Implementating Passport Local Authentication using React and - node.js

I am building a project and have written all the authentication code using a Passport Local Strategy, and using All was well, however once I redid the front end using React, which doesn’t behave like the browser in terms of saving cookies, my code breaks. Can anybody point me in the right direction perhaps in terms of a plug-in to make react able to save cookies to the browser?


Hide secret keys in network payload

I have a Vue Storefront which, out of the box, exists of a Nuxt.js front-end and a Express.js back-end.
In this project I created a custom Server Middleware (which is the Express.js part) that has an Axios call in it. My entire Vue Storefront project is hosted and deployed on a server where I also store the secret keys for the Axios call as eviorment variables. Whenever I request data via the Axios call on the deployed website, I can still see my secret keys in payload in the browser console.
Can these keys be hidden? Since the call is done in the VSF Server Middleware (which is a Express.js server under the hood) and my secret keys are defined on the server too... Not in a .ENV file.
The official docs also state the following about the server middleware:
Securely store credentials on the server without exposing them to
theend-users of your application,
I also have Server Side Rendering enabled, if this has any effect on this.
As explained in my previous answer here, you cannot really hide anything on a client side app.
The fact that you do have ssr: true and target: 'server' enables the usage of a serverMiddleware. Nuxt is also an Express server, so you could technically still totally hide stuff, the configuration of this one is detailed here. Please pay attention to the whole answer (especially the gotcha at the end).
The TDLR is as mentioned above: you'll need some kind of proxy to hide that, so you could do that:
directly with Nuxt2 but it's kinda tricky and hard to work with overall, on top of paying a whole Node.js server and a possible mistake exposing those tokens at some point
get another Node.js server to properly separate the concern and use that one as a proxy, it can be pretty light (no need for a beefy configuration), not as expensive price-wise
a serverless function could be the best idea here because it's light, cheap and you don't need to manage anything (send your query there, it will proxy the request with the secret token) but it can be a bit annoying regarding cold starts

Security for React front-end and Node back-end

I'm relatively new to the modern JavaScript web development world. I've built a very simple Node/Express back-end and a separate React front-end. My vague plan is to have users that will have permission to access certain areas of the front-end, and then have the front-end make requests to the back-end. Can the front-end and back-end share the same authentication/authorization scheme? Can they both use something like Auth0? How can I make these two secure?
I'm a little stuck and would appreciate any advice or a nudge in the right direction. I'm mostly stuck because these are two separate applications but the same "user" would technically have permissions to certain React views as well as certain Express endpoints - how they moosh together?
Although seems not directly related to your topic, but I would actually suggest you try Meteor if you are not planning to immediately start working on large projects (not pressing too hard on scalability).
Meteor has a builtin support for Accounts and interacts with MongoDB nicely, and it also has its own DDP protocol that simplifies API call massively. It also interacts nicely with React.
If you think Meteor might not be a good choice for yourself, you could still learn from its design policies of authorization, etc. It has quite a bit package source code that are not too difficult to understand, and should be helpful for you to learn the basic idea. (Actually, Meteor's Accounts package already implements the basic idea mentioned by another answerer, you can learn from its design principles)
When users log in to your site, issue them with an access token that they keep client side. On front-end, check if user has token and correct permissions before rendering components. On back-end, send the token as request headers to the endpoints.
I have implemented a similar case, but with the spring boot kotlin at the backend instead. My solution is using JWT token to validate the authentication and authorization.
User logins by input login form and send POST method to backend via a REST API.Backend validates credential and returns the JWT token including encrypted user_role, expiration date, etc... if valid or 403 exception
Front-end decodes the JWT (using jwt-decode lib or something else),
save it to validate the access permission to specific page in the
website based on user_role. Eg: role='ADMIN' can access to admin dashboard page, role='USER' can access user profile page, etc.
If you use express as the backend, I suggest to use the feathersjs. It has backend solutions for this and an optional front end version. Refer:
Secure Front end (React.js) and Back end (Node.js/Express Rest API) with Keycloak follow this

How do I insert data into Vue using Express, without putting the API call code in Vue?

In Vue, I understand that any Javascript included in the Vue files will be exposed to the browser (The User-agent in OAuth model). I want to make an API call to an API protected using OAuth 2 and have the data returned from the API call then displayed in the Vue app. Using OAuth, I need to use an Access token only known to the client server (node/express server) and I do not want to reveal the access token to the browser (user-agent).
I tried to see if I could do it using vue-axios, but that forces me to add the auth-token to the logic within vue, which means the browser can access the access token, which seems really unsecure.
So, I thought that I could make the API call on the node/express server that hosts the Vue application. Then, have the data included in the Vue app and send it to the user's browser with the data. The Vue app would then be rendered as normal. That would keep Auth Token hidden from the user's browser. However, I got stuck trying to include JSON data extracted from the api using Express in the Vue app.
How can I insert data into Vue using express, without putting code from the API call into vue?
Note: I'm new to Vue, so if anyone thinks that there is better way to do this securely, I'm open to suggestions.
It's possible you're trying to over-think this. You're not going to out-think the designers of OAuth. Consumers of apis need access tokens. Your OAuth access token is secure, in the sense that it can't be modified to get extra rights, and it should be short-lived, requiring regular re-authentication. You security lies in the fact that even if your user recovers the token, it won't let him do anything you're not happy for him to do anyway.

Laravel Share Session With Nodejs

My question is simple. How do I securely share laravel session information with my nodejs app. I've tried many different methods, none of them worked so I'm hoping a expert will pull through. I already know I don’t want to use JWT Tokens. So I guess that just leaves the session cookie data itself. I cannot figure out how to authenticate with the cookie so that’s what I need help with. I am storing sessions using redis, and using the default authentication system with laravel.
I’ve tried using this library which is great for parsing the session. But it does not authenticate with my server.
If anyone knows how to fix this problem I would greatly appreciate some help.
I think, you have problem with authentication problem inside, idea is that you can't share the session from application to application easily, why? because this data is processed between the client's browser (cookie) and the server ( session ), if you want to connect Laravel and, first you have to make some kind of flow like:
When user authenticates on website, to set cookie for as
well (if host is different).
In background you have to share the session data trough database (memcached, redis etc), and with cookie. As you know, if you set laravel session param to work with database, instead of using files, laravel will automatically start saving session data into DB, so it's easy to read the session params from database.
I think you are using node-laravel-session by wrong, I mean if you have node.js application on other server and you use getSessionFromFile, it will not work. make sure you are using it correctly and it'll work. It's easy process itself to make thing like that, but mostly problem is security when you have cross-project sessions.

angular and user login

I'm using angular with and express on the backend (redis/mongodb).
What's the easiest way to validate a user's password and log them into my app?
I haven't written any code for to handle this yet. but I keep seeing 10 different ways, some using sessions (which I think don't apply here since sockets+singlepage app).
If passport.js is easy to implement I'm fine with that solution. I only care about IE9+
