Putting a type in the Read typeclass doesn't work in the REPL - haskell

I'm defining a type GosperInteger, representing the Eisenstein integers in a complex base, and I'd like to enter these numbers in the REPL and do operations on them. So I put the type in the Read and Show typeclasses. Here's the code (there's also an Internals module, see https://github.com/phma/gosperbase to run it):
module Data.GosperBase where
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Word
import Data.GosperBase.Internals
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence ((><), (<|), (|>), Seq((:<|)), Seq((:|>)))
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
{- This computes complex numbers in base 2.5-√(-3/4), called the Gosper base
because it is the scale factor from one Gosper island to the next bigger one.
The digits are cyclotomic:
2 3
6 0 1
4 5
For layout of all numbers up to 3 digits, see doc/GosperBase.ps .
newtype GosperInteger = GosperInteger (Seq.Seq Word)
chunkDigitsInt :: Seq.Seq Char -> Maybe (Seq.Seq (Seq.Seq Char))
-- ^If the string ends in 'G', reverses the rest of the characters
-- and groups them into chunks of digitsPerLimb.
chunkDigitsInt (as:|>'G') = Just (Seq.reverse (Seq.chunksOf (fromIntegral digitsPerLimb) (Seq.reverse as)))
chunkDigitsInt as = Nothing
parseChunkRjust :: Seq.Seq Char -> Maybe Word
parseChunkRjust Seq.Empty = Just 0
parseChunkRjust (n:<|ns) =
let ms = parseChunkRjust ns
in case ms of
Just num -> if (n >= '0' && n < '7')
then Just (7 * num + fromIntegral (ord n - ord '0'))
else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
showLimb :: Word -> Word -> String
showLimb _ 0 = ""
showLimb val ndig = chr (fromIntegral ((val `div` 7 ^ (ndig-1)) `mod` 7) + ord '0') : (showLimb val (ndig-1))
parseRjust :: Seq.Seq Char -> Maybe (Seq.Seq Word)
parseRjust as =
let ns = chunkDigitsInt as
in case ns of
Just chunks -> traverse parseChunkRjust chunks
Nothing -> Nothing
showRjust' :: Seq.Seq Word -> String
showRjust' Seq.Empty = ""
showRjust' (a:<|as) = (showLimb a digitsPerLimb) ++ (showRjust' as)
showRjust :: Seq.Seq Word -> String
showRjust Seq.Empty = "0"
showRjust (a:<|as) = (showLimb a (snd (msdPosLimb a))) ++ (showRjust' as)
parse1InitTail :: (String, String) -> Maybe (GosperInteger, String)
parse1InitTail (a,b) =
let aParse = parseRjust (Seq.fromList a)
in case aParse of
Just mant -> Just (GosperInteger mant,b)
Nothing -> Nothing
parseGosperInteger :: String -> [(GosperInteger, String)]
parseGosperInteger str =
let its = zip (inits str) (tails str) -- TODO stop on invalid char
in catMaybes (fmap parse1InitTail its)
instance Read GosperInteger where
readsPrec _ str = parseGosperInteger str
instance Show GosperInteger where
show (GosperInteger m) = showRjust m ++ "G"
iAdd :: GosperInteger -> GosperInteger -> GosperInteger
iAdd (GosperInteger a) (GosperInteger b) =
GosperInteger (stripLeading0 (addRjust a b))
iMult :: GosperInteger -> GosperInteger -> GosperInteger
iMult (GosperInteger a) (GosperInteger b) =
GosperInteger (stripLeading0 (mulMant a b))
I'd like to do
> 425G * 256301G
which requires putting GosperInteger in the Num typeclass, which I haven't done yet.
Showing a number works, and calling read on a string works, but reading a number typed into the REPL does not. Why?
> read "45G" :: GosperInteger
> 45G
<interactive>:2:3: error: Data constructor not in scope: G

It is not possible to do that in a proper way (you can probably bodge this by writing an odd Num instance).
