Removing React project dependencies involving the es5-ext protestware? - node.js

I've recently come to discover this ridiculous notion of protestware.
In my particular case it is related to the lastest version of the es5-ext package.
The recommendation i've received is to downgrade to version 0.10.53.
Unfortunately, this is opening up a whole can of worms - compile errors that seem to be related to versioning/dependencies.
Is there any way to remove the es5-ext package from a React web application?

From this thread it looks like this issue, alerts a lot of antiverios and scanner and the post install file will be removed at the next major relese


Figuring out the node version of an existing Node.js Application

I have a old Node.js application that I need to rebuild it to run it using my current Node installed. I have the node_modules folder. However, I cannot figures it was created using what version of Node. I searched for the term 'engine', but I had not success. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The engines property can be used to define which versions of Node your application can run on, but it is optional. Without it, there is no way of knowing what version on Node the app was developed on. You could have switched Node versions during development and if there were no breaking changes, the application would have no idea.
Something you could try to do is look at the dependencies in your node_modules/ folder - if the dependencies are the same versions that you installed when originally developing, they might have engines properties in their package.json files that you could look at and piece together a picture of what Node version the application was developed for.
If you are trying to update the app to use a modern Node version, an easy way forward is to simply run the app, see what breaks, look up documentation to see what has changed between versions, and update your code until it works as expected.
TL;DR - There is no definitive way of knowing what the Node version was when the app was developed, unless it was documented by the developer.

how can I update to a newer version when I already have my code written?

I have an API server built with (NodeJS) version 3.0.0, however latest version is 3.17.1 and there obviously have been a lot of security and bug fixes over all this time, which makes me feel on potential danger and outdated.
How can I update the framework without affecting my own code? How do other frameworks deal with this kind of issue?
Your code should be completely separate from the code. As such, you should be able to do npm update from the right directory and it should update the code and not affect your code at all.
Now this assumes you were using as a library that you loaded with require() and that you did not modify the actual code yourself in any way.
Before upgrading, you will want to examine the release notes for the revisions of since the version you originally installed and make sure there are only bug fixes and no compatibility issues with code written for prior versions (e.g. API changes, etc...). If there are any API changes or "breaking" fixes, then you may have to slightly modify your code in that one area to update to the new API.
Then, after upgrading, run your unit tests to see if everything is still working as you would expect.

When to add a dependency? Are there cases where I should rather copy the functionality?

I lately helped out on a project, where I added a really small dependency - in fact, it only contained a regular expression (
The feedback I got from the developer of the project was that he tries to minimize third-party dependencies if they can be implemented easily - whereby he - if I understand it correctly - asks me to just copy the code instead of adding another dependency.
To me, adding a new dependency looks just like putting some lines of code into an extra file in the repo. In addition, the developers will get informed by an update if the code needs a change.
Is it just a religious thought that drives a developer to do this? Are there maybe any costs (performance- or space-wise, etc) when adding a dependency?
I also had some disputes with my managers once concerning the third party libraries, the problem was even greater he got into believing that you should version the node_modules folder.
The source of any conflict usually is the ignorance.
His arguments were:
you should deliver to the client a working product not needing for him to do any other jobs like npm install
if github, npm is down in the moment when you run npm install on the server what you will do ?
if the library that you install has a bug who will be responsible
My arguments were:
versioning node_modules is not going to work due to how package dependencies work, each library will download his own node_modules dependencies and then your git repository will grow rapidly to hundreds of mb. Deploy will become more and more slow, downloading each time half a gb of code take time. NPM does use a module caching mechanism if there are no changes it will not download code uselessly.
the problem with left-pad was painfull but after that npm implemented a locking system and now for each package you just lock to a specific commit hash.
And Github, and npm does not have just a single instance service, they run in cloud.
When installing a dependency you always have some ideas behind and there are community best practices, usually they resume to: 1. Does the repo has unit tests. 2. The download number 3. When was the latest update.
Node.js ecosystem is built on modularity, it is not that node is so popular cause of some luck, but cause of how it was designed to create modules and reuse them. Sometimes working in node.js environment feels like putting lego pieces together and building your toy. This is the main cause of super fast development in node.js. People just reuse stuff.
Finally he stayed on his own ideas, and I left the project :D.

Fallback options for npm failure caused by unpublish

We have a node.js project, and we want to start managing its dependencies using npm's package.json with specified versions for each dependency.
However, we are afraid that one of the packages our project depends on might get unpublished. Should I worry about unpublishing or is it a rare occurrence? What is the most effective way to handle this kind of problems?
It is very rare occurence. Never happened to me.
Unpublish is mostly used to remove a published version in which a major bug is reported. Thus, automatic semantic versioning upgrade will not fetch this version until a new one is published.

NuGet: Difference in behavior between Update-Package and nuget.exe update?

I'm using NuGet to create a 'web framework' package containing code, master pages, css, javascript, etc.
In an attempt to speed up the build / test process I'm running nuget.exe update packages.config but I've noticed that it behaves differently than the package manager console's Update-Package command.
nuget.exe update seems to leave the previous version of the package still installed, resulting in multiple versions of the package installed. This usually doesn't cause problems but the Package-Manager Get-Package command shows many versions installed and sometimes the project will fail to build.
Update-Package actually uninstalls the package then reinstalls it, this is cleaner but slower
My questions are:
1. Is there documentation about the difference / relationship between these commands
2. Is the nuget.exe update behavior of installing multiple versions a bug?
3. Is there a better method for creating a package in one project and updating it in another project in a fast & automated manner?
Unfortunately, there's not much official guidelines or documentation except from piecing together forum and work item threads.
Current package manager console behavior was first included as a result from discussion in this thread, which later derived in a work item (sorry, apparently not enough rep to post more links).
However, as others already noted, behavior is not consistent with nuget.exe, where there's no such switch.
So, in answer to your questions:
VS Package Manager Console and nuget.exe do have different behaviors and seem to be updated independently (which is very unfortunate).
nuget.exe update behavior of installing multiple versions side-by-side has been a design feature from the start, as you can find from a comment on David Ebbo's blog about NuGet command line (again, I would have given you the link, but SO still doesn't trust me).
Unfortunately I haven't found anything about using package manager console cmdlets during build. What you could try is manually deleting all folders with your packageId on a build event and then packaging and installing using nuget.exe. Essentially replicate what Update-Package does manually, since as David Ebbo says, the way you uninstall a package through the command line interface is by, well, deleting the folder (again, can't post a reference, this is a bit annoying...)
