to immutably borrow for a shorter period, so the immutable borrow "expires" before I do the mutation - just like in the version without explicit lifetimes used prior to the trait.
But I can't for the life of me work out how to make this work.

You can solve this with a higher-rank trait bound (HRTB):
pub fn update<T, R: Any>(&mut self, f: impl Fn(&T) -> R)
where for <'a> &'a T: GetComponent<'a, &'a T>
This says that for any possible lifetime 'a, T must satisfy the given bound. This allows you to specify how the various lifetimes on the type T relate to each other without binding them to a specific lifetime, such as that of &mut self.


Can a trait's impl specify a lifetime that comes from a method's input argument?

For a type
pub struct Child<'a> {
buf: &'a mut [u8],
I can define a trait and implement the trait for the type but with a lifetime that is bound to a calling function's context (not to a local loop context):
pub trait MakeMut<'a> {
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self;
impl<'a> MakeMut<'a> for Child<'a> {
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
Self { buf }
And first to show a somewhat working example because x is only borrowed within the context of the loop because Child::make_mut is hardcoded in the map1 function:
pub fn map1<F>(mut func: F)
F: FnMut(&mut Child),
let mut vec = vec![0; 16];
let x = &mut vec;
for i in 0..2 {
let offset = i * 8;
let s = &mut x[offset..];
let mut w = Child::make_mut(s);
func(&mut w);
But in trying to make map2, a generic version of map1 where the T is bound to the MakeMut trait but with lifetime of the entire function body, this won't compile, for good reasons (the T lifetimes that would be created by T: MakeMut<'a> have the lifetime of map2, not the inner loop):
pub fn map2<'a, F, T>(mut func: F) // lifetime `'a` defined here
T: MakeMut<'a>,
F: FnMut(&mut T),
let mut vec = vec![0; 16];
let x = &mut vec;
for i in 0..2 {
let offset = i * 8;
let s = &mut x[offset..];
let mut w = T::make_mut(s); // error: argument requires that `*x` is borrowed for `'a`
func(&mut w);
I want to do something almost like this but of course it doesn't compile either:
pub trait MakeMut {
fn make_mut<'a>(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self;
impl<'a> MakeMut for Child<'a> {
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self { // lifetime mismatch
Self{ buf }
with the compiler errors:
error[E0308]: method not compatible with trait
--> src/
45 | fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lifetime mismatch
= note: expected fn pointer `fn(&'a mut [u8]) -> Child<'_>`
found fn pointer `fn(&'a mut [u8]) -> Child<'_>`
note: the lifetime `'a` as defined here...
--> src/
45 | fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: ...does not necessarily outlive the lifetime `'a` as defined here
--> src/
44 | impl<'a> MakeMut for Child<'a> {
| ^^
Is there a syntax that allows a trait for a Child<'a> where the 'a is defined by the input argument to the method make_mut? So a generic function could be defined for a trait that returns an instance but where the instance lifetime is not the entire function, but just a shorter lifetime defined by an inner block?
I understand the lifetime is part of the type being returned, but it almost seems like a higher-ranked trait bound (HRTB) would suite this problem except I haven't found a way to specify the lifetime that suites the trait and the method signatures.
Here is a playground link
Your first attempt is close to what you want. For reference:
pub trait MakeMut<'a> {
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self;
impl<'a> MakeMut<'a> for Child<'a> {
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
Self { buf }
The first problem is the bound on T in map2:
pub fn map2<'a, F, T>(mut func: F)
T: MakeMut<'a>,
F: FnMut(&mut T),
This requires the compiler to deduce a single 'a that applies for the whole function. Since lifetime parameters come from outside of the function, the lifetime 'a is necessarily longer than the function invocation, which means anything with lifetime 'a has to outlive the function. Working backwards from the T::make_mut() call, the compiler eventually deduces that x is &'a mut Vec<_> which means vec has to outlive the function invocation, but there's no possible way it can since it's a local.
This can be fixed by using a higher-rank trait bound indicating that T has to implement MakeMut<'a> for any possible lifetime 'a, which is expressed like this:
pub fn map2<F, T>(mut func: F)
T: for<'a> MakeMut<'a>,
F: FnMut(&mut T),
With this change, the code compiles.
What you'll then find is that you can't ever actually call map2 with T=Child<'_> because you'll run into the same problem in a different place. The caller must specify a specific lifetime for 'a in Child<'a>, but this disagrees with the HRTB -- you have impl<'a> MakeMut<'a> for Child<'a> but the HRTB wants impl<'a, 'b> MakeMut<'b> for Child<'a>, and that brings back the lifetime problem in that implementation's make_mut.
One way around this is to decouple the implementation of MakeMut from Child, providing a "factory type" that uses associated types. This way, the caller doesn't have to supply any pesky lifetime argument that could cause trouble later.
pub trait MakeMut<'a> {
type Item;
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::Item;
struct ChildFactory;
impl<'a> MakeMut<'a> for ChildFactory {
type Item = Child<'a>;
fn make_mut(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Child<'a> {
Child { buf }
Then we modify map2 to be aware of the associated type:
pub fn map2<F, T>(mut func: F)
T: for<'a> MakeMut<'a>,
F: for<'a, 'b> FnMut(&'b mut <T as MakeMut<'a>>::Item),
Now, finally, we can use map2:
map2::<_, ChildFactory>(|v| {});

