How to recover second element separate by character with index equiv - excel

I got a table in Excel like this:
I used index with double equiv to have only the price for column A, the price for column B, the price for column C, I did this :
But I would like to have only the value at the right of ";" but I don't know how to combine with my index and equiv to have only the value 111,1456,44455.
I have this:

EQUIV() is the french name for MATCH() am I right?
If so just use a wildcard-match:
Or the french equivalent:

Your question is not quite clear, I am assuming you have a multiple values separated by semicolon ";" in column Price and now you want a portion of it, in this case only Right, if that is so, here is your solution:
to get the left side, use
here you have to subtract -1 because we don't want to include the semicolon at the end
to get the right side, use


EXCEL - Replace function | Replace value from one column to replace with other column value

Input should be like,
schema name
schema value
and output should be like below in new coulmn:
schema name
i want to replace after $ part with the value from the side column.
please let me know how to execute this using excel. thanks in advance
EDIT : For English users replace ; by , in the formula
You can use SEARCH to get the position of the $ and REPLACE everything after it.
For example with schema name in column A and schema value in column B -> result in column C.
To find the $ you need to use SEARCH("$";A2) it will give you the position.
Then you can count the number of characters to replace after the "$" by substracting the position to the length of the schema name with LEN(). (+1 to get the last char)
Then you can combine everything :
Result in my Excel :

How to sum data and join columns using Pandas

I want to sum values in data
from this:
to this:
but the problem is, the data doesn't add up but they like 11, 1111
here is my code:
df_data.insert(loc=2, column='Jumlah', value='1')
df_data.pivot_table(index='Kecamatan', columns='Status', aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0)
And how I can make the columns only KECAMATAN NEGATIF ODP ODPSELESAI OTG PDP
Thank you guys.
Note that the value of the inserted column (Jumlah) is a string.
In the next instruction you attempt to generate a pivot_table summing
this column.
But if you attempt to sum text values, it actually means concatenation.
To put things right, change the first instruction to:
df_data.insert(loc=2, column='Jumlah', value=1)
i.e. remove apostrophes surrounding 1.
Then this column will be of int type and will be summed as you wish.

Using tbl.Lookup to match just part of a column value

This question relates to the Schematiq add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Using =tbl.Lookup(table, columnsToSearch, valuesToFind, resultColumn, [defaultValue]) the values in the valuesToFind column have a consistent 3 characters to the left and then varying characters after (e.g. 908-123456 or 908-321654 - i.e. 908 is always consistent)
How can I tell the function to lookup the value based on the first 3 characters only? The expected answer should be the sum of the results of the above, i.e. 500 + 300 = 800
tbl.Lookup() works by looking for an exact match - this helps ensure it's fast but in this case it means you need an extra step to calculate a column of lookup values, something like this:
A2: =tbl.CalculateColumn(A1, "code", "x => LEFT(x, 3)", "startOfCode")
This will give you a new column that you can use for the columnsToSearch argument, however tbl.Lookup() also looks for just one match - it doesn't know how to combine values together if there is more than one matching row in the table, so I think you also need one more step to group your table by the first 3 chars of the code, like this:
A3: =tbl.Group(A2, "startOfCode", "amount")
Because tbl.Group() adds values together by default, this will give you a table with a row for each distinct value of startOfCode and the subtotal of amount for each of those values. Finally, you can do the lookup exactly as you requested, which for your input table will return 800:
A4: =tbl.Lookup(A3, "startOfCode", "908", "amount")

Excel - 2 tables - If 2 cells in a single row match, return another cell of same row

Working with 2 separate data sets (with duplicates)
Dataset is unique identified by an ID.
There may not be an entry for the timestamp I require.
Datasets are quite large, and due to duplicates, can't use vlookup.
Table 1:
Device Name|Time Bracket| On/Off?
ID1 |06:20:00 |
ID2 |06:20:00 |
ID3 |06:30:00 |
Table 2:
Device Name |Timestamp |On/Off?
ID1 |06:20:00 |On
ID2 |06:50:00 |Off
ID3 |07:20:00 |Off
What I want to achieve:
I want an if statement to check if:
1) device ID matches AND
2) timestamp matches
If so, return the value of On/Off from Table 2.
If not, then I want it to return the value of the cell above it IF it's the same device, otherwise just put "absent" into the cell.
I thought I could do this with some IF statements like so:
=if(HOUR([#[Time Bracket]]) = HOUR(Table13[#[Timestamp Rounded (GMT)]]) and
minute([#[Time Bracket]]) = minute(Table13[#[Timestamp Rounded (GMT)]]) and
[#[Device Name]]=Table13[#[Device Name]], Table13[#[On/Off?]],
IF([#[Device Name]]=Table13[#[Device Name]], INDIRECT("B" and Rows()-1), "absent"))
(I put some newlines in there for readability)
However, this doesn't seem to resolve at all... what am I doing wrong?
Is this even the correct way of achieving this?
I've also tried something similar with a VLookUp, but that failed horribly.
Thanks all!
To not deal with array formulas or merging strings which, (not in your case) can still be wrong at the end, I suggest the use of COUNTIFS due to the fact, you have a very small amount of outcomes (just on or off)...
for the first table (starting at A1, so the formula is at C2):
OR(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"On"))+
OR(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"Off"))*2
,"On","Off","Error"),IF(A1=[#[Device Name]],C1,"Absent"))
this will also show "Error" of a match for "On" and "Off" is shown... to skip that and increase the speed, you also could use:
=IF(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"On"),"On",
IF(COUNTIFS(Table13[Device Name],[#[Device Name]],Table13[Timestamp],[#[Time Bracket]],Table13[On/Off?],"Off"),"Off",
IF(A1=[#[Device Name]],C1,"Absent")))
For both the "Device Name" is at column A, "Time Bracket" at column B and "On/Off?" at column C while the table starts at row 1... If that is not the case for you, then change A1 and C1 so they match
(Also inserted line-breaks for better reading)
Picture to show the layout:
I picked the second formula to show how it works... also, this formula should not be able to return 0's... I'm confused
Couple of good suggestions, however using the helper column as suggested in the topic by Scott Craner above worked.
Created a helper column of concat'd device ID and timestamp for both tables, then did a simple VlookUp.
Another lesson learned: Think outside of the box, and go with simple solutions, rather than try + be too clever like I was doing... :)

Find string (from table) in cell in matlab

I want to find the location of one string (which I take it from a table) inside of a cell:
A is my table, and B is the cell.
I have tested :
but it couldn't find the location.
I have tested many commands like:
ismember,strmatch,find(strcmp),find(strcmpi)find(ismember),strfind and etc ... but they all give me errors mostly because of the type of my data !
So please suggest me a solution.
You want strfind:
>> strfind('0123abcdefgcde', 'cde')
ans =
7 12
If A is a table and B a cell array, you need to index this way:
strfind(B{1}, A.VarName{1});
For example:
>> A = cell2table({'cde'},'VariableNames',{'VarName'}); %// create A as table
>> B = {'0123abcdefgcde'}; %// create B as cell array of strings
>> strfind(B{1}, A.VarName{1})
ans =
7 12
Luis Mendo's answer is absolotely correct, but I want to add some general information.
Your problem is that all the functions you tried (strfind, ...) only work for normal strings, but not for cell array. The way you index your A and B in your code snippet they still stay a cell array (of dimension (1,1)). You need to use curly brackets {} to "get rid of" the cell array and get the containign string. Luis Mendo shows how to do this.
Modified solution from a Mathworks forum, for the case of a single-column table with ragged strings
will give you the row number.
