Scheduled check for new software failed : Couldn't resolve host name (6) - eclipse-hawkbit

I am trying to update new software for my Linux target device using "Eclipse Hawkbit" update server.
The Hawkbit server is launched on my "host" device and I have the rauc-hawkbit-updater daemon running on my "target" device.
It seems that I have a problem when setting the "hawkbit_server" value in my rauc-hawkbit-updater "config.conf" file.
As a result, the check for new software always fails and returns an error code (6) : Couldn't resolve host name.
My question is how to determine the right value of the Hawkbit update server "host name" ?


FileSync local endpoint offline

I have 3 servers (one of them with Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2 with Windows Server 2019) and I use Azure FileSync to sync files between them.
Since a few days I have a problem, the 2012 R2 server is appearing offline in the azure portal (it shows "no activity"). I tried the Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity cmdlet and it fails with the following message:
Discovery service connectivity result:
Result: Success
HostUri: unknown
HostIPv4Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostIPv6Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
Management service connectivity result:
Result: Fail. Failed to run test
HostUri: unknown
HostIPv4Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostIPv6Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostNetworkLatency [min,avg,max]: Network Latency Request Failed.
Monitoring service connectivity result:
Result: No response from monitoring agent process.
HostUri: unknown
HostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
ServerEndpoint: faf66731-1e22-47eb-93eb-b8d3331f0de2
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
ServerEndpoint: 80f3bb96-463b-4f86-9e26-8dcf0c92f915
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
ServerEndpoint: b9a874b4-7acd-4174-b5e8-26ac23c84c7e
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
Remediation Steps
For Azure File Sync to work correctly, you will need to configure your servers to communicate with multiple Azure servic
Refer the following public document for details on proxy settings or firewall settings for Azure File Sync - https://aka
If you have configured a private endpoint refer the following public document for configuring private endpoint for Azure
File Sync -
NetworkTestPassed Report
----------------- ------
False ...
The problem seems to be DNS related, but I tried the Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <remote-host> -Port 443 cmdlet with the correct URLs (taken from and all the endpoints seems to be working fine (the ping is failing but I think that is regular behavior. E.g.:
PS C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443
AVVISO: Ping to failed -- Status: TimedOut
ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 443
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2
SourceAddress :
PingSucceeded : False
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded : True
I also tried the FileSyncErrorsReport.ps1 but even that doesn't give me any error:
AVVISO: There are no file sync errors to report. Either the last completed sync session did not have per-item errors or
the ItemResults event log on the server wrapped due to too many per-item errors and the event log no longer contains
errors for this sync group. To learn more, see the Azure File Sync troubleshooting documentation:
I think the problem lies with the fact that the AzureStorageSyncMonitor.exe process is not running and if i try to run it manually it just closes itself after a few seconds.
I've got no event ID 9301 (specified here: and by searching in the other folder of eventvwr i could only find the event 4104 which shows me some error dated to the last time the server has reached the Azure endpoint:
Querying for new jobs failed.
HttpErrorCode: 0x80C8700C
InternalErrorCode: 0x80C80300
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
• Kindly please check the event ID 9302 in the ‘FileSync’ telemetry logs under ‘Application and Service Logs’ in the event viewer for the active sync sessions logged every 5 to 10 minutes and check whether it is making any progress as the ‘AzureStorageSyncMonitor.exe’ utility synchronizes the status of the Server endpoint to the storage sync service in the portal.
• You can also check the ‘Perfmon.msc’, i.e., performance counter which is built-in to the Azure File Sync to monitor the sync activity locally on the server.
• Finally, please check the Server’s configured IP address settings too as you are encountering the DNS resolution issue while trying to execute the ‘Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity’ command. In the IP address settings, please check whether the configured DNS server IP addresses (Preferred and Secondary) are configured correct and are reachable.
Also, check the ‘localhosts’ file in the ‘C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc’ path whether it contains the correct IP address of the server, i.e., Windows Server 2012 R2 and its expected DNS hostname as various services on the server itself including the ‘AzureStorageSyncMonitor’ refer the ‘localhosts’ file for sending DNS requests to the connected/configured external services and for communicating between the internal services also.
• Finally, would suggest you to please disable negative caching on the DNS client, put the suffix with the matching host A record as the last entry in the suffix search list and use the ‘AF_UNSPEC’ for the family and let your code determine the ‘A/AAAA’ results for you.
For more detailed information on this, kindly refer to the below link: -

Transport Layer Security Elasticsearch configuration

Note : My version of Elasticsearch is 7.15.0
I'm new to Elasticsearch , I'm trying to use Kibana alerts , to do that I must create a Rule and a Connector but when I've selected that field I've been got informed to enable Transport Layer Security and API keys to do so I followed the Elastic Transport Layer Security guide instructions where the instructor describe these steps :
Encrypt inter-node communications with Transport Layer Security :
1. Open the $ES_PATH_CONF/elasticsearch.yml file and make the following changes:
a. Add the cluster-name setting and enter a name for your cluster: my-cluster
b. Add the setting and enter a name for the node. The node name defaults to the host-name of the machine when Elasticsearch starts. node-1
c. Add the following settings to enable inter-node communication and provide access to the node’s certificate.
Because you are using the same elastic-certificates.p12 file on every node in your cluster, set the verification mode to certificate: true certificate required elastic-certificates.p12 elastic-certificates.p12
Since the elastic-certificates is not generated automatically during the installation of the Software it must be generated by the elasticsearch-certutil inside the /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin directory :
a. First :
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin
b. run the elastic-certutil to generate the certificate file :
bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca
c. unzip the file to exract the all information and move them to the /etc/elasticsearch directory .
Now the problem occurs when starting the elasticsearch service :
sudo service elasticsearch restart
Job for elasticsearch.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status elasticsearch.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
I tried to see where the error is located by running these two control commands but I did not understand .
Have you checked permissions and owners on the files? Permissions should be at 640 for the files. The owner/group should be root:elasticsearch.

