How do you model "metadata" in Haskell? - haskell

I'm writing a parser in Haskell (mostly just to learn). I have a working tokenizer and parser and I want to add line numbers when giving an error message. I have this type:
data Token = Lambda
| Dot
| LParen
| RParen
| Ident String
Back in OO land, I would just create a Metadata object that holds the token's position in the source code. So I could try this:
data Metadata = Pos String Int Int
Then, I could change Token to
data Token = Lambda Metadata
| Dot Metadata
| LParen Metadata
| RParen Metadata
| Ident String Metadata
However, my parser is written using pattern matching on the tokens. So now, all my pattern matching is broken because I need to also account for the Metadata. So that doesn't seem ideal. 99% of the time, I don't care about the Metadata.
So what's the "right" way to do what I want to do?

There’s a wide array of approaches to the design of syntax representations in Haskell, but I can offer some recommendations and reasoning.
It’s advisable to keep metadata annotations out of the Token type, so that it sticks to a single responsibility. If a Token represents just a token, its derived instances for Eq and so on will work as expected without needing to worry about when to ignore the annotation.
Thankfully, the alternatives are simple in this case. One option is to move the annotation info to a separate wrapper type.
-- An #'Anno' a# is a value of type #a# annotated with some 'Metadata'.
data Anno a = Anno { annotation :: Metadata, item :: a }
( Eq
, Ord
, Show
-- …
Now the tokeniser can return a sequence of annotated tokens, i.e. [Annotated Token]. You still need to update the use sites, but the changes are now much simpler. And you can ignore annotations in various ways:
-- Positional matching
f1 (Anno _meta (Ident name)) = …
-- Record matching
f2 Anno { item = Ident name } = …
-- With ‘NamedFieldPuns’
f3 Anno { item } = …
-- 'U'nannotated value; with ‘PatternSynonyms’
pattern U :: a -> Anno a
pattern U x <- Anno _meta x
f4 (U LParen) = …
You can deannotate a sequence of tokens with fmap item to reuse existing code that doesn’t care about location info. And since Anno is a type of kind Type -> Type, GHC can also derive Foldable, Functor, and Traversable for it, making it easy to operate on the annotated item with e.g. fmap and traverse.
This is the preferable approach for Token, but for a parsed AST containing annotations, you may want to make the annotation type a parameter of the AST type, for example:
data Expr a = Add a (Expr a) (Expr a) | Literal a Int
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Ord, Show, Traversable)
Then you can use Expr Metadata for an annotated term, or Expr () for an unannotated one. To compare terms for equality, such as in unit tests, you can use the Functor instance to strip out the annotations, e.g. void expr1 == void expr2, where void is equivalent to fmap (\ _meta -> ()) here.
In a larger codebase, if there’s a lot of code depending on a data type and you really want to avoid updating it all at once, you can wrap the old type in a module that exports a pattern synonym for each of the old constructors. This lets you gradually update the old code before deleting the adapter module.
Culturally, it’s typical in a self-contained Haskell codebase to simply make breaking changes, and let the compiler tell you everywhere that needs to be updated, since it’s so easy to do extensive refactoring with high assurance that it’s correct. We’re more concerned with backward compatibility when it comes to published library code, since that actually affects other people.


Type design for the AST of my language remembering token locations

I wrote a parser and evaluator for a simple programming language. Here is a simplified version of the types for the AST:
data Value = IntV Int | FloatV Float | BoolV Bool
data Expr = IfE Value [Expr] | VarDefE String Value
type Program = [Expr]
I want error messages to tell the line and column of the source code in which the error occured. For example, if the value in an If expression is not a boolean, I want the evaluator to show an error saying "expected boolean at line x, column y", with x and y referring to the location of the value.
