I need to do access to the current user (previously set up by a ContainerRequestFilter) in a static way, to avoid the passage of the #Context SecurityContext in every method of every controller.
I want to achieve something that, in Spring, I would do with
Is there any way to do it, besides using Spring Security in Quarkus?
The solution is to use this dependency
Then you can manipulate the instance of SecurityIdentity to "make it static"
public class UserUtilsService {
private SecurityIdentity securityIdentity;
private static SecurityIdentity instance;
* Gets the custom user.
* #return the custom user
public static CustomUser getCustomUser() {
return (CustomUser) instance.getPrincipal();
private void setUp() {
instance = this.securityIdentity;
#StartUp does instantiate the bean on application start (instead of lazily).
You can then access to the Principal statically using UserUtilsService.getCustomUser();
I would like to run an integration test of a single bean with resilience4j annotated method in a spring boot app. My intent is to test resiliency of bean method calls while not loading the full spring context.
The setup is as follows:
Dependencies include the following:
The resilience4j time limited spring bean with method to test:
public class FooService {
#TimeLimiter(name = "fooTimeLimiter")
public FooResponse foo() {
//entertain operation that might timeout
And the test:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = FooService.class)
public class FooServiceIT {
private FooService service;
private Bar bar;
void foo_timeout() {
//setup mocks so the operation delays the output and shall end up with timeout
Assertions.assertThrows(TimeoutException.class, () -> service.foo());
However, the TimeLimiterAdvice.proceed() is not entertained, no timeout exception is thrown and the test fails.
Same question has been asked here: Testing SpringBoot with annotation-style Resilience4j but there is no solution.
I tried both approaches - implement FooService interface and program directly using the concrete class. With the same result.
How can I achieve the time limiter annotation is taken into account in my test?
Edit: I even tried plain spring test (no spring boot) with the following setup:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
public class FooServiceIT {
#Import({TimeLimiterConfiguration.class, FallbackConfiguration.class, SpelResolverConfiguration.class})
static class ContextConfiguration {
public FooService fooService() {
//prepare bean;
public TimeLimiterConfigurationProperties timeLimiterConfigurationProperties() {
return new TimeLimiterConfigurationProperties();
private FooService service;
Same result (i.e. no timeout exception).
When dealing with SpringBootTest and #CircuitBreaker, it was sufficient to add #EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation to the test. After this change, the CircuitBreakerAspect was entertained and the test behaves as expected.
In order to make #TimeLimiter working as expected, one need to add #Bulkhead annotation to the method as well.
The updated method looks as follows:
#Bulkhead(name = "fooBulkhead", type = Type.THREADPOOL)
name = "fooCircuitBreaker",
fallbackMethod = "fooFallback"
name = "fooTimeLimiter"
public CompletableFuture<FooResponse> foo() {
and the test:
#SpringBootTest(classes = FooService.class)
#Import(value = {CircuitBreakerAutoConfiguration.class, TimeLimiterAutoConfiguration.class, BulkheadAutoConfiguration.class})
public class FooServiceIT {
I am attempting to use TestingContainers. I was able to get it to run but my tests are always null. I am trying to avoid mocking but rather having real data.
class OrderDataRepositoryTest extends AbstractTestConfiguration {
private OrderDataRepository orderRepository;
private AutoCloseable closeable;
public void init() {
closeable = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
void closeService() throws Exception {
void getAllUsersTest() {
List<Order> orders = orderRepository.findAll();
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
public abstract class AbstractTestConfiguration {
private MySQLContainer database = new MySQLContainer("mysql:8.0");
public void test() {
class TentingContainerApplicationTests {
url: jdbc:mysql:8.0:///test?TC_INITSCRIPT=file:src/main/resources/init.sql
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
The commented out
is what I tried. Of course mock works out but I want real data for the #services and #repository classes.
If you want to test your database-related code in isolation (I assume you're using Spring Data JPA) then #DataJpaTest fits perfectly.
This annotation will create a sliced Spring context for you that contains only persistence relevant beans like: DataSource, EntityManager, YourRepository. This doesn't include your service classes, your #Component classes, or #RestController.
By default, this annotation tries to configure an embedded in-memory database as the DataSource. We can override this (and you already did with some of your code examples) behavior to use Testcontainers:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class OrderDataRepositoryTest {
static MySQLContainer database = new MySQLContainer("mysql:8.0");
static void setDatasourceProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry propertyRegistry) {
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.url", database::getJdbcUrl);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.password", database::getPassword);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.username", database::getUsername);
private OrderDataRepository orderRepository;
void shouldReturnOrders() {
If you want to write another test that includes all your beans and also starts the embedded servlet container, take a look at #SpringBootTest for writing integration tests.
