Counting and Error Handling Block Guessing Game - python-3.x

Could you, please, help me to understand how should I use try/except block and count tries at the same time.
Here is the code without try/except block (it seems it's working fine):
import random
number = random.randint(1, 10)
tries = 3
name = input('Hi! What is your name?\n')
answer = input(f'{name}, let\'s play a game! Yes or No?\n')
if answer == 'Yes':
print(f'But be aware: you have only {tries} tries!\nReady?')
chat = input('')
print('Ok, guess a number from 1 to 10!')
while tries != 0:
choice = int(input('Your choice: '))
tries -= 1
if choice > number:
print('My number is less!')
elif choice < number:
print('My number is higher!')
print('Wow! You won!')
print(f'You have {tries} tries left.')
if tries == 0 and choice != number:
print(f'Sorry, {name}, you lost... It was {number}. Try next time. Good luck!')
print('No problem! Let\'s make it another time...')
This one is with try/except block.. Not sure where should I place 'choice' variable and where count 'tries', it keeps looping and looping:
import random
number = random.randint(1, 10)
tries = 3
name = input('Hi! What is your name?\n')
answer = input(f'{name}, let\'s play a game! Yes or No?\n')
if answer == 'Yes':
print(f'But be aware: you have only {tries} tries!\nReady?')
chat = input('')
print('Ok, guess a number from 1 to 10!')
while True:
choice = int(input('Your choice: '))
if 0 < choice < 11:
while tries != 0:
tries -= 1
if choice > number:
print(f'My number is less!')
elif choice < number:
print(f'My number is higher!')
print('Wow! You won!')
print(f'You have {tries} tries left.')
if tries == 0 and choice != number:
print(f'Sorry, {name}, you lost... It was {number}. Try next time. Good luck!')
print(f'Hey {name}, I said, print a number from 1 to 10!')
except ValueError:
print('Please, enter a number!')
print('No problem! Let\'s make it another time...')


Guessing random number project

I'm a newbie of coding. I'm trying to create a guessing random number game by python. The thing is I get stuck at limited users by 5 turns guessing only. Here is my code so far. Thank you
You have 5 turns to guess a random number. Good luck!
def play():
import random
random_numnber = random.randint(0, 20)
guess_count = 0
while True:
guess = int(input("Please enter an integer from 1 to 20: "))
guess_count += 1
except ValueError:
print("Invalid Input\n")
while random_numnber != guess and guess_count < 5:
if int(guess) < random_numnber and int(guess_count) < 5:
print("Your number is too low\n")
guess = input("Enter an integer from 1 to 20: ")
elif int(guess) > random_numnber and int(guess_count) < 5:
print("Your number is too high\n")
guess = input("Enter an integer from 1 to 20: ")
elif int(guess) == random_numnber and int(guess_count) < 5:
print("Congratulation! You Win!\n")
print("You have guessed 5 times and all Wrong. Good luck on next game!")
while True:
answer = input("Do you want to play? ")
if answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y':
elif answer == 'no' or answer == 'n':
print("I don't understand\n")
This is how I would go about doing this, I have modified your code and omitted some trivial error handling for non-integer inputs, etc.
The trick is that the code section between the # *** comments will be exited automatically if the guess_count value exceeds the maximum_tries, so we can actually remove a lot of the conditionals you were performing in-line which cluttered the real logic we care about.
You can also see that the only way that we can reach the line where we print "All out of guesses" is if the user has not already guessed the correct number.
Finally, since you mentioned you are just starting out I included a main() function as well as the Pythonic block at the end, which is just a special way to tell Python which part of the program you want to start with when you run the script. Happy coding!
def play():
import random
random_number = random.randint(0, 20)
guess_count = 0
maximum_tries = 5
# ***
while guess_count < maximum_tries:
guess = int(input("Please enter an integer from 1 to 20: "))
if guess == random_number:
print("You win!")
elif guess < random_number:
print("Too low")
elif guess > random_number:
print("Too high")
guess_count += 1
# ***
print("All out of guesses")
def main():
while True:
answer = input("Do you want to play? (y/n): ")
if answer.startswith('y'):
elif answer.startswith('n'):
print('I don\'t understand')
if __name__ == '__main__':
def play():
import random
random_number = random.randint(0, 20)
guess_count = 0
maximum_tries = 5
# ***
while guess_count < maximum_tries:
guess = int(input("Please enter an integer from 1 to 20: "))
if guess == random_number:
print("You win!")
elif guess < random_number:
print("Too low")
elif guess > random_number:
print("Too high")
guess_count += 1
# ***
print("All out of guesses")
def main():
while True:
answer = input("Do you want to play? (y/n): ")
if answer.startswith('y'):
elif answer.startswith('n'):
print('I don\'t understand')
if __name__ == '__main__':

