NestJs -Pass in path to route handler via Dynamic Module - nestjs

Im working on a team that has a bunch of services so we have a npm package that contains code shared between the services.
We have a Health check module that sets the path to globalPrefix/health. Im attempting to make this value configurable in a maintainable way.
export class HealthController {
private readonly healthCheckOptions: HealthConfigurationOptions;
private readonly url: string;
#Inject('CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS') private options: HealthConfigurationOptions,
private readonly healthService: HealthService,
) {
this.healthCheckOptions = options || {}
this.url = options.url
async healthHandler(): Promise<HealthDto | TmoHttpException> {
return this.healthService.getStatus();
My idea was to create a Dynamic Module that can take a path as an option. In the example above There is a Dynamic Health Module that accepts an options object. But it seems like during compilation the route handler is set before the class is constructed meaning that i cannot use this.url like #Get(this.url) because there is no this yet.
At this point Im a bit stumped and haven't found anything online doing what I need.

Reflect.defineMetadata(PATH_METADATA, 'my_custom_path', MyController);
while registering your custom dynamic module will change the path of your controller. however there are still issues with this approach.
see here:


How to send params of current request to the constructor of the service?

Update: I have fixed it by only supplying the pattern of the path of the collection, and creating a function that can parse the provided IDs and now the functions themselves create the collections when they are called upon and it also works with Typescript:)
Updated in the repository:
In the user service:
In the purchase transactions service:
In the purchase transactions controller:
Now the functionality works out of the box, the service class simply needs to extend the FirebaseCollectionService and give it the pattern of the path to the collection and thats it! I have uploaded it into a repository, you only need to add .env with the keys for firebase admin.
And the specific example:
I have created a class that gives me the functionality to perform CRUD operations on firebase, so that I can just directly inherit from it for any of my CRUD resources, as the logic is again usually mostly the same. Just like Nestjs generator gives me all of the routes for it.
export class UserService extends NestjsFirebase<User> {
constructor(#InjectFirebaseAdmin() firebase: FirebaseAdmin) {
super(firebase, "users");
// console.log(userId);
This works great, I can reuse that for any level 1 collection I have in firebase, however if I want to get into a nested collection on firebase, well thats a problem, because the path there needs to be dynamic and super(firebase, "this is no longer just users").
Say if I want to access the transactions of a user, so users/SomeUserIdXYZ/transactions, then the path is entirely dependent on the userId and is changing, therefor, I need to recreate the instance of the service (I simply need a new instance of the class), with a new path:
super(firebase, ["users", userId, "transactions"]
However with my still limited knowledge about Nestjs I know that everything in it basically is a Singleton and there is probably no way to do this? To get a new instance of the service, for every request that I have?
The solution that I can think of is, to handle that within my route functions, so if its a findTransactions:
async findTransactions(#Param("userId") userId: string) {
return this.userService.findAll(`users/${userId}/transactions`);
And I am pretty sure that this will work, if I add a path argument to each of the functions, but this seems like coupling the Controller with what my Path in firebase should look like, instead I need to be able to give it just the params so that it can create its own path.
This is NestjsFirebase:
class NestjsFirebase<T> {
constructor(#InjectFirebaseAdmin() private readonly firebase: FirebaseAdmin, private readonly collectionPath: string) {}
async findAll(userId: string): Promise<T> {
const db = new FirebaseCollectionService<T>(this.firebase, this.collectionPath);
return await db.findAll(userId);
export class FirebaseCollectionService<T> {
protected db: CollectionReference<T>;
constructor(firebase: FirebaseAdmin, collectionPath: string) {
this.db = this.createCollectionPath(collectionPath);
public async findAll(id: string) {
... some logic to find all transactions ...

#Inject services in other service - Nest can't resolve dependencies

I'm trying to #Inject two services into a NestJS service and am getting
Nest can't resolve dependencies of the MainServiceImpl (?,
Symbol(MainDao)). Please make sure that the argument at index [0] is
available in the MainModule context
Here is the service:
export class MainServiceImpl implements MainService {
#Inject(TYPES.PublishSubscriptionService) private publishSubscriptionService: PublishSubscriptionService,
#Inject(TYPES.MainDao) private mainDao: MainDao
) {}
Now if I switch the order, it's always the second injected service that gets the error.
TYPES is an object of Symbols
const TYPES = {
PublishSubscriptionService: Symbol('PublishSubscriptionService'),
MainDao: Symbol('MainDao'),
export default TYPES;
Here is the index.ts which is using barreling
// start:ng42.barrel
export * from './main.dao.mongo-impl';
export * from './main.dao';
export * from './main';
export * from './main.schema';
export * from './main.service.impl';
export * from './main.service';
// end:ng42.barrel
What am I missing?
Closed NestJS issue with no resolution
NestJS doc on #Global modules
I can't say for sure without seeing your MainServieImplModule or whatever the module that contains this service is called, but if I had to guess, you are not declaring your providers to Nest correctly for these two services. You'll need to create a custom provider like so
provides: [
provide: TYPES.PublishSubscriptionService,
useClass: PublishSubscriptionService,
provide: TYPES.MainDao,
useClass: MainDao
export class MainServiceImplModule {}
If however, those providers are part of a different module you will need to make sure that the providers are custom (as above), but are also exported so they can be imported and used in a different module. Without seeing more of your code, the question is not possible to answer, but I think this should give you the direction you need. If not, please edit your question and add more information.
I don't know what TYPES is, you can use #Inject(PublishSubscriptionService) or you can use simply:
private publishSubscriptionService: PublishSubscriptionService,
private mainDao: MainDao
) {}

How to inject or import libraries in the tapestry core stack to a component?

