How to transfer a localhost vncserver to ZeroTier IP? - vnc

I'm using a vncserver of Ubuntu in Termux. And I've installed ZeroTier One app through PlayStore. Ubuntu (in Termux) is able to find it when I ran ifconfig and it identified as tun0 ifconfig result. My vncserver is running on port 3 (localhost), and I want it to run on my ZeroTier's IP so I can access it using my PC.


How to access a raspberry pi localhost from a linux?

I set up a php file in my raspberry pi so that I can access some files on it from my local network.
Within raspbian, it works well in any browser using localhost/test. I tested it also in a Windows and a Mac computer in the same network, using my.local.ip.address/test in my browsers and it also worked fine.
Now here is the problem: in my linux computer, it does not work. It simply says that "the site cannot be reached". I already tried disabling the firewall (UFW) but it doesn't change anything.
I also tried several browsers in linux and the result is the same.
I think I am overseeing something obvious but I cannot see it.
Could someone give me a pointer on what might be wrong?
ifconfig -a output (Linux machine)
ifconfig -a output (Raspberry Pi machine)
It's possible that your Ubuntu machine is not in the same network. You can try theses steps to confirm :
Go on your ubuntu machine and type :
ping <rasp.pi.local.ip.address>
Go on your Raspberry Pi and type :
ping <ubuntu.local.ip.address>
If the ping request do not succeed your machines are probably in different networks. Your can use this command to watch the path used by packets between your ubuntu machine and your Raspberry Pi :
traceroute <rasp.pi.local.ip.address>
Change network card settings
Before this step, check if your are able to connect your machines togather (switch, router, vlan...).
ifconfig <interface> down
ifconfig <interface> <> netmask <>
ifconfig <interface> up
After completing theses steps try to ping again and access to your website.

Connect to a VNC inside a docker which is on remote server

I have an Amazon Linux AMI server on AWS EC2, i have deployed "selenium docker" on it "", the docker have a VNC running inside it.
Now how i could access this VNC?
I did some google search but did not found anything, also i tried to connect to the server ip and give the VNC display number but it gives connection refused.
I have added the VNC port as a rule on the server security rules.
Since you have already specified the firewall rules for your VNC server the problem is most likely in VNC port listening.
first, make sure that VNC is running on localhost run
nc localhost 5901
nc = netcat (you may need to install the package)
change 5901 to your port no
you can also view the running VNC instances by :
vncserver -list
now if everything seems to be working run this command to show the port stats
sudo netstat -ntpl | grep 5901
change 5901 to your portname.
if something like is assigned to tcp then that's the problem , we need to make sure VNC is running on
which means it should accept all the traffic and not just localhost !
finally kill the vncserver by running vncserver -kill :1 (display name), run the command :
vncserver -localhost no
P.S its an old question but may help future answer seekers.

Unable to connect to cloud9 over LAN

I've installed cloud 9 Ubuntu 14.04 (Desktop), and executed it by typing:
node [cloud9folder]/server.js -p 8080 -a :
I was able to connect to it by typing localhost:8080 (On the same computer that is running cloud 9) but when I went on another computer on the same network, I was unable to connect by typing [ip address of the computer running cloud9]:8080 into the browser. The browser returned: "Webpage not available (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)."
I know the server computer is working, I was able to access it's apache2 website but for some reason it is unable to connect to cloud 9.
How do I fix this?
also add -l by default server is listening on which is not public

How can I open some ports on Ubuntu?

I know a little about Linux. Today I created a VPN server on my Ubuntu installation according to Set up a simple IPsec/L2TP VPN server for Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Debian.
But when I finish the installation, I use my iPhone to connect the IPsec VPN, bur it shows the VPN Server has no response.
The GitHub document shows
Ports 1701, 500 and 4500 must be opened for the VPN to work!
So I have tried to open these ports on my Ubuntu server.
I use the iptables command to open these ports, but it failed. Maybe I don't known how to use this command correctly. How can I open these ports on my Ubuntu server?
And if these ports have been opened successfully, can it be proved by the Windows CMD window through telnet'ting the port?
Ubuntu these days comes with UFW - Uncomplicated Firewall. UFW is an easy-to-use method of handling iptables rules.
Try using this command to allow a port:
sudo ufw allow 1701
To test connectivity, you could try shutting down the VPN software (freeing up the ports) and using netcat to listen, like this:
nc -l 1701
Then use telnet from your Windows host and see what shows up on your Ubuntu terminal. This can be repeated for each port you'd like to test.
If you want to open it for a range and for a protocol
ufw allow 11200:11299/tcp
ufw allow 11200:11299/udp

Cannot access ubuntu server from other machines other than the machine which is hosting the virtual machine which is my ubuntu server

I created a ubuntu server on vmware. I am using it as a file server. I can access it if I am connecting through the machine which hosts the virtual machine. I am not able to do it from other machines which are on the same network. Thanks in advance!
First of all make sure in the setting of the virtual machine that it is in Bridged Adaptor type connectivity.
Give a static ip to the virtual machine using
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
the above is an example. You got what I mean.
3.Third, Try pinging the virtual machine with the base machine running the vbox to make sure they are connected.
ping ipaddress-basemachine
4 . Now if everything is working fine from there then connect with this virtual machine with other base machine using Remote Desktop Viewer or any other similar application.
Specify, the ip-address of the vbox and username, password. It will be able to connect with it now.
5 . If it still is not able to then try to check the firewall rules on both the virtual box machine and the base machine running the vbox using the command
iptables -L
