How to detect mouse release - excel

I have a button that activates an animation. I want to stop the animation when I release the click. I have just this:
Private Sub AnimationButton_Click()
Call AnimationStart
End Sub
I tried searching, but I didn't find anything related to buttons.

If you look in the list of events on your form for your button you will find Mouse_Down and Mouse_Up for the command button.
At the top of the code editor window select your command button on the left hand drop down list and the events available are in the right hand drop down list.
A program will receive a Mouse_Down event when the button is pressed. Then a timer starts and if it's released before the drag timer expires you will get a Mouse Up event followed by a click event.


How to propagate the parent's click event in Pyside2 as if I have clicked the button directly while hovering over it?

How to propagate the parent's click event in Pyside2 as if I have clicked the button directly while hovering over it?
This is a very peculiar problem, and I haven't been able to find even a question like this.
A button is positioned on the main UI window. When clicked, it hides the parent window, and spawns another window at that position. I need it to work with a single click, for example, I want to press the button, and not release the mouse immediately, but hover over a certain part of the newly spawned window and then release it.
This works perfectly fine if I click the button directly , but the problem is I need to click the button from the main UI window.
I am doing it by sending "mousePressEvent" from the main UI window to the child widget's "mousePressEvent", like this:
def mousePressEvent(self, event): #parent mouse press event
self.FocusedButton.mousePressEvent(event) # child widget
When I activate the button from the mainUI window, the window is immediately hidden and the new window is spawned. However, since I haven't performed mouse release yet, I am stuck into the parent's mouse press event loop. The mouse doesn't invoke paint event and doesn't register mouseMoveEvent until I release the click because the mainUI window is hidden and mouse tracking doesn't work any more.
I have tried setting the flags of the window in every way, (QtCore.Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents,True ) for example, but none of it worked.
The main UI window inherits from "QtWidgets.QWidget" and does not have the clicked method.

What browser event does a screen reader use when pressing a button or link?

I've yet to setup a screen reader to test myself, but I'm wondering what specific browser event does a screen reader use when clicking a button or a link?
Is it the equivalent of a mouse click or tabbing to the element and pressing enter or space?
Screenreaders will trigger the click() event, but screenreader users may still use their keyboard, mouse, trackpad or braille display.
See SCR35: Making actions keyboard accessible by using the onclick event of anchors and buttons
While "onclick" sounds like it is tied to the mouse, the onclick event is actually mapped to the default action of a link or button. The default action occurs when the user clicks the element with a mouse, but it also occurs when the user focuses the element and hits enter or space, and when the element is triggered via the accessibility API.

LiveCode: how to dismiss a popup button

If I instantiate a popup button, I can dismiss it by selecting one of the options or by clicking somewhere else. Is there a good way to dismiss it from a script? I tried setting the menuHistory, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Mark - if you check the openStacks is the first line empty while the popup menu is displayed? I think it is and then you could test that way.
Answering my own question:
I haven't found a good way to determine whether a popup menu button is displayed yet - none of the usual property checks seem to work. But I sidestepped the issue thusly:
in my scrollwheel handler I
dispatch "menuPick" to button "PluginMenu"
Then in the menuPick handler of the PluginMenu button I have
if pItemName is empty then
lock screen
put word 2 of the selectedline of field "xyzzy" into tLine
select after line tLine of field "xyzzy"
click at the selectedloc
unlock screen
end if
where pItemName is the normal menuPick parameter.
If I could determine when the popup was visible I could limit the menuPick call to just the times when it's on screen, but otherwise the effect is just to click at the end of the line, deselecting the popup if it's on top.
Edit: the scrollwheel handler mentioned above is in the rawKeyUp handler of field "xyzzy".
Edit 2: as mentioned, that should be "rawKeyDown" instead of "rawKeyUp".
And as Trevor mentioned, checking line 1 of the openStacks makes it even better:
if line 1 of the openStacks is empty then
dispatch "menuPick" to button "PluginMenu"
end if
It may be that you need to fake your popup menu with a palette stack which closes on suspendStack. That way there's no blocking involved and you can close it whenever you like. You would need to mess with the focus of the field I think after opening the palette so it still has the focus.
I just tried clicking a button containing the following script then clicking on a popup button.
on mouseUp
set the uActive of me to not the uActive of me
if the uActive of me then send "test" to me in 2000 millisecs
end mouseUp
on test
put the millisecs
if the uActive of me then send "test" to me in 2000 millisecs
end test
The popup seems to be modal and blocks the timed routine in the button script. I'm thinking that Monte's idea of faking the popup might be a good one ;)
You can't access already open menus by script. However, on Windows, if you open the popup menu with the popup command in a mouseDown handler, the mouseDown handler will run till the end instantly. If you use a stack panel instead of a regular popup menu, you might be able to close the stack panel by script (I haven't tried this). I don't think that this is possible on Mac OS X because menus block any currently running scripts until the menu closes.

How can I make the Excel cell menu update when the keyboard's context menu key is pressed

At the moment, I have code that runs in the Application's SheetBeforeRightClick event, but I've found that this code doesn't run when I press the keyboard's Context Menu key instead of using the right mouse button, which means that I get the wrong menu.
I could use the SheetSelectionChange event instead, but I'd imagine this would be quite error prone. Is there a more elegant way of doing it?
There is a BeforeContextMenu event you can use.
It should catch both the right click and the keyboard key.

Altering the YUI menu's mousing behavior

I'm using Yui to build a "popup" menu that works a bit differently with the mouse than usual. This is not a ContextMenu, because I want it to respond to left clicks, and the ContextMenu seems bent on responding to right clicks.
Following the examples, if I do this, the menu comes up and everything is close to how I want it:
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(myClickTarget, 'click', myThingGotClicked);
In my myThingGotClicked function, I manually set the menu's position and show() it.
My problem is that I want to "bind" the menu visibility to the state of the mouse button. That is, on a mouseDown, I want the menu to come up, and on a mouseUp, I want the menu to disappear (selecting the active item, if any). So, listening to the 'click' event doesn't do the right thing, because a "click" is only sent after mouseUp.
The "obvious" solution is to do this:
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(myClickTarget, 'mousedown', myThingGotClicked);
But this doesn't work. Stepping through in a debugger, you can see that it does actually bring up the menu on a mousedown, but then something immediately hides the menu. At full speed, it looks like nothing happens at all.
Any thoughts?
The problem is that the MenuManager class listens for the mousedown event at the document level and hides all visible Menu instances. So, since you are building a unique sort of Menu implementation, you'll need to stop the propagation of the mousedown event inside your handler so that the MenuManager doesn't handle the event. Here is some pseudo code for you:
var myThingGotClicked = function (event) {
// Do other stuff
YAHOO.util.Event.on(myClickTarget, 'mousedown', myThingGotClicked);
That's a bit closer, as the menu does pop up, but if you try to make a selection in the menu, the text selection of the page underneath goes sort of nuts. I also need to add a mouseup handler, I think, as the menu doesn't go down on mouse release.
What I really want here are menus that work like menus on every version of the Mac OS (until more recently when OS X added the "click to make the menu 'sticky' to the default behavior).
