Create a parent container for a single window in i3 - i3

Is there a simple way to create a single child container wrapping a selected window in i3 ?
Let's say following is my container hierarchy:
/ \
TabContainer Vim
/ \
Brave1 Firefox
I'd like to create a container for vim:
/ \
TabContainer (Tab)Container
/ \ \
Brave1 Firefox Vim
So that now I can open devtools for brave/firefox and shift it right into the same tab layout as vim without needing to juggle windows across multiple workspaces.
/ \
TabContainer (Tab)Container
/ \ / \
Brave1 Firefox Devtools Vim

I would solve this by focusing on Vim and then sending the split v or split h command. Now the next window you create should be in a unique container alongside Vim. There may be a more direct way to wrap a container around a single window that I don't know about, though.


Programmatically make a screenshot of a terminal window in Gnome/Wayland

I work on a terminal font and I'd like to take screenshots of various terminals (at least xterm, gnome-terminal and konsole) running a rendering test application. Executing the command is not a problem, but the usual, portable X way of doing it, the xwd command, doesn't seem to be very script-friendly and only works on X apps (xterm, in this case) and (unsurprisingly) ignores events from Wayland windows.
Figured it out (ish). All that's needed is to add a gnome-screenshot -w to the program I want to run. In my specific case, I added a script that ran the rendering test, then slept for two seconds (so that Konsole drops the window size widget) and then ran the screenshot command:
sleep 2 # Needed for Konsole to clear the window size
# Capture the active window to a file given as a parameter
gnome-screenshot -w -f $1.png
So, in order to generate the samples, you'd need something like:
gnome-terminal -- bash -c './ gnome-terminal'
xterm -e './ xterm'

can one gnu screen session have both split and non split workspaces?

When using GNU screen, if you enter a screen session and then split it into desired layout.. is it possible to also have a full screen shell that you can switch to within the same session? Or once you start splitting does that mean you are constrained to one view and you can only alternate between visible split panes and then switch active shells within those panes?
I often split a screen session to monitor multiple logs or looped command output at the same time but I'd also like a full screen shell to work on as well without having to have a separate screen sessions that i need to detach from split/attach to full screen etc..
If screen can't do this, can tmux or similar do it? Any pointers?
many thanks
I tried to do this with screen. The best I could come up with was to have multiple sessions (with different escape characters). The multiple log windows were all in one session, and the other session contains, in one window, screen -r log. Then I could split the log session, and still be able to cycle through the other session windows.
I believe it is possible in tmux, but I have not made the switch (yet).
EDIT: It definitely is possible, and very easy, in tmux. And the switch was very easy (there's a screen-keys.conf file in tmux examples that I started with). This is a script I wrote to create a full screen session with 3 windows, the third has 3 panes in it, one 20% and the other two 40%. It's callable from crontab: #reboot
tmux new-session -d -s base /bin/bash
tmuxwin() {
tmux new-window -t base -n $1 /bin/bash
sleep 1
tmux send "$1" C-m
tmuxwin second "echo second"
# These all end up in one window
tmuxwin thirddotone "echo 3.1"
tmuxwin thirddottwo "echo 3.2"
tmuxwin thirddotthree "echo 3.3"
# join 3.1 to 3.2. Give 3.1 20%
tmux select-window thirddotone
tmux joinp -p 80 -s +
# join 3.3 to 3.2. Even split
tmux joinp -s +
# and fix the names...
tmux rename-window three
# I am waiting for you, Vizzini. You told me to go back to the beginning.
# So I have. This is where I am, and this is where I’ll stay. I will not be moved.
tmux select-window -t 0
So my recommendation is to switch to tmux. I've been using tmux for less than a week and am not looking back.