So, what I need to do is redefine the previous types so that they can store the relevant locations of different things. One option would be to add a location to each constructor for expressions, like so:
type Location = (Int, Int)
data Expr = IfE Value [Expr] Location | VarDef String Value Location
This clearly isn't optimal, because I have to add those Location fields to every possible expression, and if for example a value contained other values, I would need to add locations to that value too:
this would turn into FunctionCall String [Value] [Location],
with one location for each value in the function call
data Value = ... | FunctionCall String [Value]
I came up with another solution, which allows me to add locations to everything:
data Located a = Located Location a
type LocatedExpr = Located Expr
type LocatedValue = Located Value
data Value = IntV Int | FloatV Float | BoolV Bool | FunctionCall String [LocatedValue]
data Expr = IfE LocatedValue [LocatedExpr] | VarDef String LocatedValue
data Program = [LocatedExpr]
However I don't like this that much. First of all, it clutters the definition of the evaluator and pattern matching has an extra layer every time. Also, I don't think saying that a function call takes located values as arguments is quite right. Function calls should take values as arguments, and locations should be metadata that doesn't interfere with the evaluator.
I need help redefining my types so that the solution is as clean as possible. Maybe there is a language extension or a design pattern I don't know about that could be helpful.
There are many ways to annotate an AST! This is half of what’s known as the AST typing problem, the other half being how you manage an AST that changes over the course of compilation. The problem isn’t exactly “solved”: all of the solutions have tradeoffs, and which one to pick depends on your expected use cases. I’ll go over a few that you might like to investigate at the end.
Whichever method you choose for organising the actual data types, if it makes pattern-matching ugly or unwieldy, the natural solution is PatternSynonyms.
Considering your first example:
{-# Language PatternSynonyms #-}
type Location = (Int, Int)
data Expr
= LocatedIf Value [Expr] Location
| LocatedVarDef String Value Location
-- Unidirectional pattern synonyms which ignore the location:
pattern If :: Value -> [Expr] -> Expr
pattern If val exprs <- LocatedIf val exprs _loc
pattern VarDef :: String -> Value -> Expr
pattern VarDef name expr <- LocatedVarDef name expr _loc
-- Inform GHC that matching ‘If’ and ‘VarDef’ is just as good
-- as matching ‘LocatedIf’ and ‘LocatedVarDef’.
{-# Complete If, VarDef #-}
This may be sufficiently tidy for your purposes already. But here are a few more tips that I find helpful.
Put annotations first: when adding an annotation type to an AST directly, I often prefer to place it as the first parameter of each constructor, so that it can be conveniently partially applied.
data LocatedExpr
= LocatedIf Location Value [Expr]
| LocatedVarDef Location String Value
If the annotation is a location, then this also makes it more convenient to obtain when writing certain kinds of parsers, along the lines of AnnotatedIf <$> (getSourceLocation <* ifKeyword) <*> value <*> many expr in a parser combinator library.
Parameterise your annotations: I often make the annotation type into a type parameter, so that GHC can derive some useful classes for me:
{-# Language
DeriveTraversable #-}
data AnnotatedExpr a
= AnnotatedIf a Value [Expr]
| AnnotatedVarDef a String Value
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type LocatedExpr = AnnotatedExpr Location
-- Get the annotation of an expression.
-- (Total as long as every constructor is annotated.)
exprAnnotation :: AnnotatedExpr a -> a
exprAnnotation = head
-- Update annotations purely.
:: (a -> b)
-> AnnotatedExpr a -> AnnotatedExpr b
mapAnnotations = fmap
-- traverse, foldMap, &c.
If you want “doesn’t interfere”, use polymorphism: you can enforce that the evaluator can’t inspect the annotation type by being polymorphic over it. Pattern synonyms still let you match on these expressions conveniently:
pattern If :: Value -> [AnnotatedExpr a] -> AnnotatedExpr a
pattern If val exprs <- AnnotatedIf _anno val exprs
-- …
eval :: AnnotatedExpr a -> Value
eval expr = case expr of
If val exprs -> -- …
VarDef name expr -> -- …
Unannotated terms aren’t your enemy: a term without source locations is no good for error reporting, but I think it’s still a good idea to make the pattern synonyms bidirectional for the convenience of constructing unannotated terms with a unit () annotation. (Or something equivalent, if you use e.g. Maybe Location as the annotation type.)
