How change friendly name notify twilio sms - node.js

I am having some problems, I want to change the name of the sender. I mean, it is possible to assign an Alphanumeric Sender ID, I reviewed the documentation and followed the guidelines, in the response of the twilio api the name goes but when in the messages I receive it sends them to the same number. I know that it is not something due to the regulations of the country because according to the twilio documentation, it is possible. ( What is happening? How can I fix? Do I have to do any configuration?
How I want the sender ID to be seen
As I receive the sender ID
Ok, the way I have structured the code is as follows:
I am working on a nodejs project, I need to send a message to multiple phone numbers so in order to do it I used the SMS notification service offered by Twilio, this is the method that was created:
async sendSMSAsNotify(req: Request, res: Response) {
try {
console.log("req.body:", req.body);
let messageBody = req.body.body;
let numberList = req.body.toBinding;
let extractBody = messageBody.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '');
var decodedStripedHtml = he.decode(extractBody);
//console.log(`Body: ${messageBody}`);
var numbers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numberList.length; i++) {
binding_type: "sms",
address: numberList[i],
const notificationOpts = {
toBinding: numbers,
body: decodedStripedHtml,
title: 'MyCompany'
// console.log("numbers:", notificationOpts.toBinding);
// console.log("body", notificationOpts.body);
const response = await this.client.notify
console.log('response', response);
msg: `Message sent successfully! ${response}`,
} catch (e) {
throw new HttpException(HttpErrors.NOT_FOUND_ERROR, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
The sendSMSAsNotify() method works great, I can send the same SMS to multiple numbers. But now what I want to achieve is that every message I send shows the sender id. I didn't find how to do it in the documentation of the SMS notification service, so I tried to change it and use a very simple method to send SMS via twilio to a single number just for testing.
async sendSMS(sms: SMSDto) {
try {
return await this.client.messages.create({
body: sms.message,
from: 'MyCompany',
to: sms.number,
} catch (e) {
return e
But in neither of the two methods in which I tried to change the sender identification it did not allow me and that is what brings me here, I really need help, it is a requirement that I need to fulfill and I cannot find a way to help me.

First up, while the list of countries that support alphanumeric sender IDs does contain Honduras there are further guidelines for SMS in Honduras that say:
Dynamic Alphanumeric Sender IDs are not fully supported for Honduras mobile operators. Sender IDs may be overwritten with a local long code or short code outside the Twilio platform.
So, even if you set everything up as I am about to explain, it is still possible that your sender ID may be overwritten with a local long code or short code and that Twilio is unable to do anything about that.
That being said, here's how to set up for alphanumeric sender IDs.
Since you are using Notify to send the messages, you will have set up a Messaging Service to use with Notify.
The Messaging Service controls how the SMS messages are sent out from Notify, from a pool of numbers. That pool can also contain your alphanumeric sender ID
So, to send from an alphanumeric sender ID you need to go to your Sender Pool within your Messaging Service and add an alpha sender.
Once you have the alpha sender set in your Messaging Service's pool, it will be used to send your messages out. You can even remove any long code numbers you have in the pool, if you do not plan to use them, though they are useful to fallback to if you do send to a country that doesn't support alphanumeric sender IDs.

Is it possible that you are in a country that does not support alphanumeric sender IDs and that Twilio falls back on a short code then?
PS: It would be helpful if you could add a code snippet, that shows the code you run, to your question.