Attach to 'screen' session with creating a new screen window

I have a screen session running with several windows. I want to attach to it, create a new screen window within it and start a shell in that new window.
Question: How can I do this from the command line outside the screen session?
I already tried a lot, e. g. screen -x (but it attaches to one of the existing screen windows; it does not create a new one nor does it start a new shell). Any hints are welcome.
Environment is Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).
Add new detached window to sesion_name and run command
screen -S sesion_name -x -X screen bash -c 'command; exec bash'
To choose a window to join, use the -p option. Giving + will create a new one, so your command is simply:
screen -x session_name -p +
This is documented on the man page:
-p n̲u̲m̲b̲e̲r̲_o̲r̲_n̲a̲m̲e̲|̲-̲|̲=̲|̲+̲
Preselect a window. This is useful when you want to reattach to a
specific windor or you want to send a command via the "-X" option
to a specific window. As with screen's select commant, "-" selects
the blank window. As a special case for reattach, "=" brings up the
windowlist on the blank window.
I found something on the mailing list, thank you tuxuday :)
I'm doing it now this way:
screen -X screen -t NEWWINDOW # create new window (switches existing attached terminal)
sleep 0.1
screen -X other # switch existing attached terminal back to its old window
sleep 0.1
gnome-terminal -e 'screen -x -p NEWWINDOW' # connect to new window
I'm not sure about those sleeps, maybe they aren't necessary in all environments, but I can wait those 0.2s easily.
My .bash_aliases is changing the screen window title with a delay, so the awkward NEWWINDOW won't stick for long (and thus not hinder further calls to this script).

Using xdotool to locate click and apply appropriate action

I would like to have xdotool detect if a right-click is on a particular window (I can capture window IDs without problem), and then run the appropriate shell command/function, if the click was on the desired window..
In real terms this means I want xdotool to get the window ID of a VLC video playback window, and then to run a specific command if I right click on that window.
I am using BASH 4.2.0(1)-release, and Xdotool 2.20101012.3049
EDIT: This is as close as I have got, but it does not work:
xdotool search --name "VLC" behave %# mouse-click exec 'myscript'
However, these commands DO work, but is not really what I need:
xdotool search --name "VLC" behave %# mouse-enter exec 'myscript'
xdotool search --name "VLC" behave %# mouse-leave exec 'myscript'
Something like following might work:
xdotool behave 18893317 mouse-click exec '/usr/bin/bash -c "echo hi"'
However xdotool doesn't work for arbitrary applications. You could try to read mouse events directly using:
ls -l /dev/input/by-id/usb-062a_0000-event-mouse
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2011-12-21 18:05 /dev/input/by-id/usb-062a_0000-event-mouse -> ../event4 /dev/input/event4
When you get click you can use coordinates to determine if it's within VLC window (by comparing with coordinates returned by xdotool).
I realize this is a very old thread, but man xdotool SENDEVENT NOTES explains (implicitly) why 'mouse-click' may not work.
Alternatively, using 'focus' instead of 'mouse-click' does work for a user mouse click.
Note that the command
xdotool search --name "VLC" behave %# focus exec 'myscript'
may not terminate, but remain active. At least this is true for the way I am trying to use it, to set cropping locations in imagemagic, thus
xdotool search --name "imagemagic" behave %# focus getmouselocation

Gnome-Terminal, how to start in a different directory?

