I think that the text under envelopes->getNotificationSettings->reminder->reminderEnabled is incorrect and feels like a copy & paste error on DocuSign. Anyone know what this means? Essentially, i'm trying to send out a reminder right away of an envelope.
You're right - it is a copy pasting error. The correct definition is in the v2.1 Documentation
When true, reminders are enabled. The default value is false.
When you create and send an Envelope, it should notify the recipient immediately. Are you intending to send a reminder along with it?
Using the EnvelopesApi client, I'm honestly not all that sure where to begin. Do I have to call DeleteDocument() with the DocumentId that I want to replace, and then call UpdateDocuments(), passing in only an envelope definition that only includes the document that I'm replacing it with; or do I have to recreate the envelope definition entirely? Or should I instead just call Update(), passing in the new envelope definition with the correct documents? What is the correct/recommended approach for replacing a document within an envelope that is not completed? Is this documented anywhere?
Thank you
First thing first.
If your envelope was "sent" which means it is no longer in "draft" (created) state, you cannot change it without using the Correct feature.
Correcting an envelope after it was sent is a specific action meant to allow the original sender to make modifications as allowed by law.
In terms of replacing a document in an envelope, you can use this method:
Assuming you know the accountId, envelopeId, and documentId
See more information about this endpoint in Developer Center
I have a requirement to first create the Docusign envelope in create status and later attach a list of documents and send it out.For this purpose I am first creating envelope with Envelope Rest API,adding documents using the Documents Rest API and finally sending it out.The anchor tabs that I initially added during create do not get picked up on the attached documents.It seems to ignore those tabs.Is there a way to add anchor tabs to get picked up on all documents.
One thing I would suggest checking is the anchor tabs scope - document or envelope. This is something that many people don't know about.
"anchor population scope"
Also, are you using a composite template by any chance? that may matter
It is hard to say what the issue is without seeing your request. As your use case is complex and there are many variables, I'd advise opening a support case so we can have a look in detail
If I have a TextField that is editable and the signer changes their Title while e-signing, is there a manner in which to monitor TextField edits? Currently I am using the EnvelopesApi.list_audit_events to monitor events. In this case, all I can view is that the signer either 'opened', 'viewed', or 'signed' the envelope. Although that is valuable information, I would also like to know which TextFields the signer edited and what the new values are? Did the signer change their email, title, name, etc? In this particular case I am using TextFields to display email, title, name, etc...
Does the Docusign API provide an avenue for fetching this information? If so, would you please provide a snippet demonstrating how to fetch this info?
You will have to do this by comparing the value that was in these fields before signing to the value you obtain from the envelope after singing.
There's no built-in event that will give you these changes as far as I'm aware, but it can be done using code.
I'm assuming here that what you're doing is setting the values of some text tabs and then want to know if the signer modified them or not. So, yes, you can do that.
It seems that docusign only supports downloading the signed documents as PDF instead of JSON.
I need to 'read' the filled fields of the documents (the document has some fields to fill in).
I can upload the document as JSON and it gets parsed, so why can't I donwload it as JSON?
How do companies normally handle the field values?
You don't need the actual PDF document to get the values, you need to parse the call coming back from DocuSign since that has total envelope data. The webhooks for notification contains the data and you can parse that to retrieve the envelope data.
Do you know if its also possible with a GET call instead of the webhook? It could be the server is down etc, so I can't imagine DocuSign does have something like GET:envelope/:id/data or something.. But really cannot find anything like it
Yes. You can either use a GET call (included below) any time you want to get envelope data or you can set up the webhooks so that DocuSign will send you updates whenever it has one!
The following GET call retrieve envelope data from {{envelopeId}}. By parsing the response from the call you can retrieve all information that was filled on the envelope.
I hope this helps.
P.S. Summarized our comments to have a complete answer.
The PDF format is, for lack of better words, a complicated jumble of compiled data that can be difficult to parse. What it appears docusign will do is take the data provided and fill the PDF document fields that are previously identified.
With docusign returning the PDF, you will need to parse the PDF input fields to receive the field values. There are several libraries that can be used to parse the various form fields and do what you would like. Check out:
I am sure there are more that would work for you as well if you look around if these don't work for you.
Edit: addressing the first comment below and for clarity, this isn't a code question. The question is simply:
What do I put into the URI querystring of the new Gmail UI to view a draft message created by the Gmail API?
Despite this not really being a code question, I'm asking on Stack Overflow as it's Google's preferred platform for Gmail API questions.
If I view a draft message in the new Gmail UI, the URI is something like this:
I can't see any way to create such a link from the Id or ThreadId of a message created via the Gmail API.
Previously, one could do this:
where the value of "compose" is the Id.
How can the same thing be accomplished in the new UI?
I've been encountering the same problem and have had some success in this problem, as well as some issues I still can't get past.
Good news: The new compose parameter format is some kind of "base40" encoding. I searched the Gmail source for a restricted alphabet string, and found and deobfuscated the bit of code doing this encoding/decoding: https://gist.github.com/danrouse/52212f0de2fbfe33cfc56583f20ccb74
This code includes an encode and decode function which should work for Gmail-format query parameters.
Bad news: The values that it is encoding to open draft emails do not appear to be available using the Gmail API. Specifically, they look like this:
thread-f:NEW_THREAD_ID+msg-a:DRAFT_ID -- while the draft ID is the same as it was before, the Thread ID does not appear to match any of the IDs that the Gmail API returns.
Interestingly, if you inspect the subject row in the Gmail UI, it has dataset attributes including all of both the old format and new format IDs - but it's still unclear how to get the new ones programatically.
Thanks to #frank-szilinski - he pointed out that the old format is now translated. I.e. this now works again:
It doesn't seem to work when the Gmail tab isn't already open, however.
Building on #kremonte gist, and #chris-wood comments, I made a rails gem that correctly creates the open-the-draft-inside-gmail URL.
It's here - https://github.com/GoodMeasuresLLC/gmail_compose_encoder
It's for the use case of "my code created a draft (prepopulated with some text, of course) and now I want to open the draft in compose mode so that my user can review it before hitting "send".
How to get the URL for a draft
If, for example you use a list request from which you get your draft objects:
"id": string,
"message": {
object (Message)
You can take this id and put it into a URL in this format:
This will open up GMail with the relevant draft open.
I was struggling because I wanted it to work with multiple accounts. However the authuser parameter did not help.
Inserting the email address instead of the integer after the u/ component solved the problem.
The message id is the one provided by the API.