How to link an old version of node in mac using homebrew - node.js

I am trying to link to an older version of node using homebrew in my mac (because netlify doesn't work with v17 - which is my default).
When I search which versions of node I have installed, I can see that both 16 and 14 are available.
brew search node
==> Formulae libbitcoin-node node ✔ node-sass node#12 node#16 nodebrew nodenv
llnode node-build node#10 node#14
node_exporter nodeenv ode
I expect to be able to run brew unlink node (which works fine) and then
brew link node#16 or brew link node#14, but in both cases, I get an error that says:
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/node#16
How can I ask homebrew to use an old version of node?

This is what I did:
brew install node#16
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/node#16/bin:$PATH" (you need to put into ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile to persist the change)
And then I can see the node points to node##16
$ which node
$ node --version

You could do
brew link --overwrite node#16


Error: node not installed after updated homebrew on mac M1

After I updated homebrew, I can't use homebrew to upgrade node. It can't find node.
Updated Brew on mac M1
After getting this error
Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)!
Please create a new installation in /opt/homebrew using one of the
"Alternative Installs" from:
You can migrate your previously installed formula list with:
brew bundle dump
I updated homebrew using:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" for my mac M1.
Then I followed the instructions for two commands brew said to run.
Then I ran these commands:
$ cd ~
$ brew bundle dump
UPDATE: $ brew bundle dump didn't do what I expected. When I look in /opt/homebrew/bin not all of the contents from /usr/local/bin are there, but I would expect them to move there.
Now Brew can't find node
$ brew upgrade node
Gave me:
Error: node not installed
but $ node -v gives
And the BrewFile that $ brew bundle dump created shows node: brew "node".
I misunderstood what brew bundle dump does. It only creates a file that says the packages that brew should install.
BrewFile works like a package.json file in node.js. You have to run brew bundle install to install the packages listed in BrewFile.
So my node package was still in the old location usrs/local/bin and node was not in opt/homebrew/bin where it should be.
To fix, I moved the BrewFile into the new brew location opt/homebrew then ran brew bundle install from in that directory. Now node is in the correct place opt/homebrew/bin along with all my other brew packages.
Now which node gives:
It looks like this also updated node. But you have to open a new terminal. node -v will then show the newly instaled version. Your old version is still in usrs/local/bin but it looks like the paths corrected for me.

I have nodejs but not able to upgrade it by homebrew, what should I do?

I am on Mac 11.6 (20G165).
I have node.js v10 installed and want to upgrade to v12.
However, when I type brew upgrade node, I got this:
$brew upgrade node
Error: node not installed
I think it's because I didn't install node via homebrew before. But it's been such a long time and I couldn't remember what exact source/channel did I choose to install node long ago.
So what I can do to fix all this?
If you have NVM installed you can run:
nvm install 12.14.1
then set the default Node with:
nvm alias default v12.14.1
node -v
As you said, the problem is with the installed version. you are not installed nodejs with homebrew previously.
So, if you want to install it with brew and use its benefits (like upgrading) try to uninstall the currently installed version with the instruction in this post.
Then, install the latest version via brew command:
brew install node
More on brew documentation.

Unable to change version of node with brew switch

I'm trying to use node 8.9.1 but when trying to update using brew it says 8.9.1 is already installed
James-MacBook:~ james$ brew upgrade node
Error: node 8.9.1 already installed
But when checking the version it shows
James-MacBook:~ james$ node --version
So then I tried to switch to 8.9.1
James-MacBook:~ james$ brew switch node 8.9.1
Cleaning /usr/local/Cellar/node/8.9.1
7 links created for /usr/local/Cellar/node/8.9.1
But it is still showing as 0.10.48
James-MacBook:~ james$ node --version
It sounds like you have some version of node that is installed without using Homebrew.
First of all, check if you installed your node with nvm by check if you have a .nvm directory in home directory ls -la
if you do, remove that directory
brew update && brew install node#8 (whichever node you want)
brew unlink node#0
brew link --force node#8
Do brew update && brew upgrade node#8
Happy coding
Nvm package... kind of slows down your terminal upon startup. I found it annoying....
You can always just uninstall node and install node that’s compatible with npm on link below
All node version link <- !
look for pkg if your mac user, and msi for windows users