Zabbix API 3.4 - unable to create host because of circular requirement

I'm trying to add zabbix server support for a service that is written in Python. This service should send metrics to a zabbix server in active mode. E.g. the service connects to the server periodically, not the other way. (The service can be operated behind firewalls, the only option is to use active mode.)
In the host.create API call, I'm required to give the interfaces for the host. Here is the documentation for that: - the interfaces parameter is required. If I try to give an empty list:
zapi = ZabbixAPI(cfg.url)
zapi.login(cfg.user, cfg.password) # I'm using an administrator user here!
host =
inventory_mode=1, # auto host inventory population
status=0, # monitored host
interfaces=[], # active agent, no interface???
Then I get this error:
pyzabbix.ZabbixAPIException: ('Error -32500: Application error., No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!', -32500)
I can create hosts using the same user and the zabbix web interface, so I guess the problem is with the interfaces. So I have tried to create an interface first. However, the hostinterface.create method requires a hostid parameter.
See here: - I must give a hostid.
This is catch 22 - In order to create a host, I need to have a host interface. But to create a host interface, I need to have a host.
What am I missing? Maybe I was wrong and the host.create API call was rejected because of a different reason. How can I figure out what it was?
The host create api will create the hostinterface as well, you need to populate interfaces[] with the correct fields acccording to the documentation
For instance, add this before calling the api:
interfaces = []
interfaces.append( {
'type' : 2,
'main' : 1,
'useip': 1,
'ip' : '',
'dns' : "",
'port' : '161'
} )
then pass it to the host create api
The referenced documentation not show explicity but, in Zabbix, one host need to have:
- One or more interfaces (active hosts need too)
- One or more host group
So for your code work you will need to change to someting like this:
zapi = ZabbixAPI(cfg.url)
zapi.login(cfg.user, cfg.password) # I'm using an administrator user here!
host =
inventory_mode=1, # auto host inventory population
status=0, # monitored host
interfaces=[ {"type": "1",
"main": "1",
"useip": "1",
"ip": "",
"dns": "mydns", # can be blank
"port": "10051"}],
In your case is a "active host" but in Zabbix the concept for Active/Passive is for item, not for hosts. So its possible (and not very unusual) have hosts with passive and active itens at same time.

'The requested address is not valid in its context' while trying to connect to ArangoDB server on LAN

I have two machines on LAN, I'd like to connect to AranoDB serve on one of them from another one.
The first one has an address, arangod.conf
endpoint = tcp://
storage-engine = auto
another one has an address and arangod.conf
endpoint = tcp://
storage-engine = auto
ArangoDB on the first machine is working. When I try to start ArangoDB on the second machine, I see the following error:
2018-08-21T09:46:15Z [2724] INFO {authentication} Jwt secret not specified, generating...
2018-08-21T09:46:15Z [2724] INFO ArangoDB 3.3.12 [win64] 64bit, using build tags/v3.3.12-0-g225095d762, VPack 0.1.30, RocksDB 5.6.0, ICU 58.1, V8 5.7.492.77, OpenSSL 1.0.2a 19 Mar 2015
2018-08-21T09:46:15Z [2724] INFO using storage engine mmfiles
2018-08-21T09:46:15Z [2724] INFO {cluster} Starting up with role SINGLE
2018-08-21T09:46:15Z [2724] INFO {authentication} Authentication is turned on (system only)
2018-08-21T09:46:18Z [2724] INFO using endpoint 'http+tcp://' for non-encrypted requests
2018-08-21T09:46:18Z [2724] ERROR {communication} unable to bind to endpoint 'http+tcp://': The requested address is not valid in its context
2018-08-21T09:46:18Z [2724] WARNING {communication} failed to open endpoint 'http+tcp://' with error: The requested address is not valid in its context
2018-08-21T09:46:18Z [2724] FATAL failed to bind to endpoint 'http+tcp://'. Please check whether another instance is already running using this endpoint and review your endpoints configuration.
I've already created rules in the windows firewall and in the router.
Test-NetConnection results are:
PS C:\Users\> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 8529
ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 8529
SourceAddress :
TcpTestSucceeded : True
What else should I do?
Not sure what you try here... connect with one server to another server? This is bound to fail. Don't you want to run a server on one machine and connect to it from another computer on the local network using arangosh? Or simply use the web interface?
The endpoint must be an address used by a network interface of your local computer. It can't be the address of another machine.
Setups like clusters require a lot more configuration (if done bare-metal).
For an overview of deployment modes including multi-machine setups you may want to check the work-in-progress documentation:

Resource temporarily unavailable. Authentication by key failed (Error -18). (Error #35)

I'm using EC2 Amazon Web Service to launch my server using NodeJS, MongoDB.
I completed to save and load the data using my android application through NodeJS server and MongoDB but when I tried to check the data using RoboMongo (Robo 3T), the error occurred.
Resource temporarily unavailable. Authentication by key (path of the .pem key) failed (Error -18). (Error #35)
Robomongo 1
Robomongo 2
Error dialog
This is what I did in Robomongo.
These are the result of searching the google... I think I did right...
What is wrong?
I Solved the problem myself.
When you have this problem,
1. Check out /etc/mongod.conf
In network interfaces.
bindIP must be
2. Check the SSH User Name.
For an Amazon Linux AMI, the user name is ec2-user.
For the others, Check out the link !
3. If it didn't help,
try to download what developer uploaded (1.2 - Beta)