The reason is that this is quite convenient for writing unit tests, where you want to check the output, but want to use Eq instead of pattern matching, and don’t want to have to compare all the source locations in tests that aren’t concerned with them. Using the derived classes, void :: (Functor f) => f a -> f () strips out all the annotations on an AST.
import Control.Monad (void)
type BareExpr = AnnotatedExpr ()
-- One way to define bidirectional synonyms, so e.g.
-- ‘If’ can be used as either a pattern or a constructor.
pattern If :: Value -> [BareExpr] -> BareExpr
pattern If val exprs = AnnotatedIf () val exprs
-- …
stripAnnotations :: AnnotatedExpr a -> BareExpr
stripAnnotations = void
Equivalently, you could use GADTs / ExistentialQuantification to say data AnyExpr where { AnyExpr :: AnnotatedExpr a -> AnyExpr } / data AnyExpr = forall a. AnyExpr (AnnotatedExpr a); that way, the annotations have exactly as much information as (), but you don’t need to fmap over the entire tree with void in order to strip it, just apply the AnyExpr constructor to hide the type.
Finally, here are some brief introductions to a few AST typing solutions.
Annotate each AST node with a tag (e.g. a unique ID), then store all metadata like source locations, types, and whatever else, separately from the AST:
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
-- More sophisticated/stronglier-typed tags are possible.
newtype Tag = Tag Int
newtype TagMap a = TagMap (IntMap a)
data Expr
= If !Tag Value [Expr]
| VarDef !Tag String Expr
type Span = (Location, Location)
type SourceMap = TagMap Span
type CommentMap = TagMap (Span, String)
:: String -- Input
-> Either ParseError
( Expr -- Parsed expression
, SourceMap -- Source locations of tags
, CommentMap -- Sideband for comments
-- …
The advantage is that you can very easily mix in arbitrary new types of annotations anywhere, without affecting the AST itself, and avoid rewriting the AST just to change annotations. You can think of the tree and annotation tables as a kind of database, where the tags are the “foreign keys” relating them. A downside is that you must be careful to maintain these tags when you do rewrite the AST.
I don’t know if this approach has an established name; I think of it as just “tagging” or a “tagged AST”.
recursion-schemes and/or Data Types à la CartePDF: separate out the “recursive” part of an annotated expression tree from the “annotation” part, and use Fix to tie them back together, with Compose (or Cofree) to add annotations in the middle.
data ExprF e
= IfF Value [e]
| VarDefF String e
-- …
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Traversable, …)
-- Unannotated: Expr ~ ExprF (ExprF (ExprF (…)))
type Expr = Fix ExprF
-- With a location at each recursive step:
-- LocatedExpr ~ Located (ExprF (Located (ExprF (…))))
type LocatedExpr = Fix (Compose Located ExprF)
data Located a = Located Location a
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Traversable, …)
-- or: type Located = (,) Location
A distinct advantage is that you get a bunch of nice traversal stuff like cata for free-ish, so you can avoid having to write manual traversals over your AST over and over. A downside is that it adds some pattern clutter to clean up, as does the “à la carte” approach, but they do offer a lot of flexibility.
Trees That GrowPDF is overkill for just source locations, but in a serious compiler it’s quite helpful. If you expect to have more than one annotation type (such as inferred types or other analysis results) or an AST that changes over time, then you add a type parameter for the “compilation phase” (parsed, renamed, typechecked, desugared, &c.) and select field types or enable & disable constructors based on that index.
A really unfortunate downside of this is that you often have to rewrite the tree even in places nothing has changed, because everything depends on the “phase”. An alternative that I use is to add one type parameter for each type of phase or annotation that can vary independently, e.g. data Expr annotation termVarName typeVarName, and abstract over that with type and pattern synonyms. This lets you update indices independently and still use classes like Functor and Bitraversable.

