ServerScriptService.leaderstats:41: attempt to index nil with 'leaderstats' in roblox - helper

This is my code
for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
local playerUserId = "player_"..Player.UserId
local clicksValue = player.leaderstats.Clicks.Value
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
clicksDataStore:SetAsync(playerUserId, clicksValue)
Please help me becouse I disconnect the game, console get me this error:

Check if player.leaderstats or clicksValue is not nil before calling:
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
clicksDataStore:SetAsync(playerUserId, clicksValue)

DataModel:BindToClose doesn't pass any arguments to the callback. I suggest you remove the player parameter in the callback and change the player in player.leaderstats.Clicks.Value to Player


Python- How to handle error for RTSP link

I've created a python script that checks muliple different urls and ports and detects if there is an RTSP stream on them - it is working fine, but it creates errors when the stream doesn't exist (which I'd obviously expect).
I'm getting [rtsp # 0x16745c0] method DESCRIBE failed: 451 ERROR
What I want to do it add a line to my script so if I get the above error, then I just display it in a message on screen. I've tried the following with no luck:
for x in feedList:
print("[INFO] Checking Link..." + x)
# Check if camera opened successfully
if (cap.isOpened()== True):
streamlink = x
print("[INFO] FOUND! Stream Link..." + x)
except socket.error:
print("[NO STREAM]" + x)
print("[FAILED]" + x)
The Except cases never get hit, I always just get [rtsp # 0x16745c0] method DESCRIBE failed: 451 ERROR
Any help would be appreciated.
If the stream on the link does not exist, creating VideoCapture object on that link would still be successful but you will not be able to process on the object.
You code's control flow just might be going in and checking if (cap.isOpened()== True) but there is no else block to handle what would happen if if (cap.isOpened() != True). So just try adding an else block to display the error message.
for x in feedList:
print("[INFO] Checking Link..." + x)
# Check if camera opened successfully
if (cap.isOpened()== True):
streamlink = x
print("[INFO] FOUND! Stream Link..." + x)
# Else is important to display error message on the screen if can.isOpened returns false
print("[NO STREAM]" + x)
except socket.error:
print("[NO STREAM]" + x)
print("[FAILED]" + x)
If this doesn't work: following might solve the issue:
One of the main issues is that every camera manufacturer uses their
own protocol (RTSP URI formatting). Finding the correct URL for your
IP-camera can be frustrating and time-intensive. When found you can
try to open it with VLC, and afterwards with
Depending on the format of the RTSP URI things can go wrong, for
example when using a format like above. To solve the problem you'll
need to add an question mark "?" at the end of the url.
As example original link might be:
So with ? it would be:

Django/Dialogflow chatbot, works from my laptop. when i deploy to a server i have to repeat the same sentence before an intent is matched

