SLRUM: how to limit CPU number for specific node in one partition when node is in 2 partitions? - slurm

Actually, I found a very similar question to mine. The only difference is that the number of CPUs of the nodes in my small cluster are different. (The similar question is here)
For example, the nodes in my cluster are:
node1, 36 CPUs
node2, 32 CPUs
node3, 24 CPUs + 1 GPU
node4, 16 CPUs + 1 GPU
I have 2 partitions: cpu (all nodes) and gpu (node3,4).
How to leave 4 CPUs in node3 and node4 for gpu partition? In other word, how to configure so that cpu partition includes all CPUs in node1 and node2, 20 CPUs in node3 and 12 CPUs in node4?
(The parameter MaxCPUsPerNode doesn't meet my demand.)

Using the consumable trackable resources plugin ( instead of the default node allocation plugin, you can set DefCpuPerGPU to 4 (see details on setting this variable and enabling cons_tres in your slurm.conf documentation here:


In Spark, is it better to have many small workers or few bigger workers

A Spark cluster consists of a driver that distributes tasks to multiple worker nodes. Each worker can take up a number of tasks equal to the amount of cores available. So I'd think that the speed at which a task finishes depends on the total available cores.
Consider the following cluster configurations, using AWS EC2 as an example:
2 m5.4xlarge (16 vCPU/cores, 64GB RAM) workers for a total of 32 cores / 128GB RAM
8 m5.xlarge (4 vCPU/cores, 16GB RAM) workers for a total of 32 cores / 128GB RAM
I'm using those instances as an example; it's not about those instances specifically but about the general idea that you can have the same total amount of cores + RAM with different configurations. Would there be any difference between the performance of those two cluster configurations? Both would have the same total amount of cores and RAM, and same ratio of RAM/core. For what kind of job would you choose one and for what the other? Some thoughts I have on this myself:
The configuration with 8 smaller instances might have a higher total network bandwidth since each workers has it's own connection
The configuration with 2 bigger instances might be more efficient when shuffling, since more cores can share the memory on a worker instead of having to shuffle across the network, so lower network overhead
The configuration with 8 smaller instances has better resiliency, since if one worker fails it's only one out of eight failing rather than one out of two.
Do you agree with the statements above? What other considerations would you make when choosing between different configurations with equal amount of total RAM / cores?

Tuning Spark: number of executors per node when cores available are uneven

I have read that having 5 cores per Executor in Spark achieves the optimal read/write throughput - so setting spark.executor.cores = 5 is usually desired. And also that you should subtract one core per node to allow for the underlying daemon processes to run.
So, determining the number of executors per node follows this formula:
executors per node = (cores per node - 1) / 5 cores per executor
However, what is the best approach in a scenario where you have 8 cores in each node machine?
1.4 executors per node = (8 - 1) / 5
First question - will Spark/yarn have an executor spanning multiple nodes?
If not - then I need to round. Which way should I go? It seems my options are:
1.) round down to 1 - meaning I'd only have 1 executor per node. I could increase the cores per executor, though don't know if I would get any benefit to that.
2.) round up to 2 - that means I'd have to decrease the cores per executor to 3 (8 cores available, - 1 for the daemons, and can't have 1/2 a core), which could decrease their efficiency.
Here spark.executor.cores = 5 is not a hard-lined value. Thumb rule is # of cores equal to or less than 5.
We need 1 core for OS & other Hadoop daemons. We are left with 7 cores per node.
Remember we need 1 executor for YARN out of all the executors.
When spark.executor.cores = 4 we cannot leave 1 executor for YARN, so I suggest I not take up this value.
When spark.executor.cores = 3 or spark.executor.cores = 2 after leaving one node for YARN we will always be left out with 1 executor per node.
Now which one is efficient for your code. Well that cannot be interpreted , it depends on multiple other factors like the amount of data used, # of joins used etc.
This is based on my understanding. It provides a start to explore multiple other options.
NOTE: If you are using some outer Java libraries & Datasets in your code, you might need to have 1 core per executor for preserving the type safety.
Hope it helps ...