Deriving instance for data types with functions

I'm trying to create a data type representing an objects position that can 'GO', 'STOP', move 'FORWARD', and move 'BACKWARD'. I can't figure out how to write the deriving instance of 'Eq' and 'Show' for the functions FORWARD and BACKWARD.
data Moves = GO
| FORWARD { f :: Int -> Int -> Int }
| BACKWARD { g :: Int -> Int -> Int }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (Eq Moves) where
_ == _ = False
The logic for the instance doesn't matter at the moment I just can't figure out how to get it to compile. Thanks
When you automatically derive various standard typeclasses via the deriving clause, this relies on the individual fields or branches of the data structure already having instances for those classes. Since functions have no default instance for either Eq or Show (which is perfectly reasonable, there's no obvious canonical way to either determine if 2 arbitrary functions are equal*, or to print them as strings), and your datatype includes 2 fields whose values are functions, it's impossible for Haskell to derive Eq and Show instances, and this is what the compilation error is about.
The solution is simply to remove the deriving (Eq, Show) part - you don't need this anyway if you're going to define your own custom instances. (The only reason to put a deriving clause is if you need an instance and are happy with the "standard" one - which a lot of the time you would be. Here though, you seem to be wanting to implement your own instances with non-standard logic. That is fine if your use-case demands it.)
*actually in mathematics it's clear what equality of functions means, functions are defined by their graph, which means that for two functions to be equal, they must give the same output for every possible input value. That's still theoretically important in Haskell programming (since the "laws" for various type classes require various functions to be equal), but it's not possible to implement in any reasonable way in general, not least because some functions can run forever without giving a result, so actually computing equality of functions in general is rather stronger than solving the Halting Problem!)

Factoring out recursion in a complex AST

For a side project I am working on I currently have to deal with an abstract syntax tree and transform it according to rules (the specifics are unimportant).
The AST itself is nontrivial, meaning it has subexpressions which are restricted to some types only. (e.g. the operator A must take an argument which is of type B only, not any Expr. A drastically simplified reduced version of my datatype looks like this:
data Expr = List [Expr]
| Strange Str
| Literal Lit
data Str = A Expr
| B Expr
| C Lit
| D String
| E [Expr]
data Lit = Int Int
| String String
My goal is to factor out the explicit recursion and rely on recursion schemes instead, as demonstrated in these two excellent blog posts, which provide very powerful general-purpose tools to operate on my AST. Applying the necessary factoring, we end up with:
data ExprF a = List [a]
| Strange (StrF a)
| Literal (LitF a)
data StrF a = A a
| B a
| C (LitF a)
| D String
| E [a]
data LitF a = Int Int
| String String
If I didn't mess up, type Expr = Fix ExprF should now be isomorphic to the previously defined Expr.
However, writing cata for these cases becomes rather tedious, as I have to pattern match B a :: StrF a inside of an Str :: ExprF a for cata to be well-typed. For the entire original AST this is unfeasible.
I stumbled upon fixing GADTs, which seems to me like it is a solution to my problem, however the user-unfriendly interface of the duplicated higher-order type classes etc. is quite the unneccessary boilerplate.
So, to sum up my questions:
Is rewriting the AST as a GADT the correct way to go about this?
If yes, how could I transform the example into a well-working version? On a second note, is there better support for higher kinded Functors in GHC now?
If you've gone through the effort of to separate out the recursion in your data type, then you can just derive Functor and you're done. You don't need any fancy features to get the recursion scheme. (As a side note, there's no reason to parameterize the Lit data type.)
