favicon.ico redirect rule possible (no html)? - browser

i was wondering if its possible to set some kind of rule maybe in .htaccess ? so that if a browser tries to load the default /favicon.ico that it can instead serve my /images/favicon-mushroom-48.png file instead and would the browser accept it ?
the reason i want this is that i have a link to it in my index so it displays correctly BUT if someone clicks on an image in my gallery then its just an image display without html so the browser tries to load the default /favicon.ico and is why i was thinking of some kind of redirect rule
i know its an oddball request but ive seen some amazingly technical solutions on this forum for so many things so if any place knows how to do it then this is it im sure

I found a simple solution, just save /images/favicon-mushroom-48.png as /favicon.ico
It's probably abusing something but the browser seems to load it fine
I'll leave this open if someone wants post the right way to do it :D


Friendly URL and htaccess file

I'm trying to create a short and friendly link so that when the server receives the petition it will redirect you to the real link of the website.
This is the real link: mywebsite.com/profile.php?user=MikeRubio55
And I want it to look like this for sharing purposes: mywebsite.com/MikeRubio55
So what I'm looking for is the server receives this link (mywebsite.com/MikeRubio55) and automatically redirect and display this url (mywebsite.com/profile.php?user=MikeRubio55)
I've been searching for solutions and trying to make some changes to the .htaccess file to achieve this purpose but up until now I've had no success unfortunately.
Thanks in advance for all your suggestions and help.

Ignore last part of URL with .htaccess

We have a FAQ page /faq (tab style) where every question should have its own 'ghost' url/page. So users could visit eg.
The problem is question-1, question-2, question-3 are not actual pages but just sections on /faq. For SEO, aesthetics and usability reasons we do not want to work with ?q= or #
I've searched and tried every .htaccess thread I came across but without result.
Is there a way we can show the page/faq when visiting /faq/question-1 and keep the url /faq/question-1 with mod_rewrite? (we cannot hardcode it because we do not know all future question slugs) So basically something that tells the browser: if the first url part is /faq/, just ignore everything that comes behind but keep the url.
This is a trivial rewriting task and it is unclear why this should not work for you:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?faq/.+ /faq [END]
Since you claim that you "tried every .htaccess thread you came across" and this clearly works the question is: why not in your setup? But since you did not tell us anything about your setup we cannot really offer more help...
These are some general hints though which you should go through:
Where did you implement the rules you tried? In the http server's host configuration or in a distributed configuration file?
If you are using a distributed configuration file (".htaccess") then how did you make sure such files are interpreted by your http server and how did you test that?
Did you check your http server's error log file for hints?
Did you make sure that you are not actually looking at cached responses? So did you really test with a fresh anonymous browser window using a "deep reload"?
Since the CMS you are using requires own rewriting rules, where did you add those rules you tried? Remember: the order is important!

Magento 1.9.3 index.php redirect loop

I am working on an E-Commerce website project which I created in localhost. It worked fine, until I moved it online.
Since I moved it online, I've had issues accessing the admin page and the index.php. I've managed to make the admin page work and can now access the backoffice without any issues, but my index.php still shows me an "error: too many redirects1" page.
What's happening?
Main page of my website is stuck in a redirecting loop (chrome error message : this url tried to redirect you too many times)
Everytime I reload the main page, the url switches between www.mydomain.com and mydomain.com (might be an htaccess issue?)
What I've done to try and solve the problem:
I have checked everything in core_config_data table to make sure
the right urls are written in web/secure/base_url and
web/unsecure/base_url. They are.
I have manually cleared the var/cache and var/session from my
I have cleared all cookies / cache from Chrome / Firefox
I have reuploaded the files and database multiple times, thinking it might be due to a corrupted file from the upload.
I have tried to edit the htaccess, but it didn't change anything.
What should I do now ?
I feel like I've tried everything.
As it's my first time with magento, I'm sure it's some dumb thing I might not know about, but I've read nearly every single post about this kind of issues on this website and haven't found anything to resolve it.
So I'm asking you. I'm willing to try every single idea you throw at me, as I've been stuck on this issue for a while now ^^
Thanks for reading :)
Weird, It seems that You make everything right. Try to find and update all url settings in core_config_data: select * from core_config_data where path like '%url%'.
You can try update web/url/redirect_to_base config to 0 (if you have 1).
Remember to clear cache.

Is there any way to tell a browser that this is a bad URL to remember?

I'm sending emails to customers, and I'm providing a custom URL for each, which when they go to, will log them in.
This is fine, except if they are using a shared browser that will remember the URL.
Is there any way at all to suggest to the browser that it shouldn't remember a URL?
Edit: This question has nothing to do with caching of the page.
Have the link log them in once. Then make them create credentials that let them access the site in the future. Whats to stop a random person from typing in the url and gaining access to the content?
Yes. You can redirect them with a 301 or 302. Then the browser won't save the URL they went to. At least that work with the Mozilla based browsers and I would imagine others too.
Another way, it is uglier though is to reply with an error and include a body which does a refresh. Whether that works in most browsers, probably not. However, browsers do not cache pages that return an error (404 Page Not Found would work, you could also use 403 Forbidden.)
Other than that, there isn't much you can do. JavaScript does not allow you to temper with the history anymore...

blocking my website from others

I would like to block my website and probably redirect them to a 404 page while i am updating it which can take some time.
Could a redirect to the 404 page everytime a user goes to my website work?
You shouldn't do that. Status code 503 "Temporarily Unavailable" is much better in this case.
RewriteRule . - [R=503,L]
This might work.
If it's just a temporary redirect during site-down maintenance then you probably don't want to use a 404 code. Take a look at the other codes available to you. For a scenario such as this, 307 (temporary redirect) would make a lot more sense. It would also be better if you have any SEO or rely on search crawlers at all, as they will remove results which now produce a 404 but are smart enough to keep results which temporarily produce a 307.
The redirect itself will work fine, just redirect all traffic to a static page. (Did you need advice on how to do that, or were you just looking for alternative options and viability? It's unclear from the question. If the former, I can't help much. It's been years since I've cracked open an .htaccess file.)
Basically, a 404 tells visitors: "This resource isn't here. Don't both asking again." Whereas a 307 tells visitors: "This resource is temporarily being handled by something else, but it hasn't really moved, please try again later."
Here's a simpler idea: just make a new index page that's your original, except with the content replaced with a "site currently being updated; please come back later" sort of message. And then you'd redirect all hits to your site to that index page.
That's what many sites I've seen tend to do, at least. And it makes sense, at least to me. I mean, would you rather your users not know why the pages they want to access are no longer there, or that they know the reason is because the site is being updated? It's basically the same as a 404 page, just with the specific information of why the desired pages aren't there.
EDIT: It seems I'm basically talking about a 503 page, going by David's link and Roland's answer.
That would work, but that would not only be wrong information (the page is not 'not found' - it's just currently being updated), but also mislead your users and crawlers. I would redirect them to a 'Update in progress' page and send this with the http status code 423 (LOCKED) to the client to provide a standard conform answer to exactly your scenario.