I have a development setup (Laptop, Django, Dialogflow, Ngrok) When I test my chatbot all is well.
I have a production setup (Ubuntu server hosted by Digital Ocean, Django, Dialogflow, Nginx, gunicorn) When I test dialog flow has troube matching intents. i.e i have to repeat the same sentence a few times until it matches the intent.
Any ideas why this might be?
I have tried pointing dialogflow fullfillment to my development environment and hit it from the production environment however i still have to repeat myself to get a matched intent.
I have tried pointing dialogflow to the production environment and hitting it from the development server and all works as it should.
conversation tested on production server:
Hello Chris from Cemlyn group! What can I do for you? Something map related perhaps?
return a map
Sorry, I dont understand what you want.
return a map
Sorry, I dont understand what you want.
return a map
Chris what map do you want to return?
Sorry, I dont understand what you want.
Sorry, I dont understand what you want.
OK just to confirm, you want me to return 1 for you Chris
return a map
Chris what map do you want to return?
Sorry, I dont understand what you want.
Sorry, I dont understand what you want.
OK just to confirm, you want me to return 1 for you Chris
Conversation tested from development setup:
Hello Chris from Cemlyn group! What can I do for you? Something map related perhaps?
return a map
Chris what map do you want to return?
OK just to confirm, you want me to return 1 for you Chris
the webhook looks like this:
def webhook(request):
# build a request object
req = json.loads(request.body)
#s = Session.objects.get(pk='')
# get action from json
action = req.get('queryResult').get('action')
params = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters')
print('session hitting webhook - '*3)
for key, value in request.session.items():
print('{} => {}'.format(key, value))
if action == 'issue_a_map':
if 'Maps' in params:
if params['Maps']:
mapid = int((params['Maps'][0]))
group = (params['ValleyGroups'][0])
if mapid == 99:
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'issue the next map for ' + group + ' from webhook.'}
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'issue a map from webhook.'}
elif action == 'return_a_map':
print('return a map - '*4)
if 'Maps' in params:
if params['Maps']:
mapid = int(params['Maps'])
map = CongMap.objects.get(map_no=mapid)
if map.issued:
retuner = params['username']
return_map_form(request, mapid, retuner )
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'OK I will return map ' + str(mapid) + ' for you ' +params['username']}
#reply = prepresponse('name please','admin','welcome_event')
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'Hmmm there is a problem, that map isnt issued currently. A map has to be issued before it can be returned.'}
fftext= ffr.fulfillment_text(fulfillmentText)
params = {'problem': str(map.map_title) +' map hasnt been issued however we are trying to return it.'}
fue = ffr.followup_event_input('ProblemEvent', params)
ffm = None
ocx = None
reply = ffr.main_response(fftext, ffm, ocx, fue)
return JsonResponse(reply, safe=False)
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'Sorry I need to know the map no or name.'}
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'Sorry I need to know the map no or name.'}
elif action == 'help_problem':
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'OK ' +params['username'] +', I will send him an email asking him to help.'}
send_mail('Territory Problem', '{}. Please can you help {} with this problem'.format(params['problem'], params['username']), '', [''])
fulfillmentText = {'fulfillmentText': 'Sorry, I dont understand what you want.'}
# return response
return JsonResponse(fulfillmentText, safe=False)

why would python3 recursive function return null

I have this function that when hitting a rate limit will call itself again. It should eventually succeed and return the working data. It works normally then rate limiting works as expected, and finally when the data goes back to normal I get:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
def grabPks(pageNum):
# cloudflare blocks bots...use scraper library to get around this or build your own logic to store and use a manually generated cloudflare session cookie... I don't care 😎
req = scraper.get(""+str(pageNum)).content
if(req == b'Rate Limit Exceeded'):
print("adjust the rate limiting because they're blocking us :(")
manPenalty = napLength * 3
print("manually sleeping for {} seconds".format(manPenalty))
print("okay let's try again... NOW SERVING {}".format(pageNum))
tree = html.fromstring(req)
pk = tree.xpath("/path/small/text()")
resCmpress = tree.xpath("path/a//text()")
resXtend = tree.xpath("[path/td[2]/small/a//text()")
balance = tree.xpath("path/font//text()")
return pk, resCmpress, resXtend, balance
I've tried to move the return to outside of the else scope but then it throws:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pk' referenced before assignment
Your top level grabPks doesnt return anything if it is rate limited.
Think about this:
Call grabPks()
You're rate limited so you go into the if statement and call grabPks() again.
This time it succeeds so grabPks() returns the value to the function above it.
The first function now falls out of the if statement, gets to the end of the function and returns nothing.
Try return grabPks(pageNum) instead inside your if block.
well okay... I needed to return grabPKs to make it play nice...:
def grabPks(pageNum):
# cloudflare blocks bots...use scraper library to get around this or build your own logic to store and use a manually generated cloudflare session cookie... I don't care 😎
req = scraper.get(""+str(pageNum)).content
if(req == b'Rate Limit Exceeded'):
print("adjust the rate limiting because they're blocking us :(")
manPenalty = napLength * 3
print("manually sleeping for {} seconds".format(manPenalty))
print("okay let's try again... NOW SERVING {}".format(pageNum))
return grabPks(pageNum)
tree = html.fromstring(req)
pk = tree.xpath("/path/small/text()")
resCmpress = tree.xpath("path/a//text()")
resXtend = tree.xpath("[path/td[2]/small/a//text()")
balance = tree.xpath("path/font//text()")
return pk, resCmpress, resXtend, balance