Gmail API get messages where there are contacts included in the CC

I'm trying to get all the messages where:
I cced someone
Someone has cced somebody to a message inbound to me.
I looked in the advanced search operators for some guides, but all I can see is specifying a contact to a cc: search operator, reference.
There's really no docs for searching all messages where there are someone who's being cced to a message. Be it SENT or INBOX
It would be good if someone can provide an answer to this.
You want to list all messages where there Cc header is populated.
There's no way to directly filter out by whether any cc is present, just for a certain email address (i.e. That's the case for the API as well as the UI.
In that case, I'd suggest the following worflow:
Call users.messages.list to list all messages in your mailbox. You'll have to handle pagination at this point, if you want to retrieve all messages, using pageToken and nextPageToken.
For each message id, call users.messages.get to get the corresponding message (only id and threadId are returned from list).
Filter out messages that don't have the Cc header.
Code sample:
For example, in Apps Script you could do something like this (pagination is not implemented in this sample):
function getCcMessages() {
const userId = "me";
const { messages } = Gmail.Users.Messages.list(userId);
const messageIds = => m["id"]);
const optionalArgs = {
format: "METADATA",
metadataHeaders: "Cc"
const ccMessages = => {
const message = Gmail.Users.Messages.get(userId, id, optionalArgs);
return message;
}).filter(m => {
const headers = m["payload"]["headers"];
return headers;
return ccMessages;

How do I get notifications when a bot sends a message in Teams?

I developed a bot for Microsoft Teams using the Microsoft Bot Framework v4 Nodejs SDK (botbuilder-sdk for nodejs). We have implemented the bot in such a way that, when we receive data using a REST API call from one of our CRMs, the data is posted to the channels on Microsoft Teams. However, when I do that, we do not receive a notification on the devices. Has anyone faced such an issue?
I am saving the context state initially. Everytime we receive data from a CRM, I am incrementing the activity id of the message (to send it as a new message and not a reply) and sending it to Microsoft Teams using context.sendActivity().
When we receive that adaptive card, we do not receive a notification in the activity feed or on any of the devices.
I have gone through all the steps as you described above. I've also gone through the troubleshooting steps. However, it still doesn't give me a notification for the card. However, when I initiate a conversation with the bot, I get a notification when the bot responds.
In this image, I get a notification when I get the TMS Bot started! message. However, I don't get a notification for the next two messages.
Edit: OP and I have exchanged a few emails to get this answered. This answer, as a whole, is good information for accomplishing Teams Proactive messaging, in general, but the main answer is in the last section, Simplified Code.
This is a long answer that covers many areas, simply because I'm not 100% sure I know what kind of notification you aren't receiving.
Troubleshooting Guide
Pay special attention to the many areas where notifications need to be enabled
In particular, the user may need to "Follow" and/or "Favorite" the channel to receive notifications from it
If a user has the desktop app open, they will receive the notification there and will not receive one on their phone unless they have been inactive on the desktop app for 3+ minutes. Otherwise, it's likely a bug in Teams.
Chat Notifications
If you've followed the Troubleshooting Guide linked above, your users should receive chat notifications. If not, you can try updating your MS Teams desktop or mobile client. As #KyleDelaney mentioned, it may be helpful to # mention users and/or channels
Activity Feed Notifications
You can also create Activity Feed Notifications. The gist of it is that you need to:
Include text and summary in the message