Lifetime collision when bounding reference of a trait as IntoIterator

I tried to implement some graph algorithms on generic graphs. For that, I defined two graph traits which would return either a generic trait (having set-operations) SetGraph or an IntoIterator used to iterate over the nodes NeighborhoodIteratorGraph.
pub trait NeighborhoodIteratorGraph<'a> {
//which into_iterator do we have?
type IntoIter: 'a + std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = usize>;
fn get_neighborhood_iterator(&'a self, index: usize) -> Self::IntoIter;
pub trait SetGraph<'a>
&'a Self::S: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
Self::S: 'a,
type S;
fn get_neighborhood(&'a self, index: usize) -> &'a Self::S;
Because one is usually able to iterate over sets, I also implemented NeighborhoodIteratorGraph for all SetGraph which are able to iterate over their sets.
impl<'a, G> NeighborhoodIteratorGraph<'a> for G
G: SetGraph<'a>,
&'a G::S: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
type IntoIter = &'a G::S;
fn get_neighborhood_iterator(&'a self, index: usize) -> Self::IntoIter {
I needed to add a lifetime to NeighborrhoodIteratorGraph otherwise the compiler would tell me my implementation would have an unbounded lifetime.
However I quicky run into problems with these lifetimes and I get an error for the following code:
struct Foo<'a, G: NeighborhoodIteratorGraph<'a>> {
graph: G,
//otherwise we get an error because 'a wouldn't be used
_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a G>,
impl<'a, G: NeighborhoodIteratorGraph<'a>> Foo<'a, G> {
pub fn find_matching_for<I>(&mut self, nodes: I) -> bool
I: std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
for node in self.graph.get_neighborhood_iterator(3) {}
return true;
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
It seems that the PhantomData field is more a hack and I can't find a way in which I get a set refernce which can be seen as a IntoIterator object.
Here is the Rust Playground of the problem.
Full error message:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
--> src/
38 | for node in self.graph.get_neighborhood_iterator(3) {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 34:5...
--> src/
34 | / pub fn find_matching_for<I>(&mut self, nodes: I) -> bool
35 | | where
36 | | I: std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
| |_________________________________________________^
note: that reference does not outlive borrowed content
--> src/
38 | for node in self.graph.get_neighborhood_iterator(3) {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime `'a` as defined on the impl at 33:6...
--> src/
33 | impl<'a, G: NeighborhoodIteratorGraph<'a>> Foo<'a, G> {
| ^^
note: that the types are compatible
--> src/
38 | for node in self.graph.get_neighborhood_iterator(3) {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: expected `&'a G`
found `&G`
What you want is a workaround for the lack of generic associated types, which are currently very unstable. Something Like
pub trait NeighborhoodIteratorGraph {
type IntoIter<'a>: std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = usize> + 'a;
fn get_neighborhood_iterator<'b>(&'b self, index: usize) -> Self::IntoIter<'b>;
would serve you perfectly if they were stable.
The first thing I did is remove the lifetime bound on NeighborhoodIteratorGraph and add it to the return type:
pub trait NeighborhoodIteratorGraph {
type IntoIter: std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = usize>;
fn get_neighborhood_iterator<'b>(&'b self, index: usize) -> Self::IntoIter
Self::IntoIter: 'b;
I then removed unnecessary lifetime annotations from SetGraph:
pub trait SetGraph<'a>
&'a Self::S: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
Self::S: 'a,
type S;
fn get_neighborhood(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::S;
I then changed the blanket impl's signature to match the modified traits, and changed the impl from G to &'a G to properly constrain the lifetime 'a:
impl<'a, G> NeighborhoodIteratorGraph for &'a G
G: SetGraph<'a>,
&'a G::S: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
type IntoIter = &'a G::S;
fn get_neighborhood_iterator<'b>(&'b self, index: usize) -> Self::IntoIter
Self::IntoIter: 'b,
Because of those changes I was able to simplify Foo and its impl:
struct Foo<G: NeighborhoodIteratorGraph> {
graph: G,
impl<G: NeighborhoodIteratorGraph> Foo<G> {
pub fn find_matching_for<I>(&mut self, nodes: I) -> bool
I: std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
for node in self.graph.get_neighborhood_iterator(3) {}
return true;
Leaving the compiler output with nothing but dead code warnings. Playground link