The fold is:
newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
gfold :: (Functor f) => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
gfold alg = alg . fmap (gfold alg) . out
To specify the algebra (the alg parameter), you need to do a case analysis against ExprF, but the alternative would be to have the fold have a dozen or more parameters: one for each data constructor. That wouldn't really save you much typing and would be much harder to read. If you want (and this may require rank-2 types in general), you can package all those parameters up into a record and then you could use record update to update "pre-made" records that provide "default" behavior in various circumstances. There's an old paper Dealing with Large Bananas that takes an approach like this. What I'm suggesting, to be clear, is just wrapping the gfold function above with a function that takes a record, and passes in an algebra that will do the case analysis and call the appropriate field of the record for each case.
Of course, you could use GHC Generics or the various "generic/polytypic" programming libraries like Scrap Your Boilerplate instead of this. You are basically recreating what they do.

Augment a complex data type in a generic way in Haskell

I have been using the abstract syntax tree (AST) of Language.C library to modify C programs using generic transformations of SYB library. This AST has different kind of nodes (data types), each one representing a C construction, i.e. expressions, statements, definitions, etc. I need now to augment somehow the information that statements carry, i.e. annotate them. I have supposed (maybe I'm wrong) that I cannot modify or redefine the original data type, so I would like to have something like this:
annotateAST anns =
everywhere (mkT (annotateAST_ anns))
annotateAST_ astnode anns
| isStmt astnode = AnnStmt astnode (getAnn astnode anns)
| otherwise = astnode
In this way I would have a new ast with annotated statements instead of the original one. Of course, GHC is going to complain because everywhereshould return the same type that it gets, and this is not what it is happening here.
Concluding, I need to generically annotate an AST without modifying the original data types, and in a way that it is easy to return to the original data structure.
I have been thinking in different solutions for this problem, but not convinced of any of them, so I decided to share it here.
P.S. I was told that SYB library is not very efficient. Taking into account that the AST of Language.C only derives Data, do I have a more efficient alternative to do generic traversal and modification of the AST?
I am not an expert of that library, but it seems to be designed so to allow user-defined decorations.
This is because all the main data types are parametrized over NodeInfo, the standard annotation (only carrying location and name information). E.g. the library provides
type CTranslUnit = CTranslationUnit NodeInfo
which allows you to define
type MyTransUnit = CTranslationUnit MyNodeInfo
data MyNodeInfo = MNI NodeInfo AdditionalStuffHere
so to decorate the AST as you wish.
The library provides Functor instances that can affect such decorations, as well as an Annotated typeclass to retrieve the (possibly user-defined) annotation from any AST node.
I'd try to pursue that approach.
The design looks nice. The only drawback I can see is that the annotation type must be the same for all kinds on nodes, which basically forces one to define it as a huge sum of all kinds of annotations one might possibly have inside. For example:
-- AST library for a simple lambda-calculus
data AST n
= Fun n String (AST n)
| Var n String
| App n (AST n) (AST n)
-- user code
data Annotation
= AnnVar ... | AnnFun ... | AnnApp ...
type AnnotatedAST = AST Annotation
and we offer no static guarantees on functions being decorated with AnnFun, only.
One could wish for a more advanced library design exploiting GADTs such as:
-- AST library for a simple lambda-calculus
data Tag = TagFun | TagVar | TagApp
data AST (n :: Tag -> *)
= Fun (n 'TagFun) String (AST n)
| Var (n 'TagVar) String
| App (n 'TagApp) (AST n) (AST n)
-- user code
data Annotation (n :: Tag) where
AnnFun :: String -> Annotation 'TagFun
AnnVar :: Int -> Annotation 'TagVar
AnnApp :: Bool -> Annotation 'TagApp
type AnnotatedAST = AST Annotation
which guarantees a correct annotation in every node. AST would no longer be a Functor, but a Functor-like class could be defined, at least.
Still -- I'd be grateful that at least the library allows some form of user-defined annotations.

Why do I have to use newtype when my data type declaration only has one constructor? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Difference between `data` and `newtype` in Haskell
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
It seems that a newtype definition is just a data definition that obeys some restrictions (e.g., only one constructor), and that due to these restrictions the runtime system can handle newtypes more efficiently. And the handling of pattern matching for undefined values is slightly different.