I think a better approach would be to just write that num instance, then you can write:
ghci> 425 * 256301 :: GosperInteger
If you don't want to have to write that :: GosperInteger signature you can do a few things:
Use ghci> default (GosperInteger, Double) that will mean it will automatically pick your GosperInteger type if there is ambiguity. You can also use this in normal source files.
Define a function g :: GosperInteger -> GosperInteger; g = id which you can use to disambiguate manually with less syntactic overhead:
ghci> g (425 * 256301)

The GHCi repl doesn't simply call read on the text that you type in. Instead, it has a much more complicated parser that separates your text into various tokens. One type of token is numeric: any integral number you type in will get "read" as an Integer. Of course, if you type 32 and want it to be an Int, not an Integer, this would be a problem, so the Num type class has a super convenient fromInteger function. With this, an Integer token can be converted into any instance of the Num class.
But, you want something slightly different: you want the parser to group together the numeric token along with the G token and treat them as one unit. For full support, you'd need to make an extension to the GHC parser, much like how if you type 2e7 into the prompt, you correctly get a floating point number. This isn't a simple change you can address in your source file or GHCi settings.
With all that said, there are some hacks we can play with. As Noughtmare mentions, "you can probably bodge this by writing an odd Num instance", and indeed you can! Fair warning: you probably don't want to do this, but let's explore it anyway.
The problem is that the parser returned two tokens, one that's numeric and the other that's G. Since it's uppercase, that G token is being interpreted as a data constructor (your error message pointed that out too: " Data constructor not in scope: G"). The key is to use this to our advantage.
Consider the following:
data G = G
deriving Show
instance Num (G -> GosperInteger) where
fromInteger i G = integerToGosperInteger i
Now, assuming you wrote that function integerToGosperInteger, this instance would let you type, e.g., 45G and produce a GosperInteger 45G. Hurrah! You can even do 425G * 256301G and it will work as expected. Furthermore, if you cleverly omit a fromInteger definition from your Num GosperInteger class, then you'll get a runtime error if you try to simply use a number like 425 as as GosperInteger (that is, you'll get an error for implicit coercions that don't have the G).
There are some problems.
If you try this, you'll find that type inference is pretty terrible. It probably won't work right at the prompt unless you set default (GosperInteger, Double), and you'll probably want to use lots of type annotations in your source files.
If you leave out the G, you'll get terrible type error messages or, even worse, runtime errors.
You'll get a warning that your Num instance for G -> GosperInteger is incomplete. It is incomplete, but there's no sensible definitions for anything else. You could suppress the warning or set all of the missing methods to error "This isn't how this is supposed to be used" or something, but it's still a bit of a blemish in the code.
But, if you can deal with the problems and you squint hard enough, it sorta kinda gets you what you want.


Besides as-pattern, what else can # mean in Haskell?

I am studying Haskell currently and try to understand a project that uses Haskell to implement cryptographic algorithms. After reading Learn You a Haskell for Great Good online, I begin to understand the code in that project. Then I found I am stuck at the following code with the "#" symbol:
-- | Generate an #n#-dimensional secret key over #rq#.
genKey :: forall rq rnd n . (MonadRandom rnd, Random rq, Reflects n Int)
=> rnd (PRFKey n rq)
genKey = fmap Key $ randomMtx 1 $ value #n
Here the randomMtx is defined as follows:
-- | A random matrix having a given number of rows and columns.
randomMtx :: (MonadRandom rnd, Random a) => Int -> Int -> rnd (Matrix a)
randomMtx r c = M.fromList r c <$> replicateM (r*c) getRandom
And PRFKey is defined below:
-- | A PRF secret key of dimension #n# over ring #a#.
newtype PRFKey n a = Key { key :: Matrix a }
All information sources I can find say that # is the as-pattern, but this piece of code is apparently not that case. I have checked the online tutorial, blogs and even the Haskell 2010 language report at https://www.haskell.org/definition/haskell2010.pdf. There is simply no answer to this question.
More code snippets can be found in this project using # in this way too:
-- | Generate public parameters (\( \mathbf{A}_0 \) and \(
-- \mathbf{A}_1 \)) for #n#-dimensional secret keys over a ring #rq#
-- for gadget indicated by #gad#.
genParams :: forall gad rq rnd n .
