How to get a specific data from object of array in angular - node.js

I wanna know that how to get the data
HERE IS MY node.js'/pathname', function (req, res){
fs.readfile('filepath', 'utf8', function(err, data){
let valueofdata = JSON.parse(data);
let anothervalue = JSON.stringify(valueofdata[0]);
My JSON file is
ngOnInit(): void {
this.numberval = this.service.numbervalueall; --> the value (number) is stored in service
numberall(data:any){'http://localhost:4001/pathname', data, {responseType : "text"} )
.subscribe(res => {
this.numbersname = JSON.parse(res) --> Data from node.js is stored in here
console.log(this.numbersname )
setTimeout(() => {
How can I get the specific value from object data stored in res I used res.this.service.numbervalueall but can't get the value. Please Help me with this.

In your ANGULAR file
create new variable as datavalue or your choice
numberall(data:any){'http://localhost:4001/pathname', data, {responseType : "text"} )
.subscribe(res => {
this.numbersname = JSON.parse(res)
this.datavalue = this.numbersname[numbervalueall] --> here u get the specific data in datavalue


Node JS uploading file field as a field of an object in the request body using Formidable

I am building a Node JS application using Express JS. I need to implement the file upload logic for my application. I am using Formidable, for uploading file(s). I could upload the files using that library without any issue when the request body format is simple. Now, I am trying to upload the file which is a property/ field of an object in the request body. The following is the dummy request body structure.
users: [
name: `Test User 1`,
photoFile: {{ here I want to upload file for this user }}
name: `Test User 2`,
photoFile: {{ here I want to upload file for this user }}
// the list goes on
I am trying to send the test payload/ data in the Postman as in the screenshot below.
This is my code to parse the form
private getForm = async (
req: Request,
options: FormOptions = {
multiples: false
) => {
const tempUploadDir = this.getTempUploadDirectory(req);
if (!(await {
return new IncomingForm({
multiples: options.multiples,
uploadDir: tempUploadDir,
maxFileSize: config.fileSystem.maxUploadLimit
public parseFormData = async <T>(
request: Request,
options: FormOptions = {
multiples: false
): Promise<T> => {
const form = await this.getForm(request, options);
return new Promise<T>((resolve) => {
form.parse(request, (err, fields, files) => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === FILE_TOO_LARGE_ERROR_CODE) {
// file too large
throw new UploadMaxFileSizeException(
`Upload file size limit exceeded.`
throw err;
let filesData: {
[key: string]: IUploadedFile[];
} = {};
for (let fileField in files) {
if (`length` in files[fileField]) {
filesData[fileField] = files[fileField] as IUploadedFile[];
} else {
filesData[fileField] = [files[fileField] as IUploadedFile];
return resolve({
} as T);
When I print out the result of parseFormData, I am getting the following result.
As you can see, the field field, 'users[0][photoFile]' is not parsed putting into the corresponding field of the request body object. Instead, the entire field name is string, 'users[0][photoFile]'. What is wrong with my code and how can I fix it?
I my project, file will upload to server when user upload files and get the link back
And when submit form, user avatar just is a link, not a file

Node.js: How to process objects of a big JSON file one by one to avoid heap limit errors

im trying to process a few hundreds of json.gz files using worker threads.
at some point im getting js heap limit error due to 3 big files(about 3gb each unzipped).
i tried to find a way to process the objects of each file one by one, but all i've managed to get is all of the file's objects at once.
here is the worker code at the moment:
for (let gzFile of zippedFiles) {
const gunzip = zlib.createGunzip()
const parser = JSONStream.parse('offers.*')
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(gzFile)
.pipe(, callback) => { //offers contains all of the current file objects array
offers.forEach(rawProduct => {
let processedProduct = getProcessedProduct(rawProduct)
parentPort.postMessage({ processedProduct })
.on('error', (e) => {
console.trace(`Error while reading file`, e)
.on('end', () => {
if (idxCount === lastIdx) {
parentPort.postMessage({ completed: true })
jsons structure:
{}, // => the objects i wanna get one by one
how can i avoid getting js heap limit error?
Nidhim David suggestion is exactly what I was looking for.
here is the working code:
for (let gzFile of zippedFiles) {
const pipeline = chain([
pick({ filter: 'offers.offer' }), //getting the array of objects
pipeline.on('data', ({key, value}) => {
//getting objects one by one and processing them
const rawProduct = value;
const processedProduct = getProcessedProduct(rawProduct);
parentPort.postMessage({ processedProduct });
pipeline.on('end', () => {
if (idxCount === lastIdx) {
debug(`last zipped file, sending complete message`);
parentPort.postMessage({ completed: true });

