What is the performance difference between stream.filter instead of CQL ALLOW FILTERING? - cassandra

The data in my Cassandra DB table doesn't have much data right now.
However, since it is a table where data is continuously accumulated, I am interested in performance issues.
First of all, please don't think about the part where you need to redesign the table.
Think of it as a general RDBS date-based lookup. (startDate ~ endDate)
From Cassandra DB
Apply allow filtering and force the query.
This will get you exactly the data you want.
Query "all data" in Cassandra DB, This query only needs to be done once. (no where)
After that, only the data within the desired date is extracted through the stream().filter() function.
Which method would you choose?
In general, which one has more performance issues?
Summary: You need to do about 6 methods.
Execute allow filtering query 6 times / Not perform stream filter
Execute findAll query once / Execute stream filter 6 times

The challenge with both options is that neither will scale. It may work with very small data sets, say less than 1000 partitions, but you will quickly find that neither will work once your tables grow.
Cassandra is designed for real-time OLTP workloads where you are retrieving a single partition for real-time applications.
For analytics workloads, you should instead use Spark with the spark-cassandra-connector because it optimises analytics queries. Cheers!


Getting data OUT of Cassandra?

How can I export data, over a period of time (like hourly or daily) or updated records from a Cassandra database? It seems like using an index with a date field might work, but I definitely get timeouts in my cqlsh when I try that by hand, so I'm concerned that it's not reliable to do that.
If that's not the right way, then how do people get their data out of Cassandra and into a traditional database (for analysis, querying with JOINs, etc..)? It's not a java shop, so using Spark is non-trivial (and we don't want to change our whole system to use Spark instead of cassandra directly). Do I have to read sstables and try to keep track of them that way? Is there a way to say "get me all records affected after point in time X" or "get me all changes after timestamp X" or something similar?
It looks like Cassandra is really awesome at rapidly reading and writing individual records, but beyond that Cassandra seems to not be the right tool if you want to pull its data into anything else for analysis or warehousing or querying...
Spark is the most typical to do exactly that (as you say). It does it efficiently and is used often so pretty reliable. Cassandra is not really designed for OLAP workloads but things like spark connector help bridge the gap. DataStax Enterprise might have some more options available to you but I am not sure their current offerings.
You can still just query and page through the whole data set with normal CQL queries, its just not as fast. You can even use ALLOW FILTERING just be wary as its very expensive and can impact your cluster (creating a separate dc for the workload and using LOCOL_CL queries against it helps). You will probably also in that scenario add a < token() and > token() to the where clause to split up the query and prevent too much work on any one coordinator. Organizing your data so that this query is more efficient would be strongly recommended (ie if doing time slices, put things in a partition bucketed by time and clustering key timeuuids so its sequential read for each part of time).
Kinda cheesy sounding but the CSV dump from cqlsh is actually fast and might work for you if your data set is small enough.
I would not recommend going to the sstables directly unless you are familiar with internals and using hadoop or spark.

Dynamic Cassandra queries

I have a messenger application with a history page, on which you can see your sent and received messages.
Since the amount of messages has lowered my performance I have been thinking about using Cassandra.
After researching on the topic of Cassandra, I found out that you have to build tables to satisfy your queries.
Now the problem: on the history page you can use x amount of different filters at the same time. e.g filter by date,receiver and sender.
If I were to use Cassandra, would I need to create a table for every combination of these filters?
Or is this a bad use case for Cassandra in general?
If so, are there any alternatives?
Why don't you just make a SELECT statement.
You should definately have a look into CQL (Cassandra Query Language).
While CQL and SQL share a similar syntax queries are a lot different.
The reasons for these differences is the fact that Cassandra is dealing with distributed data and aims to prevent inefficient queries.
See this link for reference. It shows queries you can or cannot do.

PySpark Cassandra Connector efficiently querying across partition keys

I'm faced with the following problem using PySpark and dataframes with the cassandra-connector. My Cassandra data lake consists of metric measurements across (network) devices, and the entries are of type (device,interface,metric,time,value).
My cassandra table for the raw data has:
PRIMARY KEY ((device,interface,metric),time)
for supposedly efficient fetching of time ranges for a given measurement.
Now for reporting purposes, users can query any set of device/interface/metric combinations (ie give me a specific metric for all interfaces of a device). Now I know the list of each, so I'm not looking to do wildcard searches, but rather IN queries.
I'm using Spark 1.4, so I'm adding filters like to obtain dataframes to calculate min/max/percentile/etc... on the recorded metric values.
metrics_raw_sub = metrics_raw\
.filter(metrics_raw.device.inSet (device_list))\
.filter(metrics_raw.interface.inSet (interface_list))\
.filter(metrics_raw.metric.inSet (metric_list))
This isn't very efficient as these predicates do not get pushed down to CQL (only the last predicate can be an IN query), so I'm pulling in tons of data and filtering on the client side. (not good)
Why doesn't cassandra-connector allow multiple IN predicates across partition columns? Doing this in a native CQL shell appears to work?
Another approach to my problem above would be to (and this yields efficient individual queries as predicates are pushed down to Cassandra):
for device in device_list:
for interface in interface_list:
metrics_raw_sub = metrics_raw\
.filter(metrics_raw.device == device)\
.filter(metrics_raw.interface == interface)\
.filter(metrics_raw.metric.inSet (metric_list))
And then run the aggregation logic for each subquery, but I feel like this is largely serialising what should be a parallel computation across all requested device/interface/metric values... Can I batch the Cassandra queries so I can run my analytics on one large distributed dataframe?
Bottom line, I'm looking to do this very efficiently. If the turn-around times are short enough, we'll run these on-demand. If not, we'll need to look into pre-computing them and storing into tables (which sacrifices flexibility for doing custom time-range reporting)
Any insights would be much appreciated!!

