Not able to get all the logs in application insights even after disabling sampling - azure

I am generating logs for my client application where there is very limited internet connectivity. I am storing the offline logs and generating it to application insights once the user is back online. The problem I am facing is out of all the logs only request logs are coming rest are getting discarded. This is happening because of sampling even though I have already disabled the sampling from Startup.cs. Here is my code:
var aiOptions = new Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore.Extensions.ApplicationInsightsServiceOptions();
aiOptions.EnableAdaptiveSampling = false;
Any Suggestions how to completely remove the sampling so that I can have all the logs in application insight.

Check this document to see different log levels. if you have latest version of sdk than ILogger Can capture without required action.
It will capture log level.
Here is the configuration of logging level.
builder =>
builder.AddFilter<Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights.ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("", LogLevel.Information); // this will capture Info level traces and above.
For complete information check this SO thread.


Could not get HttpClient cache - No ThreadContext available for thread id=1

I'm working on upgrading our service to use 3.63.0 (upgrading from 3.57.0) and I've noticed the following warning (with stack trace) shows up in the logs that wasn't there on the previous version:
2022-02-18 14:03:41.038 WARN 1088 --- [ main] c.s.c.s.c.c.AbstractHttpClientCache : Could not get HttpClient cache. No ThreadContext available for thread id=1.
at$tryGetCurrentContext$0( ~[cloudplatform-core-3.63.0.jar:na]
at io.vavr.Value.toTry( ~[vavr-0.10.4.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-core-3.63.0.jar:na]
at io.vavr.control.Try.flatMapTry( ~[vavr-0.10.4.jar:na]
at io.vavr.control.Try.flatMap( ~[vavr-0.10.4.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-core-3.63.0.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at ~[cloudplatform-connectivity-3.63.0.jar:na]
at com.octanner.mca.service.MarketingCloudApiContactService.uploadContacts( ~[classes/:na]
This happens when the following calls are made...
Using the lower level API
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientAccessor.getHttpClient(destination); // warning happens here
ODataRequestResultMultipartGeneric batchResult = requestBatch.execute(httpClient);
Using the higher level API
.withQueryParameter("$expand", "AdditionalIDs")
.executeRequest(destination)); // warning happens here
Even though this warning shows up in the logs the service requests do continue to work as expected. It's just a little concerning to see this and I'm wondering if maybe I have something misconfigured. I reviewed all of the java docs and the troubleshooting page and didn't see anything out of the ordinary other than how I am fetching my destination, but even using the DestinationAccessor didn't seem to make a difference. Also, I'm not doing any asynchronous or multi-tenant processing.
Any help you or guidance you can give on this would be appreciated!
Such an issue is often the result of missing Spring Boot annotations - especially in synchronous executions.
Please refer to our documentation to learn more about the SAP Cloud SDK Spring Boot integration.
Edit Feb. 28th 2022
It is safe to ignore the logged warning if your application does not need any of the SAP Cloud SDK's multitenancy features.
Error Cause
The SAP Cloud SDK for Java recently (in version 3.63.0) introduced a change to the thread propagation behavior of the HttpClientCache.
With that change, we also adapted the logging in case the propagation didn't work as expected - this is often caused by not using the ThreadContextExecutor for wrapping asynchronous operations.
This is the reason for logs like the one described by the issue author.
Planned Mitigation
In the meanwhile, we realized that these WARN logs are causing confusion on the consumer side.
We are working on improving the situation by degrading the log level to INFO for the message and to DEBUG for the exception.

Why is App Insights only showing Warning and Error tracing levels? What about lower levels?

I have a .Net Framework 4.5.1 app service that has the following code:
Console.WriteLine("🔥 Console.WriteLine");
Trace.WriteLine("🔥 Trace.WriteLine");
Trace.TraceInformation("🔥 Trace.TraceInformation");
Trace.TraceWarning("🔥 Trace.TraceWarning");
Trace.TraceError("🔥 Trace.TraceError");
I would like to be able to see logs that we log into Azure when the app is in production. So I enabled Application Service Logging for my web app:
As you can see, I have the logging level set to verbose because we want to see everything. I also have Application Insights turned on for my app. But when I check the logs, all I see are the logs at the warning level and higher.
I checked in the "logs" tab:
I also checked in my blob storage. I see logs, but they're all on a warning level or higher.
There was one way I got this to work, and that's using the feature that saves logs to a file system. But that feature turns itself off after 12 hours, and the file might get too big anyways, and I'd like to use Azure Insights since it has a nicer interface.
How can I view all my logs my application outputs over a long period of time?
I usually just remove all logging configuration from config files like appsettings.json and use the ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider type specifier in Startup.cs, like so:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddLogging(conf =>
conf.AddFilter<ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("", LogLevel.Information);
conf.AddFilter<ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Warning);
conf.AddFilter<ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("System", LogLevel.Warning);
It's documented here.
If you have various trace levels in your web app but are only interested in having certain levels of logs sent to the logging endpoint, you can set a filter for the minimum level in your application settings under Configuration. By default, even without the app setting, the minimum trace level is set to Warning.
How to set App setting for AppServiceAppLogs level
The application setting name will be APPSERVICEAPPLOGS_TRACE_LEVEL and the value will be the minimum level (ie. Error, Warning, Verbose, etc.). Refer to TraceLevel for more info.
Links (Image Source)

