is there command to convert packages.config to PackagesReferenence? Without running Visual Studio or any other IDE. I was searcing on Google but I wasn't found any CLI utility.
I am following a lab designed for visual studio on windows, on visual studio for mac.
The lab instructions are
./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj but it doesn't build anything and just pops open my finder to the folder where .csproj is in.
I had to do nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj for it to build successfully.
What is the difference between these 2 commands?
Is it a shell/executable thing, or specific to nuget, or specific to macos?
With the Windows OS, executable programs are expected to have a .exe file extension. With macOS and *nix operating systems, executable program do not have a special file extension.
When the lab instructions for Windows use nuget.exe, change it to nuget for macOS.
To specifically run the version of NuGet that you downloaded, cd to the directory that contains nuget and run the command as ./nuget. (The lab is using the *nix directory separator in the examples.)
I was wondering if it is possible to open Visual Studio (Not Visual Studio Code) from the ubuntu bash terminal on windows.
Opening Visual Studio Code just works fine but I couldn't find a way on how I could actually open Visual Studio from the command line.
Thank you in advance!
It is possible to refer to anything in the Windows file system from inside WSL. However, understand that, since Visual Studio is a Windows exclusive application, it will run in the context of your host Windows OS, not the Ubuntu guest OS. By contrast, Visual Studio Code is a Linux-native application; so it can run in either context.
Try this:
’/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /c “/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe”'
If this works, you can save the command as an alias in your .bashrc
I installed node, bash and Visual studio Code on my windows 10 environment laptop.
I'm able to successfully run bash --version and node --version from the command line
but when I try to run the JavaScript file with the following command code object.js, I get the following error
bash: code: command not found
Any idea what I can do to get this working in visual studio code?
I just installed Android Studio, it took a bit of time and I saw it downloading the SDK during the installation process. So, I guess Android Studio somehow contains the SDK.
Now, Android Studio is OK but for my scripts I also need command line tools such as lint, mksdcard, adb, fastboot. In a normal SDK, these typically reside in $ANDROID_HOME/tools and $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools.
PROBLEM: I can't find these command line tools within the Android Studio folder. Zero result for:
find android-studio -type f -name lint
find android-studio -name sdk
Is there any better solution than downloading the SDK again? (This takes bandwidth, disk space, and time to upgrade everything once in a while)
Android Studio 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 2015.10
Yes, you can. Android Studio setup includes the SDK. It includes most of the required stuff. If you need additional things you can launch the Stand Alone SDK manager from settings and download what ever additional things you need.
Open File -> Settings and select Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK, you will get this window:
Take note of the content of the value of the Android SDK Location field. Tools like adb, lint, etc are all found within this directory.
I want to take some of MSDN help files offline on a windows machine which does not have visual studio installed on it. the problem is that I cannot find a way to get and install Help Library manager and Help viewer without installing the visual studio or sql server.
How can I install them without installing the visual studio or sql server?
I just wrote an answer on how to do this for an older question, which can be found here.
For convenience, here are the essential steps to get Help Viewer 2.2 to run without going to the trouble of installing a complete copy of Visual Studio 2015:
Most of the files required by HlpViewer.exe can be found on the Visual Studio DVD in two different MSI packages. By passing some additional command line arguments to msiexec, it's quite easy to install them manually:
msiexec.exe /i help3_vs_net.msi VS_SETUP=1
msiexec.exe /i vs_minshellcore.msi MSIFASTINSTALL="7" VSEXTUI="1"
While this installs most necessary files, it doesn't account for all of them ... to keep things simple, I copied the rest of them from a working installation on another computer:
Essentially only contains a CatalogType.xml and some empty directories.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Help Viewer\v2.2\CatalogInfo\
Moreover, it's necessary to provide the application with a valid ContentStore path by importing the following .reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"SeedFilePath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Help Viewer\\v2.2\\CatalogInfo\\"
"catalogName"="Visual Studio Documentation"
Finally, I created a new Application Shortcut and changed its Target: to read as follows:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Help Viewer\v2.2\HlpViewer.exe" /catalogName VisualStudio14 /launchingApp Microsoft,VisualStudio,14
Et voilà!, with that HlpViewer.exe should finally execute without any problems!
In MSDN to USB v2.5, you don't have to have any Visual Studio IDE installed:
I know its old question. I just run into a problem involving Help Viewer.
my recovery steps are :
get sqlexress installer (if you haven't got one)
after extracting the files, check its folder and find for "help" folder
I got mine "SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU\redist\VisualStudioShell\Help\x64"
run install.exe with administration priveleges (Run as Administrator)
all done.