how to adjust my code to send data in json format in angular

I hope you can help me, I need to send some parameters in json format like this:
"InformationA": {
"str_id": 1,
"str_description": "message",
"str_email": ""
"AddConfiguration": [
"int_code": 1,
"str_valor": "32201"
"int_code": 104,
"str_valor": ""
"int_code": 108,
"str_valor": "1"
I am trying to send the json through the angular service in this way but I don't know if it is correct?:
const params = 'InformationA=' +JSON.stringify(InformationA)+'AddConfiguration=' +
return<any>(`${this.route}/send-data`, params , { headers: this.headers });
also create a function in the nodejs backend to see how it would arrive:
async receibeData(#Req() req, #Res() res) {
try {
const data = req.body;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
and by console it is printed in this way:
[{"int_code":1,"str_valor":"32201 "},{"int_code":104,"str_valor":"
"},{"int_code":108,"str_valor":"1 "}]"
I am really very new to this and I would like to know how I adapt my data so that it can be sent as requested.
I think you should try to build the JSON object corresponding to your requirement. You should not use JSON.stringify for this purpose. I hope this will help you out.
sendData(InformationA,AddConfiguration) {
const params = {
InformationA: InformationA,
AddConfiguration: AddConfiguration
return<any>(`${this.route}/send-data`, params , { headers: this.headers });

How can I retrieve a SharePoint list items attachments using spfx?

I've managed to figure out how to submit multiple attachments to a sharepoint list item.
I now need to retrieve the item and display these items in the same form that was submitted.
Here's the submit code:
private _onSubmit() {
FormStatus: 'Submitted',
SubmittedLblVis: true,
}, () => {
pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle("My List").items.add({
State: this.state.State,
State1: this.state.State1,
}).then((iar: ItemAddResult) => {
var attachments: AttachmentFileInfo[] = [];
name: this.state.FileUpload[0].name,
content: this.state.FileUpload[0]
name: this.state.FileUpload2[0].name,
content: this.state.FileUpload2[0]
name: this.state.FileUpload3[0].name,
content: this.state.FileUpload3[0]
This works great.
I have a button the form that allows the user to read an item and populate all the fields in the form. This works fine. But it's not working for the attachments. First thing is I don't know what the Attachments column is called!
Here's the retrieval function:
private _editItem = (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
const sid = Number(;
let _item = this.state.Items.filter((item) => { return item.Id === sid; });
if (_item && _item.length > 0) {
State etc...with a few examples
FormStatus: _item[0].FormStatus,
showModal: true
//The below callback function
}, () => {
if (_item[0].PanelMember) {
And the _getListItems() function within the above:
public _getListItems() {
sp.web.lists.getByTitle("MyList").items.get().then((items: any[]) => {
let returnedItems: MyDataModel[] = => { return new MyDataModel(item); });
this.setState({ Items: returnedItems });
I understand that I'll have to update the MyDataModel interface with whatever the attachment column is but what is the attachment column? And how would I implement it within the above to retrieve all 3 attached documents?
Get the item first, then get item attachment files.
let item=sp.web.lists.getByTitle("TestList").items.getById(13);

converting excel(.xlsx) file to JSON

I have excel sheet called sampledata.xlsx which i converted into json and console.log to print this data.
var xlsx2json = require('xlsx2json')
dataStartingRow: 2,
mapping: {
'name': 'B',//name
'sku': 'C',//unit price //sku
'quantity': 'D',//quantity
}).then(jsonArray => {
// [
// {"col_1": "Barton LCC", "col_2": "30", "col_3": "86.69"}
// ]
with the help of this doc.
What i want to do here is,in my sampledata.xlsx file i have more data like flat,address,price,etc here i already don't know which fields are present in my excel sheet but i want all that to be console.log.How could i do this is there any way to do this.
import xlsx2json from 'xlsx2json';
const xlsx2json = require('xlsx2json');
const excel2json = [
(req, res, next) => {
.then(result => result[0])
.reduce((object, item, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
object.mapper = item; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return object;
const data = {};
Object.keys(item).forEach((key) => {
data[object.mapper[key]] = item[key];
return object;
}, { mapper: {}, data: [] })
.then(excel => console.log(excel)) // this gives json as output
.catch(err => next(err));
npm install xlsx-to-json-lc --save
npm install xls-to-json-lc --save
var exceltojson = require("xls-to-json-lc");
input: "pass the input excel file here (.xls format)"
output: "if you want output to be stored in a file"
sheet: "sheetname", // specific sheetname inside excel file (if you have multiple sheets)
lowerCaseHeaders:true //to convert all excel headers to lowr case in json
}, function(err, result) {
if(err) {
} else {
//result will contain the overted json data