Include channelData that sets notifications.alert to true
This code will accomplish that:
const msg = MessageFactory.text('my message');
msg.summary = 'my summary';
msg.channelData = {
notification: {
alert: true,
return await dc.context.sendActivity(msg);
Note: If your bot only creates notifications and doesn't have conversations, you may benefit from creating a notifications-only bot.
Full Implementation Code
import * as adaptiveCard from '../src/adaptiveCard.json';
const card = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(adaptiveCard);
const activity = {
attachments: [card],
text: 'Test Card',
summary: 'my summary',
channelData: {
notification: {
alert: true,
await turnContext.sendActivity(activity);
Using the Teams Extension
There's a Teams Extension for BobBuilder V4 that's currently in Beta, but seems to accomplish what you need. I believe the reason you weren't getting notifications while using the above is because your bot is creating a new reply chain in the channel and not replying directly to a user. I believe you can do all of this without the extension (by manually editing activity/context properties), but the extension should make it easier.
Here's the code I used to get working notifications within a channel:
In index.js (or app.js):
import * as teams from 'botbuilder-teams';
// Change existing to use "new teams.TeamsAdapter..."
const adapter = new teams.TeamsAdapter({
appId: endpointConfig.appId || process.env.microsoftAppID,
appPassword: endpointConfig.appPassword || process.env.microsoftAppPassword,
Wherever you're sending the message:
import * as teams from 'botbuilder-teams';
import * as adaptiveCard from '../src/adaptiveCard.json';
const card = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(adaptiveCard);
const activity = {
attachments: [card],
text: 'Test Card',
summary: 'my summary',
channelData: {
notification: {
alert: true,
const adapter = context.adapter as teams.TeamsAdapter;
await adapter.createReplyChain(context, [activity]);
Simplified Code
OP and I have emailed back and forth a bit and the key issue is that he needed to add the trustServiceUrl code from below. Normally, this manifests itself with a 500 error, but in this case, it appears to not create notifications.. After significant testing, here's all you really have to do to send different notifications to different channels. It basically amounts to setting a couple of properties of turncontext.activity and trusting the serviceUrl. No touching activity ID or using the Teams Extension at all. My code below is how I sent messages from Emulator that could then send cards to different Teams channels:
public onTurn = async (turnContext: TurnContext) => {
const dc = await this.dialogs.createContext(turnContext);
const dialogResult = await dc.continueDialog();
// Route message from Emulator to Teams Channel - I can send "1", "2", or "3" in emulator and bot will create message for Channel
let teamsChannel;
switch (turnContext.activity.text) {
// You can get teamsChannel IDs from
case '1':
teamsChannel = '';
case '2':
teamsChannel = '';
case '3':
teamsChannel = '';
if (teamsChannel) {
const card = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(adaptiveCard);
const activity = {
attachments: [card],
summary: 'my summary',
text: 'Test Card',
const serviceUrl = ''; = teamsChannel;
turnContext.activity.serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
// This ensures that your bot can send to Teams
await turnContext.sendActivity(activity);
} else {
[...Normal onTurn Code...]
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(turnContext);
Note: To receive notifications, you and your users must follow the channel.
I have gone through all the steps as you described above. I've also gone through the troubleshooting steps. However, it still doesn't give me a notification for the card. However, when I initiate a conversation with the bot, I get a notification when the bot responds.
In this image, I get a notification when I get the TMS Bot started! message. However, I don't get a notification for the next two messages.