Azure functions is not loggin all the traces in AppInsights

I have an Azure Function App with multiples functions connected with Application Insights.
For some reason that I don't know sometimes, some requests and traces get lost and it's like they never happen, but I can see the data in our DB and also in others systems.
Here is a new function with just one call, in the azure function dashboard I can see the log:
But in Application Insights, when I try to search for the logs of the trace or the request, there is not info retrived.
This's not happening everytime, but there's not the first time I saw this issue. I can see the logs for others requests but I don't know why sometimes logs are lost.
Azure function info:
Runtime Version: 3
Stack: NodeJS
Have you configured sampling? This can appear as data loss.
You can control it as follows, as per the documentation:
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
appInsights.defaultClient.config.samplingPercentage = 33; // 33% of all telemetry will be sent to Application Insights

No exceptions or stack traces in Azure Application Insights

I have an ASP.NET Core 3.1 solution deployed into an Azure Web App hooked up to Application Insights. I can't for the life of me get exceptions and stack traces to log into Application Insights, instead I get a basic request trace with no exception information attached:
I've tried most combinations of setting up logging/application insights telemetry, here are some of the things I've tried:
services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry(); in the ConfigureServices() method of Startup.cs
Adding logging.AddApplicationInsights(); to my logging builder in Program.cs
Removing the custom error page exception handler in case that was affecting things
I have the APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY environment variable set on my Web App in Azure.
I'm using the following code to generate exceptions in Application Insights:
public async Task<IActionResult> ProfileWebhook()
var formData = await this.Request.ReadFormAsync();
var config = TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault();
var client = new TelemetryClient(config);
client.TrackException(new Exception(string.Join("~", formData.Keys)));
logger.LogError(new Exception(string.Join("~", formData.Keys)), "Fail");
throw new Exception(string.Join("~", formData.Keys));
Nothing is working and I'm going crazy! Any help greatly appreciated.
Usually, Application insights will guarantee that all the kinds of telemetries(like exceptions, trace, event etc.) will be arrived around 5 minutes, please refer this doc: How long does it take for telemetry to be collected?. But there is still a chance that it will take a longer time due to beckend issue(a very small chance).
If you're using visual studio, you can check if the telemetry is sent or not via Application Insights search.
You can also check if you're using a correct IKey, or if you have enabled sampling.
But if it keeps this behavior in your side, you should consider contacting MS support to find the root cause.
Hope it helps.

Azure Function is not logging LogMetric telemetry to Application Insights

I have a 3-week-old Function on the v2 SDK and uses the out-box App Insights support, i.e. just set the environment variable and ...magic.
I did read that by default it doesn't send Information level logs to AppInsights and this looks correct because I can't see any of my information tracing but I do see occasional errors I've logged out with my custom message.
But for metrics, its broken. I can see some semblance of my telemetry in the logs, sort of. It's strange.
Now look at these curious logs.
...see those n/a that match the LogMetric lines in my code?
And when I search explicitly for one of them, nothing is found.
And if I drill down on those n/a logs.
...they're pretty empty.
Is it me or is this all rather fishy?
How do I log metrics from a Function in a way that works?
First, for the metric, do you mean custom metrics? If yes, then you should find it in the customMetrics table in your app insights.
Second, what's the method are you using to send metrics? From your code, what's the implementation of this.Logger?.LogMetric method?
For sending metrics, you can use TrackMetric(just tested with this method, and works) or GetMetric method.
A sample code use TrackMetric(deprecated, but still can use) / GetMetric(recommended) method:
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "your key";
TelemetryClient client = new TelemetryClient();
client.TrackMetric("my metric", 60);
client.GetMetric("my metric").TrackValue(89);
In my case, the settings in the host.json file were excluding the metrics from getting to Application Insights. The metrics are being logged at the Information level and I originally had mine configured for the Warning level.
"logging": {
"logLevel": {
"Function.<function name>": "Information", //<--won't see metrics if set to Warning
See here for more information on configuring the logging levels.