How to access the variable delcared inside a function outside the function in Python 3?

I am trying to make a simple guess the number program in python. When I run this code,an error generates saying that,"local variable 'chance' referenced before assignment". I looked up for a solution on internet but I could not rectify my error. Please help with this problem. How can I use the variable globally which is declared inside a function?
I am beginner in programming, so plese explain in simple words.
Here is the code..
Since I am a beginner,I will be pleased if my code can be rectified
import random
def Random():
chance = 3
number = random.randint(0,20)
return chance
return number
def main():
while chance > 0:
UserInput = int(input('Guess the number: '))
if UserInput == number:
print('You have guesses the secret number!')
elif UserInput > 20 and UserInput < 0:
print('Your guess is out of range!\n Try again!')
chance -= 1
if chance == 1:
print('You are out of chances!')
print('Wrong Guess!\nTry again!')
print(f'You have {chance} chances left!')
playAgain = input('Want to play again? ')
if playAgain == 'yes' or 'YES' or 'Yeah' or 'yeah':
print('Thanks for playing!')
You can return a list or a tuple to the outside word:
import random
def example():
chance = 3
number = random.randint(0,20)
return (chance, number) # return both numbers as a tuple
chance, randNr = example() # decomposes the returned tuple
print(chance, randNr)
3, 17
There are more bugs in your program, f.e.:
if playAgain == 'yes' or 'YES' or 'Yeah' or 'yeah':
is always True and you'll never be able to leave the game. Better would be
if playAgain.lower() in {'yes', 'yeah'}:
Here is a working example for your programs purpose:
import random
while True:
chances = 3
number = random.randint(0,20)
while chances > 0:
guess = int(input("Guess number: "))
if guess == number:
chances -= 1
print("Wrong, ", chances, " more tries to get it right.")
if chances == 0:
print ("You failed")
if not input("Play again? ")[:1].lower() == "y":
Read about tuples
Guess number: 1
Wrong, 2 more tries to get it right.
Guess number: 4
Play again? y
Guess number: 1
Wrong, 2 more tries to get it right.
Guess number: 2
Wrong, 1 more tries to get it right.
Guess number: 3
Wrong, 0 more tries to get it right.
You failed
Play again? n
import random
def Random():
chance = 3
number = random.randint(0,20)
def main(chance,number):
while chance > 0:
UserInput = int(input('Guess the number: '))
if UserInput == number:
print('You have guesses the secret number!')
elif UserInput > 20 and UserInput < 0:
print('Your guess is out of range!\n Try again!')
chance -= 1
if chance == 1:
print('You are out of chances!')
print('Wrong Guess!\nTry again!')
print('You have',chance,'chances left!')
playAgain = input('Want to play again? ')
if playAgain == 'yes' or 'YES' or 'Yeah' or 'yeah':
print('Thanks for playing!')

How do i make my input take all int and str type of data

I'm trying to get a guessing game with the user input as an answer and if the user type exit the game will show the amount of time the player tried but the program won't run because it can only take either interger or string type.
import random
while True:
number = random.randint(1,9)
guess = int(input('guess the number: '))
time = 0
time += 1
if guess == number:
print('you guessed correct')
elif guess < number:
print('your guessed is lower than the actual number')
elif guess > number:
print('your guessed is higher than the actual number')
elif guess == 'exit':
something like this
import random
time = 0
number = random.randint(1,9)
while True:
guess = input('guess the number: ')
time += 1
if guess == "exit":
elif int(guess) < number:
print('your guessed is lower than the actual number')
elif int(guess) > number:
print('your guessed is higher than the actual number')
elif int(guess) == number:
print('you guessed correct')
note that time and number have to be initializate outside the while loop, because if not, we would get different random numbers for each iteration, and also time would be initializate to 0 each time.
You can test the input as a string first before converting it to an integer:
while True:
response = input('guess the number: ')
if response == 'exit':
guess = int(response)
# the rest of your code testing guess as a number