How to set up email notifications about new messages in Twilio Programmable chat?

What is a correct way to synchronize Twilio chat consumption horizon and send an email notification with a list of new messages from our own server?
I can use kind of pre-hooks / post-hooks for new messages, but I don't want to keep every message and its reading status in my database.
Is there a smarter way to set up notifications on my server?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You wouldn't need to store all of this. You can just use the REST API to get all of this information.
What you need to do is store your user's Channel Member Sid. You can then make a call to the Member resource and get their last_consumed_message_index.
With the index, which is an integer representing index of the last message the member has read within the channel, you can then call on the Message resource to list all the messages since that index. In Node, that would be so
.then(member => {
const lastConsumedMessageIndex = member.lastConsumedMessageIndex;
return service.channels(CHANNEL_SID).messages.list({
pageSize: lastConsumedMessageIndex,
limit: lastConsumedMessageIndex
.then(messages => {
// do something with unread messages
.catch(error => {
Let me know if that helps at all.

Twilio Functions - SMS masking

Hello I am quite new to Twilio, but I have tried to look up how to answer this question. I would like to use Twilio Functions to solve my problem. I was wondering if it is possible for two people to send SMS messages to each other without revealing either of their numbers.
I was hoping to do this with only one new number per pair.
I imagined it would be through a conditional statement, where person X sends a message to the twilio number and person Y receives it, and vice versa. I assume this cannot be done with the twiML bins because of this conditional statement.
Thanks for your attention.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You could absolutely do this with Twilio Functions. Here's a simple example of using a number to mask SMS messages between two callers.
class NumberMapping {
constructor() {
this.mapping = {};
addMaskedPair(numberA, numberB, twilioNumber) {
if (!this.mapping[twilioNumber]) {
this.mapping[twilioNumber] = {};
this.mapping[twilioNumber][numberA] = numberB;
this.mapping[twilioNumber][numberB] = numberA;
findNumber(from, to) {
const numberPairs = this.mapping[to];
if (!numberPairs) { return undefined; }
return numberPairs[from];
const numberMapping = new NumberMapping();
numberMapping.addMaskedPair('+1234567890', '+1098765432', '+1203948576');
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const to = numberMapping.findNumber(event.From, event.To);
if (typeof to !== 'undefined') {
const response = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
response.message({ from: event.To, to: to }, event.Body);
callback(null, response);
} else {
callback(new Error(`Number mapping couldn't be found for sender ${event.From} and Twilio number ${event.To}.`));
The idea is that you create a NumberMapping object that maps between the two external numbers and your Twilio number. You add your mappings using:
numberMapping.addMaskedPair(firstNumber, secondNumber, twilioNumber);
and then when you need to retrieve the other number in a pair you can call
numberMapping.findNumber(number, twilioNumber);
The rest is just the function to return TwiML.
Note, you will only need as many Twilio numbers as there are relationships of the number that has the maximum set of relationships.
Let me know if that helps at all.
You need to purchase a number from twilio, then use node JS code to send and receive sms with it. You can also send voice messages too. The thing with twilio is that when you receive messages, twilio saves it to its website so you have to go to website and check it explicitly with your account.
You can create account and receive messages with this link
Here is some tutorial on how to send messages, you have to choose node.JS option.

Facebook Messenger Bot, can someone tell me how i catch the answer of a something i asked

So i working on my Facebook Messenger Bot.
I want to know ho can i catch a answer for a question like
Bot: Enter your E-mail
User: enters e-mail
Bot: adress was added
My code looks like the sample app from Facebook'/webhook', function (req, res) {
var data = req.body;
// Make sure this is a page subscription
if (data.object == 'page') {
// Iterate over each entry
// There may be multiple if batched
data.entry.forEach(function(pageEntry) {
var pageID =;
var timeOfEvent = pageEntry.time;
// Iterate over each messaging event
pageEntry.messaging.forEach(function(messagingEvent) {
if (messagingEvent.optin) {
} else if (messagingEvent.message) {
} else if ( {
} else if (messagingEvent.postback) {
} else {
console.log("Webhook received unknown messagingEvent: ", messagingEvent);
// Assume all went well.
// You must send back a 200, within 20 seconds, to let us know you've
// successfully received the callback. Otherwise, the request will time out.
You can set a flag for their ID that the E-Mail prompt was sent, and then after they respond check to see if it's an E-mail, and if so, then save it and echo it back to them.
If the bot is based on question/answer, what I normally do to handle response tracking is treat the bot like a finite state automata. Assign every "state" your bot can be in to some unique state identifier, and use said state identifier to determine what the user is replying to. You could also store callbacks instead of state ids, but high level this will behave the same way.
For Example:
First define a finite automata. In this case, lets assume it's:
0 --> 1 --> 2
Where 0 means new user, 1 means waiting for email response, 2 means user successfully completed registration.
User messages bot
We check our database and see it's a new user. We assume
Because state is 0, we ignore what was sent and prompt for email
Change state to 1 to denote the email was prompted.
User replies with email.
We check database and see state==1. We use the "1" routine to do fancy stuff to verify the email and store it.
Change state to 2 to denote the email was received and the program has ended.
If the conversation id for the platform you're targeting is reset
after a certain amount of inactivity (or if you just want the bot to
mimic real conversations), store the time of each user's last
interaction and purge all inactive conversations well after the
conversation has been terminated.
