Azure devops Pipeline: List of Azure Region Locations as Parameter - azure

I need to create Azure resources. ALL Region/ Location like eastus, westus etc.. should be displayed as Parameter in Pipeline so user can Select any one location for creating the Azure resource using Azure Devops Pipeline. Any suggestions please

Are you using yaml to define your pipeline? If so this is possible using runtime parameters. You essentially define a list of values that can be selected on pipeline running, and if a user doesn't it chooses a default value.
Runtime Parameters


Create variable in Azure pipeline to use in a different pipeline

We have separate pipelines for our infrastructure and our application deployments. For our infrastructure, we are using terraform and i know that you can use terraform outputs as variables in later tasks within the same pipeline but is it possible to save the output as a variable in azure so that it can be used in a different pipeline.
We are looking to use this for S3 bucket names to use in the application code and for VPC subnet and SG ids in serverless.
Is this possible to save variables in the pipeline?
There is a variable group in Azure DevOps to share static values across pipelines.
In your case, if you want to save the terraform output as a variable in the variable group, you need to do something e.g. call the REST API dynamically to set the variable in the variable group, then you can use it in another pipeline.
You could also refer to this similar issue.

Azure DevOps dynamic Release Pipeline creation

I am currently planning on a type of multi-tenant system, were different resource groups with a set of AppServices are deployed for customers via ARM Templates. Hence, each customer has its own Resource Group and set of AppServices. Currently we use Azure DevOps to deploy to a set of AppServices used for Development and Quality Assurance before it gets to Production. I am now trying to incorporate DevOps into the mix, automating a pipeline creation of some sort... (it would be a copy of an existing pipeline but only changing the Target AppServices). Which is were my question comes from, Is there a way to dynamically create or edit a Release pipeline to add the deployment of those new AppServices, without the need of manually edit or create a pipeline an adding those newly created AppServices, I was thinking something around the lines of being able to copy a yaml file template then replacing the necessary info to point to those AppServices after they have been created, but I am not totally sure where could I store the new yaml file so that it is picked up by Azure DevOps, or how could I would accomplish these, with the main idea being that all of this continues to be part of an automated process (if possible).
Thanks a lot for any help, any suggestion is appreciated.
The question is not about how to Deploy an ARM Template through the DevOps release pipeline (I plan on using a PowerShell Script/REST API to accomplish that), instead, is about when the AppServices Resources are created, I need to deploy code to those newly created AppServices and also update that code when necessary (Hopefully through a Release Pipeline), somehow generate a new release pipeline each time I deploy a new set of Resources. So that, when there is a new update, I could easily have that pipeline triggered and that set if AppServices can be updated (created as part of the automation process "dynamically"). (I Already have a similar pipeline that deploys to a "static" set of AppServices).
This is possible as you eluded to with YAML Pipelines. Based upon the scenario you have subscribed each repository would have it's own pipeline.yml file that will define the trigger, pool etc. It would also reference a repository that will house your yaml template.
The template would accept whichever parameters you may required (resource group, app service name, etc...) The triggering pipeline associated with each repository would pass this information leveraging the teamplate.
By doing this CI/CD can be set up to trigger on the individual pipelines and deploy the appropriate code all while leveraging the same YAML template.
The repository reference would be similar to:
- repository: YAMLTemplates
type: git
name: OrginazationName/YAML Project Name
With the call to the template being similar to:
- template: azure-ARM-template.yml#YAMLTemplate
appServiceName: 'AppServiceName'
resourceGroupName: 'ResourceGroupName'
At a high level the YAML pipeline would consist of the following. If all App Services are similar as stated and ARM Templates are similar this how it could be constructed and triggered based on a folder path:
Build necessary artifacts
Publish Pipeline
Deploy Azure Resource Group Task
Deploy App Settings Task (if applicable)
Deploy App Service
Release the deployment pieces for each environment in appropriate stages to help alleviate the amount of copying and pasting each of the above tasks can be part of a template either individually at a task, combination of tasks, or all in one. This would allow for defining the YAML once and referencing it and including app specific components as needed as parameters to the templates.

How to deploy to a single selected target in an Azure Devops Deployment Group

Is there a way how to select a single target and perform a deployment against it in an Azure devops Deployment Group Release Task?
E.g: In a web servers deployment group a deployment of, say a certificate failed against a single machine. I 'd like to now deploy this certificate only on that target. How can I do as such?
For this issue, you can specify the tag of the target machine in the Required tags field.
The tags you assign allow you to limit deployment to specific servers when the deployment group is used in a Deployment group job. Tags are each limited to 256 characters, but there is no limit to the number of tags you can use. For details,please refer to this document.
Or you can disable other targets in the Deployment pools of organization setting. This can disable deployment to this target.
There is a workaround to the case, you can also use conditioning option in the release task.
Step1 : Create Pipeline variable which contain the server name you wanna deploy.
Step2 : Add a custom condition on the task.
and(succeeded(), contains(variables['IncludeServers'],variables['Agent.MachineName']))
Step 3: Add as many server you wanna add in the pipeline variable

Updating Set of Values in ARM Templates Automatically

I have an ARM template, which I will be using it to deploy resources (Mentioned as in Azure Portal) via Azure DevOps Pipeline. These ARM templates were created using my Dev Subscription. If I need to use this same ARM template to move to production, I need to manually update the subscription id etc in the ARM template and then run the respective pipelines. Is there any way to automate this manual updation process in ARM template.
I have tried using File Transform Agent job available under Azure DevOps Release pipeline. But since the values are available inside nested loops of ARM templates, it failed. Is there any PowerShell script that will be suitable for this process of updating values.
I don't want to manually update the ids under the ARM Template. Instead, I want to update it automatically.
Set Json Property task might help to set the property with specific value.
First in the marketplace search for "set Json property" task and install it for your organization.
Then you can set the property path and the value accordingly. check here for detail usage
Instead of hard coding in ARM templates you can use parameters file. For dev and prod you can have separate files and while deploying pass ARM Template along with parameter file whichever is required.
You can use AKV (Azure Key Vault) to access your subscription details in parameter file
subscription().subscriptionid will get you the details

Powershell to download ARM template for Azure data factory Pipeline

i have a requirement to create an ADF pipeline using ARM template in powershell and it has to take inputs/validate few things from existing ADF piepline, for that reason i have to download the ARM tempalte for existing ADF pipeline through powershell. Can we do that for single ADF pipeline or multiple ones?
Note: existing pipeline is not created through ARM deployment, so i cant use "Save-AzureRmDeploymentTemplate" as i dont have deployment name created when pipeline is created through portal..
Any help is really appreciated.
Maybe you want to take a look at Export-AzureRmResourceGroup.
But I guess you can only export the entire resource group which may contain other things. You need put your data factory in a special resource group if you only want to export ADF.
Another way is to export arm template in ADF UI.
