Is it possible to change a material in UE5 based on CSV data - material-design

I want to display a object as red or green based on a 1 or 0 cell value inside a CSV/XLSL file. Is this possible? If so, is there a tutorial that solved this problem.


Excel Formula compare match multiple values

I am very stuck on this problem i have attached an image to explain better - i need to check Column B Title and Find all Exact Matching values from other Columns C D E F (attributes) and give an output
In Column H I J K - in order to find out which sku has which attributes
it took me 2 days to organise the attributes but I am so confused as to how to get the result I need -putting little mockup of what I am trying to acheive but the actual file contains 30000 skus and titles and 60 attributes to look for
I have been checking tutorials since last 2 days but cant find any that do what i need to
Any help will be most appreciated -
I realised I wont be able to get the desired results I need in full doing it the way showing in the previous pic so please check new image of how it is now and how I need it to be - I tried using Find and Highlight all of the same text but I get 2 issues. 1. It was selecting for example Weight 500g and Weight per piece 5g together when I need then to be in separate columns when I tried to do find by Weight. 2. is after all values are found I cant copy those cells to paste into a new sheet get This action wont work on multiple selections error message.
Perhaps, this should work for you, if I have understood your query correctly,
• Formula used in cell H2
=IF($G2="","",IFERROR(LOOKUP(9^9,SEARCH(" "&C$2:C$5&" "," "&$B2&" "),C$2:C$5),""))
Fill Down & Fill Right !!!
Note: Color Column E has no Black Color so its not showing in output column J.

How do I specify merged cells in SpreadsheetML

I am attempting to user SpreadsheetML to generate an Excel report server side and download the report via the browser. I have everything working and am getting the files I need downloaded. However, I run into a problem when I attempt to merge cells in one of the sheets I am creating. I have found two different syntaxes online and tried them both without success. I save the files as .xml files and the will open fine and show the expected data but the cells are not merged.
The first syntax uses the "mergeAcross" qualifier on the element and is supposed to merge the number of cells specified into the current cell. The second syntax using the element. I have pasted the actual xml code below for both attempts. If I can figure out what the XML should be then I can create it programatically easily.
Version 1
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<ss:Workbook xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet">
<ss:Worksheet ss:Name='Distribution List Overview'>
<ss:Cell mergeAcross="2"><ss:Data ss:Type="String">First Cell Entry</ss:Data></ss:Cell>
<ss:Cell><ss:Data ss:Type="String">Third Cell</ss:Data></ss:Cell>
Version 1
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<ss:Workbook xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet">
<ss:Worksheet ss:Name='Distribution List Overview'>
<ss:Cell><ss:Data ss:Type="String">First Cell Entry</ss:Data></ss:Cell>
<ss:Cell><ss:Data ss:Type="String">Third Cell</ss:Data></ss:Cell>
<mergeCells count="2">
<mergeCell ref="A1:B1"/>
Both approaches above fail to create a merged cell. I am expecting to get "First Cell Entry" filling cells A1 and B1 with "Third Cell" in cell C1. Instead I get "First Cell Entry" in cell A1 and "Third Cell" in cell B1. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is the only remaining item I need to get some legacy code working and I do not want to convert the entire report over to OpenXML SDK code.
Try replacing mergeAcross with ss:MergeAcross. In other words, use:
<ss:Cell ss:MergeAcross="2"><ss:Data ss:Type="String">First Cell Entry</ss:Data></ss:Cell>
Also, you may notice that to get "A1:B1" merged cell you need to set ss:MergeAcross value to 1, not 2.
Mario's answer remains the correct answer to this question.
However, since there is decent traffic hitting this question I thought I would add some sample code for a few additional operations that I had to dig up when working on this report.
Here is an example of how to add styling information to a file. Add a block like the one below into your file immediately after the workbook element
<?xml version='1.0'?><ss:Workbook xmlns:ss='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'>
<ss:Style ss:ID='1'>
<ss:Font ss:Bold='1'/>
<ss:Alignment ss:Horizontal='Center'/>
<ss:Worksheet ss:Name='Distribution List Overview'>
The defines a style to set the font-weight bold and to horizontally center the text in each cell. You seem to be able to add an arbitrary number of style parameters to the block and should be able to specify pretty much anything supported by Excel. You'll have to do some research to find out what the correct element names are but they seem to closely parallel Excel commands so guessing is not as hard as it sounds.
You can add this to a Cell or Row by appending the style descriptor the the target element as shown below
<ss:Cell ss:StyleID='1'>
To specify horizontal alignment and wrapped text declare another style block in between the 'ss:Styles' and '/ss:Styles' elements and give it a unique identifier
<ss:Style ss:ID='3'>
<ss:Alignment ss:Vertical='Bottom' ss:WrapText='1'/>
Borders can be created using the following style structure
<ss:Style ss:ID='4'>
<ss:Font ss:Bold='1'/>
<ss:Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>
<ss:Border ss:Position='Left' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>
<ss:Border ss:Position='Right' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>
<ss:Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>
When assigned to a Cell this will set the text font to bold and apply borders on all sides with a normal weight. Adjust the Weight parameter to make the borders bolder.
Finally, I spent quite a while investigating how to add multiple records to a single cell. As far as I can tell you cannot nest Tables inside a cell so I had to figure out how to encode an alt-enter to cause line feeds inside the cell. This requires a custom style as well as some special text to be inserted inline. You need to enable line wrap as I showed above and then use the '&#10' string to separate your lines. The block below will display two names in the specified cell on two lines using the example style specified above
<ss:Cell ss:StyleID='3'>
<ss:Data ss:Type='String'>Jane Doe&#10Janet Doe</ss:Data>
I have not managed to figure out a way to apply multiple styles to a single element so I have had to create several styles, some with very minor differences, and assign each cell the specific style ID it requires to format everything correctly. For example, I had to create a style with normal text and normal weight borders, one with bold text and normal borders and one with bold text and bold borders since I could not figure out a way to apply the font weight and the border weight separately.