(MonadRandom rnd, Random rq, Reflects n Int, Gadget gad rq)
=> rnd (PRFParams n gad rq)
genParams = let len = length $ gadget #gad #rq
n = value #n
in Params <$> (randomMtx n (n*len)) <*> (randomMtx n (n*len))
I deeply appreciate any help on this.
That #n is an advanced feature of modern Haskell, which is usually not covered by tutorials like LYAH, nor can be found the the Report.
It's called a type application and is a GHC language extension. To understand it, consider this simple polymorphic function
dup :: forall a . a -> (a, a)
dup x = (x, x)
Intuitively calling dup works as follows:
the caller chooses a type a
the caller chooses a value x of the previously chosen type a
dup then answers with a value of type (a,a)
In a sense, dup takes two arguments: the type a and the value x :: a. However, GHC is usually able to infer the type a (e.g. from x, or from the context where we are using dup), so we usually pass only one argument to dup, namely x. For instance, we have
dup True :: (Bool, Bool)
dup "hello" :: (String, String)
Now, what if we want to pass a explicitly? Well, in that case we can turn on the TypeApplications extension, and write
dup #Bool True :: (Bool, Bool)
dup #String "hello" :: (String, String)
Note the #... arguments carrying types (not values). Those are something that exists at compile time, only -- at runtime the argument does not exist.
Why do we want that? Well, sometimes there is no x around, and we want to prod the compiler to choose the right a. E.g.
dup #Bool :: Bool -> (Bool, Bool)
dup #String :: String -> (String, String)
Type applications are often useful in combination with some other extensions which make type inference unfeasible for GHC, like ambiguous types or type families. I won't discuss those, but you can simply understand that sometimes you really need to help the compiler, especially when using powerful type-level features.
Now, about your specific case. I don't have all the details, I don't know the library, but it's very likely that your n represents a kind of natural-number value at the type level. Here we are diving in rather advanced extensions, like the above-mentioned ones plus DataKinds, maybe GADTs, and some typeclass machinery. While I can't explain everything, hopefully I can provide some basic insight. Intuitively,
foo :: forall n . some type using n
takes as argument #n, a kind-of compile-time natural, which is not passed at runtime. Instead,
foo :: forall n . C n => some type using n
takes #n (compile-time), together with a proof that n satisfies constraint C n. The latter is a run-time argument, which might expose the actual value of n. Indeed, in your case, I guess you have something vaguely resembling
value :: forall n . Reflects n Int => Int
which essentially allows the code to bring the type-level natural to the term-level, essentially accessing the "type" as a "value". (The above type is considered an "ambiguous" one, by the way -- you really need #n to disambiguate.)
Finally: why should one want to pass n at the type level if we then later on convert that to the term level? Wouldn't be easier to simply write out functions like
foo :: Int -> ...
foo n ... = ... use n
instead of the more cumbersome
foo :: forall n . Reflects n Int => ...
foo ... = ... use (value #n)
The honest answer is: yes, it would be easier. However, having n at the type level allows the compiler to perform more static checks. For instance, you might want a type to represent "integers modulo n", and allow adding those. Having
data Mod = Mod Int -- Int modulo some n
foo :: Int -> Mod -> Mod -> Mod
foo n (Mod x) (Mod y) = Mod ((x+y) `mod` n)
works, but there is no check that x and y are of the same modulus. We might add apples and oranges, if we are not careful. We could instead write
data Mod n = Mod Int -- Int modulo n
foo :: Int -> Mod n -> Mod n -> Mod n
foo n (Mod x) (Mod y) = Mod ((x+y) `mod` n)
which is better, but still allows to call foo 5 x y even when n is not 5. Not good. Instead,
data Mod n = Mod Int -- Int modulo n
-- a lot of type machinery omitted here
foo :: forall n . SomeConstraint n => Mod n -> Mod n -> Mod n
foo (Mod x) (Mod y) = Mod ((x+y) `mod` (value #n))
prevents things to go wrong. The compiler statically checks everything. The code is harder to use, yes, but in a sense making it harder to use is the whole point: we want to make it impossible for the user to try adding something of the wrong modulus.