Perform queries over the time-series stream of data

I'm trying to design an architecture of my streaming application and choose the right tools for the job.
This is how it works currently:
Messages from "application-producer" part have a form of (address_of_sensor, timestamp, content) tuples.
I've already implemented all functionality before Kafka, and now I've encountered major flaw in the design. In "Spark Streaming" part, consolidated stream of messages is translated into stream of events. The problem is that events for the most part are composite - consist of multiple messages, which have occurred at the same time at different sensors.
I can't rely on "time of arrival to Kafka" as a mean to detect "simultaneity". So I has to somehow sort messages in Kafka before extracting them with Spark. Or, more precisely, make queries over Kafka messages.
Maybe Cassandra is the right replacement for Kafka here? I have really simple data model, and only two possible types of queries to perform: query by address, and range query by timestamp. Maybe this is the right choice?
Do somebody have any numbers of Cassandra's throughput?
If you want to run queries on your time series, Cassandra may be the best fit - it is very write optimized, you can build 'wide' rows for your series. It is possible to make slices on your wide rows, so you can select some time ranges with only one query.
On the other hand, kafka can be considered as a raw data flow - you don't have queries, only recently produced data. In order to collect data based on some key in the same partition, you have to select this key carefully. All data within same partition are time sorted.
Range Query on Timestamp is the classic use case of cassandra , if u need address based queries as well u would have to make them as clustering column if using cassandra . As far as cassandra througput are concerned if you can invest in proper performance analysis on cassandra cluster you can achieve very high write throughput . But I have used SparkQL , Cassandra Driver and spark Cassandra connector they don't really give high query throughput speed until you have a big cluster with high CPU configuration , it does not work well with small dataset .
Kafka should not be used as data source for queries , its more of commit log

Choosing a NoSQL database

I need a NoSQL database that will run on Windows Azure that works well for the following parameters. Right now Azure Table Storage, HBase and Cassandra seems to be the most promising options.
1 billion entities
up to 100 reads per second, though caching will mostly make it much less
around 10 - 50 writes per second
Strong consistency would be a plus, so perhaps HBase would be better than Cassandra in that regard.
Querying will often be done on a secondary in-memory database with various indexes in addition to ElasticSearch or Windows Azure Search for fulltext search and perhaps some filtering.
Azure Table Storage looks like it could be nice, but from what I can tell, the big difference between Azure Table Storage and HBase is that HBase supports updating and reading values for a single property instead of the whole entity at once. I guess there must be some disadvantages to HBase however, but I'm not sure what they would be in this case.
I also think crate.io looks like it could be interesting, but I wonder if there might be unforseen problems.
Anyone have any other ideas of the advantages and disadvantages of the different databases in this case, and if any of them are really unsuited for some reason?
I currently work with Cassandra and I might help with a few pros and cons.
Cassandra can easily handle those 3 requirements. It was designed to have fast reads and writes. In fact, Cassandra is blazing fast with writes, mostly because you can write without doing a read.
Also, Cassandra keeps some of its data in memory, so you could even avoid the secondary database.
In Cassandra you choose the consistency in each query you make, therefore you can have consistent data if you want to. Normally you use:
ONE - Only one node has to get or accept the change. This means fast reads/writes, but low consistency (You can have other machine delivering the older information while consistency was not achieved).
QUORUM - 51% of your nodes must get or accept the change. This means not as fast reads and writes, but you get FULL consistency IF you use it in BOTH reads and writes. That's because if more than half of your nodes have your data after you inserted/updated/deleted, then, when reading from more than half your nodes, at least one node will have the most recent information, which would be the one to be delivered.
Both this options are the ones recommended because they avoid single points of failure. If all machines had to accept, if one node was down or busy, you wouldn't be able to query.
Cassandra is the solution for performance, linear scalability and avoid single points of failure (You can have machines down, the others will take the work). And it does most of its management work automatically. You don't need to manage the data distribution, replication, etc.
The downsides of Cassandra are in the modeling and queries.
With a relational database you model around the entities and the relationships between them. Normally you don't really care about what queries will be made and you work to normalize it.
With Cassandra the strategy is different. You model the tables to serve the queries. And that happens because you can't join and you can't filter the data any way you want (only by its primary key).
So if you have a database for a company with grocery stores and you want to make a query that returns all products of a certain store (Ex.: New York City), and another query to return all products of a certain department (Ex.: Computers), you would have two tables "ProductsByStore" and "ProductsByDepartment" with the same data, but organized differently to serve the query.
Materialized Views can help with this, avoiding the need to change in multiple tables, but it is to show how things work differently with Cassandra.
Denormalization is also common in Cassandra for the same reason: Performance.
