Multiselect header filter is throwing Uncaught TypeError - tabulator

I'm attempting to configure a header filter where I'm able to select multiple options to filter on. I'm using v5.2.2 and it keeps throwing an Uncaught TypeError.
Uncaught TypeError: this.initialValues.join is not a function List.js:73:50
I've tried a few different configuration options such as using the valuesLoopup set to 'active' or a hard coded set of values. I just wanted to double check on here to see if I'm doing something wrong before I submit it as a bug.
Here's a JSFiddle of my functioning setup. If I uncomment the multiselect configuration on line 45, the error get's thrown.

I found the problem thanks to someone pointing to another post on setting up header filters. Thanks! Looks like I forgot to specify the headerFilterFunc to be "in" which I'm guessing is required with the multiselect option.
Edit: Never mind. This didn't work.


ReactJS: Locate "Each child in a list should have a unique 'key' prop"

I have a special question when working with ReactJS.
As already marked in the subject, I have an error called:
"Each child in a list should have a unique 'key' prop"
I already know the problem and I know how to fix it.
The only thing what I want to know is how can I locate this error?
I want to know in which file and which line is that error.
I getting some error logs in the console, but it points not to my local files.
I already tested a lot with source maps, but I didn´t have success.
for example is here my error:
and when I click on the following line:
at PermissionTable (webpack-internal:///./src/PermissionTable.js:13:26)
I will forward to the following screen:
Is it possible to get somehow the direct location?
Thank you for your support
I don't think there is a quick or direct way to find it
From the error message, you would go back to your IDE (VSCode), and search for PermissionTable component
Then search for any map() function that doesn't return an element with a key in it.

The hybris extension is skipped, during Initialization. How to debug and resolve it?

Initially all the Extensions were imported. But after some modifications (and tried to initialize), i am facing below issue.
Question: is how to debug it and fix the issue?
As per suggestion of #Mafick.
i tried to update "sapbusinessagreementaddon" extension through hac. i found the cms-responsive-content_zh_CN.impex file( which was throwing the exception).
please find the code below:
$contentCatalogName=Powertools Content Catalog
# update linkname
UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];linkName[lang=$lang]
The error thrown in the hac is: as below
UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;catalogVersion(CatalogVersion.catalog([default=powertoolsContentCatalog]),CatalogVersion.version[default=Staged])[default=powertoolsContentCatalog:Staged][unique=true];uid[unique=true];linkName[lang=zh_CN]
,8796103869500,,,column 3: cannot resolve value '商业协议' for attribute 'linkName' because: cannot find language for value 'zh_CN';;BusinessAgreementsLink;商业协议
As per the issue it cannot resolve "zh_CN" (linkName[lang]). So how can i resolve this issue? Where should i specify lang(zh_CN) to find the language by hybris?
Such that it execute's impex successfully.
As you can see this happens while you are importing 'project data'.
So go into your hybris admin console (/hac) -> Update and deselect all checkboxes and only activate sapbusinessagreementaddon below in project data. Than have a look on the console.
Have a look in to this impex file
There you can define your Languages. Add here your missing language
You probably have errors in one or more sample data impexes in the sapbusinessagreementaddon extension, try importing them manually one by one (from hac), and see which one crashes
Update :
Seems zh_CN language is missing from your database, try creating it using the following :
INSERT_UPDATE Language;isocode[unique=true];active[default=true]
Adapt this code to correspond more to your needs

python-docx v0.8.10 - Unable to read/add header

Attempting to create a new document with headers and footers, but without success.
My code:
doc = Document()
section = doc.sections[0]
header = section.header
Unfortunately I am not able to figure out how to "initialize" the header section, as this code fails, throwing the following exception:
header = sections[0].header
AttributeError: 'Section' object has no attribute 'header'
I have also tried the approach creating a Word document with headers and footers beforehand and loading into python-docx, but unfortunately it ends with the same result.
Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
Sounds like a version problem. v0.8.8 would give you that error, for example, since headers were added in the last release. You can check the version that is actually executing with:
import docx
Could be an environment mixup or something like that. If you need to reinstall, try this:
pip install python-docx==0.8.10
just to make sure you're getting the version you expect and not perhaps a cached earlier version.

Why am I getting the "#NAME?" Error in excel for my custom function?

I have already looked at the other answer on the site and that does not seem to be the issue with mine.
I have named my Module differently from my function.
As you can see I changed it back to the default after naming it something else did not work.
Here is the evaluation step where it breaks its the second step.
Second Step:Boom x2
Am I doing something wrong? Would my code actually cause this because normally that would be a "#VALUE" ?
Just googled upon this old post when I had the same (or a similar) problem. The same pathology applied. I worked out in the end that when the Module has the same name as the UDF within, the UDF cannot be called / returns #NAME. Go figure...

Issue with basic AS3 workers classes

I have followed Lee Brimelow's tutorials (part 1, part 2), but somehow my project doesn't work as expected.
Currently, publishing "src/" to "www/assets/swf/secondary.swf" works properly, however when trying to run "src/", an error shows up:
Exception fault: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at Main/init()[/Volumes/DOCUMENTS/Tests/AS3/test-workers/src/]
at Main()[/Volumes/DOCUMENTS/Tests/AS3/test-workers/src/]
If anybody has time, you can look at my code on Github and maybe see where I screwed up? Thanks a bunch!
As your error message says: the problem raised in Line 52 in your Main.init()method. What you try to do there is to create a new instance of SecondarySWF. I would say that your embedment of Secondary class into SecondarySWF doesn't work properly, so it is not available in your init-method. You should set a breakpoint at the first line of your init-method and when the debugger reaches this point check what's in SecondarySWF. I expect that there's nothing in that variable, so what your new SecondarySWF() then means actually is new null().
Because you embed your secondary.swf with a MIME-type specified the Flex compiler ignores it because it is unable to detect the actual type of data in the loaded file. I found this post on Adobe's cookbook page that explains what you have to do in addition to adding the file using [Embed]. Hope this will fit your needs.
