Uploading Web API to Azure makes Blazor Web App not accessible - azure

I have been trying to understand what I am doing wrong for about a week now. Here is my structure:
I am publishing Blazor server app to number 1. Then I have created ASP.Net Web API, tested it on my localhost and would like to upload it to Azure to access it online. However after I am hitting Publish in Visual Studio, my entire Blazor app is not any longer accessible from https address. Then I am Publishing my Blazor app again from Visual Studio and it is working fine again. What I am doing wrong? Is there any guide how to publish Blazor Web App and then host ASP.Net Web API on the same Azure account?

"on the same Azure account" is of course possible, but when you have 2 projects you will need 2 App Services, maybe under 1 service plan.
Two services cannot share the same URL.
I don't think you need an "API Management service" but I could be wrong.


Azure Service Deployment with Blazor

I'm a freshman in Azure and Server Deployment.
Now I have two projects which Blazor wrote, one is for client-side (front-end) and the other is for server-site (back-end). They are under a same solution. i.e. the domain between the client and server is the same.
My question is, Does that make sense to deploy them into the same App Service in Azure?
If that is the case, how to implement it? I can't find any tutorial for deploying multiple Blazor projects into the same App Service in Azure.

How to Deploy Blazor Webassembly Web Application to Azure?

I have created a Blazor Webassembly web application with the PWA feature. It is a CRUD application.
This is my folder structure:
Now I want to deploy it to azure. How can I do that?
The server app is just an ordinary ASP.NET Core application (this is the app that needs to be published). You have several options, like publishing the app to an Azure App Service or an Azure virtual machine. The former would require you to prepare a Docker image (usually a good start would be to enable Docker support for the server project and tweak the created Dockefile to your needs).
Just read the docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/publish-to-azure-webapp-using-vs?view=aspnetcore-5.0 to get the full picture.

Forms Authentication not working in Azure app service

I have a .NET MVC 4 application with .net framework 4.6.1 with forms authentication enabled. Is it possible to have this hosted in Azure app services. I am not finding an option in app services to have forms authentication enabled and getting the attached message when I navigate to the website.
I have the application taking me to the login page on a local server with IIS however not being able to make it work in App services. Any help would be appreciated.
I was able to get this working by fixing a connection string which was causing an error however the message for default document not set in azure may have been misleading.

How to wrap an asp.net WebApi project with azure API management?

I am having a Web API project in asp.net and this project is hosted on Azure web app services .Azure endpoint of the api works . How can i wrap this api under azure api management ?
Current setup
Asp.net web Api project > Hosted in azure web app services
I tried to add the api in API management via blank and open api specification.
I would expect the Azure API Management could connect to my web app service where my asp.net web api project is hosted.
Deploy your Web API to Azure App Service API App instead of App Service Web App. You will be able to import the API's directly from the UI. Here is the doc.
Alternative to Ketan's approach is to configure API manually using "Blank API" option. where you'll need to specify your App's base URL. You will be required later on to create all operations manually.

Can We deploy Microsoft bot Application in IIS without Azure?

Is it possible to deploy Microsoft bot Application in IIS without Azure.
We have created a sample bot Application and running fine with the Emulator in local environment.
We would like to move the application to the Production and don't have Azure account and details.
Can we deploy bot application in the IIS in Windows server 2012 R2 as how we deploy Webservices or WCF Services ? Is it Possible without Azure.
If you are not using Azure Bot Service (i.e. Azure Functions), you can host your bot anywhere. You simply need to provide the endpoint for your bot during registration:
I had this issue too. And the answer is: Sure you can! But the bad new is, that you have to publish in a valid HTTPS. So I think in this case is more simple publish on Azure.
Yes i you use azure you can use you application anywhere and make sure credentials while configuring bot.
Dont forget to configure webhooks or endpoint url