How do I return the result of get_mut from a HashMap or a HashSet?

I'm trying to wrap a HashMap, as defined below, to return a mutable reference from a HashMap:
use std::{collections::HashMap, marker::PhantomData};
struct Id<T>(usize, PhantomData<T>);
pub struct IdCollection<T>(HashMap<Id<T>, T>);
impl<'a, T> std::ops::Index<Id<T>> for &'a mut IdCollection<T> {
type Output = &'a mut T;
fn index(&mut self, id: &'a Id<T>) -> Self::Output {
And the resulting error:
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 54:5...
--> src/
54 | / fn index(&mut self, id: &'a Id<T>) -> Self::Output {
55 | | self.0.get_mut(id).unwrap()
56 | | }
| |_____^
note: that reference does not outlive borrowed content
--> src/
55 | self.0.get_mut(id).unwrap()
| ^^^^^^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the impl at 52:6...
--> src/
52 | impl<'a, T> std::ops::Index<Id<T>> for &'a mut IdCollection<T> {
| ^^
= note: that the types are compatible:
expected std::ops::Index<id_container::Id<T>>
found std::ops::Index<id_container::Id<T>>
Why can't the compiler extend the lifetime of the get_mut? The IdCollection would then be borrowed mutably.
Note that I tried using a std::collections::HashSet<IdWrapper<T>> instead of a HashMap:
struct IdWrapper<T> {
id: Id<T>,
t: T,
Implementing the proper borrow etc. so I can use the Id<T> as a key.
However, HashSet doesn't offer a mutable getter (which makes sense since you don't want to mutate what's used for your hash). However in my case only part of the object should be immutable. Casting a const type to a non-const is UB so this is out of the question.
Can I achieve what I want? Do I have to use some wrapper such as a Box? Although I'd rather avoid any indirection...
Ok I'm an idiot. First I missed the IndexMut instead of the Index, and I forgot the & when specifying the Self::Output in the signature.
Here's my full code below:
pub struct Id<T>(usize, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> std::fmt::Display for Id<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
impl<T> Hash for Id<T> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<T> PartialEq for Id<T> {
fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool {
self.0 == o.0
impl<T> Eq for Id<T> {}
pub struct IdCollection<T>(HashMap<Id<T>, T>);
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a IdCollection<T> {
type Item = (&'a Id<T>, &'a T);
type IntoIter = std::collections::hash_map::Iter<'a, Id<T>, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut IdCollection<T> {
type Item = (&'a Id<T>, &'a mut T);
type IntoIter = std::collections::hash_map::IterMut<'a, Id<T>, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<T> std::ops::Index<Id<T>> for IdCollection<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, id: Id<T>) -> &Self::Output {
impl<T> std::ops::IndexMut<Id<T>> for IdCollection<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, id: Id<T>) -> &mut Self::Output {
impl<T> std::ops::Index<&Id<T>> for IdCollection<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, id: &Id<T>) -> &Self::Output {
impl<T> std::ops::IndexMut<&Id<T>> for IdCollection<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, id: &Id<T>) -> &mut Self::Output {
If I understand correctly what you try to achieve, then I have to tell you, that it is a bit more complex than you originally thought it would be.
First of all, you have to realise, that if you like to use a HashMap then the type of the key required to be hashable and comparable. Therefore the generic type parameter T in Id<T> has to be bound to those traits in order to make Id hashable and comparable.
The second thing you need to understand is that there are two different traits to deal with the indexing operator: Index for immutable data access, and IndexMut for mutable one.
use std::{
#[derive(PartialEq, Hash)]
struct Id<T>(usize, PhantomData<T>)
where T: PartialEq + Hash;
impl<T> Eq for Id<T>
where T: PartialEq + Hash
struct IdCollection<T>(HashMap<Id<T>, T>)
where T: PartialEq + Hash;
impl<T> Index<Id<T>> for IdCollection<T>
where T: PartialEq + Hash
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, id: Id<T>) -> &Self::Output
impl<T> IndexMut<Id<T>> for IdCollection<T>
where T: PartialEq + Hash
fn index_mut(&mut self, id: Id<T>) -> &mut Self::Output
fn main()
let mut i = IdCollection(HashMap::new());
i.0.insert(Id(12, PhantomData), 99i32);
println!("{:?}", i[Id(12, PhantomData)]);
i[Id(12, PhantomData)] = 54i32;
println!("{:?}", i[Id(12, PhantomData)]);
It may seem a bit surprising, but IndexMut is not designed to insert an element into the collection but to actually modify an existing one. That's the main reason why HashMap does not implement IndexMut -- and that's also the reason why the above example uses the HashMap::insert method to initially place the data. As you can see, later on, when the value is already available we can modify it via the IdCollection::index_mut.

