How do I get the sign up/login popup after I deleted it? -

When I first started my bubble project I deleted all the preset reusable elements like header, footer and sign up / login popup. Is there a way that I can get the sign up / login popup element back? I've included an image of what I'm talking about.

A simplistic but effective solution: Copy it from another application and paste it


Custom behaviour for selfAsserted content?

Following this disabled social account from logon sample. Here's what I see when the Local Account user exists and is disabled:
NB - I've changed the ContentDefinition so that it's using 2.1.7 instead of 1.1.0.
I'm assuming the "hide me" text box is to be hidden using css? Which would mean that I would have to implement my own Template?
Also, there's a Cancel and a Continue button. Because the dummy textbox doesn't actually do anything, clicking the Continue button does not work. So I assume I want to hide the Continue button, but only when the dummy text box is present? Does that mean I should be looking at Javascript?
Finally, the UserMessageIfClaimsTransformationBooleanValueIsNotEqual error message (defined in the AAD-DisabledUserPage Technical Profile) does not appear anywhere in the source of the page. It seems integral to the strategy in the sample. Am I missing something?
I've looked at Customise the UI, Customise the UI with HTML template and Enable JavaScript and page layouts. There doesn't seem to be anything on customising the generated content. Have I missed something in the documentation?
Very strange so I had a look at the sample.
This is an old sample. It still uses "socialIdpUserId".
<! - The claim socialIdpUserId has been renamed to issuerUserId →
I renamed this in the base file to "issuerUserId".
Essentially, they needed a "dead-end" page.
But the dead-end page needs an output claim so they made a dummy one but wanted in removed!
I would have used a paragraph element. Maybe it wasn't available then?
I wrote that up a while back.
My version is in this gist.
If disabled, the user sees:
You can hide Cancel and Continue by modifying the technical profile. See the Metadata section here.

How to follow a link that is actually a click button

I need to fill a form aproximately 100 times a day. I tried with selenium but it is quite slow because it is using a web browser. It's working quite well with mechanicalsoup until I need to click "Accept" button. Clicking it activates other tables that need to be filled but are inactive before clicking this button. I tried to point to the button and then br.follow_link(button) unsuccesfully. I attach the piece of HTML that I need to fake. I'm looking for a way to produce the effect of clicking avoiding using Selenium.
Sounds like you need JavaScript capability so the button's click would render the tables, but MechanicalSoup doesn't do Javascript.
MechanicalSoup's docs says:
MechanicalSoup automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, and can follow links and submit forms. It doesn’t do Javascript.

How to destroy a component on navigation

I need to destroy a component on navigating away from it but I cannot figure out how to do it. I've tried clearHistory: true in RouterExtensions, but it doesn't work. The flow of our program is this:
Dashboard > link to Component1
Component1 > Save takes the user back to Dashboard.
If the user clicks the link to go back to Component1, I get an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError because the memory of the component is still resident.
It is bit tricky to remove a page from the navigation history in nativescrupt angular. I would suggest you to create a modal page for Component1, save it and when user close the modal, take it back to Dashboard.
or you need to handle the change detection manually, for further reading, you can refer here.
I solved my immediate problem by redesigning the page to use calculated values based on the data rather than ui state settings from the ngrx store which, as I thought about it, is a more stable solution.
I left the question up because I was curious if there was a way to remove pages from the navigation history.

Chrome Extension, trigger click on the icon

I searched on Google and StackOverflow, and I was not able to find a solution to my problem (to my greatest surprise).
I'm looking to display the popup, exactly like when the user click on the icon of my extension, but via javascript.
The idea behind it is simple : On a specific page, I inject a button and add an event listener on it ("click"). When the user click on that button, I'd like to display the tooltip, simple as that :)
... but I can not find anything related to it. Any idea ?
Thank you in advance.
Opening the popup is impossible without user interaction. For good reason too, remember that no one likes popups that open themselves. What you can do is inject your popup onto the site the user is at, through a content script.
As per your description,
On a specific page, I inject a button and add an event listener on it ("click"). When the user click on that button, I'd like to display the tooltip, simple as that :)
I think what you need is just chrome.pageAction, it's similar to browserAction, while represents actions that can be taken on the current page, but aren't applicable to all pages.

show and hide Span/Label text in textbox

I am trying to implement a simple trick which would hide span/label inside textbox when user starts entering text in respective textbox, and show it, on blur if textbox is empty.
(It is implemented on user sign in form)
This thing is working okay so far and here is the demo
But it fails in following scenario:
1) If user enters username, previously entered username list (the form data stored by browser when auto-complete is turned off) appears. And if user selects username with mouse-click from the list, password field gets auto-populated. Now though password field has value in it, it won't hide the span.
(keydown/focus/click/change event over textbox not helping in this case)
2) When the username/password is wrong, page reloads, username textbox has last entered value. But still the span over it is being displayed.
(I tried to check if username textbox is empty on pageload. It didn't work)
Can anyone help me fix these things?
Thanks in advance... :)
What you need i s a placholder. Placeholder have been standardized by html5
and can be easily implemented via various jquery plugin (here is one).
i suggest you use those solutions, as they are standards. the ideal solution is to use html5 and than fallback to javascript for older browsers.
Look ath this form where i implemented placholders:
When you insert a letter in an input field, the text disappears. It's done with the help of that plugin.
It seems that you are attempting to reinvent the wheel here. Check this already answered question on what appears to be the same subject:
how do I make an html text box show a hint when empty
Usability-wise, I don't think it would be terrible to hide the watermarks of both inputs regardless of which on was clicked/keydowned etc. Now this next option is controversial, so you have been warned...
<input name="first_name" type="text" autocomplete="off">
Just wanted to make sure you were aware of that - most often used to prevent credit card fields from autocompleting. Hope something in here this helps.