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class MyIntegrationTest {
static MySQLContainer database = new MySQLContainer("mysql:8.0");
static void setDatasourceProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry propertyRegistry) {
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.url", database::getJdbcUrl);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.password", database::getPassword);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.username", database::getUsername);
private ServiceA serviceA;
private OrderDataRepository orderDataRepository;
When working with a Spring TestContext for your test and Mockito, make sure to understand the difference between #Mock and #MockBean.
i have the following code.
public class AsyncConfiguration implements AsyncConfigurer {
public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return executor;
and if i want to run the recommend method after every certain interval of time. What can be the java spring bean configuration way to do that.?
public class UserBrandsRecommender {
public List<RecommendedItem> recommend(Long userId, int number) throws TasteException{
You should look into the #Scheduled annotation. For example:
public void doSomething() {
// something that should execute periodically
You'll probably need to create a new Spring bean with a method similar to above. The bean could have the UserBrandsRecommender injected into it. The new bean will need to implement some logic to pass proper values for the "userId" and "number" parameters to the "recommend" method.
More information here:
How do you reference an constants with EL on a JSP page?
I have an interface Addresses with a constant named URL. I know I can reference it with a scriplet by going: <%=Addresses.URL%>, but how do I do this using EL?
EL 3.0 or newer
If you're already on Java EE 7 / EL 3.0, then the #page import will also import class constants in EL scope.
<%# page import="com.example.YourConstants" %>
This will under the covers be imported via ImportHandler#importClass() and be available as ${YourConstants.FOO}.
Note that all java.lang.* classes are already implicitly imported and available like so ${Boolean.TRUE} and ${Integer.MAX_VALUE}. This only requires a more recent Java EE 7 container server as early versions had bugs in this. E.g. GlassFish 4.0 and Tomcat 8.0.0-1x fails, but GlassFish 4.1+ and Tomcat 8.0.2x+ works. And you need to make absolutely sure that your web.xml is declared conform the latest servlet version supported by the server. Thus with a web.xml which is declared conform Servlet 2.5 or older, none of the Servlet 3.0+ features will work.
Also note that this facility is only available in JSP and not in Facelets. In case of JSF+Facelets, your best bet is using OmniFaces <o:importConstants> as below:
<o:importConstants type="com.example.YourConstants" />
Or adding an EL context listener which calls ImportHandler#importClass() as below:
public class Config {
public void init() {
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().addELContextListener(new ELContextListener() {
public void contextCreated(ELContextEvent event) {
EL 2.2 or older
This is not possible in EL 2.2 and older. There are several alternatives:
Put them in a Map<String, Object> which you put in the application scope. In EL, map values are accessible the usual Javabean way by ${map.key} or ${map['key.with.dots']}.
Use <un:useConstants> of the Unstandard taglib (maven2 repo here):
<%# taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/unstandard-1.0" prefix="un" %>
<un:useConstants className="com.example.YourConstants" var="constants" />
This way they are accessible the usual Javabean way by ${constants.FOO}.
Use Javaranch's CCC <ccc:constantsMap> as desribed somewhere at the bottom of this article.
<%# taglib uri="http://bibeault.org/tld/ccc" prefix="ccc" %>
<ccc:constantsMap className="com.example.YourConstants" var="constants" />
This way they are accessible the usual Javabean way by ${constants.FOO} as well.
If you're using JSF2, then you could use <o:importConstants> of OmniFaces.
<html ... xmlns:o="http://omnifaces.org/ui">
<o:importConstants type="com.example.YourConstants" />
This way they are accessible the usual Javabean way by #{YourConstants.FOO} as well.
Create a wrapper class which returns them through Javabean-style getter methods.
Create a custom EL resolver which first scans the presence of a constant and if absent, then delegate to the default resolver, otherwise returns the constant value instead.
The following does not apply to EL in general, but instead to SpEL (Spring EL) only (tested with 3.2.2.RELEASE on Tomcat 7).
I think it is worth mentioning it here in case someone searches for JSP and EL (but uses JSP with Spring).
<%# taglib prefix="spring" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags"%>
<spring:eval var="constant" expression="T(com.example.Constants).CONSTANT"/>
You usually place these kinds of constants in a Configuration object (which has getters and setters) in the servlet context, and access them with ${applicationScope.config.url}
You can't. It follows the Java Bean convention. So you must have a getter for it.
I'm defining a constant in my jsp right at the beginning:
<%final String URI = "http://www.example.com/";%>
I include the core taglib in my JSP:
<%#taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
Then, I make the constant available to EL by following statement:
<c:set var="URI" value="<%=URI%>"></c:set>
Now, I can use it later. Here an example, where the value is just written as HTML comment for debugging purposes:
<!-- ${URI} -->
With your constant class, you can just import your class and assign the constants to local variables. I know that my answer is a sort of quick hack, but the question also bumps up when one wants to define constants directly in the JSP.