Python while loop through program not working

import random
replay = 1
while replay == 1:
replay = replay - 1
target = random.randint(1, 100)
guess = int(input("Guess the number 1-100: "))
count = 0
score = 0
while count == 0:
score = score + 1
if guess < target:
print ("The number is higher. Try again.")
guess = int(input("Guess the number 1-100: "))
elif guess > target:
print ("The number is lower. Try again.")
guess = int(input("Guess the number 1-100: "))
elif guess == target:
print ("You guessed Correctly!")
print ("Your score was:", score)
again = str(input("Play again? (yes or no)"))
if again == "yes" or "YES":
replay = replay + 1
elif again == "no" or "NO":
This is my code, except it doesn't do what I want it to do. After you guess the correct number, it doesn't see to properly loop through the game again when you say yes or no. It just goes through the final if statement again.
Why won't it go through the entire program again?
Your code will always be evaluated to true
if again == "yes" or "YES":
Change it to:
if again.lower() == "yes":
if again in ("YES", "yes", "y",..)
When it is true, you need to break from you second loop:
if again.lower() == "yes":
replay = replay + 1
When it is false, don't break but exit the program using:
Since replay is only used to exit your code, you don't need it if you use exit().
Code would then be:
import random
while True:
target = random.randint(1, 100)
guess = int(input("Guess the number 1-100: "))
score = 0
while True:
score = score + 1
if guess < target:
print ("The number is higher. Try again.")
guess = int(input("Guess the number 1-100: "))
elif guess > target:
print ("The number is lower. Try again.")
guess = int(input("Guess the number 1-100: "))
elif guess == target:
print ("You guessed Correctly!")
print ("Your score was:", score)
again = str(input("Play again? (yes or no)"))
if again.lower() == "yes":
elif again.lower() == "no":

While Loop complication in guess the number game

So I am making a guess the number game in Python 3
After the whole process, I want my while loop to generate another number so that I can start the game again without running the program again.
Please let me know what I'm doing wrong, and if you could provide me with some insight on how to use the while loop, it'll be much appreciated.
Here's the code :
import random
while True:
number = random.randint(1, 1000)
count = 0
guessed = input("Enter the number you guessed: ")
count += 1
if int(guessed) < number:
print("You guessed too low")
elif int(guessed) > number:
print("You guessed too high")
elif int(guessed) == number:
print(f'You guessed right and it took you {count} guesses to the right number which is {number}')
Not sure if the code you pasted was a typo (on indentation), but I may have accidentally changed your implementation.
Regardless, you should just add another while loop, and a break condition when the user gets it right.
import random
while True:
number = random.randint(1, 1000)
count = 0
while True: # Added, and added another layer of indentation
guessed = input("Enter the number you guessed: ")
count += 1
if int(guessed) < number:
print("You guessed too low")
elif int(guessed) > number:
print("You guessed too high")
elif int(guessed) == number:
print(f'You guessed right and it took you {count} guesses to the right number which is {number}')
break # Added
In doing so, the code will keep looping to guess the correct number until they are correct. And then generate a new number to guess. However this code will never end unless you add another breaking condition (such as setting a flag the while loop will check to break out of the outer loop.
I wrote some quick code that prompts the user if they want to continue playing or not and then loops through and continues the game with a new number if they want to. I also fixed some minor bugs. Your count kept getting reset in the loop so it would always say you found it in 1 try.
import random
def promptUser():
user_continue = input("Do you want to continue playing? y/n")
if (user_continue == 'y'):
number = random.randint(1, 10)
game(0, number)
def game(count, number):
while True:
guessed = input("Enter the number you guessed: ")
count += 1
if int(guessed) < number:
print("You guessed too low")
elif int(guessed) > number:
print("You guessed too high")
elif int(guessed) == number:
print(f'You guessed right and it took you {count} guesses to the right number which is {number}')
