Get app HWND from UIElement section Xaml Island WinRT/C++ - winrt-xaml

How to get the HWND part used for hosting the UIElement from a UWP project on a XamlIsland WinRT/C++ based application? The HWND I mean can be:
Desktop application
Window or other UI element (HWND)
Internal native window (HWND)


how to make embedded web page scrollable in android webview?

android Webview loads a remote web page that embeds another web page as object data value.
I want to make the page open in object scroll.
But no suggestion so far on net could help me

Electron : App minimize or not visible after click outside browserWindow or Windows key+D

I am developing a desktop widget which shows current system status. But the problem is when any user clicks outside of browser window the app get hide/not visible on the desktop. The same thing happens when user press key windows key +D. Is there anything that we can do for preventing this or catch this event and call Because lots of desktop widget support this kind of feature.
Edit: I have tried alwaysOnTop property of browserWindow, but I don't want to show my app above the other apps. Like any desktop widget which always shows on the desktop.

How to handle on Xamarin.Forms HybridWebViewRenderer on IOS

I have a iOS "app" which is a Xamarin.Forms application which has a HybridWebView for the main functionality and the corresponding HybridWebViewRenderer in the iOS project. Part of the functionality is for some links to open in a new window, and this is done using
However when these links are clicked nothing happens. How does the UIWebView handle javascript calls to
The simplest acceptable solution is to make these links open in the Safari (or default) browser.
So how can I force to open in the default native browser?

Windows Universal Apps and tray

I was going to write a Windows Universal App that would be running in the tray. On the tray icon there would be a context menu with several options (for adding a new timelog, for closing the current one). But according to this post System tray/taskbar icon/notify icon with universal apps there is no possibility to run the WUP in the tray. Really??
Is the tray meant to be only for the system applications and the old-kind apps?
Is there some other option? To have menu items for pinned taskbar icon, may be?
Universal apps cannot add themselves to the notification area, but the recent Windows 10 Update enables them to add items to the JumpList displayed when right clicking on the item's taskbar icon or tile.
bool jumpListPresent = Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.StartScreen.JumpList");
if (jumpListPresent && JumpList.IsSupported())
JumpList jl = await JumpList.LoadCurrentAsync();
JumpListItem jli = JumpListItem.CreateWithArguments("myJumpListItem", "my Jump List Item");
await jl.SaveAsync();
As far as I know, it's not possible to have a tray icon for UWP application. Previously, Windows Apps was designed to run in full screen mode.
If this is a LOB app, you can try to use a Brokered Component to access to the Tray Icon feature.

Chrome app context menu on webview

Is there any way to enable context menus on webviews in a Chrome app? The app we have runs a webview in fullscreen mode and there doesn't seem to be a way to add to the context menu on the webview. If this is not possible, is there some way to add items to the application level menu for the app?