Whenever I start my console gnome-terminal in Ubuntu, it starts in the home directory. How can I make it start in a different directory say ~/myfolder?
I tried to write cd ~/myfolder in ~/.profile but nothing happens.
If you start gnome-terminal like gnome-terminal --working-directory=myfolder it will start with the working directory at ~/myfolder so you could add a new entry to your menu to use that command instead of the other one.
I did this way - with script:
open 3 tabs in the same window size 170x40, each "tab" starts in a different directory.
gnome-terminal --geometry=170x40 --working-directory=myfolder1 \
--tab --working-directory=myfolder2 \
--tab --working-directory=myfolder3
Add the following to your ~/.bashrc
cd ~/myfolder
You could use the nautilus-open-terminal extension. This allows you to right-click on a folder in nautilus and open a terminal window with that directory as its working directory.
You can also run a terminal in the normal way, type "cd ", and drag a folder icon from nautilus to the window. This will paste the path of the folder into the command line and you then type return to change to that directory. You can do the same thing with regular files to paste their path and run commands on them.
Directory option
There is the option --working-directory to specify the startup directory of the terminal (no short option form).
The basic approach to open the terminal in /some/dir is
gnome-terminal --working-directory=/some/dir
but there is a trap...
Bad trap
Assuming we want to start the terminal in the directory ~/dir.
This does not work:
gnome-terminal --working-directory=~/dir
The command looks perfectly fine according to the option syntax, but the terminal starts in the home directory.
It's because it does not expand the tilde (~), for confusing reasons - see below.
Thesse do work:
gnome-terminal --working-directory=/home/auser/dir
gnome-terminal --working-directory=$HOME/dir
gnome-terminal --working-directory ~/dir
Tilde expansion
Note there is no = in the last variant. Because of this, the ~ is at the start of a shell word, and therefore is handeled by tilde expansion.
The problem is that ~ does not get expanded everywhere, but only in certain places. One of them is in variable assignments, like directory=~/dir. That's ok, ~ gets expanded to $HOME, but --working-directory=~/dir does not expand ~, because that is not a variable assignment, it only looks very similar.
Actually, this is how I turn it off for everyone by default.
gconftool-2 --direct \
--config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/ \
--set -- type=bool /apps/nautilus-open-terminal/desktop_opens_home_dir true
From GNOME Terminal - Getting Started:
You can also specify a command that runs automatically when you start GNOME Terminal in the profile.
If the folder has a complicated path, ie not just ~/myfolder, you could create a symlink to it in your home directory so you can get to it quickly. You can also set the CDPATH environment variable to tell bash to search a list of directories when you type cd myfolder.
To open in my desired directory as root user I ran:
gnome-terminal --working-directory=/home/my-project/ -x bash -c "sudo su"
I'm impressed by
Neil's Mayhew comment
Volker's Siegel answer. I've tried to not only set default directory for
gnome-terminal but preserve habitual behavior of desktop environment as well (I'm using Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon,
GNOME Terminal 3.6.2, perhaps it also can be applied for other Gnome-congenered DEs). So let me put my two cents in.
Adding cd ~/myfolder at the very end of ~/.bashrc does the job. But as already mentioned it will affect every
interactive shell. Even more, if you open some directory in a file manager (Nemo or Nautilus or something like
this) and appeal to the context menu from there (e.g. right click and then select Open in Terminal) new instance of
gnome-terminal will be started in ~/myfolder regardless of the folder which was loaded in the file manager.
Even if you run gnome-terminal --working-directory=/some/other/folder explicitly it will still open ~/myfolder. Seems that the
approach with .bashrc is unusable.
gnome-terminal --working-directory=myfolder works fine but only when you use custom menu entry in you DE
(or custom shortcut on desktop) which runs terminal with this parameter. If you would like to run gnome-terminal from command line
or from mini-launcher (press Alt + F2), you have to type the parameter every time. Anyway this approach is more-or-less usable.
How gnome-terminal determines which folder to open? When --working-directory is not specified it opens current
working directory (e.g. $PWD) otherwise it opens directory specified explicitly.
I've found the following solution.
Create a file named gnome-terminal in your ~/bin folder. It will act as shortcut but from everywhere (start menu,
mini-launcher, other terminal instance, etc) because ~/bin is already in $PATH (at least in Linux Mint...). Make this file
executable. Then put the following content into the script:
if [ "$PWD" == "$home_directory" ]; then
# When 'gnome-terminal' was ran from either
# - start menu
# - mini-launcher
# ...
# parent directory is set to $HOME.
# We respect original command line arguments.
# For example, when terminal is ran from another
# terminal instance and '--working-directory' is
# specified explicitly we should left it as it is.
# If there are two '--working-directory' switches
# in the command line 'gnome-terminal' will pick up
# the last one.
# Also we use full path to executable here in order
# to prevent recursive calling of 'gnome-terminal' from
# '~/bin'.
/usr/bin/gnome-terminal --working-directory=/ "$#"
# 'gnome-terminal' was from another directory.
# We don't change anything.
/usr/bin/gnome-terminal "$#"
If you run gnome-terminal from start menu you will see that current folder in new terminal is / (you can use any folder, for example, ~/myfolder because our custom wrapper is a Bash-script, so shell's expansion with work fine).
If you appeal to Open in Terminal in a file manager you will get current directory in the new terminal.
If you run gnome-terminal with explicit --working-directory parameter (perhaps, from existing terminal instance) new terminal instance will be opened in the directory you specified.