But suppose Haskell would only knew data definitions, no newtypes: couldn't the compiler find out for itself whether a given data definition obeys these restrictions, and automatically treat it more efficiently?
I'm sure I'm missing out on something, there must be some deeper reason for this.
Both newtype and the single-constructor data introduce a single value constructor, but the value constructor introduced by newtype is strict and the value constructor introduced by data is lazy. So if you have
data D = D Int
newtype N = N Int
Then N undefined is equivalent to undefined and causes an error when evaluated. But D undefined is not equivalent to undefined, and it can be evaluated as long as you don't try to peek inside.
Couldn't the compiler handle this for itself.
No, not really—this is a case where as the programmer you get to decide whether the constructor is strict or lazy. To understand when and how to make constructors strict or lazy, you have to have a much better understanding of lazy evaluation than I do. I stick to the idea in the Report, namely that newtype is there for you to rename an existing type, like having several different incompatible kinds of measurements:
newtype Feet = Feet Double
newtype Cm = Cm Double
both behave exactly like Double at run time, but the compiler promises not to let you confuse them.
According to Learn You a Haskell:
Instead of the data keyword, the newtype keyword is used. Now why is
that? Well for one, newtype is faster. If you use the data keyword to
wrap a type, there's some overhead to all that wrapping and unwrapping
when your program is running. But if you use newtype, Haskell knows
that you're just using it to wrap an existing type into a new type
(hence the name), because you want it to be the same internally but
have a different type. With that in mind, Haskell can get rid of the
wrapping and unwrapping once it resolves which value is of what type.
So why not just use newtype all the time instead of data then? Well,
when you make a new type from an existing type by using the newtype
keyword, you can only have one value constructor and that value
constructor can only have one field. But with data, you can make data
types that have several value constructors and each constructor can
have zero or more fields:
data Profession = Fighter | Archer | Accountant
data Race = Human | Elf | Orc | Goblin
data PlayerCharacter = PlayerCharacter Race Profession
When using newtype, you're restricted to just one constructor with one
Now consider the following type:
data CoolBool = CoolBool { getCoolBool :: Bool }
It's your run-of-the-mill algebraic data type that was defined with
the data keyword. It has one value constructor, which has one field
whose type is Bool. Let's make a function that pattern matches on a
CoolBool and returns the value "hello" regardless of whether the Bool
inside the CoolBool was True or False:
helloMe :: CoolBool -> String
helloMe (CoolBool _) = "hello"
Instead of applying this function to a normal CoolBool, let's throw it a curveball and apply it to undefined!
ghci> helloMe undefined
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
Yikes! An exception! Now why did this exception happen? Types defined
with the data keyword can have multiple value constructors (even
though CoolBool only has one). So in order to see if the value given
to our function conforms to the (CoolBool _) pattern, Haskell has to
evaluate the value just enough to see which value constructor was used
when we made the value. And when we try to evaluate an undefined
value, even a little, an exception is thrown.
Instead of using the data keyword for CoolBool, let's try using
newtype CoolBool = CoolBool { getCoolBool :: Bool }
We don't have to
change our helloMe function, because the pattern matching syntax is
the same if you use newtype or data to define your type. Let's do the
same thing here and apply helloMe to an undefined value:
ghci> helloMe undefined
It worked! Hmmm, why is that? Well, like we've said, when we use
newtype, Haskell can internally represent the values of the new type
in the same way as the original values. It doesn't have to add another
box around them, it just has to be aware of the values being of
different types. And because Haskell knows that types made with the
newtype keyword can only have one constructor, it doesn't have to
evaluate the value passed to the function to make sure that it
conforms to the (CoolBool _) pattern because newtype types can only
have one possible value constructor and one field!
