resemblejs "npm run test" tests not passing, can't extend timeout - node.js

I have cloned the repo for the resemble.js project code ( and have been attempting to test the software by using the "npm run test" command. The test suites fail and it does not accept "jest.setTimeout(20000)" as a command to adjust the tests. I think I may be missing some packages but I don't know what they are.
Test results.
Any input would be very much appreciated.

Please Go To That Folder where you have cloned the repo
And Run a Command called :
npm i or just npm install
This should fix it !
Have a great day / night ahead !


npm run graphql-deploy command stuck in Sanity

When I am running, the command npm run graphql-deploy in my local it stuck at lerna info Executing command in 1 package: "npm run graphql-deploy". Not moving forward.
And if I run same command in studio folder it stuck at:
GraphQL API deployed to:
Please refer screenshot
So due to this I am not able to deploy my changes. What's the issue here. How to fix this ?
If you never found a fix for this, it was merged into #sanity/cli. I just updated it and seems tow work fine now.

Install and run #cucumber/cucumber in Node.JS

We want to use Cucumber in our Node.JS project. It's probably a pretty basic question but I'm following the Cucumber tutorial and I'm getting stuck at the part where you have to run Cucumber in order to test if everything works. How do I run the new Cucumber (#cucumber/cucumber) package? I think that my issue is related to the package change, which is now /#cucumber/cucumber instead of just cucumber. The command ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty doesn't work. Furtermore, what does -f means?

Run E2E tests in IDE or command line

I'm using Stencil.js to create a web component library and I'm heavily relying on E2E tests. As they're rather slow it becomes more and more cumbersome to run the entire test suite (using the Stencil.js CLI) while developing new components.
However, I'm not able to run single tests in my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) or via command line. It works perfectly fine for unit tests though.
My Jest config looks like this:
module.exports = {
"roots": [
"preset": "#stencil/core/testing"
When I try to run tests in a single file (jest --config jest.config.js --testPathPattern src/components/button/button.e2e.ts$)
it fails, because
newE2EPage() is only available from E2E tests, and ran with the --e2e cmd line flag.
newE2EPage() comes with Stencil.js and I don't know what Stencil.js's CLI does in the background. Furthermore, I cloned the Stencil.js repository, just to see if it is working with their E2E tests ( but it doesn't work either.
Any idea how I can configure Jest so that it's able to run Stencil.js-E2E tests from the command line?
The --e2e flag is used for the npm script in the package.json. To start e2e tests, you can add this in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"test:e2e": "stencil test --e2e"
And run npm run test:e2e. For a specific file, you add it at the end like this:
npm run test:e2e src/components/button/button.e2e.ts
For more info, see the StencilJS doc:
i have the same problem. IntelliJ and 'Run' single 'it' didnt work.
newE2EPage() is only available from E2E tests, and ran with the --e2e cmd line flag.
when i run 'npm run test' everything will work fine. the difference is that npm run stencil before and only jest dont work.
here is the stencil jest dir aswell a config.
i found in here a VS-CODE run jest code but no Intellij setup.
im on the run to get the path of the current file to run stencil via npm and the path the e2e file. but i cant find the correct variable for the run config.
i hope we got this solved soon.
I am not a VS Code user, but in contrast to IntelliJ there is a launch.json for VSC to run single tests:

How to start node server before running end to end tests using npm run?

I'm writing end to end tests for an express site, and I want to add a "test" command into package.js
This command needs to:
run eslint
compile typescript
start node server
run unit tests against that server and show output.
once done testing, close the server.
I know how to execute all those commands individually, but not all at once.
What I have now is :
npm run compile && npm run build && node ./dist/server.js --db=test && npm run test
It works to the point of: "&& npm run test"
since node server is running, it won't continue on to the next command, and if it closes then tests wouldn't run.
Any help is appreciated.
One thing that I have found to help with reliable, maintainable end-to-end tests is to separate concerns:
Test suite assumes that the server is already running
Orchestrator calls into separate commands to bring up your test stack then run the tests
In CI, this could look like
npm start-e2e-test-stack --port=XXXX --db=test
npm test --port=XXXX --db=test
npm teardown-e2e-test-stack
In my experiences, having the end-to-end tests operate against any server helps to allow them to verify all environments, local, dev, qa, staging, production.

npm postinstall fails with multiple commands

Inside my composer.json, there's a postinstall hook setup like the following:
"scripts" : {
"dist" : "node dist; node_modules/.bin/doccoh src/package.js",
"postinstall" : "node_modules/.bin/grunt setup || true; node_modules/.bin/bower install",
"start" : "node server.js"
Whenever I run it (on Win from Git/Gnu Bash CLI), I end with
command not found. either the command was written wrong or couldn't be found
Rough translation from German CLI error.
I tried splitting it into multiple ;/semicolon separated parts and first cd into that directory, but it simply ends up with the same error message. Replacing the whole postinstall command set with a simple ls does work. So I guess the problem might be the semicolon separation or a wrong usage of commands. But overall I got no idea what's wrong.
Note: I got grunt-cli version 0.1.9 and grunt version 0.4.1 installed globally.
I'm a bit late to answer, but if you're on Windows, multiple commands on a single line are executed with the use of &&
postinstall: "some command && some other -c"
I ran into this looking for something and thought this may help other people. I have found it easier to move to postinstall.js files as things get a little complicated. This makes it easier to deal with moving forward.