I implemented like:
public interface Constants{
Integer PAGE_SIZE = 20;
public class JspConstants extends HashMap<String, String> {
public JspConstants() {
Class c = Constants.class;
Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields();
for(Field field : fields) {
int modifier = field.getModifiers();
if(Modifier.isPublic(modifier) && Modifier.isStatic(modifier) && Modifier.isFinal(modifier)) {
try {
Object o = field.get(null);
put(field.getName(), o != null ? o.toString() : null);
} catch(IllegalAccessException ignored) {
public String get(Object key) {
String result = super.get(key);
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Check key! The key is wrong, no such constant!");
return result;
Next step put instance of this class into servlerContext
public class ApplicationInitializer implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
sce.getServletContext().setAttribute("Constants", new JspConstants());
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
add listener to web.xml
access in jsp
Static properties aren't accessible in EL. The workaround I use is to create a non-static variable which assigns itself to the static value.
public final static String MANAGER_ROLE = 'manager';
public String manager_role = MANAGER_ROLE;
I use lombok to generate the getter and setter so that's pretty well it. Your EL looks like this:
Full code at https://rogerkeays.com/access-java-static-methods-and-constants-from-el
Yes, you can. You need a custom tag (if you can't find it somewhere else). I've done this:
package something;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
import org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.ExpressionUtil;
* Get all class constants (statics) and place into Map so they can be accessed
* from EL.
* #author Tim.sabin
public class ConstMapTag extends TagSupport {
public static final long serialVersionUID = 0x2ed23c0f306L;
private String path = "";
private String var = "";
public void setPath (String path) throws JspException {
this.path = (String)ExpressionUtil.evalNotNull ("constMap", "path",
path, String.class, this, pageContext);
public void setVar (String var) throws JspException {
this.var = (String)ExpressionUtil.evalNotNull ("constMap", "var",
var, String.class, this, pageContext);
public int doStartTag () throws JspException {
// Use Reflection to look up the desired field.
try {
Class<?> clazz = null;
try {
clazz = Class.forName (path);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new JspException ("Class " + path + " not found.");
Field [] flds = clazz.getDeclaredFields ();
// Go through all the fields, and put static ones in a Map.
Map<String, Object> constMap = new TreeMap<String, Object> ();
for (int i = 0; i < flds.length; i++) {
// Check to see if this is public static final. If not, it's not a constant.
int mods = flds [i].getModifiers ();
if (!Modifier.isFinal (mods) || !Modifier.isStatic (mods) ||
!Modifier.isPublic (mods)) {
Object val = null;
try {
val = flds [i].get (null); // null for static fields.
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println ("Problem getting value of " + flds [i].getName ());
// flds [i].get () automatically wraps primitives.
// Place the constant into the Map.
constMap.put (flds [i].getName (), val);
// Export the Map as a Page variable.
pageContext.setAttribute (var, constMap);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!(ex instanceof JspException)) {
throw new JspException ("Could not process constants from class " + path);
} else {
throw (JspException)ex;
return SKIP_BODY;
and the tag is called:
<yourLib:constMap path="path.to.your.constantClass" var="consts" />
All public static final variables will be put into a Map indexed by their Java name, so if
public static final int MY_FIFTEEN = 15;
then the tag will wrap this in an Integer and you can reference it in a JSP:
<c:if test="${consts['MY_FIFTEEN'] eq 15}">
and you don't have to write getters!
You can. Try in follow way
Tested on TomCat 7 and java6
Even knowing its a little late, and even knowing this is a little hack - i used the following solution to achieve the desired result. If you are a lover of Java-Naming-Conventions, my advice is to stop reading here...
Having a class like this, defining Constants, grouped by empty classes to create kind of a hierarchy:
public class PERMISSION{
public static class PAGE{
public static final Long SEE = 1L;
public static final Long EDIT = 2L;
public static final Long DELETE = 4L;
can be used from within java as PERMISSION.PAGE.SEE to retrieve the value 1L
To achieve a simliar access-possibility from within EL-Expressions, I did this:
(If there is a coding-god - he hopefully might forgive me :D )
public class PERMISSION{
public static class PAGE{
public static final Long SEE = 1L;
public static final Long EDIT = 2L;
public static final Long DELETE = 4L;
//EL Wrapper
public Long getSEE(){
return PAGE.SEE;
public Long getEDIT(){
return PAGE.EDIT;
public Long getDELETE(){
public PAGE getPAGE() {
return new PAGE();
finally, the EL-Expression to access the very same Long becomes: #{PERMISSION.PAGE.SEE} - equality for Java and EL-Access. I know this is out of any convention, but it works perfectly fine.
#Bozho already provided a great answer
You usually place these kinds of constants in a Configuration object (which has getters and setters) in the servlet context, and access them with ${applicationScope.config.url}
However, I feel an example is needed so it brings a bit more clarity and spare someone's time
public Configuration implements ServletContextAware {
private String addressURL = Addresses.URL;
// Declare other properties if you need as also add corresponding
// getters and setters
public String getAddressURL() {
return addressURL;
public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
servletContext.setAttribute("config", this);
There is a workaround that is not exactly what you want, but lets you active almost the same with touching scriptlets in a quite minimal way. You can use scriptlet to put value into a JSTL variable and use clean JSTL code later in the page.
<%# taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<%# page import="com.whichever.namespace.Addresses" %>
<c:set var="ourUrl" value="<%=Addresses.URL%>"/>
<c:if test='${"http://www.google.com" eq ourUrl}'>
Google is our URL!