Excel graph hide data label if = #N/A

In Excel, I am generating a bar chart from cells using the N/A() function (=IF(value=0,NA(),value)).
I precise I cannot use "" instead of n/a() and I must use bar graphs.
My problem is I cannot prevent data labels from showing #N/A for N/A cells...
I tried many formats for the data label, using this definition:
For example this one: 0;-0;;
It prevents well any text, or 0 value to be displayed in data labels... But #N/A remains.
I have read many topics on various forums and sites without success.
Could you please help on this ?
You can filter the columns in your data series by right clicking on the column and navigating to the "Select Data" option. From there you can un-check the data from the horizontal axis that you don't want to be displayed.

Cell should equal most right hand side filled column value in range - EXCEL

Ive got an issue register spreadsheet, which is like a punch card system for when a document revision was published.
In the columns B-M i have the revision numbers for each document and in column A i want to have a record of the latest revision so it can be refered to quickly. At the moment i manage this by hand but have been trying to find a formal to manage column A for me.
In pseudo code it should be :
A2 = the last published number in B2-M2 But ive been struggling to think of the right way to write this with a native spreadsheet function without using VBA / google spreadsheet JS script.
Ive created a dummy spreadsheet here to illustrate the problem :
Any help would be much apprecaited.
Please try:
copied down to suit (assumes rev numbers will not exceed 98 - if text format replace 99 with "zzz").

Merge two related data sets by common value, LibreOffice/Excel or CSV

I have two datasets, they are stored separately but they are related, they describe the same phenomenon, from different perspectives, in different ways.
The encoding is not really consequential, here they are rendered as Excel/LibreOffice but I can also get them as CSV.
One "sheet", Sheet I, looks like this:
and Sheet II:
Using the field submission # as the unifier I want to create a single sheet which will associate the related blue fields to the corresponding pink field.
For example, the final result should look like this:
Here is a link to those toy examples.
On sheet1 cell h2 insert:
The $ fixes the data table and the row for the lookup.
You can drag the function with the black plus sign which appears when you are pointing the right bottom of the cell.