I'm using tapestry 5.4.1. I have a component with a module that requires prototype. I know prototype is available in the core stack. However how do I import this as a dependency.
My module:
define(["prototype"], function(container, link) {
return new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(container, link, {
method : 'post', frequency : 5, decay : 1
I tried adding this to the class but the path cannot be resolved
#Import(library = {"prototype.js"})
public class Update {
Tried injecting the asset and adding it to the environmental javascriptsupport but it somehow looks for it in the wrong location.
private Asset prototype;
javascriptSupport.require("update").with(container, getLink());
I don't want to hard code the url with the generated hash.
Anything I am missing here? Any help would be appreciated.
Make sure you define correct infrastructure in your AppModule
public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration) {
configuration.add(SymbolConstants.JAVASCRIPT_INFRASTRUCTURE_PROVIDER, "prototype");
You don't have to specify dependency clearly ["prototype"].

How to properly design API module in TypeScript?

I want to design a TypeScript (2.7) module for accessing external IS, let's call it InfoSys. I used the following approach.
I created info-sys.ts which defines a API class and related interfaces and enums, like:
class Api {
constructor(private endpoint: Endpoint) {
// ...
enum Endpoint {
CONTACTS = "contacts"
interface Contact {
name: string;
Now I want to export all the stuff under specific name. So I appended the export statement:
export const InfoSys = {
When I try to use the module in another file, like:
import { InfoSys } from "info-sys";
// this line throws error: "Cannot find namespace 'InfoSys'"
private api: InfoSys.Api;
// but this line is ok
api = new InfoSys.Api(InfoSys.Endpoint.CONTACTS);
The way that works is the following - to export every piece individually:
export class Api {
constructor(private endpoint: Endpoint) {
// ...
export enum Endpoint {
CONTACTS = "contacts"
export interface Contact {
name: string;
and import them all to a single variable:
import * as InfoSys from "info-sys";
But the name of the variable can be whatever. It is not critical for functionality but I want to force developers, who will use the info-sys module, to use a specific name while accessing it (for easier readability and maintainability). How to properly design such module?
You can use namespace:
export namespace InfoSys {
In general, this approach should be avoided. But in your case, it is fine as you are delivering things that are tightly related.
If Api is the single entry point to all these, I would also recommend this:
export class InfoSysApi { ... }
export namespace InfoSysApi {
export enum Endpoint = { ... }
export interface Contact { ... }
To make sure I get the point through, DON'T do the following:
export namespace Foo {
export function X() { return 'x' }
export function Y() { return 'y' }
Only use export namespace to export "tugged in types", not values.
In TypeScript handbook:
Although the table says namespace can contain values, it is considered bad practice if you are writing ESM (import/export).
Namespace and ESM are two different mechanisms to achieve similar result.
Don't mix them together.

Typescript IOC in case of node

I am wondering how would you use typescript IOC specifically node app.
In case of external module-based architecture there is no any classes in the app. Just pure modules because my app heavily depends on node_modules.
How would I integrate IOC solution in such case? Any thoughts?
Here is my specific case I want to use IOC for:
I have mongoose model:
interface IStuffModel extends IStuff, mongoose.Document { }
var Stuff= mongoose.model<IStuffModel>('Stuff', Schemas.stuffSchema);
export = Stuff;
And related fake class:
export class Stuff implements IStuff {
//do stuff
How would I integrate IOC solution in such case
Here is a very popular library that I recommend :
External modules
Using external modules doesn't change the code at all. Instead of
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding<FooBarInterface>("FooBarInterface", FooBar));
You just have
import {ProdFooBar} from "./prodFooBar";
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding<FooBarInterface>("FooBarInterface", ProdFooBar));
import {MockFooBar} from "./mockFooBar";
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding<FooBarInterface>("FooBarInterface", MockFooBar));
As Basarat indicated in his answer, I have developed an IoC container called InversifyJS with advanced dependency injection features like contextual bindings.
You need to follow 3 basic steps to use it:
1. Add annotations
The annotation API is based on Angular 2.0:
import { injectable, inject } from "inversify";
class Katana implements IKatana {
public hit() {
return "cut!";
class Shuriken implements IShuriken {
public throw() {
return "hit!";
class Ninja implements INinja {
private _katana: IKatana;
private _shuriken: IShuriken;
public constructor(
#inject("IKatana") katana: IKatana,
#inject("IShuriken") shuriken: IShuriken
) {
this._katana = katana;
this._shuriken = shuriken;
public fight() { return this._katana.hit(); };
public sneak() { return this._shuriken.throw(); };
2. Declare bindings
The binding API is based on Ninject:
import { Kernel } from "inversify";
import { Ninja } from "./entities/ninja";
import { Katana } from "./entities/katana";
import { Shuriken} from "./entities/shuriken";
var kernel = new Kernel();
export default kernel;
3. Resolve dependencies
The resolution API is based on Ninject:
import kernel = from "./inversify.config";
var ninja = kernel.get<INinja>("INinja");
expect(ninja.fight()).eql("cut!"); // true
expect(ninja.sneak()).eql("hit!"); // true
The latest release (2.0.0) supports many use cases:
Kernel modules
Kernel middleware
Use classes, string literals or Symbols as dependency identifiers
Injection of constant values
Injection of class constructors
Injection of factories
Auto factory
Injection of providers (async factory)
Activation handlers (used to inject proxies)
Multi injections
Tagged bindings
Custom tag decorators
Named bindings
Contextual bindings
Friendly exceptions (e.g. Circular dependencies)
You can learn more about it at
In the particular context of Node.js there is a hapi.js example that uses InversifyJS.
