Xamarin.ios native ads admob - xamarin.ios

I have been trying to figure out how to implement native google ads (admob) in my Xamarin.iOS app. (not xamarin forms)
I have googled like crazy but can't find any good examples.
Does anyone have any code that they could share?
This is my code so far, but the adloader.delegate is always null..
public partial class ExploreController : UIViewController
readonly AdLoader adLoader;
public ExploreController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
adLoader = new AdLoader(
new AdLoaderAdType[] { AdLoaderAdType.Native },
new AdLoaderOptions[] { new AdLoaderOptions() });
adLoader.Delegate = new MyAdLoaderDelegate();
var request = Request.GetDefaultRequest();
public class MyAdLoaderDelegate : NSObject, IUnifiedNativeAdLoaderDelegate
public MyAdLoaderDelegate()
public void DidReceiveUnifiedNativeAd(AdLoader adLoader, NativeAd nativeAd)
public void DidFailToReceiveAd(AdLoader adLoader, NSError error)
//base.DidFailToReceiveAd(adLoader, error);
public void DidFinishLoading(AdLoader adLoader)


Xamarin iOS crashes in NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("CustomView", this, null)

I have created new CustomView.xib file and associated to code-behind class. But when i try to initialise the view, the app getting crashed as below mentioned error.
MonoTouch: Could not install sigaction override, unexpected sigaction implementation.
NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("CustomView", this, null); // App crashes here.
CS class file:
public partial class CustomView : UIView
public CustomView(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
public override void AwakeFromNib()
Designer class:
partial class CustomView
UIKit.UIView contentView { get; set; }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets ()
if (contentView != null) {
contentView.Dispose ();
contentView = null;
Build Action is set to interfaceDefinition.
File owner of the xib is set the class name "CustomView"
AwakeFromNib override method also implemented.
Thanks in advance.
We came across with similar kind of issue after a long time but with different exceptions says "Object Null Reference" on "contentView" in the AwakeFromNib method. App crashes when you try to access the ContentView inside the AwakeFromNib method. This happened only on iOS 9.3.x. The following fix might help someone if they face the same kind of issue.
public SampleHeaderView(CGRect frame) : base(frame)
public SampleHeaderView(NSCoder coder) : base(coder)
public override void AwakeFromNib()
private void Initialize()
if (this.ContentView != null)
this.ContentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red();

Orchard ICustomVirtualPathProvider

I am trying to register a ICustomVirtualPathProvider in one of my modules. This is what I am trying to use:
public class AzureVirtualPathProvider : VirtualPathProvider, ICustomVirtualPathProvider
public IStaticDataStorageProvider StaticDataStorageProvider { get; set; }
public VirtualPathProvider Instance
return this;
public AzureVirtualPathProvider(IStaticDataStorageProvider staticDataStorageProvider)
StaticDataStorageProvider = staticDataStorageProvider;
public override bool FileExists(string virtualPath)
if (!virtualPath.Contains("StaticData")) return base.FileExists(virtualPath);
return true;
public override VirtualFile GetFile(string virtualPath)
if (!virtualPath.Contains("StaticData") || !StaticDataStorageProvider.IsCloud()) return base.GetFile(virtualPath);
return new CustomVirtualFile(StaticDataStorageProvider, virtualPath);
so in Module.Load I am setting:
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
but this has not been picked up when Orchard calls this line in OrchardStartup.cs (in Orchard.Framework)
if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted) {
foreach (var vpp in container.Resolve<IEnumerable<ICustomVirtualPathProvider>>()) {
I haver tried calling HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider directly thus:
HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider(new AzureVirtualPathProvider());
and tried to inject the dependency using property injecction:
builder.Register(c => new AzureVirtualPathProvider { StaticDataStorageProvider = c.Resolve<IStaticDataStorageProvider>() });
however the value for StaticDataStorageProvider is always null when AzureVirtualPathProvider is run.
I have tried moving AzureVirtualPathProvider to OrchardFramework but then it does not resolve StaticDataStorageProvider.
How do I get Orchard to load my CustomVirtualPathProvider?
In the end I did this:
public class OrchardShellEvents : IOrchardShellEvents
readonly ICustomVirtualPathProvider _customVirtualPathProvider;
public OrchardShellEvents(ICustomVirtualPathProvider customVirtualPathProvider)
_customVirtualPathProvider = customVirtualPathProvider;
public void Activated()
public void Terminating()
I don't know if this is the best solution but it worked and might help someone else.

