Linux - Permissions to Create Directory / Delete Directory and Files / Change Permission for an entire Drive - linux

I need your help, in order to allow me, to create directories, delete files, save files in directories. Right now, I'm unable to do anything in this Drive "Ubuntu-Dados".
I've already tried a bunch varieties of commands, from this site, and including running Nautilus, "sudo chmod -R -v 777 *", and nothing is working. Below is the result of my attempt to this issue. I need access to do anything in this Drive. - I'm using Ubuntu 20.04


Laravel folder permission for not-yet made cache folders

I'm having an issue with directory permissions with Laravel when it comes to caching. Whenever it tries to upload a cache file to /var/www/laravel/storage/framework/cache/data/ it tells me that file_put_contents has no permissions.
To fix this I always do something like chmod -R 755 /var/www/laravel/storage/framework/cache/ but the problem here is that when it creates a new directory inside cache it does not inherit these chmod settings, thus giving me permission denied error again.
How can this be fixed permanently?
Been thinking about letting it run as a cronjob regularly, but I'm not so sure that's a good way to deal with it.
You need to run chmod command with -R:
sudo chmod -R 755 storage
After installing Laravel, you may need to configure some permissions. Directories within the storage and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server or Laravel will not run. If you are using the Homestead virtual machine, these permissions should already be set.

How can i fix/restore linux permissions without reinstalling / deleting my files?

I was trying to change permissons of a folder, and i typed in:
sudo chmod -R 777 /.
I believe it changed my whole system's permissons.
I can no longer connect using ssh/stfp to it.
How can i restore my system permissions without reinstalling / deleting any of my files?
I am using Ubuntu Server
The computer is 64 bit
The files / servers are working fine (HTTP, Games, ETC)
As per this link you can restore the default system file/folder permissions in linux
and check with the Ubuntu version too.

windows 10 - permission denied when trying to delete folder

I have a certain folder on my computer that I want to delete but I can't. I opened the cmd console as administrator and tried to delete the folder, but access was denied. It doesn't even let me change ownership on the folder. I'm using windows 10 64-bit. How can I delete the folder?
Try Lock Hunter , its a unlocker software which worked well for me
open power shell as administrator
cd c:\folderInQuestion
rm -r .\folderInQuestion\
If the folder lies outide of your specific User Account folder, then you will have to take ownership of the folder (or a parent folder) before you can delete it.
In my case, I needed to delete a subfolder that was nested deep inside my Projects folder, which sits at my root. Even though my account had "full control" (see this)
To take ownership of the folder, follow this:

Linux Mint: Bitnami Xampp access issue

I have installed Bitnami Xampp on linux mint, it is installed inside /opt/
The application is unable to access(Write/Read) files and hence not able to work on it.
Any Solution Please........
Thank You
It is simple access issue. So I need to give read write access to folder and file using chmod command:-
--$ sudo chmod -R 777 opt
I have to admit that I am don't really know Xampp but with the command you mentioned above you changed the the access rights for the top level directory /opt and thru using 777 you gave basically all rights to everbody using your system. If Xampp now tries to write something, it of course can because you gave it the rights (like to anyone else).
The -R option you used in the chmod-command above means, that you have changed the access rights for all subdirectories of /opt also (recursively).
I would recommend that you change this back to the original access rights for /opt and, if you need, just change the access rights for the directory where Xampp is placed. Then Xampp should also work because it can read an write in it's own subdirectory and there won't be any harm for or from other applications from /opt because they can't access /opt/Xampp and Xampp can't access their directories.
After the previous setting
--$ sudo chmod -R 777 opt Xampp is not working with following error
PhpMyAdmin “Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!”
Then I followed PhpMyAdmin "Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!" and now working fine...
Thank god it saved me from switching back to Windows. That I hate.....

Transferring CouchDB .couch files from Windows to Linux

Am currently working on a CouchDB project, and have recently decided to switch to a Linux environment for development as I plan to deploy on a Linux server.
I was hoping to copy over my .couch files straight from - Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/CouchDB-1-1-1/var/lib/couchdb - and paste them directly into what I guess should be - var/lib/couchdb - But I keep running into file/folder permission errors each time I try to access var/lib/couchdb.
Is it even possible to transfer .couch files in the way I envisage?
Update - Follwing up on Dominic's comments, I managed to apply the fix found in the answer below.
After some investigative work, I found it to be a permissions error, exactly as Dominic Barnes had suggested in the comments...
The issue is also discussed here - Staging setup with couchdb
To fix it, I first ran;
sudo chmod -R 755 var/lib/couchdb
I may have also changed the permissions on the relevant parent folders too. I was then able to copy my .couch files into var/lib/couchdb/COUCH-VERSION-NUMBER. After doing that, I then had to use chmod to set favourable write permissions on the newly copied files, but also had to run:
sudo chown couchdb var/lib/couchdb/COUCH-VERSION-NUMBER/
To open those files up to the user group (the "couchdb" group) that the couchdb installation sets up for internal use (I think...). After that, I restarted couchdb, forcing it to stop with:
ps -U couchdb -o pid= | xargs kill -9
and restarting with:
/etc/init.d/couchdb start
After that, everything seemed to work as expected.
Hope that helps anyone else running into the same problem.