This difference in behavior may seem trivial, but it's actually pretty
important because it helps us realize that even though types defined
with data and newtype behave similarly from the programmer's point of
view because they both have value constructors and fields, they are
actually two different mechanisms. Whereas data can be used to make
your own types from scratch, newtype is for making a completely new
type out of an existing type. Pattern matching on newtype values isn't
like taking something out of a box (like it is with data), it's more
about making a direct conversion from one type to another.
Here's another source. According to this Newtype article:
A newtype declaration creates a new type in much the same way as data.
The syntax and usage of newtypes is virtually identical to that of
data declarations - in fact, you can replace the newtype keyword with
data and it'll still compile, indeed there's even a good chance your
program will still work. The converse is not true, however - data can
only be replaced with newtype if the type has exactly one constructor
with exactly one field inside it.
Some Examples:
newtype Fd = Fd CInt
-- data Fd = Fd CInt would also be valid
-- newtypes can have deriving clauses just like normal types
newtype Identity a = Identity a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
-- record syntax is still allowed, but only for one field
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (s, a) }
-- this is *not* allowed:
-- newtype Pair a b = Pair { pairFst :: a, pairSnd :: b }
-- but this is:
data Pair a b = Pair { pairFst :: a, pairSnd :: b }
-- and so is this:
newtype Pair' a b = Pair' (a, b)
Sounds pretty limited! So why does anyone use newtype?
The short version The restriction to one constructor with one field
means that the new type and the type of the field are in direct
State :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a
runState :: State s a -> (s -> (a, s))
or in mathematical terms they are isomorphic. This means that after
the type is checked at compile time, at run time the two types can be
treated essentially the same, without the overhead or indirection
normally associated with a data constructor. So if you want to declare
different type class instances for a particular type, or want to make
a type abstract, you can wrap it in a newtype and it'll be considered
distinct to the type-checker, but identical at runtime. You can then
use all sorts of deep trickery like phantom or recursive types without
worrying about GHC shuffling buckets of bytes for no reason.
See the article for the messy bits...
Simple version for folks obsessed with bullet lists (failed to find one, so have to write it by myself):
data - creates new algebraic type with value constructors
Can have several value constructors
Value constructors are lazy
Values can have several fields
Affects both compilation and runtime, have runtime overhead
Created type is a distinct new type
Can have its own type class instances
When pattern matching against value constructors, WILL be evaluated at least to weak head normal form (WHNF) *
Used to create new data type (example: Address { zip :: String, street :: String } )
newtype - creates new “decorating” type with value constructor
Can have only one value constructor
Value constructor is strict
Value can have only one field
Affects only compilation, no runtime overhead
Created type is a distinct new type
Can have its own type class instances
When pattern matching against value constructor, CAN be not evaluated at all *
Used to create higher level concept based on existing type with distinct set of supported operations or that is not interchangeable with original type (example: Meter, Cm, Feet is Double)
type - creates an alternative name (synonym) for a type (like typedef in C)
No value constructors
No fields
Affects only compilation, no runtime overhead
No new type is created (only a new name for existing type)
Can NOT have its own type class instances
When pattern matching against data constructor, behaves the same as original type
Used to create higher level concept based on existing type with the same set of supported operations (example: String is [Char])
[*] On pattern matching laziness:
data DataBox a = DataBox Int
newtype NewtypeBox a = NewtypeBox Int
dataMatcher :: DataBox -> String
dataMatcher (DataBox _) = "data"
newtypeMatcher :: NewtypeBox -> String
newtypeMatcher (NewtypeBox _) = "newtype"
ghci> dataMatcher undefined
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
ghci> newtypeMatcher undefined
Off the top of my head; data declarations use lazy evaluation in access and storage of their "members", whereas newtype does not. Newtype also strips away all previous type instances from its components, effectively hiding its implementation; whereas data leaves the implementation open.
I tend to use newtype's when avoiding boilerplate code in complex data types where I don't necessarily need access to the internals when using them. This speeds up both compilation and execution, and reduces code complexity where the new type is used.
When first reading about this I found this chapter of a Gentle Introduction to Haskell rather intuitive.