ShowViewModel does not work if called too early

In MvvmCross 4.1.4 for Window Universal App (UWP) platform, if we call ShowViewModel too early within ViewModel (like in Constructor, Init, or Start event) then it does not navigate to another model.
public class FirstViewModel : MvxViewModel
public FirstViewModel()
Note that it works just fine for iOS and Android platform.
It is a bug of MvvmCross (according to this https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross/issues/1223).
The work around solution is to trigger the navigation from some events like View_Loaded or View_GotFocus within the View:
public sealed partial class FirstView : MvxWindowsPage
public FirstView()
this.Loaded += FirstView_Loaded;
private void FirstView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var viewModel = base.ViewModel as FirstViewModel
if (viewModel != null)
ViewModel updated:
public class FirstViewModel : MvxViewModel
public FirstViewModel()
public void Initialise()
//Navigate here

NServiceBus Configuration with Custom Container

I am trying to re-use the service registrations in an assembly that I use through a few services in my solution. I follow the example listed from the NServiceBus website to implement the solution. When following that, unless I add the IWantCustomInitialization interface, my Init method (and IoC container implementation) appears not to function. When I have that interface implemented, I get exceptions (listed in SO questions here and here). I can't seem to get it to work that there are no exceptions AND the dependencies in my MessageHandler are being populated properly. Here is my current EndpointConfig implementation.
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, UsingTransport<Msmq>, INeedInitialization {
public void Init() {
public class ObjectBuilderAdapter : IContainer {
readonly IDependencyInjector injector;
public ObjectBuilderAdapter(IDependencyInjectionBuilder dependencyInjectionBuilder) {
injector = dependencyInjectionBuilder.Create(); //This method does all the common service registrations that I am trying to re-use
//injector.RegisterType<ExtractIncomingPrincipal, PrincipalExtractor>();
public void Dispose() {
public object Build(Type typeToBuild) {
return injector.Resolve(typeToBuild);
public IContainer BuildChildContainer() {
return new ObjectBuilderAdapter(new DependencyInjectorBuilder());
public IEnumerable<object> BuildAll(Type typeToBuild) {
return injector.ResolveAll(typeToBuild);
public void Configure(Type component, DependencyLifecycle dependencyLifecycle) {
public void Configure<T>(Func<T> component, DependencyLifecycle dependencyLifecycle) {
public void ConfigureProperty(Type component, string property, object value) {
if (injector is AutofacDependencyInjector) {
((AutofacDependencyInjector)injector).ConfigureProperty(component, property, value);
} else {
Debug.WriteLine("Configuring {0} for property {1} but we don't handle this scenario.", component.Name, property);
public void RegisterSingleton(Type lookupType, object instance) {
injector.RegisterInstance(lookupType, instance);
public bool HasComponent(Type componentType) {
return injector.IsRegistered(componentType);
public void Release(object instance) { }
public static class Extensions {
public static Configure ObjectBuilderAdapter(this Configure config) {
ConfigureCommon.With(config, new ObjectBuilderAdapter(new DependencyInjectorBuilder()));
return config;
Note: When I use the INeedInitialization interface, I get the ComponentNotRegisteredException when it's looking for IStartableBus.
When you are trying to swap the built in container, then you need to implement IWantCustomInitialization in the same class that implements IConfigureThisEndpoint.
You can use your own container and register all your types in there and tell NSB to use that container.
For example:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, IWantCustomInitialization
public void Init()
var container = new ContainerBuilder().Build();

Integrate LinkedIn with Monotouch

I have a problem in LinkedIn integration in Monotouch. i have integrated Facebook successfully using Logged In Session like as following :
internal void SaveAuthorization ()
var defaults = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults;
defaults ["FBAccessTokenKey"] = new NSString (facebook.AccessToken);
defaults ["FBExpirationDateKey"] = facebook.ExpirationDate;
defaults.Synchronize ();
or using like :
public class SessionDelegate : FBSessionDelegate
FacebookLoginViewController container;
public SessionDelegate (FacebookLoginViewController container)
this.container = container;
public override void DidLogin ()
container.ShowLoggedIn ();
container.SaveAuthorization ();
public override void DidLogout ()
container.ClearAuthorization ();
//container.ShowLoggedOut ();
public override void DidNotLogin (bool cancelled)
// TODO: Implement - see: http://go-mono.com/docs/index.aspx?
public override void SessionInvalidated ()
// TODO: Implement - see: http://go-mono.com/docs/index.aspx?
Now I want to use same for LinkedIn. how can i complete it.?
thanks in advance