Concluding: these are very advanced extensions. If you're a beginner, you will need to slowly progress towards these techniques. Don't be discouraged if you can't grasp them after only a short study, it does take some time. Make a small step at a time, solve some exercises for each feature to understand the point of it. And you'll always have StackOverflow when you are stuck :-)

Is there a compiler-extension for untagged union types in Haskell?

In some languages (#racket/typed, for example), the programmer can specify a union type without discriminating against it, for instance, the type (U Integer String) captures integers and strings, without tagging them (I Integer) (S String) in a data IntOrStringUnion = ... form or anything like that.
Is there a way to do the same in Haskell?
Either is what you're looking for... ish.
In Haskell terms, I'd describe what you're looking for as an anonymous sum type. By anonymous, I mean that it doesn't have a defined name (like something with a data declaration). By sum type, I mean a data type that can have one of several (distinguishable) types; a tagged union or such. (If you're not familiar with this terminology, try Wikipedia for starters.)
We have a well-known idiomatic anonymous product type, which is just a tuple. If you want to have both an Int and a String, you just smush them together with a comma: (Int, String). And tuples (seemingly) can go on forever--(Int, String, Double, Word), and you can pattern-match the same way. (There's a limit, but never mind.)
The well-known idiomatic anonymous sum type is Either, from Data.Either (and the Prelude):
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable)
It has some shortcomings, most prominently a Functor instance that favors Right in a way that's odd in this context. The problem is that chaining it introduces a lot of awkwardness: the type ends up like Either (Int (Either String (Either Double Word))). Pattern matching is even more awkward, as others have noted.
I just want to note that we can get closer to (what I understand to be) the Racket use case. From my extremely brief Googling, it looks like in Racket you can use functions like isNumber? to determine what type is actually in a given value of a union type. In Haskell, we usually do that with case analysis (pattern matching), but that's awkward with Either, and function using simple pattern-matching will likely end up hard-wired to a particular union type. We can do better.
I'm going to write a function I think is an idiomatic Haskell stand-in for isNumber?. First, we don't like doing Boolean tests and then running functions that assume their result; instead, we tend to just convert to Maybe and go from there. So the function's type will end with -> Maybe Int. (Using Int as a stand-in for now.)
But what's on the left hand of the arrow? "Something that might be an Int -- or a String, or whatever other types we put in the union." Uh, okay. So it's going to be one of a number of types. That sounds like typeclass, so we'll put a constraint and a type variable on the left hand of the arrow: MightBeInt a => a -> Maybe Int. Okay, let's write out the class:
class MightBeInt a where
isInt :: a -> Maybe Int
fromInt :: Int -> a
Okay, now how do we write the instances? Well, we know if the first parameter to Either is Int, we're golden, so let's write that out. (Incidentally, if you want a nice exercise, only look at the instance ... where parts of these next three code blocks, and try to implement that class members yourself.)
instance MightBeInt (Either Int b) where
isInt (Left i) = Just i
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Left
Fine. And ditto if Int is the second parameter:
instance MightBeInt (Either a Int) where
isInt (Right i) = Just i
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Right
But what about Either String (Either Bool Int)? The trick is to recurse on the right hand type: if it's not Int, is it an instance of MightBeInt itself?
instance MightBeInt b => MightBeInt (Either a b) where
isInt (Right xs) = isInt xs
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Right . fromInt
(Note that these all require FlexibleInstances and OverlappingInstances.) It took me a long time to get a feel for writing and reading these class instances; don't worry if this instance is surprising. The punch line is that we can now do this:
anInt1 :: Either Int String
anInt1 = fromInt 1
anInt2 :: Either String (Either Int Double)
anInt2 = fromInt 2
anInt3 :: Either String Int
anInt3 = fromInt 3
notAnInt :: Either String Int
notAnInt = Left "notint"
ghci> isInt anInt3
Just 3
ghci> isInt notAnInt
Okay, but now do we need to write another type class for each type we want to look up? Nope! We can parameterize the class by the type we want to look up! It's a pretty mechanical translation; the only question is how to tell the compiler what type we're looking for, and that's where Proxy comes to the rescue. (If you don't want to install tagged or run base 4.7, just define data Proxy a = Proxy. It's nothing special, but you'll need PolyKinds.)
