Linux IP monitoring tool - linux

I need to get the IP numbers that are connecting to the EC2 instance then add them to AWS security group as a security group rule. So only those machines will have the permission to connect to instance. I don't need the port number that they're connecting to instance.
I installed iptraf-ng but app is very slow on the instance. Any other suggestions to capture the connecting IP's to instance so I can add them faster to security group rule?

You can use VPC Flow logs to monitor the traffic to the VPC (which will include the traffic that is going to the EC2 instance).


Amazon MWS (not AWS) Data Protection Policy - Network control

Anyone has experience regarding Network Control?
Plan to rent a dedicate server. Does any hosting company providing any of these as part of their offer? (e.g. the dedicated server is protected by 1,2,3 by default)
Network segmentation
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Network Access Control List (ACL)
If not, how can I implement this?
One of the hosting company I am looking at offers ASA 5505 Firewall, would this firewall implemented any of 1,2,3 above?
I plan to run the app in Docker, data is in Mysql DB. So my plan was to install firewall on the server block all ports except 80/443 and a random port used for ssh. And set the mysql port to a non standard port, and only allow local connection to the mysql db. Is this secure enough? Or I need to implement more such as 1,2,3 above?

Building AWS Infrastructure - Security Questions

I am building an cloud infrastructure on AWS.
I have some backend applications (like database servers) and other front end app (like webservers) that needs ingoing/outgoing traffic.
I also have some devops/dev app like Jenkins, and Airlfow (a workflow management tahts has a web UI) that i need to protect. Some of these apps, like Airflow, doesn't have security mechanism (for example login/password). And I still need access it on 80 port from Internet.
I was thinking to setup a AWS VPC, with a private subnet and public subnet. In the public subnet I will put the fron end apps and the private subnet I will put the backend services (like databases).
For the backend services, I need a way to my dev team to connect, for example, in a MySQL database (port: 3306).
What is the correct way of do this?
I need to expose port 3306?
Do I need a NAT or a bastion host? What is the difference between them?
If I setup a NAT/Bastion hosti will make a port foward rigth? If I have two instances of a mysql database, how can I connect to each other using the bastion? I need to allocate different ports on bastion and make the port foward?
For the devops/dev app:
Which subnet do I choose?
If i put on the private subnet, how can my team access it on 80 port?
Do i need a intranet/vpc foo this applications?
These are all quite common problems people are faced with on AWS. You have lots of options.
You could put all of your backend and dev opps services in the private subnet. You then have a number of choices to connect to them securely.
Option 1
Use Security Groups to limit access to these nodes. You can use Security groups to only allow specific IP addresses to connect to your resources.
Option 2
Use a bastion host.
Referring to your question "What is the difference NAT and bastion host?".
NAT simply allows instance inside a private subnet to connect to the internet by routing all their traffic through the NAT instance. The NAT instance then directs the return traffic from the internet back to the correct nodes in the private subnet. NAT alone does not allow you to connect to instances inside your private subnet from the outside, you'd need to combine it with Port Address Translation to achieve this.
A Bastion host is an instance that you place in a public subnet of your VPC. You can therefore connect to it from the internet. Once you're connected to your Bastion host, you can connect to any other instance inside your VPC using the private IP. Once you ensure maximum security to your bastion host, you're in business.
As a result, you could use a bastion host to connect to all those special nodes in your private subnet.
Option 3
Set up a VPN connection to your VPC using the built in functionality in VPC or setting up a VPN instance with something like OpenSwan running on it.
VPN connections are extremely secure but can often be a tad temperamental (*personal opinion from personal experience).
So, you have lots of choices. I'd recommend doing a few more google searches and digging deeper into the AWS docs as these are all commonly asked questions!
Good luck! :)

AWS, NodeJS - Connecting app to Mongodb on another EC2 instance

I am trying to connect my app, running on one EC2 instance, to MongoDB, running on another EC2 instance. I'm pretty sure the problem is in the security settings, but I'm not quite sure how to handle that.
First off, my app's instance is in an autoscaling group that sits behind an ELB. The inbound security settings for the instance and ELB allow access to port 80 from anywhere, as well as all traffic from its own security group.
The EC2 instance that runs Mongo is able to take connections if the security group for that instance accepts all inbound traffic from anywhere. Any other configuration that I've tried causes the app to say that it cannot make a connection with the remote address. I've set rules to accept inbound traffic from all security groups that I have, but it only seems to work when I allow all traffic from anywhere.
Also, my db instance is set up with an elastic ip. Should I have this instance behind an ELB as well?
So my questions are these:
1) How can I securely make connections to my EC2 instance running mongo?
2) In terms of architecture, does it make sense to run my database this way, or should I have this behind a load balancer as well?
This issue is tripping me up a lot more than I thought it would, so any help would be appreciated.
I have also set the bind_ip= in /etc/mongo.conf
Your issue is that you are using the public elastic IP to connect to your database server from your other servers. This means that the connection is going out to the internet and back into your VPC, which presents the following issues:
Security issues due to the data transmission not being contained within your VPC
Network latency issues
Your database server's security group can't identify the security group of the inbound connections
Get rid of the elastic IP on the MongoDB server, there is no need for it unless you plan to connect to it from outside your VPC. Modify your servers to use the private internal IP address assigned to your database server when creating connections to it. Finally, lock your security group back down to only allow access to the DB from your other security group(s).
Optional: Create a private hosted zone in Route53, with an A record pointing to your database server's private IP address, then use that hostname instead of the internal IP address.

AWS CLI to restrict inbound connections from a dynamic IP

My internet provider doesn't offer static IP, so I have to connect to my AWS instances with a dynamic IP. That means that my VPC security group in AWS has a ssh port that can be accessed from every IP (source:, obviously if you have the key.
I would want to restrict this rule, and I was thinking of writing a CLI script that revokes this rule and creates a new inbound rule with my (dynamic) IP.
Is it possible? Is it a good idea?
You could connect through a VPN. Then SSH from inside the VPN.
setup a software VPN (OpenVPN, OpenSwan) on an existing instance and open just that port to the outside world. Once setup it would essentially be free if you are running it on an instance that you would normally run. This will have a little more setup involved but it's not too hard.
Previously I suggested the Amazon VPC VPN. But that requires a static IP so that will not work

How to allow access to ec2 instance service from another set of ec2 machines

I'm using Amazon web service (AWS).
I have a web server installed on one server instance (ec2).
It's served on port 8080. The machine is on a security group called "web-secgrp".
I want to allow access to that web server ONLY from another set of ec2 instances. These instances all share the same security group called "client-secgrp"
I can do this via the security groups by adding each and every individual public IP's of the set of ec2 instances to "web-secgrp". But this is not easy to maintain as I may have more or less of these machines running at once and it's just painful to add all the IP's by hand.
I noticed that in the Source of the security group, I can enter the ID of another security group. I tried entering the ID of client-secgrp in the inbound rules of web-secgroup but that seems to have no effect.
For what it's worth, I also remember that in the (very distant) past, I had to add the security group of an ec2 to the security group rules of an RDS (mysql service).
Any insight on a better way to manage the firewall ports of AWS is greatly appreciated.