Why is a reference to a type that implements Fn not recognized as a callable?

Even if &T is defined as implementing the Fn trait, the compiler rejects it when invoking it is as a callable:
trait Trait {
fn act(self);
fn test_ref_input_as_trait<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
&'a T: Trait,
fn test_ref_input_as_fntrait<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
&'a T: Fn(),
fn test_input_as_fntrait<T>(t: T)
T: Fn(),
The compiler rejects the definition of the second function with:
error[E0618]: expected function, found `&'a T`
--> src/
14 | fn test_ref_input_as_fntrait<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
| - `&'a T` defined here
18 | t();
| ^^^ not a function
With nightly (1.32), the error message is replaced with:
error[E0618]: expected function, found `&'a T`
--> src/
14 | fn test_ref_input_as_fntrait<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
| - `&'a T` defined here
18 | t();
| ^--
| |
| call expression requires function
Maybe I'm missing something, but why is the compiler accepting the definition but not allowing it to be invoked? Is it a syntactical shortcoming from my side that leads it to understand something else?
There is an open issue (#42736) about this. However, the docs for Fn state:
for any type F that implements Fn, &F implements Fn, too.
This means that the following works:
fn test_ref_input_as_fntrait<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
T: Fn(),
This is perhaps a bug (e.g. it works if you replace the &'a T by (&'a T,)). Nevertheless, you can call the function like this:
fn test_ref_input_as_fntrait<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
&'a T: Fn(),
but since T: Fn() automatically implies &T: Fn(), it is easier and more idiomatic to just write like your last example.
fn test_ref_input_as_fntrait<F: Fn()>(t: F) {
fn main() {
test_ref_input_as_fntrait(&|| println!("it's okay!"));

Why does one non-consuming builder compile while another does not?

I read the builder pattern and then tried to build 2 different builders (Header and Request) as follows:
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Headers<'a> (pub Vec<(&'a str, String)>);
impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
pub fn replace(&'a mut self, name: &'a str, value:&str) -> &mut Headers<'a> {
self.0.retain(|&(key, _)|!name.eq_ignore_ascii_case(key));
self.0.push((name, value.to_string()));
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Request<'a> {
pub headers: Headers<'a>,
impl<'a> Request<'a> {
pub fn header(&'a mut self, name: &'a str, value:&'a str) -> &mut Request<'a> {
self.headers.replace(name, value);
Why does Header compile fine but Request fails with:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/
153 | self.headers.replace(name, value);
| ------------ first mutable borrow occurs here
154 | self
| ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
155 | }
| - first borrow ends here
You have an issue with your lifetimes: you are re-using the same lifetime ('a) for too many different things, so that when the compiler attempts to use a single lifetime for all those 'a you get a confusing error message.
The solution is simple: do not use 'a everywhere you can put a lifetime, but only where it's necessary.
It is unnecessary to use &'a mut self, the instance (self) does not need to have the same lifetime as the &str it contains! (and actually, cannot really):
impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
pub fn replace(&mut self, name: &'a str, value: &str) -> &mut Headers<'a> {
self.0.retain(|&(key, _)|!name.eq_ignore_ascii_case(key));
self.0.push((name, value.to_string()));
impl<'a> Request<'a> {
pub fn header(&mut self, name: &'a str, value: &str) -> &mut Request<'a> {
self.headers.replace(name, value);