AwesomeWM client created/removed callback

I am using awesome WM and I want to run a lua function after a client is created/deleted. Specifically, I want to change the name of a tag to the name of one of the clients that are on the tag.
I do this with a timer, but I think the best way to do this would be to register a callback function to awesomeWM that it will invoke when a client is created/removed.
Are there some hooks/callbacks that I can implement to tell awesome to do this for me?
I tried using the signals, but i cant find the correct signal that changes calls my function AFTER the window is created and attached to the tag. I tried this with manage/unmanage tagged/untagged, and, etc, but no one helps.
Any ideas?
here is the code:
override_name_char = "<"
function tag_name_from_client(c)
if string.match(, "Mozilla Firefox") then
return "Firefox"
if string.match(, "Sublime Text") then
return "Sublime"
if string.match(, "/bin/bash") then
return "Shell"
return ""
function tag_name_from_tag(tag)
if then
for _, c in pairs(tag:clients()) do
return " "..tostring(awful.tag.getidx(tag)).." "..tag_name_from_client(c)
return tostring(awful.tag.getidx(tag))
function refresh_tag_name()
for s = 1, screen.count() do
for _,tag in pairs(awful.tag.gettags(s)) do = tag_name_from_tag(tag)
client.connect_signal("tagged", refresh_tag_name)
client.connect_signal("untagged", refresh_tag_name)
--tag_timer = timer({timeout = 0.5})
--tag_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function()
Thanks in advance for any help regarding this.
One of possible ways for v3.5.6, try this in your rc.lua
local naughty = require("naughty")
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c)
--filter client by class name
if c.class:lower() == "gedit" then
-- do things on client start
naughty.notify({text = "Gedit launched!"})
-- add exit signal for this client
c:connect_signal("unmanage", function() naughty.notify({text = "Gedit closed!"}) end)
"A new client is created" is the manage signal.
"A new client was destroyed" is the unmanage signal.
So, something like the following (untested):
local function choose_name_for_tag(t)
for _, c in ipairs(t:clients() do
return "has client: " .. tostring( or "unknown")
return "has no clients"
local function update_state()
for _, t in pairs(root.tags()) do = choose_name_for_tag(t)
client.connect_signal("manage", update_state)
client.connect_signal("unmanage", update_state)
tag.connect_signal("tagged", function(t) = choose_name_for_tag(t)
tag.connect_signal("untagged", function(t) = choose_name_for_tag(t)

Odd behaviour of insertNewObjectForEntityForName leading to NSInternalInconsistencyException

I have a rather odd case of getting a core data error whilst experimenting with Swift. I am not sure whether it comes from Swift (beta error?) or whether it is me. However, here is the setup for my test cases (in VTModelTests.swift).
var bundle = NSBundle(forClass: VTModelTests.self)
var url = bundle.URLForResource("VTDocument", withExtension:"momd")
appleModel = NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOfURL: url)
assert (appleModel != nil)
var coord = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(managedObjectModel: appleModel);
var store = coord.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSInMemoryStoreType,configuration:nil,URL:nil,options:nil,error:nil);
assert (store != nil)
ctx = NSManagedObjectContext();
var drwName = "Drawing"
var descs = ctx!.persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectModel.entitiesByName
for e : AnyObject in descs.allKeys{
assert (descs.objectForKey(e).name == e as String )
if (e as String == drwName) {
model = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName(drwName,inManagedObjectContext: ctx) as Drawing
My error message looks like this:
2014-06-22 22:12:25.584 xctest[63792:303] yeah
<unknown>:0: error: -[_TtC12VTModelTests12BaseTypeTest testTreeStructure] : failed: caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException", "+entityForName: could not locate an entity named 'Drawing' in this model."
In short, I can "prove" that the entity name is there (the 'yeah' in the log), but core data is showing the issue that the name would not be in the model. Previous versions of the loop printed out the entities and that looked good. I don't have any second versions, and a new changed name ('Model' is now called 'Drawing') is correctly shown in the model data when all entities are printed. The compiled model is in the resulting bundle.
Can anybody explain? Or do I have to wait for the next beta release of Xcode 6? What else did I overlook? Many thanks in advance!
I can confirm the issue. Not an answer but the way around I use is to split insertNewObjectForEntityForName into:
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Photo", inManagedObjectContext:context)
let photo = Photo(entity:entity, insertIntoManagedObjectContext:context)