Where does spark job run in a cluster of 2 nodes, but the spark submit configurations can easily accommodate in a single node? (cluster mode)

spark cluster has 2 worker nodes.
Node 1: 64 GB, 8 cores.
Node 2: 64 GB, 8 cores.
Now if i submit a spark job using spark-submit in cluster mode with
2 executors and each executor memory as 32 GB, 4 cores/executor.
Now my question is, as the above configuration can be accommodated in a single node itself, will spark run it using 2 worker nodes or just in one node?
Also, if a configuration doesn't have a multiple of cores as the executors then how many cores allocated for each executor?
Example: if num of cores in a node available after excluding one core for yarn deamon are 7. since 2 nodes, 2*7=14 (total cores available)and as HDFS give good throughput if num of cores per executor were 5..
Now 14/5 to find the num of executors. should i consider 14/5 as 2 or 3 exeutors? then how these cores are equally distributed?
It is more of a resource manager question then a Spark question, but in your case the 2 executors cant run in a single machine cause the OS has an overhead that uses at least 1 core and 1GB RAM , even if you will set the ram to 30 GB and 3 cores/executor. they will run on different nodes because Spark tries to get the best data locality it can so obviously it wont use the same node for 2 executors.

Relation between system specifications and Cassandra configuration parameters

Is there a relation between Cassandra's configuration parameters(given below with current values), Datastax's C++ driver configuration parameters(given below with current values) and the node's hardware specifications(no. of processors, RAM, no. of disks etc.)
Cassandra's Configuration Parameters(in YAML)
concurrent_reads set as 16
concurrent_writes set as 256
native_transport_max_threads set as 256
native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb set as 512
Datastax's C++ Driver Configuration Parameters
cass_cluster_set_num_threads_io set as 10
cass_cluster_set_core_connections_per_host set as 1
cass_cluster_set_max_connections_per_host set as 20
cass_cluster_set_max_requests_per_flush set as 10000
Node's specs
No. of processors: 32
RAM: >150 GB
No. of hard disks: 1
Cassandra's Version: 3.11.2
Datastax C++ driver version: 2.7
RHEL version: 6.5
I have a cluster of 2 nodes and I've been getting dismal throughput(12000 ops/second). 1 operation = read + write(I can't use row cache). Is there any parameter which should've been set higher/lower(considering the nodes' specs)?
Please also note that my read+write application is multi-threaded(10
threads). Also, I'm doing asynchronous read+ asynchronous write(using future).
Replication factor is 2, both nodes are in the same DC, consistency
level for both read and write is also 2.
Some of the configuration properties in Cassandra are computed from available CPU cores and drives.
concurrent_reads = 16 * (number of drives)
concurrent_writes = 8 * (CPU cores)
It looks like you've done that, although I would question whether or not your 32 CPUs are all physical cores, or hyper-threaded.
I have a cluster of 2 nodes and I've been getting dismal throughput(12000 ops/second).
Just my opinion, but I think 12k ops/sec is pretty good. Actually REALLY good for a two node cluster. Cassandra scales horizontally, and linearly at that. So the solution here is an easy one...add more nodes.
What is your target operations per second? Right now, you're proving that you can get 6k ops/second per node. Which means, if you add another, the cluster should support 18K/sec. If you go to six nodes, you should be able to support 36k/sec. Basically, figure out your target, and do the math.
One thing you might consider, is to try ScyllaDB. Scylla is a drop-in replacement for Cassandra, which trumpets the ability to hit very high throughput requirements. The drawback, is that I think Scylla is only Cassandra 2.1 or 2.2 compatible ATM. But it might be worth a try based on what you're trying to do.

Max possible number of executors in cluster

Let's say I have 5 worker nodes in a cluster and each node has 48 cores and 256 GB RAM.
Then what are the maximum number of executors possible in the clusters?
will cluster have 5*48 = 240 executors or only 5 executors?
Or there are some other factors that will decide the number of executors in a cluster, then what are they?
The number of executors is related to the amount of parallelism your application need. You can create 5*48 executor with 1 core each, but there's others processes that should be considered, like memory overhead, cluster management process, scheduler, so you may need to reserve 2-5 cores/node to management processes.
I don't know what architecture your cluster use, but this article is a good start if you are using hadoop ,