class MightBeA t a where
isA :: proxy t -> a -> Maybe t
fromA :: t -> a
instance MightBeA t t where
isA _ = Just
fromA = id
instance MightBeA t (Either t b) where
isA _ (Left i) = Just i
isA _ _ = Nothing
fromA = Left
instance MightBeA t b => MightBeA t (Either a b) where
isA p (Right xs) = isA p xs
isA _ _ = Nothing
fromA = Right . fromA
ghci> isA (Proxy :: Proxy Int) anInt3
Just 3
ghci> isA (Proxy :: Proxy String) notAnInt
Just "notint"
Now the usability situation is... better. The main thing we've lost, by the way, is the exhaustiveness checker.
Notational Parity With (U String Int Double)
For fun, in GHC 7.8 we can use DataKinds and TypeFamilies to eliminate the infix type constructors in favor of type-level lists. (In Haskell, you can't have one type constructor--like IO or Either--take a variable number of parameters, but a type-level list is just one parameter.) It's just a few lines, which I'm not really going to explain:
type family OneOf (as :: [*]) :: * where
OneOf '[] = Void
OneOf '[a] = a
OneOf (a ': as) = Either a (OneOf as)
Note that you'll need to import Data.Void. Now we can do this:
anInt4 :: OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String]
anInt4 = fromInt 4
ghci> :kind! OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String]
OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String] :: *
= Either Int (Either Double (Either Float [Char]))
In other words, OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String] is the same as Either Int (Either Double (Either Float [Char])).
You need some kind of tagging because you need to be able to check if a value is actually an Integer or a String to use it for anything. One way to alleviate having to create a custom ADT for every combination is to use a type such as
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
data a :+: b = L a | R b
infixr 6 :+:
returnsIntOrString :: Integer -> Integer :+: String
returnsIntOrString i
| i `rem` 2 == 0 = R "Even"
| otherwise = L (i * 2)
returnsOneOfThree :: Integer -> Integer :+: String :+: Bool
returnsOneOfThree i
| i `rem` 2 == 0 = (R . L) "Even"
| i `rem` 3 == 0 = (R . R) False
| otherwise = L (i * 2)

Haskell data serialization of some data implementing a common type class

Let's start with the following
data A = A String deriving Show
data B = B String deriving Show
class X a where
spooge :: a -> Q
[ Some implementations of X for A and B ]
Now let's say we have custom implementations of show and read, named show' and read' respectively which utilize Show as a serialization mechanism. I want show' and read' to have types
show' :: X a => a -> String
read' :: X a => String -> a
So I can do things like
f :: String -> [Q]
f d = map (\x -> spooge $ read' x) d
Where data could have been
[show' (A "foo"), show' (B "bar")]
In summary, I wanna serialize stuff of various types which share a common typeclass so I can call their separate implementations on the deserialized stuff automatically.
Now, I realize you could write some template haskell which would generate a wrapper type, like
data XWrap = AWrap A | BWrap B deriving (Show)
and serialize the wrapped type which would guarantee that the type info would be stored with it, and that we'd be able to get ourselves back at least an XWrap... but is there a better way using haskell ninja-ery?
Okay I need to be more application specific. This is an API. Users will define their As, and Bs and fs as they see fit. I don't ever want them hacking through the rest of the code updating their XWraps, or switches or anything. The most i'm willing to compromise is one list somewhere of all the A, B, etc. in some format. Why?
Here's the application. A is "Download a file from an FTP server." B is "convert from flac to mp3". A contains username, password, port, etc. information. B contains file path information. There could be MANY As and Bs. Hundreds. As many as people are willing to compile into the program. Two was just an example. A and B are Xs, and Xs shall be called "Tickets." Q is IO (). Spooge is runTicket. I want to read the tickets off into their relevant data types and then write generic code that will runTicket on the stuff read' from the stuff on disk. At some point I have to jam type information into the serialized data.
