JetBrains Gateway never finishes loading - jetbrains-ide

I'm trying to use JetBrains Gateway to work on a project and it was working for several weeks, but today the IDE has never loaded the code, despite saying that it's connected. Instead it shows a red ping warning. I've tried connecting to the server from several different internet connections. SSH seems to be working fine.

I ended up getting it working by restarting the Linux machine with sudo systemctl start I'm still seeing the ping error but the code is at least loading in the Gateway IDE.


Bitnami SonarQube VM on Azure: sonarqube could not be started

I installed the Bitnami SonarQube Virtual Machine from the Azure Marketplace. Everything seemed to work so far until I logged in and tried to install a plugin. At this point, SonarQube crashed.
Now, SonarQube refuses to start: /opt/bitnami/apps/sonarqube/scripts/ : sonarqube could not be started
netstat shows that MySQL and Apache are up and running. All logs stopped working too. So, if I restart the VM or issue the command above, nothing new will be added to the log files.
I tried to remove all plugins from the filesystem and from the database but it didn't solve the problem.
I also tried to use a new database, but it stays blank.
Changing the log level to DEBUG didn't help either.
Reinstalling the VM from Azure obviously solves the problem until you interact with the SonarQube GUI again at which point it crashes again.
I have SonarQube working in a docker machine on a dev server too, where it has just 2GB of RAM and a rather slow processor. So I don't think it is a memory problem.
What should I try next?

Android studio AVD internet access

I am using Android studio 3.0.1 and that is working really very fine. I have upto date SDK version and I have upto date gradle version.
Everything seems to be perfect now. But I am now facing a problem and I have no idea why it is occurring.
Whenever I try to access webservices my emulator/AVD never access that. Also I am unable to access the internet using emulator browser. Even it is unable to open the page.
I have searched this problem but non of them is working for me. I have checked the Ip configrations and that is totally fine. I am not using any specific DNS settings and I am not using any special VPN network. My network adapter is just fine. I am using Windows 7
Please help me if anyone of you having solution of this problem. Thanks in advance.
Well there are couple of cases i want to discuss. And that is totally what I dig out after trying for hours.
I have same Issue. and for this I have seen that there was nothing wrong with the AVD i was creating again and again. But I was using Windows 10 and using android studio over it.
The problem was the virtual networks. I got them created for the Blue stacks and GeneyMotion emulator. They sets the IP and the DNS them self for virtual network
SO if you are having virtual network set their IP to defaults. OR disable them at all. Also disable other networks except the one you are using.
and after doing this all. Create the new AVD and check if that starts working.

Using IE in a virtualbox instance to test a site in VS2015 on my workstation

I have an MVC application that I've developed using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise that is not behaving nicely in IE8, and as much as I'd like to just declare IE8 as unsupported, this is unfeasible from a business perspective at the moment.
So, to test in IE8, I downloaded a VirtualBox containing an instance of windows with IE8 from here.
I've been successful in using this instance of IE8 to connect my organization's dev server (which is running Windows Server 2012r2, IIS 8.5.9600), so I've been able to reproduce the issue. I'd really like to be able to step through what's happening in the debugger, though.
So, I believe I have two options.
Connect to the IIS instance on our dev server using Visual Studio's remote debugging feature.
This is kind of intimidating to me to attempt, because there seem to be a lot of options and I'm unsure how to proceed. It would be nice to be able to figure this out, though, as being able to do remote debugging on the dev server would be very helpful for future development. I tried using the default transport and putting the host for the dev sever in the "qualifier" box in VS, but it just told me the debugger service wasn't running on the remote machine, even though I'm fairly certain it is.
Connect to my local workstation running Visual Studio from virtualbox
This seems like it would be the simplest solution, but I can't figure it out. I tried a few different network modes from virtualbox -- NAT, bridged, and Host-Only, but I could never get the page to load in IE inside the virtualbox. I tried using the ip of my workstation as reported by ipconfig /all (the IP of the normal network adapter for bridged and NAT mode, and the IP of the "Host Only" special adapter in Host Only mode) and the port VS was configured to use. No dice.
Any ideas on how I can move forward with either of these options? Or some third, better option?

Android studio can't run when connected to internet

When I run on anything it just says:
Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug]
But once I disconnect from the internet it starts working. Otherwise it just keeps saying it forever. I already waited like 15m
I already ticked offline in Settings > Gradle and also used the deamon and parallel in its actually pretty fast when im not connected to the internet.
and my net is incredibly awful, could it be that? if yes is there anything i can do myself (download something myself) so it can work offline?
and also my problem is diffrent than the others, for others it takes long which gets fixed by but mine is about the internet connection!
and also Im running Windows 8 x64!

VMWare Fusion "unable to connect to proxy server" error

I have been using VMWare Fusion 7.1.0 on my MacBook Pro with OSX Mavericks (10.9.5) without a hitch for several months. It was also working fine this morning until about an hour ago when I suddenly started getting an error message for any URL I tried: "Unable to connect to Proxy server."
I've tried both NAT and Bridged network adapters with no success.
There are no new software installs or updates (that I'm aware of), and I've tried restarted both the VM and the Mac itself twice.
Any suggestions?
I'm not sure how it happened, but my Network Proxy settings had gotten changed and set to use a manual proxy setup. I turned that off, and it resolved the error.
Here's how I found and fixed the settings:
Hit the Windows key (to get to the home page and do a text search)
Type "proxy" In the search results, click "Network proxy settings"
On the lower half of the screen under the Manual Proxy Setup, make sure the switch for "Use a proxy server" is turned OFF.
I'm doing web development in (primarily in Visual Studio Express 2013), so I wonder if the it jacked with my settings to allow for localhost development?
Check your VM's OS networking settings and ensure auto-detect proxy settings is not enabled.