How to downgrade Node version

I want to downgrade my Node version from the latest to v6.10.3.
But nothing worked so far. Tried NVM and it gives an error as well by saying make command is not found. How can I downgrade Node?
This answer does not support Windows OS
You can use n for node's version management. There is a simple intro for n.
$ npm install -g n
$ n 6.10.3
this is very easy to use.
then you can show your node version:
$ node -v
For windows nvm is a well-received tool.
For windows:
Go to Control panel> program and features>Node.js then uninstall
Go to website: and download the version and install.
Determining your Node version
node -v // or node --version
npm -v // npm version or long npm --version
Ensure that you have n installed
sudo npm install -g n // -g for global installation
Upgrading to the latest stable version
sudo n stable
Changing to a specific version
sudo n 10.16.0
Answer inspired by this article.
In Mac there is a fast method with brew:
brew search node
You see some version, for example: node#10 node#12 ... Then
brew unlink node
And now select a before version for example node#12
brew link --overwrite --force node#12
Ready, you have downgraded you node version.
This may be due to version incompatibility between your code and the version you have installed.
In my case I was using v8.12.0 for development (locally) and installed latest version v13.7.0 on the server.
So using nvm I switched the node version to v8.12.0 with the below command:
> nvm install 8.12.0 // to install the version I wanted
> nvm use 8.12.0 // use the installed version
NOTE: You need to install nvm on your system to use nvm.
You should try this solution before trying solutions like installing build-essentials or uninstalling the current node version because you could switch between versions easily than reverting all the installations/uninstallations that you've done.
For windows 10,
Uninstalling the node from the "Add or remove programs"
Installing the required version from
worked for me.
curl -o- | bash
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 10.15
npm install
npm audit fix
npm start
If you're on Windows I suggest manually uninstalling node and installing chocolatey to handle your node installation. choco is a great CLI for provisioning a ton of popular software.
Then you can just do,
choco install nodejs --version $VersionNumber
and if you already have it installed via chocolatey you can do,
choco uninstall nodejs
choco install nodejs --version $VersionNumber
For example,
choco uninstall nodejs
choco install nodejs --version 12.9.1
If you are on macOS and are not using NVM, the simplest way is to run the installer that comes from node.js web site. It it clever enough to manage substitution of your current installation with the new one, even if it is an older one. At least this worked for me.
Try using the following commands
//For make issues
sudo apt-get install build-essential
curl -o- | bash
//To uninstall a node version
nvm uninstall <current version>
nvm install 6.10.3
nvm use 6.10.3
//check with
node -v
Steps to downgrade to node8
brew install node#8
brew link node#8 --force
if warning remove the folder and files as indicated in the warning then again the command :
brew link node#8 --force
For windows users, you guys can downgrade using following commands.
npm uninstall -g node
npm install -g node#version
#version is your specified version, example : 12.22.3(little old)
Can find node releases here
I have used brew in mac to downgrade the node
follow the steps you will have the result:
brew search node (here you can see the version eg: node#10, node#12, node#14)
brew unlink node
brew install < node version > (eg: node#12)
brew link --overwrite node#12
If you are using nvm, following are the ways -
1. nvm install node_version
2. nvm use --delete-prefix node_version
For more insights, see this image -
nvm list
nvm use <version>
nvm list // Shows all the versions on your machine. Of course have your version installed.
nvm use // Use this version
it seems to be a compatibility issue, run
sudo n 14
then npm install or yarn install again. It will work
In case of windows, one of the options you have is to uninstall current version of Node. Then, go to the node website and download the desired version and install this last one instead.
I had to downgrade node to v10.16.0
sudo n 10.16.0
nvm use v10.16.0
this solved the problem for me
WINDOWS: Best way that you can do it and to not lose time.
Go to control panel
Uninstall Program
Uninstall node
Then go and find the version that you want to install, install it from the beginning.
Link with node versions:
Here is a simple solution
Go to this link and download & install the suitable nvm setup on your computer
Type nvm list to get list of installed node versions
Type nvm install <node-version>
Type nvm use <version>
here we go you got node version you want.
Browse here to find node versions =>
The Node.js team suggests to use the following Node.js version managers to switch between different versions of Node:
OSX or Linux:
I personally made good experiences using "nvm-windows" on Windows 11.
I would recommend using NVS (Node Version Switcher).
You can see the source here and all you need is a package manager. Like Chocolatey or Homebrew.
Install it
choco install nvs
Add a version:
nvs add v16
Switch to any version you installed
nvs use v16
At the end if you "run node -v" you'll get the current you've switched.

I upgraded node but it still uses the wrong version?

I just ran brew upgrade node and it successfully upgraded Node to version >=4, however node --version returns the old version:
My-MacBook-Pro:~ me$ node --version
My-MacBook-Pro:~ me$ brew upgrade node
Error: node 4.1.1 already installed
How can I have node use the newest version instead of 2.3.0?
First of all, did you run:
brew update
prior to:
brew upgrade
You could also try linking to the correct version:
brew switch node <version>
To see which versions of node homebrew knows about:
brew info node
If you are on a MAC (as you state) then i would highly recommend using NVM to manage your node and npm versions - and avoid homebrew for this altogether (especially if support for more than one version is likely). This is the best way to install node on a MAC imho.
The easiest way to upgrade from Node 0.12.x (io <4.x) to 4.x on OS X is by using the OS X installer from
It automatically symlinks all the required binaries.
brew unlink node followed by:
rm '/usr/local/include/node/common.gypi' followed by:
brew link --overwrite node
This fixed it for me.