I'd first like to stress for all our happy listeners out there that XWrap is a very good way, and a lot of the time you can write one yourself faster than writing it using Template Haskell.
You say you can get back "at least an XWrap", as if that meant you couldn't recover the types A and B from XWrap or you couldn't use your typeclass on them. Not true! You can even define
separateAB :: [XWrap] -> ([A],[B])
If you didn't want them mixed together, you should serialise them seperately!
This is nicer than haskell ninja-ery; maybe you don't need to handle arbitrary instances, maybe just the ones you made.
Do you really need your original types back? If you feel like using existential types because you just want to spooge your deserialised data, why not either serialise the Q itself, or have some intermediate data type PoisedToSpooge that you serialise, which can deserialise to give you all the data you need for a really good spooging. Why not make it an instance of X too?
You could add a method to your X class that converts to PoisedToSpooge.
You could call it something fun like toPoisedToSpooge, which trips nicely off the tongue, don't you think? :)
Anyway this would remove your typesystem complexity at the same time as resolving the annoying ambiguous type in
f d = map (\x -> spooge $ read' x) d -- oops, the type of read' x depends on the String
You can replace read' with
stringToPoisedToSpoogeToDeserialise :: String -> PoisedToSpooge -- use to deserialise
and define
f d = map (\x -> spooge $ stringToPoisedToSpoogeToDeserialise x) -- no ambiguous type
which we could of course write more succincly as
f = map (spooge.stringToPoisedToSpoogeToDeserialise)
although I recognise the irony here in suggesting making your code more succinct. :)
If what you really want is a heterogeneous list then use existential types. If you want serialization then use Cereal + ByteString. If you want dynamic typing, which is what I think your actual goal is, then use Data.Dynamic. If none of this is what you want, or you want me to expand please press the pound key.
Based on your edit, I don't see any reason a list of thunks won't work. In what way does IO () fail to represent both the operations of "Download a file from an FTP server" and "convert from flac to MP3"?
I'll assume you want to do more things with deserialised Tickets
than run them, because if not you may as well ask the user to supply a bunch of String -> IO()
or similar, nothing clever needed at all.
If so, hooray! It's not often I feel it's appropriate to recommend advanced language features like this.
class Ticketable a where
show' :: a -> String
read' :: String -> Maybe a
runTicket :: a -> IO ()
-- other useful things to do with tickets
This all hinges on the type of read'. read' :: Ticket a => String -> a isn't very useful,
because the only thing it can do with invalid data is crash.
If we change the type to read' :: Ticket a => String -> Maybe a this can allow us to read from disk and
try all the possibilities or fail altogether.
(Alternatively you could use a parser: parse :: Ticket a => String -> Maybe (a,String).)
Let's use a GADT to give us ExistentialQuantification without the syntax and with nicer error messages:
data Ticket where
MkTicket :: Ticketable a => a -> Ticket
showT :: Ticket -> String
showT (MkTicket a) = show' a
runT :: Ticket -> IO()
runT (MkTicket a) = runTicket a
Notice how the MkTicket contstuctor supplies the context Ticketable a for free! GADTs are great.
It would be nice to make Ticket and instance of Ticketable, but that won't work, because there would be
an ambiguous type a hidden in it. Let's take functions that read Ticketable types and make them read
ticketize :: Ticketable a => (String -> Maybe a) -> (String -> Maybe Ticket)
ticketize = ((.).fmap) MkTicket -- a little pointfree fun
You could use some unusual sentinel string such as
"\n-+-+-+-+-+-Ticket-+-+-+-Border-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-\n" to separate your serialised data or better, use separate files
altogether. For this example, I'll just use "\n" as the separator.
