Counting pages in each section of a WEBI report - pagination

WEBI 4.2
I have a report that lists patient test results.
This uses the patient ID and request ID as section breaks.
Then lists test name and result in vertical tables.
I can get the page number of the section using PageInSection(1).
Is there a way of getting the total number of pages in each section?
I can do this for pages within the report.


access database - list of parts - query a website for prices?

I have a database which, amongst other things, has a list of parts/part #s.
One of the fields in the Table also contains the URL/website where you can find more info about that particular part.
The website has the MSRP (price) for that particular part.
How can I get MS-Access to read that MSRP from the website
and display it on a report or in a query?

How do I filter out No Data Available cell in Cognos?

I am using Cognos 11 and have created a report. My report has a number of lists embedded within it. I have filtered some of the data items e.g. excluded no etc. When I run my report I get No data available in some of the cells. This data is to be excluded.
However, when I run the report and convert it into Excel, I get No Data Available for these excluded data points. How can I exclude/supress for No Data Available? I have tried many different options in conditional styling, data items and Supress but do not seem to be selecting the correct option?
"No data available" is the default presentation when a list or crosstab produces no results. It is not a per cell setting.
You can change this by setting the No data contents property of the list or crosstab.
This information can be found by searching the Cognos documentation for "No Data Available".
A list within a list will either use a section or a master-detail relationship. The no data available cells are caused by a match in the data for the section and or master-detail relationship but no detail values. So if you have a report which has product line and revenue where 1 product line has no revenue values, it will display the no data available for that particular product line. You might be able to add a detail filter which filters out the Revenue<>Null or Revenue <>0.

Dynamically adding pages in cognos reports

I have a requirement to fulfill where i have to fetch data from the data source.. In that the number of pages in a report might vary due to the number of times the customer has purchased. Basically Customer Number is the primary Key and based on the Customer Number the report will run and each invoice will be in a different page. The template of invoice will be same except for few values. It is in pdf format..
My question is how can i create a report in such a way it takes the default template and creates many invoices based on the number of invoices present .....
Go to Page Explorer and add a Page Set.
Set Query property for your page set
Put your page inside set
Set proper Grouping and Sorting property for your page set.

How can I summarize data across all records in a report?

I have a report with section footers summarizing a count of data items in each section. I'd also like an overall footer with a count of all items on the entire report.
I'm currently using
count([Value] for [Grouped Value])
This is how I can get aggregate function information for grouped sections but it doesn't seem to work in the overall footer; it outputs the count of items in the last group, not all items in the report.
How can I summarize/aggregate information for a whole report in Cognos?
The expression you need for the data item in the overall footer to get full-report summary information is for report:
count([Value] for report)
If you're using Cognos 8 the for report component is already in the Data Item Expression list under Components:
I figured this out from Cognos Summary Functions.

Retrieving a sharepoint list in Infopath only shows first 100 records

I am retrieving a list of values from a sharepoint list, which works well but my problem is that it only retrieves the first 100 records. there are currently 500 records that should be available.
Scenario: I have two comboboxes on an infopath form:
A List of Locations
A list of areas within the locations
the list of locations will filter the list of areas but as infopath seems to only retrieve the first 100 records so most of the locations do not show any areas as there is nothing to filter.
By design, the query will only return the first page of results from the default view for the list. Change the item limit for the default view in SharePoint, and you'll change the returned values for InfoPath.
EDIT (links from my comments, here for greater readability):
Here are sources describing this fix in MSDN forum (scroll to the bottom), a blog comment that describes the SharePoint setting step-by-step, one with a screen cap of the somewhat counter-intuitive interface, and another describing performance implications on the server side.
Hope this helps.
Just documenting what I have discovered trying to resolve the problem. I have not been able to change the default view as yet as I dont have the permission to. That should change though.
One possible workaround I have found is that you can export the list to Excel which contains all the data that I was looking for. the file that sharepoint produces is an Excel Query file like "export.iqy". You can save and open the file in notepad. which will look something like the following
RootFolder=/Lists/My list
You can take the third line which is -
And use that to retrieve the complete list. I added an new receive data connection, selected an xml document and added the above URL.
It is not formated particullary nice but it will return all the data that I was expecting.
I think that Argalatyr solution is much simpler at this point, but it depends on if i am able to get the default view changed.
there is yet one workaround of this without such hardcoding. If you open Query editor, then you have there available ribbon with menu items. Open "Home" -> "Select top rows" and enter there some realy high number (I have in my list 596 rows, so I entered there as limit of top rows 20000 and I got whole list).
Sorry, I don't have available English version of Excel, so I cannot add screenshots.
enter image description here