readTickets :: [String -> Maybe Ticket] -> String -> [Maybe Ticket]
readTickets readers xs = map (foldr orelse (const Nothing) readers) (lines xs)
orelse :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe b)
(f `orelse` g) x = case f x of
Nothing -> g x
just_y -> just_y
Now let's get rid of the Justs and ignore the Nothings:
runAll :: [String -> Maybe Ticket] -> String -> IO ()
runAll ps xs = mapM_ runT . catMaybes $ readTickets ps xs
Let's make a trivial ticket that just prints the contents of some directory
newtype Dir = Dir {unDir :: FilePath} deriving Show
readDir xs = let (front,back) = splitAt 4 xs in
if front == "dir:" then Just $ Dir back else Nothing
instance Ticketable Dir where
show' (Dir p) = "dir:"++show p
read' = readDir
runTicket (Dir p) = doesDirectoryExist p >>= flip when
(getDirectoryContents >=> mapM_ putStrLn $ p)
and an even more trivial ticket
data HelloWorld = HelloWorld deriving Show
readHW "HelloWorld" = Just HelloWorld
readHW _ = Nothing
instance Ticketable HelloWorld where
show' HelloWorld = "HelloWorld"
read' = readHW
runTicket HelloWorld = putStrLn "Hello World!"
and then put it all together:
myreaders = [ticketize readDir,ticketize readHW]
main = runAll myreaders $ unlines ["HelloWorld",".","HelloWorld","..",",HelloWorld"]
Just use Either. Your users don't even have to wrap it themselves. You have your deserializer wrap it in the Either for you. I don't know exactly what your serialization protocol is, but I assume that you have some way to detect which kind of request, and the following example assumes the first byte distinguishes the two requests:
deserializeRequest :: IO (Either A B)
deserializeRequest = do
byte <- get1stByte
case byte of
0 -> do
return $ Left $ A <A's fields>
1 -> do
return $ Right $ B <B's fields>
Then you don't even need to type-class spooge. Just make it a function of Either A B:
spooge :: Either A B -> Q

Haskell type declarations

In Haskell, why does this compile:
splice :: String -> String -> String
splice a b = a ++ b
main = print (splice "hi" "ya")
but this does not:
splice :: (String a) => a -> a -> a
splice a b = a ++ b
main = print (splice "hi" "ya")
>> Type constructor `String' used as a class
I would have thought these were the same thing. Is there a way to use the second style, which avoids repeating the type name 3 times?
The => syntax in types is for typeclasses.
When you say f :: (Something a) => a, you aren't saying that a is a Something, you're saying that it is a type "in the group of" Something types.
For example, Num is a typeclass, which includes such types as Int and Float.
Still, there is no type Num, so I can't say
f :: Num -> Num
f x = x + 5
However, I could either say
f :: Int -> Int
f x = x + 5
f :: (Num a) => a -> a
f x = x + 5
Actually, it is possible:
Prelude> :set -XTypeFamilies
Prelude> let splice :: (a~String) => a->a->a; splice a b = a++b
Prelude> :t splice
splice :: String -> String -> String
This uses the equational constraint ~. But I'd avoid that, it's not really much shorter than simply writing String -> String -> String, rather harder to understand, and more difficult for the compiler to resolve.
Is there a way to use the second style, which avoids repeating the type name 3 times?
For simplifying type signatures, you may use type synonyms. For example you could write
type S = String
splice :: S -> S -> S
or something like
type BinOp a = a -> a -> a
splice :: BinOp String
however, for something as simple as String -> String -> String, I recommend just typing it out. Type synonyms should be used to make type signatures more readable, not less.
In this particular case, you could also generalize your type signature to
splice :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
since it doesn't depend on the elements being characters at all.
Well... String is a type, and you were trying to use it as a class.
If you want an example of a polymorphic version of your splice function, try:
import Data.Monoid
splice :: Monoid a=> a -> a -> a
splice = mappend
EDIT: so the syntax here is that Uppercase words appearing left of => are type classes constraining variables that appear to the right of =>. All the Uppercase words to the right are names of types
You might find explanations in this Learn You a Haskell chapter handy.

Sort by constructor ignoring (part of) value

Suppose I have
data Foo = A String Int | B Int
I want to take an xs :: [Foo] and sort it such that all the As are at the beginning, sorted by their strings, but with the ints in the order they appeared in the list, and then have all the Bs at the end, in the same order they appeared.
In particular, I want to create a new list containg the first A of each string and the first B.
I did this by defining a function taking Foos to (Int, String)s and using sortBy and groupBy.
Is there a cleaner way to do this? Preferably one that generalizes to at least 10 constructors.
Typeable, maybe? Something else that's nicer?
EDIT: This is used for processing a list of Foos that is used elsewhere. There is already an Ord instance which is the normal ordering.
You can use
sortBy (comparing foo)
where foo is a function that extracts the interesting parts into something comparable (e.g. Ints).
In the example, since you want the As sorted by their Strings, a mapping to Int with the desired properties would be too complicated, so we use a compound target type.
foo (A s _) = (0,s)
foo (B _) = (1,"")
would be a possible helper. This is more or less equivalent to Tikhon Jelvis' suggestion, but it leaves space for the natural Ord instance.
To make it easier to build comparison function for ADTs with large number of constructors, you can map values to their constructor index with SYB:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Generics
data Foo = A String Int | B Int deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data)
cIndex :: Data a => a -> Int
cIndex = constrIndex . toConstr
*Main Data.Generics> cIndex $ A "foo" 42
*Main Data.Generics> cIndex $ B 0
Edit:After re-reading your question, I think the best option is to make Foo an instance of Ord. I do not think there is any way to do this automatically that will act the way you want (just using deriving will create different behavior).
Once Foo is an instance of Ord, you can just use sort from Data.List.
In your exact example, you can do something like this:
data Foo = A String Int | B Int deriving (Eq)
instance Ord Foo where
(A _ _) <= (B _) = True
(A s _) <= (A s' _) = s <= s'
(B _) <= (B _) = True
When something is an instance of Ord, it means the data type has some ordering. Once we know how to order something, we can use a bunch of existing functions (like sort) on it and it will behave how you want. Anything in Ord has to be part of Eq, which is what the deriving (Eq) bit does automatically.
You can also derive Ord. However, the behavior will not be exactly what you want--it will order by all of the fields if it has to (e.g. it will put As with the same string in order by their integers).
Further edit: I was thinking about it some more and realized my solution is probably semantically wrong.
An Ord instance is a statement about your whole data type. For example, I'm saying that Bs are always equal with each other when the derived Eq instance says otherwise.
If the data your representing always behaves like this (that is, Bs are all equal and As with the same string are all equal) then an Ord instance makes sense. Otherwise, you should not actually do this.
However, you can do something almost exactly like this: write your own special compare function (Foo -> Foo -> Ordering) that encapsulates exactly what you want to do then use sortBy. This properly codifies that your particular sorting is special rather than the natural ordering of the data type.
You could use some template haskell to fill in the missing transitive cases. The mkTransitiveLt creates the transitive closure of the given cases (if you order them least to greatest). This gives you a working less-than, which can be turned into a function that returns an Ordering.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import MkTransitiveLt
import Data.List (sortBy)
data Foo = A String Int | B Int | C | D | E deriving(Show)
cmp a b = $(mkTransitiveLt [|
case (a, b) of
(A _ _, B _) -> True
(B _, C) -> True
(C, D) -> True
(D, E) -> True
(A s _, A s' _) -> s < s'
otherwise -> False|])
lt2Ord f a b =
case (f a b, f b a) of
(True, _) -> LT
(_, True) -> GT
otherwise -> EQ
main = print $ sortBy (lt2Ord cmp) [A "Z" 1, A "A" 1, B 1, A "A" 0, C]
[A "A" 1,A "A" 0,A "Z" 1,B 1,C]
mkTransitiveLt must be defined in a separate module:
module MkTransitiveLt (mkTransitiveLt)
import Language.Haskell.TH
mkTransitiveLt :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
mkTransitiveLt eq = do
CaseE e ms <- eq
return . CaseE e . reverse . foldl go [] $ ms
go ms m#(Match (TupP [a, b]) body decls) = (m:ms) ++
[Match (TupP [x, b]) body decls | Match (TupP [x, y]) _ _ <- ms, y == a]
go ms m = m:ms
